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South Africa - a weekly journal

South Africa 1902 2 April - June


5 April 1902

(Announcements inserted under this heading are charged for at a minimum of 5s., which in all cases must be prepaid. All notices must be proprerly authenticated.)


ASHLEY, Mrs. J. W., Mowbray, Cape Colony, March 9, a son.
BEMIESTER, Mrs. E. E., Rondebosch, March 5, a daughter.
BERMAN, Mrs. M., Woodstock, Cape Colony, March 7, a son.
BIRD, Mrs. C., Maritzburg, March 3, a son.
CALVERT, Mrs. J. W., Maritzburg, February 26, a daughter.
DAVIS, Mrs. C. D., Sea Point, March 7, a son.
HENDRY, Mrs. R., Woodstock, Cape Colony, March 6, a son.
JAMES—On March 28, at Naauwpoort, the wife of E. L. H. James, Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment, of a son.
JENNINGS—On March 21, at Maritzburg, the wife of S. Bryant Jennings, E.M., F.R.G.S., of a daughter.
JONES, Mrs. W., Cape Town, March 5, a daughter.
KANNEMEYER, Mrs. J. F., Cape Town, March 5, a son.
LANGEBRINK, Mrs. A., Johannesburg, March 1, a son.
LANGSTON, Mrs. J. H., Kenilworth, Cape Colony, March 7, a daughter.
MIDDLEBROOK, Mrs. E. G., Cape Town, March 7, a daughter.
NAUDE, Mrs. J. L., Newlands, Cape Colony, March 2, a son.
PATERSON, Mrs. G., Worcester, Cape Colony, February 20, a son.
PEARCE, Mrs. R., Cape Town, February 28, a son.
ROSSER, Mrs. R. J., Cape Town, March 7, a son.
SOWTER, Mrs. G. W., Woodstock, Cape Colony, March 2, a son.
TOWNSEND, Mrs. R., Diep River, March 1, a son.


HOHNE, F. J.—MARAIS, P., Paarl, March 5.
HOME, A. J. L.—DUNCAN, H. W., Rondebosch, March 3.
PAYNE—LE FEUVRE—On March 22, at Bulawayo, Arthur Charles, eldest son of George H. Payne, of St. Faith’s Road. West Norwood, to Henrietta Wills, youngest daughter of Edmond P. Le Feuvre, of Blackheath, London.
PEARCE, E.—LANGFORD, L., Cape Town, March 5.
ROBERTS, S. E.—BERRY, M. E. S., Cape Town, March 6.
ROWLEY, G. E.—DAY, M., Cape Town, March 4.
ROYSTON, J. F.—TOMLIN, M., Durban, March 1.
STEAVENSON—DUMBRECK—On March 11, at St. John’s, Wynberg, by the Rev. Rice Thomas, M.A., acting Army Chaplain, assisted by the Rev. J. Higham, M.A., Rector of St. John’s, Charles John (of the 8th King’s Regiment, and commanding 11th Battalion of Mounted Infantry), third son of the Rev. Robert Steavenson, Vicar of Wroxeter, Shrewsbury, to Nellie, only daughter of Mrs. G. H. Jessop and stepdaughter of Lieut.-Colonel G. H. Jessop, Army Service Corps.
UNSWORTH, R. E.—TAYLOR, M., Maritzburg, Feb. 24.
WHELAN, S. L.—ADAMS, M. E., Dundee, Natal, February 27.


DE JONGH, H. C., Plumstead, Cape Colony, March 4, aged 72.
DICKENSON, A. N., Bethulie, O.R.C., March 1, aged 50.
DU PREEZ, J., Cape Town, March 6, aged 42.
FRASER, R. T., Bloemfontein, February 26, aged 32.
HANKIN-TURVIN, C. J., Howick, Natal, February 28, aged 54.
HOOGENDOORN, A. V., Cape Town, March 3, aged 72.
ILBERY—On March 29, at Heidelberg, from wounds received on the previous day, Sergeant-Major Markland Ilbery, S.A. Constabulary, aged 30, son of the late J. W. H. Ilbery and Mrs. Ilbery, Holland Park Avenue.
MAST—On March 9, at Cape Town, Alfred Albert Mast, second son of the late George Christian Mast, in his 39th year.
MORROGH, L. A., Durban, March 1, aged 86.
MUTER, H. J., Newlands, Cape Colony, March 3, aged 35.
POSNOT, J., Maritzburg, February 25, aged 27.
SCHOLTZ, Dr. W. C., Cape Town, March 7.
SHIPPARD—On March 29, at 15, West Halkin Street, London, S.W., Sir Sidney Godolphin Alexander Shippard, K.C.M.G., D.C.L., aged 64.

