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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.

BIGGAR, Alexander, 1820 Settler

National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 239

79 St.Aubyn Street

Plymouth Dock

25 July 1819

My Lord,

I have the honour to request that your Lordship will do me the favour to inform me what are the conditions and encouragements held out by His Majesty's Government to those persons and families who wish to settle in the new Colony near the Cape of Good Hope.

I have the honour to be

My Lord

Your Lordship's most ob't humble servant





National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 536-539

3 Northumberland Court



27 Sept 1819


In compliance with the regulations established by Lord Bathurst I have the honour herewith to annex a list of my family and of the men with their families who have engaged to settle with me at the new colony near the Cape of Good Hope, and I beg leave to acquaint you that I am ready to comply with all the conditions stated by His Majesty's Government – My capital £300 – Listing

I have the honour to be Sir

Your ob't humble servant


Men's Names and ages


Wives' names and ages

Children's names and ages

Alex. BIGGAR 38


Mary 39

Margaret Graham 19, Ann Harold 18, Mary John 16, Jean Straton 14, Georgina 12, Agness Elizabeth 10, Charlotte 8, Robert 7, Alexina 3, Helen 1

Thos. BINGLE 39


Sophia 27

Elizabeth 19, Thomas 10, Eleanor 8



Mary 32

James 9, Elizabeth 4

Robert GODFREY 27


Martha 28

Henry 5, Martha 1

Thos. PAGE 25


Ann 33


Jas. McDONALD 31


Mary 23

Alexander 1

Robert COLE 21


Jane 22


George EPSEY 29


Mary 23


John PENNY 33


Mary 26

Henry 4, Mary 2, William 1

George POLLARD 32


Mary Ann 30

Mary Ann 8, William 6, George 4, Sarah 2

William POLLARD 25


Mary 27

William 4

William HADDER 25

Wheelsmith and metal refiner

Elizabeth 24

William 3, Elizabeth 2

John GULLEN 45







National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 679

2 Nov 1819


I have the honour to request the three undermentioned men and their wives may be substituted in lieu of those also stated.

Robert COLE 22 cutler Jane 21 in place of John KING

Wm. BENNETT 25 labourer Ann 21 do. of Thos. KING

George EPSEY 29 millwright Mary 25 do. of Wm. SMITH

I have also to request you will please inform me if any objections will be made to my taking out one finelock for each of my settlers – also what quantity of powder per man will not be objected to. The favour of an answer also as to the time of embarking is requested. I have the honour to be Sir

Your Obt. Sevt.


PS Will the Navigation Laws affect the persons emigrating?




National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 685

27 St.Mary Axe


12 Nov 1819


I have the honour to request I may be informed whether I am to receive any acknowledgement from the Colonial Office for the deposit paid by me to Commissary General HILL upwards of a fortnight ago – and also whether I am to be furnished in this country with an authority for to receive my grant of land on my arrival at the Cape of Good Hope.

I have the honour to be Sir

Your obt. humble sevt.





National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 705

43 Penny Street, Portsmouth

21st Nov 1819

My Lord,

I do myself the honour of addressing your Lordship on behalf of the poor labouring families going out with me to settle in the Cape of Good Hope and who have assembled here by my directions as I was given to understand at the Colonial Office I ought not to be later than the 10th inst at this place.

Having disposed of their effects and given up the employments which enabled them to support their families they are incurring an expense for lodgings and diet far beyond their means and consequently reduced to considerable distress, this I have endeavoured to alleviate as much as my circumstances will afford.

But as there appears no immediate prospect of embarking may I hope that your Lordship will take their case into consideration and allow them to receive rations until the vessel appointed is ready to receive them.

I have the honour to be My Lord

Your Lordship's obedient humble servant





National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 720

43 Penny Street


28 Nov 1819


I have the honour to request you will be pleased to substitute the names of

Richard KNOWLES 32, mason, Mary 40 and Sarah 13 years in place of Wm.BENNETT and wife and Betsey my servant girl who have declined going out with me to the Cape Settlement. As there is no difference in numbers I hope no objection will be made to this arrangement.

