LLOYD, Henry - Extra Data
(member of WILLSON's Party)
Westminster Archives
Henry LLOYD of this parish and Alicia Mary WHITTLE of the parish of St.James, Clerkenwell were married by licence on 29 October 1811 in St.James, Piccadilly
Both signed
Winesses: Thomas HILL and Caroline ROBERTS
London Metropolitan Archives
Harry LLOYD, son of Henry and Alicia Mary, Bridge foot, orange merchant, baptised 3 November 1816 in St.Olave, Bermondsey.
Samuel Witham LLOYD, son of Henry and Alicia Mary, Bridge foot, orange merchant, baptised 28 April 1818 in St.Olave, Bermondsey.
Baptisms of Catherine Mary and Francisca not found. Sources in South Africa say that Catherine Mary was born in Spain and Francisca was born in the Azores.
National Archives, Kew, London
RG4/1628/f22 Registers of Great Presbyterian Meeting House, Leicester
Alicia Mary WHITTLE, daughter of Samuel and Catherine his wife of the parish of All Saints in the Borough of Leicester was born 28 October 1789 and baptised on 8 January 1790 by H. WORTHINGTON, Protestant Dissenting Minister.
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