Miscellaneous articles on the same page:

St. David’s Day was celebrated at East London by a banquet of local Welshmen. Mr. D. J. Griffiths in the chair. The toast of the patron saint was proposed by the Rev. G. W. Rogers.


It is now announced, in connection with the Coronation festival, that the Governor will hold a levee in the morning, and Lady Hely-Hutchinson will give a garden party in the afternoon, following upon the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the statue to the King which, as at present proposed, will be erected on the Parade in front of the new Town Hall. Sir Walter will drive to the site along a route to be determined on, which will give all classes of the King’s subjects an opportunity of seeing His Majesty’s representative. It is suggested that there should be a naval display in Table Bay.

The transport Dilwara arrived at Southampton on Thursday with a large number of troops invalided from the front.

12 April 1902


BLACKBURROW, Mrs. H., Maritzburg, March 9, a daughter.
BLACKWELL, Mrs. F., Cape Town, March 9, a daughter.
CLARKE—On April 5, at Port Elizabeth, the wife of Arthur Clarke, of a son.
HOUSE, Mrs. W. F., Cape Town, March 12, a son.
MARSTON, Mrs. J., Wynberg, March 11, a daughter.
ROFF, Mrs. R. C., Durban, March 7, a son.
SWEKE, Mrs. J., Cape Town, March 10, a son.
TREDGOLD, Mrs. C. H., Bulawayo, March 9, a son.
WILKEN, Mrs. P., Durban, March 9, a son.
WRENSCH, Mrs. F., Colesberg, February 27, a daughter.


BLOMKAMP, B. B.—JUSTUS, E. M. C., Wynberg, March 9.
HENLEY, W. R.—PIDGEON, A. E., Woodstock, Cape Colony, March 10.
HOMAN-GRAVES—On April 8, at St. James’s, Picadilly, by the Rev. Claude S. Homan, Rector of Tyneham, brother of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. James Trevaskis, D.D., Vicar of St. Luke’s, Southampton, and Canon McCormick, Vicar of the parish, Leonard E. B. Homan, eldest son of the late Surgeon-General S. A. Homan, of Co. Sligo, to Sybil Eustace, elder daughter of Mrs. G. W. Graves, of Rockstone Place, Southampton.


AUSTIN, A. W., Cape Town, March 14, aged 55.
BARRACLOUGH, A., Woodstock, Cape Colony, March 10, aged 28.
BOTHA, J. S. H., Somerset West Strand, Cape Colony, March 8, aged 22.
COOPER, A., Maritzburg, March 8, aged 66.
DAVIS, W. C., Cape Town, March 15, aged 34.
JOHNSON, L., Umzinto, March 5, aged 55.
KLEYN, D. H., Goudini, Caledon, March 13, aged 43.
PENFOLD—On March 29, at Cape Town, Marchant Penfold, of De Beers, Kimberley, formerly Port Captain, Cape Town. Aged 61.
WILLIAMS—On April 4, suddenly, at 21, Springfield, Upper Clapton, Arthur Williams, the dearly loved husband of Jessie Williams, aged 33 years.
FENNING—On April 7, at Cape Town, John Dunkin, youngest son of James Fenning, of Lloyd’s and Elmhurst, Abbey Wood, Kent, aged 26.