I have the honour to be, Sir

Your most ob't humble servant





National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 734

43 Penny Street


1 Dec 1819


I did myself the honour of writing to you on the 28th ult to request you would be pleased to allow me to substitute fresh names in my list of families going out to the Cape settlement, having been permitted to take out twelve families, I presume no objection will be made to my following up such vacancies as may occur, with persons of the same description having deposited the full sum required by Government for myself and twelve families – I have to hope my request may be granted.

The favour of a reply will oblige

Sir, your most obedient servant





National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 738

43 Penny Street, Portsmouth

5 Dec 1819


I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd inst and agreeable to your desire herewith return the letter I received for Lord Charles Somerset, the Governor general at the Cape, for the purpose of having the following alterations made in my list of families and I have to express to you my thanks for your compliance with my request and to assure you that no further alterations will be asked by me.

I have the honour to be Sir,

Your most obt.humble servant


Richard KNOWLES 32 mason Mary 40 Sarah 14 in place of Wm.BENNETT wife & Betsey servant girl

George SANDERSON 31 butcher Ann 28 Ann 9 Margaret 7 Caroline 5 in place of Thos. BIRDSEYE

Robert COLE's wife, one of my party, has had a son since she came here, you will please to insert its name in the list opposite his name, it is called Robert.

Although the latter mentioned man has three children no additional deposit is required, there being ten pounds in the Government hands in consequence of the servant girl Betsey having declined going and having surplus on the whole deposit of £7:10 allowing £2:10 the third child of SANDERSON's.





Cape Archives CO6138 Volume 1


ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT had made concluded and agreed upon this thirteenth day of December in the sixtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, Kind Defender of the Faith and in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen Between Alexander BIGGAR of Plymouth Dock in the County of Devon Esquire of the one part and the several persons whose names and seals are hereunto subscribed & affixed; such persons respectively being about to proceed with their respective families under the direction and control of and with the said Alexander BIGGAR to the new settlement or Colony about to be formed at or near the Cape of Good Hope with the approbation of His Majesty’s Government of the other part as aforesaid It is materially & reciprocally agreed by and between the said parties for themselves and their several heirs, executors & administrators in manner following, that is to say –

FIRST that the several persons going out with and under the direction and control of the said Alexander BIGGAR as aforesaid whose names and seals are hereto subscribed and affixed and their respective families shall remain with the said Alexander BIGGAR his Heirs Executors and Administrators for the space or term of three years next after their arrival at and upon the land or ground to be allotted by His Majesty’s Government to the said Alexander BIGGAR as the lawful servants of him Alexander BIGGAR.

SECOND that in consideration of such services to be done and performed by such persons respectively, he the said Alexander BIGGAR shall grant to each of the said persons whose names are hereunto subscribed Twenty acres of ground [?] a suitable measure on their arrival as aforesaid which said twenty acres are to be held by them respectively for the said term of three years and that at the expiration of such three years the said twenty acres shall be finally conveyed and assured to the said persons respectively and their heirs, subject nevertheless to such Terms and Conditions as are imposed by His Majesty’s Government on Grants of Land in the Colony & also subject to the Forfeitures following, that is to say –

THIRD that if any or either of the persons so going out as aforesaid whose names & seals are hereunto subscribed and affixed or any member of their several & respective families as are or shall be of an age and capable to work shall neglect or omit to perform and fulfil the several articles and things herein on his or their parts contained or shall not in every respect well & duly perform their lawful services to the said Alexander BIGGAR according to the true tenor effect and meaning hereof that then and immediately upon such Breach non performance or omission he the said Alexander BIGGAR shall be at liberty forthwith to resume and retake the immediate possession of the aforesaid twenty acres of ground as well as such articles of Stock & Improvements as may have been at any time made thereon and all such as they may have received from the said Alexander BIGGAR & they shall be further subject to such penalties & punishments as are provided and inflicted in such cases by the law of the Colony.

