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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Correspondence 1821 to 1837.

Here only letters by known settlers or their families, or letters of great relevance to the 1820 settlers, have been transcribed, whereas ALL the 1819 correspondence was transcribed (see CO48/41 through CO48/46) whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape.

Unless otherwise stated letters were written to either the Secretary of State for the Colonies or his deputy.The original correspondence is filed in order of receipt. Here it has been placed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the writer, with letters by the same writer in chronological order, for ease of reading. Original spelling has been maintained. Reference numbers, where given, refer to printed page numbers stamped on the letters and will enable visitors to the National Archives to locate the letter more easily.

NEWCOMBE, Robert, 1820

National Archives, Kew, CO48/53, 122


Jan'y 2 1820

My Lord,

Having not the opportunity of writing an answer to the letter received from Mr. GOULBURN before our vessell with baggage arrived here, which was this morning after a long detainment owing to the waters &c at Exeter & Torhaven? have to inform your Lordship that Mr. J. PARKIN did recommend me to take another person in the room of C. CANTABURY, now ill, but on the arivall of the vessell with our party of settlers, now alongside the Weymouth, him says unless you give me 5£ I will not write to his Lordship recommending it to be done as I cannot do after advancing so much for the party. I have been at L.M. CHEESMAN concerning it and him said I had better state the whole of the business to your Lordship as then it will show how I am situated in the party as going with Mr.J. PARKIN. When I first consented in going with Mr. PARKIN as settler and others with me I did not know his circumstances but since is otherwise to expectation so therefore I humbly beg to lay this before your Lordship, the statement of whom I have paid deposit into Mr. PARKIN's hand which sum has been paid to your order. The man Chr. HARWOOD in room of C. CANTABURY is a native of Exeter which his Master Mr. WILLIAMS Banker of Exeter will give him a charracter as a honest sober & industrious man. We are tomorrow morning going on board the Weymouth and as undestanding that him will not be victualed till answer from your lordship. Having provided myself with articles & nessessarys for the settlement it would be of no use for me to undertake it unless I could take this man with me as a settler. Had I known Mr. PARKINs circumstances as well then as I do now I would not have paid as much money in his hand to a risk of having again, as him is to receive moneys there from the person so apointed to repay the deposits. The money paid to Mr. PARKIN as deposit is as follows on the other side

Myself £10



J. MAYHO £10

SPRAGUE £5 Mr.PARKIN advanced the other £5 to make compleat


£55 paid by R. NEWCOMBE

These are persons that paid in Mr. PARKINs hand for themselves

Mr. DOBSON £10

CLOG £10


CROSS £10 this £10 him has refunded to Mr. CROSS as him is not going


Now Mr.PARKIN as conductor advanced as follows

For himself & family £15

Do. his brother £10



Refunded to Mr.CROSS £10


This is a compleat shedule of the advanced deposits by the individuals of our party and should humbly beg your lordship to secure the above sum to me on our arivall at the Cape of Good Hope for which an answer to this will be humbly acknowledged by your lordships humble servant


Be pleased to direct on board the Weymouth

[Note from GOULBURN]

State to Mr. PARKIN the nature of the representation made & enquire if he agrees with the correctness of it




National Archives, Kew, CO48/53, 124


Jan'y 5 1820

My Lord,

Having on Sunday last writing answer to a letter received by me from Mr. GOULBURN and not receiving an answer but have allowed it to from the fault of Mr. PARKIN not sending the letter which him has directed to Ld C SUMMERSET at the Cape of Good Hope as him were desired so to do by L.R. CHEESEMAN, agent at Portsmouth. Having this day seen Mr. CHEESEMAN on board the Weymouth and told me that him had not received any order concerning what I had writing to your lordship and persuaded me to write a [amently?] of again with the copy of what I had writing

[Transcriber's note: there now follows a copy of the letter written above]

You will be pleased to pardon me for sending again so quick but as seeing Mr. CHEESEMAN on board expecting this man whom I have taken in the room of CANTABURY him advised to write [amently?] the same pirticulars as this man is now on board and cannot have any vituals till your lordship answer, as Mr. CHEESEMAN did not know that Mr. PARKIN had sent to your office the letter directed to Ld.C.SUMMERSET on Sunday evening last and has him has refused now on board to send it should humbly beg your lordship to favour me with an answer to this as understanding we are going to sea in a few days in great trouble & anxiety of mind concerning it. Now on board the Weymouth at Spithead

From your lordships humble servant


  • Hits: 6388