Miscellaneous articles on same page:

Two thousand acres of land have lately been acquired by the Agricultural Department of the Orange River Colony, at Thaba ‘Nchu Neck, which are to be employed in the work of forestry. Forty thousand trees are now ready for planting, and it is expected that over 250,000, mostly pines, will be planted before the end of the year. Two acres of land have lately been sown with wattle seed, and a nursery of 12 acres is now being prepared. An ample supply of water is available, and the convicts from the convict station, which is situated near, and has lately been established, are engaged in the work. The 16,000 trees that were planted on November 9 last in commemoration of His Majesty King Edward’s birthday in the different Boer refugee camps in Orange River Colony are doing exceedingly well.

At a meeting of the Mechanical Engineers’ Association in Johannesburg in March, Mr. W. Epton, A.M.I.M.E., read an interesting paper on “The Raising of Water from Deep Level Mines,” in which he referred chiefly to the loss in getting the power from boilers on the surface to the pump underground. They had to raise a given weight to a certain height in a certain time, and to decide which was the most economical way of doing it. Whichever way they got the water out of the mine, very nearly half the cost was in getting the power down to the pump. He pointed out that power was lost by the use of electricity, compressed air, Cornish pumps, hydraulic pumps, but he thought that if they took the engine and boiler down the mine it would be one of the cheapest methods, though there were certain practical difficulties in the way. He referred to the test made at the Rose Deep, and the results then obtained with one of the most modern air compressors, and explained the arrangement of hydraulic pumps, extensively used in the Scottish mines, by which means an efficiency of 68 per cent was claimed. Dealing with the underground engine, he said that by placing the engine and boiler underground, providing that the pump plungers were coupled direct on to the engine, either on to the crank shaft, by means of connecting rods, or to an extended piston rod, the total loss in efficiency should not exceed 13 per cent, which gave the total of 228 I.H.P. in the cylinder of the engine. Thus, assuming a consumption of 13 lbs. of steam per I.H.P. per hour, they had 83,330,000 foot pounds per 112 lbs. of coal. With the Cornish pump they would not get duty for this depth of more than 50,000,000 with the same coil.

19 April 1902


BAKER, Mrs. W. H., Maritzburg, Mar. 13, a daughter.
BERRY, Mrs. W., Durban, March 19, a daughter.
BRUCE, Mrs. J., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, March 14, a daughter.
BYRNE, Mrs. J. B., Durban, March 13, a son.
DREYER, Mrs. J. C., Newlands, Cape Colony, March 18, a daughter.
FREDERIKSEN, Mrs. C., Maritzburg, March 16, a son.
KAISER, Mrs. M., Cape Town, March 12, a daughter.
MALLESON, Mrs. P. R., Hex River, March 13, a son.
MAY, Mrs. E. H., Durban, March 13, a daughter.
MYBURGH, Mrs. J. N., Cape Town, March 17, a son.
NELSON, Mrs. C. W., Maitland, March 15, a son.
RANBY, Mrs. W. E., Claremont, March 13, a son.
RECARDE, Mrs. F., Cape Town, March 17, a daughter.
SONNENBERG, Mrs. H. I., Rosebank, Cape Colony, March 17, a daughter.
TAYLOR, Mrs. L. J., Salt River, Cape Colony, March 13, a daughter.


CLARKE—TODD—On April 16, at St. Mary’s (Parish Church), Islington, William Henry Clarke, of Cape Town, eldest son of the late William Henry Clarke, of Temple Mount, Beeston, Leeds, to Emily Ethel, fourth daughter of Parker Todd, of 42, Mildmay Grove, Highbury, London.
COOK, T.—SOLOMON, E. S., Maritzburg, March 17.
CRIMP—DAMM—On March 11, at Cape Town, Hubert Heathfield Crimp, third son of Harris Crimp, of Colmer, Modbury, South Devon, and Perryn Road, East Acton, to Georgina Damm, eldest daughter of the late Captain Damm, of Apeniade, Germany.
FYFE—JEFFREYS—On April 9, at St. Cyprian’s, Durban, William Alexander Fyfe, of Swazieland, third son of the late John Fyfe, of Glasgow, to Kate, youngest daughter of the late M. Darrell Jeffreys, of Pinner, Middlesex.
KING, W. D.—LA GRANGE, M. A., Salt River, Cape Colony, March 5.
PICKSTONE, H. V.—RADCLIFFE, E., Cape Town, March 15.
ROGERS—VAN DER RIET—On April 12, at Cape Town, Arthur William Rogers, of the Geological Survey of Cape Colony, youngest son of the late George Rogers, of Roughmoor, Taunton, to Hester Johanna, youngest daughter of the late F. J. Van der Riet, sometime Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate at Simon’s Town.
SIVIL, M.—CHARLTON, M., Durban, March 18.