FOURTH that for the first year of the aforesaid term the said several persons respectively and such members of their several and respective families as are or shall be of an age or capable of work shall not receive any wages or remuneration whatever from the said Alexander BIGGAR but they shall be provided with a reasonable and sufficient quantity of such articles of food for themselves and families respectively as the colony produces.

FIFTH that the said several persons and such members of their respective families as may be hired by the said Alexander BIGGAR shall for the second and third years of the said term of three years receive in consideration of their service as aforesaid such wages or remuneration as upon an average calculation are allowed and given to labourers in husbandry in the aforesaid settlement or colony and that the allowance of provisions mentioned in the fourth article shall thereupon cease & determine.

SIXTH that the said Alexander BIGGAR shall grant the whole of Saturday and Sunday in every week to the said several persons respectively and their families discharged from any service whatever to the said Alexander BIGGAR and that the said Alexander BIGGAR shall during the said three years on such days respectively allow and grant unto each of them the said several persons the use of such agricultural implements as he may have in his possession for improving and cultivating the said several twenty acres of land subject nevertheless to the forfeitures mentioned in the third Article.

SEVENTH that in case of the death of any or either of the said several persons before the expiration of the said three years He the said Alexander BIGGAR hereto engages at the end of the said three years to grant and allow the said twenty acres of the persons so dying to such person or persons of his respective family in the Colony in such proportion as the person or persons so dying may direct and for default of such direction to the right heirs in the Colony of the persons so dying respectively / if he or they respectively have any/ Provided that if any or either of the persons so dying shall die before the expiration of the said three years leaving no wife children or issue then that the land in question shall revert to and remain the sole and exclusive property of the said Alexander BIGGAR and his Heirs for ever. Provided also that the person or persons who may become possessed of either of the parcels of twenty acres by virtue of this Article shall be bound by the same conditions in every respect as the person or persons so dying would have been thereby bound had they lived and further that the person or persons who may so become possessed shall serve the said Alexander BIGGAR if he think fit to require it for the average wages which such person could obtain in the settlement or colony or be subject to the forfeiture contained in the third Article.

EIGHTH that at the end of the said three years the charge to be made upon the land granted to the said Alexander BIGGAR or upon him in respect thereof shall be proportionately divided and that each of the said twenty acres shall bear and sustain a proportionate part or share thereof, or each of the several persons who are hereby to become the owners and proprietors by virtue of these articles [illegible] of the same as the case may happen to be Provided always nevertheless and it is hereby expressly declared and agreed between and by all the several parties executing these presents that in addition to the respective clauses & stipulations herein before mentioned They the several parties accompanying the said Alexander BIGGAR to the Cape as aforesaid do and shall in all respects observe perform and keep such Duties Suits and Services as belong or in any wise appertain to what may be known deemed and considered as “Manorial Rights” of the said Colony by contributing a certain portion of their time and labor or otherwise in [illegible] or under and by virtue of such Manorial Rights during the Harvest Months in each and every year at certain usual average wages and also that they the said parties respectively shall by virtue as aforesaid contribute a certain quota of Fowls, Pigs, Poultry and such other live or dead stock as are of Right accustomed & considered as belonging to cases of a similar nature during the period aforesaid And lastly they the several parties hereto do bind themselves in the most comprehensive sense that they will in every respect conform to and abide by the direction of the said Alexander BIGGAR and generally demean themselves towards himself his family and friends and also towards each other peaceably and respectfully in order to ensure the due and faithful performance of these presents.

In witness whereof and of the mutual consent & concurrence of him the said Alexander BIGGAR on the part of himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and of the several persons so going out as aforesaid whose hands and seals are hereto subscribed and affixed their several and respective Heirs Executors and Administrators and each for himself his Heirs Executors & Administrators alone and for the reciprocally mutually and firmly testifying the same they have severally set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first within written.

Signed sealed & delivered for all the said parties hereto at Portsmouth in the County of Hants England being first duly [signed] in the presence of

Anthony BROWNE
Robert COLE
Thomas PAGE
George APSEY
George FAIRCLOTH his X mark

Witness to the signature of James ELLICOTT, Henry PEDLAR, Geo. POLLARD
W. HALLETT 27 St.Mary Axe London

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