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Port Elizabeth Mercury

Port Elizabeth Mercury 1851 2 April - June

Saturday 5 April 1851

We have this week to record the melancholy intelligence of the death of Mr. James BROWNLEE, second son of the Rev Mr BROWNLEE, who fell by the hand of the enemy. He was a young man of great promise, and his many amiable qualities had already endeared him to all with whom he had become acquainted, while his talents, which were of no ordinary character, had pointed him out to those in authority as in every way well fitted for the discharge of the most important duties, which without doubt would have been conferred upon him had he not been cut off in this untimely manner. We deeply sympathise with his afflicted parents and relatives and his bereaved widow. The circumstances attendant upon the event will be found in another column.

Saturday 19 April 1851

DIED on the 12th April, Guybon Warwick Atherstone, infant son of Henry HUTTON Esq of Graham’s Town.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday the 15th April 1851, Robert HAMILTON Esq of HM Customs, aged 37 years.

By the Rev F. McCleland AB Colonial Chaplain
April 5: Mr. Charles Edward WARD, bachelor, to Miss Mary Elizabeth MORGAN, spinster.
April 16: Mr. Stephanus Johannes DU PREES, bachelor, to Miss Elizabeth Anna Hester VAN EETVELD.

By the same
Feb 28: A daughter of Mr. Robert Joseph PHILLIPS baptised Louisa Arabella.
March 2: A daughter of Mr. Samuel BAIN baptised Fanny Charlotte Jury.
March 30: A daughter of Mr. William SELBY baptised Sarah Emma.
March 30: A son of Mr. Thomas BILSON baptised Edwin Thomas
April 14: A son of Henry William Hull Coleman PEARSE Esq, Dpt-Ord Storekeeper, baptised Frederick Charles.

By the same
April 2: Michial RIORDAN, aged 36 years.
April 10: James Palmer Bradwell WHEATLAND, aged ? months [number obscured in binder but thought to be a single figure]
April 14: George ELLIOT, late 27 Regt, aged 40 years.
April 16: Robert HAMILTON Esq, HM Customs, aged 34 years.

Saturday 10 May 1851

Public Sale
At Human’s Dorp
The Undersigned having been instructed by Mr. Daniel FERREIRA will sell at Public Auction
On Thursday the 15th May
70 Head Draught Oxen
12 Riding Horses
Also will be offered for sale
Four Erven at Human’s Dorp
Of 100 by 300, and the Erf belonging to Mr. J. GLENDENNING with Dwelling House thereon, consisting of 4 Rooms, Kitchen, and a Store of 26 by 20, conveniently fitted up with Counters and Shelves.
Also an Out Building with Two Rooms under Slated Roof, and whatever else may be offered for sale.
Zuurbron, Gamtoos River, May 1 1851

Saturday 17 May 1851

We are happy to inform our readers that HM St “Vulcan” arrived yesterday, bringing HM 74th  Regt, under command of Lt.Cl. FORDYCE, with two Commissariat Officers. The Vulcan left Queenstown (Cove of Cork) on the 16th March and reached Simon’s Bay on Sunday last, where she put in to receive her orders from the Commodore. All the women and children were landed there, and will be forwarded to Cape Town. On Monday morning, after coaling, she left for this port and arrived here yesterday. The Vulcan is an iron screw steamer, of 1800 tons. She came out, however, under sail, steaming only three days. No fresh intelligence has, of course, been received by her. The troops – 602 and 24 officers, were all ianded [sic – should be landed] yesterday. They will be necessarily detained for a few days. Messrs MARSH and BAILEY are the Commissariat officers landed here, the other three were left at Simon’s Bay.
The “Phoenix” steamer had arrived on Wednesday in Table Bay after a boisterous passage.

All along the western coast the rains have proved very favourable, and the farmers throughout those districts are busily employed in ploughing and making preparations for the next crop.
The cold has been very intense throughout the Eastern districts, and sheep and cattle are suffering severely. The losses among the farmers continue heavy.
On Sunday last a heavy fall of snow occurred at Graaff-Reinet, making a strange contrast with the heat that preceded it.

By an advertisement in the front page it will be seen that our Graaff-Reinet friends are at length to have a Journal of their own. We have no doubt of its ultimate success, if conducted on fair and liberal principles. It has been a desideratum long felt, and we have no doubt that the inhabitants there will show by advertising and subscribing freely, that they appreciate the advantages such a publication will bestow.

Saturday 7 June 1851

DIED at his Residence at the Buffel’s Fontein near Port Elizabeth, on the 25th May 1851, Ignatius Michael BOTHA, aged 40 years, deeply regretted by his bereaved family and numerous friends.

Saturday 14 June 1851

Holloway’s Ointment
224 Strand, near Temple-Bar, London
As received a large supply of
Professor Holloway’s Ointment and Pills.
For the convenience of Country Customers, the labels and directions have been printed in Dutch and English.
All orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to
For Cash Only
When 5 per cent will be allowed.
Sub-agents have been appointed in Graham’s Town R. READ; in Fort Beaufort R. LAWRIE; in Graaff-Reinet P. CARO; Richmond, P. CARO & Co; Uitenhage, R. RUTHERFOORD. Agents required for all districts, can be appointed by the above on applying to his address.
J.C. LACEY, Agent.
This extraordinary Ointment will cure the most Dangerous Wounds and Ulcers, Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Sore Nipples, Sore Throats, Chiego-foot, Vaws and Cocoa Bay, or African King’s Evil, Stony and Ulcerated Cancers, Piles, Tunours, Swellings, Contracted and Stiff Joints, Scrofula, Ring Worms, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Gout, Rheumatism and almost every External Disease. The Bite of the Moschetoes and Sand Flies.

Saturday 28 June 1851

BIRTH at Klip Fontein, Upper Bushman’s River, on the 17th inst, Mrs. COMELY of a Son.

DIED at his Residence on the Hill, Port Elizabeth, on the 24th instant, George CLARK, aged 56. Deceased was on of the oldest inhabitants of the Bay.

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