BARUK, Daniel
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 291/292
21 Mansell Street
Goodmans Fields
31 July 1819
Observing the offer made in the public prints for encouragement to persons desirous of settling at the Cape of Good Hope, I beg leave to state that being disappointed on previous attempts to secure for myself and family the decent maintenance I am ambitious of, from habits naturally imbibed by moving in situations something above mediocrity, and the kind intentions of the Government have caused me to turn my views to Agriculture in Africa, as I am with the remains [obscured] property ready to accept of such land as may be reserved? for the head of a family, to make every deposit required, and in all things to do what may be enjoined otherwise.
To facilitate the means of settling this place comfortable, and to show the due sense that I entertain of all favors conferred on me, I will most readily undertake the office of Surgeon if needed, in the ship my family may go, & perhaps my services would be found acceptable at the Colony, whenever the absence of medical men occurred. And as I have long practised with success as Physician and Accoucheur, being a graduate of the University of Aberdeen, and a member of the College of Surgeons in London, this remark will not I trust be thought too presuming.
My intentions are to secure from further loss what is left in my hands, and to carry to the Colony such healthy hearty labourers and mechanics as in all human probability will by their exertions improve any place, and should I be honoured with a personal conference with anyone you may please to appoint, I trust that for character and ability the first references can be given, and it may be that being conversant in the Dutch and German languages shall be considered some utility in my intended undertaking.
Praying the honour of a reply hereto
I remain with respect Sir your most obedient servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 363
21 Mansell Street
Goodmans Fields
August 11th 1819
I am honoured in the receipt of your favour of the 3rd inst and take the liberty of enclosing a list of persons who are desirous of accompanying myself & family and in the selection of these the qualifications and characters of the parties have been my guide, & to which list I may request to add the names of four or five others whose merits I have not had opportunity to fully enquire about.
In venturing to intrude for particular information on certain points, that appear to me of importance, as the father of a family. & one that undertakes the care of all others, I must pray indulgence, my views being to perform everything possible for their welfare, strictly under the orders of Government shall issue from time to time.
If firearms are necessary may I take out such as may be permitted merely for Defence.
When and to whom am I to pay the sum to be deposited.
Forgive this detail which perhaps might have been better submitted as conversation, were you good enough to refer me to any gentleman I might confer with, being with the greatest respect Sir
Your obliged and obedient servant
A list of the persons desirous of emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope under Daniel BARUK
Name |
Age |
Profession& Trade |
No. of each family & single persons |
General Observations |
Dr. D. BARUK |
37yrs |
Physician & Accoucheur |
Wife, 2 sons & a daughter & sevt |
Intends to apply closely to agriculture |
Ralph BARUK |
19 yrs |
Apothecary |
Single |
My eldest son |
27 yrs |
Experienced Agriculturalist |
Single |
A very healthy active young man and can be depended upon |
Thomas HUGHES |
24 yrs |
Do. |
Do. |
Do. |
Joseph MILLER |
25 yrs |
Do. |
Do. |
Do. |
George BROWN |
32 yrs |
Carpenter |
Wife & 8 children under 14 years |
Do. and also understands gardening |
Will'm MARSH |
34 yrs |
Carpenter & Builder |
Wife & 3 children under 9 years |
Do. very useful |
John Henry DIXON |
32 yrs |
Cabinet Maker & Joiner |
Wife & 4 children under 9 years |
A steady active man of excellent character |
Seaman KINDRED |
22 yrs |
Carpenter & Millwright |
Single |
Strong, healthy and active young man |
40 yrs |
Bricklayer & Plasterer |
Wife & 6 children under 14 years |
A steady useful man & also understands gardening |
20 yrs |
Do. |
Single |
Thos. LAWRENCE's eldest son. Do. |
19 yrs |
Brickmaker |
Do. |
A steady young man, understands tillage |
23 yrs |
Labourer |
Do. |
A very steady healthy young man of excellent character |
Edward EWER |
23 yrs |
Shoemaker |
Wife & 2 children under 2 yrs |
A steady healthy young man well recommended |
Alice FOREY |
31 yrs |
Female sevt. |
Single woman |
My female servant understands the dairy |
Dan'l BARUK MD 21 Mansell St Goodmans Fields August 11th 1819 |
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 553
Spring Gardens
August 30 1819
Mr. Astley COOPER has the honour of informing Lord BATHURST that Dr. BARUK is anxious to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope as a settler. He has four children with very limited means of supporting them and he is therefore very anxious to place them in a situation in which they may have a prospect of providing for themselves. Dr. BARUK as been known to Mr. A. COOPER for many years and he has a high opinion of his professional talents.
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 551
21 Mansell St
Goodmans Fields
September 28 1819
I feel a repugnance to thus frequently intruding on your attention but the Inclosed Letters which I have the honour to lay before you I hope may in some degree excuse me.
As some of the settlers who proposed joining me & who requested me to send their names in the list I had the honour of transmitting to you on the 11th of August last, have declined going, I have taken the liberty of forwarding an amended one & to assure you I have been particular choice in the selection. Mr. D.P. FRANCIS's letter I hereby inclose & who I am informed has been strongly recommended to you by Colonel STRUTT.
The other settlers I can depend on & for myself I am ready to pay the deposit required & in all things comply in whatever is demanded by Government.
I shall indeed be most gratified in learning the date? about which the new colonists may expect to leave England as a few of my number are anxious & impatient. They are very uneasy, but when I may be called on the respect of my fellow adventurers will I trust be found whorthy of your approval.
I have the honour to be Sir your most humble servant
Name and description of the person taking out the settlers |
Names of settlers |
Profession or trade |
Age |
Name of Wife+ |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Daniel BARUK |
David Polley FRANCIS |
Experienced Agriculturalist |
36 |
38 |
Physician & Accoucheur |
Charles HEARD |
Do. |
27 |
Aged 37 years |
Raphael BARUK |
Apothecary |
19 |
Mary BARUK |
Henry CRASKE? |
Agriculturalist |
36 |
Harrington CRASKE |
9 |
7 |
Wife of the above |
Labourer & Do. |
23 |
Aged 36 |
Charles SMITH |
Do. & Do. |
23 |
Samuel BARUK 17 |
Do. & Do, |
26 |
22 |
Fanny BARUK 16 |
Jonathan SHELDON |
Wheelwright |
28 |
Lewis BARUK 15 |
Charles CHANDLER |
Labourer & Tanner |
22 |
Thomas WALLIS |
Grazier & Tanner |
45 |
Sarah WALLIS |
43 |
Henry WALLIS |
10 |
Sophy WALLIS |
17 |
Charles WALLIS |
4 |
16 |
Eliz'th WALLIS |
15 |
12 |
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 629
21 Mansell St
Goodmans Fields
15 October 1819
I am deputed by a number of persons who are desirous of emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope (and who have been rejected by the Earl of BATHURST) each of whom can command a small capital, and are ready to pay their passage, to know if Government will give encouragement to such individuals by granting them land in the same proportion as those persons accepted by Government.
I shall feel very gratified by your early reply as in the event of our being able to proceed we may make the necessary arrangements, or loose the season, & sail at the same time as the settlers are going? Out and beg to assure you we are ready to place ourselves under such orders you may please to point out & in all things conform to the views and interest of His Majesty's Government.
I have the honour to be much respected Sir your most obedient humble servant
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