BELL, A. J., Cape Town, March 19, aged 38.
BRISTOW—On April 3, at Johannesburg, of enteric, Theodore Bristow (Paget’s Horse), younger son of the late Rev. Theodore Bristow.
CAIRNCROSS, M. J., Cape Town, March 18, aged 60.
FRAETAS, J. A., Claremont, Cape Colony, March 16, aged 54.
GOLDMAN, S., Durban, March 16, aged 21.
HASKINS, K. M., Hout Bay, March 14, aged 33.
HINDE, J., Maritzburg, March 16, aged 81.
KOTZE, J. J., Cape Town, March 19, aged 70.
MARIAS, M., Bedford, Cape Colony, March 16, aged 27.
MATTOCKS—On March 10, of typhoid, in the 20th year of his age, and the sixth week of his residence in Kimberley, Sydney George, third son of G. T. Mattocks, of Rainham, Kent, pupil and friend of Bertram L. Dyer, of the Kimberley Public Library.
ROSS, J. W. A., Sea Point, March 16, aged 58.
PAWSON, A. E., Maritzburg, March 14, aged 23.
PEARCE, W., O’okiep, March 10, aged 66.
PRESTON, C. E., Cape Town, March 19, aged 30.
STYLE—On the 13th inst., at Salisbury, Mary, wife of Frederick Style, of Bloemfontein, formerly of Salisbury, Wilts.
WOOD—On April 11, at Rooival, Transvaal, killed in action, Harold Rowley, aged 29, only surviving son of the late Arthur Wood and of Mrs. Arthur Wood, of Langford, Streatham.

Miscellaneous articles on the same page:


The transport Canada left Queenstown on Monday for South Africa after embarking the following drafts: One officer and 147 men of the 1st Battalion Border Regiment, 1 officer and 174 men of the 1st Battalion Oxfordshire Light Infantry, 2 officers and 145 men of the 1st Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment, 2 officers and 115 men of the 1st Battalion East Lancashires, 2 officers and 141 men of the East Surrey Regiment,2 officers and 108 men of the Royal Irish Fusiliers, 2 officers and 135 men of the Rifle Brigade, and details and 5 officers.

Instructions have been received from the War Office at the School of Military Engineering, directing that further drafts of Royal Engineers shall be prepared for Service in South Africa. Some hundreds of men are required, and volunteers have been called for from among the Royal Engineers who have already been to the front and returned.

The 12th Provisional Battalion at Chatham is preparing drafts of Connaught Rangers and Scottish Rifles to proceed to South Africa to fill up vacancies in their respective regiments.

The War Office announced at the end of last week that the following further troops were preparing for embarkation, and would begin leaving this week: Infantry drafts, 7000; artillery drafts, 1000; Imperial Yeomanry, 7000; Colonials, 5000. The arrangements for the transport of the entire force have been completed.

The last of the Militia battalions which left Great Britain in 1900 will leave South Africa before the end of April.

Reinforcements for the battalions of the Coldstream Guards to the number of 225 officers and men left London for Southampton on Tuesday morning to embark on the Dilwara for South Africa. For the same steamship a contingent of the Scots Guards left Windsor under the command of Captain Gosling, and the Dilwara sailed in the afternoon, having also on board 80 of the 2nd Yorkshire Regiment, 245 1st Gordon Highlanders, 146 2nd Devons, and 123 2nd Lincolns.

The transport Ulstermore sailed from Queenstown on Tuesday for Cape Town with 45 men 5th Lancers, 100 men 1st Dragoons, 114 men 1st Suffolks, 100 men 1st Bedfords, 86 men 2nd Norfolks, and 12 officers. There were also 500 horses on board.

War Office orders issued from the South Eastern District headquarters office contain instructions for drafts of the Loyal North Lancashire and West Kent Regiments, attached to the 1st Provisional Infantry Battalion, to hold themselves in readiness to embark in the Roslin Castle, at Southampton, about the 22nd inst., for service at the front. A draft of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers will leave on the same day for the Cape, and other drafts of the 1st and 10th Provisional Infantry Battalions are being held ready for embarkation about the 26th inst.

The hospital ship Dunera sailed yesterday for South Africa with the usual staff.

The War Office has arranged for over 3000 of the 20,000 troops for South Africa to sail within the next week. On Thursday the Doune Castle left Southampton, and the Nubia, the Royal Albert Docks, with over 300 men. Yesterday the Galeka sailed with 605 of the new Imperial Yeomanry, and the Dunera with 100 men of the 2nd Northamptonshires and 150 of the new A.S.C. clerks. On Tuesday, the Wakool will sail from the Royal Albert Docks and the Roslin Castle from Southampton with large contingents. On April 26 the Orcana will embark drafts at Southampton.

The Leyland liners Winifredian and Cestrian have been chartered by the Government for the transport of 1500 mounted Canadian troops for South Africa, sailing from Halifax in May.

Orders have been given for all privates of the 10th and 13th Hussars reserve squadrons at Hounslow who are medically fit to be held in readiness to embark for South Africa about May 17 to join their shot to the 4th Provisional Regiment of Dragoons and 3rd Provisional Regiment of Hassars to prepare every man of the 2nd Dragoon Guards and 3rd, 7th, and 18th Hussars for active service, embarking also about May 17. All men on working furlough are to be recalled.

The 31st Battalion Imperial Yeomanry (Fincastle’s Horse) left Edinburgh on Thursday night for Southampton, where they will embark today for South Africa on board the steamship Galatea. The battalion numbers 32 officers and 650 men.

Under instructions received from headquarters recruiting is opened for about 250 men to complete the establishment of the Imperial Yeomanry battalions at Aldershot for service in South Africa. Applications, by letter, should be addressed to the officer commanding depot, Imperial Yeomanry, Aldershot, or the Deputy Adjutant General, Imperial Yeomanry, 16, Great George Street, Westminster. Preference will be given to applicants who have either served in South Africa and received a satisfactory discharge certificate or have undergone one year’s training with the Home Imperial Yeomanry.


The Michigan has cleared from New Orleans for Cape Town with 1150 horses on board.

The transport City of Vienna, from Cape Town, arrived at Southampton on Tuesday, bringing 250 invalids for Woolwich, 17 for Aldershot, 19 for Netley, 234 for the various discharge and convalescent depots, 99 time-expired men, and 47 Colonials.

The transport Orcana, from South Africa, arrived at Southampton on Wednesday, bringing 17 officers and 18 invalids, &c.

The Mechanician has cleared from New Orleans, for Cape Town with 1100 horses on board.

A hundred and fifty soldiers who have returned to Australia from South Africa have requested General Sir Edward Hutton, Commander of the Commonwealth Military Forces, to inform Lord Kitchener that they wish to join irregular corps in South Africa.


To the Editor of “South Africa”

Sir,--In the Review of Reviews Mr. Rhodes is reported as having thus stated his religious belief to Mr. Stead: “Of the future life, he said, Agnosen, I do not know anything; but if there be a God, of which there is an even chance, then, &c., &c.” Is it not rather curious that a man of such great ability, who had lived so long amongst savage races, should entertain any doubt as to the existence of “The Great Spirit”?

The well-known Matabele chief Secombi said, at Rhodes’s burial: “Now the body of our great Chief Umsilikitse and that of the Great White Chief both rest in the Matoppos, and their spirits will meet in a great indaba (council) hereafter.” Is not this assumption of the simple-minded savage a way no less easy than simple of cutting the Gordian knot? He says: “Of course there is a God; who made me, my people, the woods, and the hills amongst which we dwell. Surely the Great Spirit.” Truly the refinements of civilization do not seem to render our reasoning powers more acute, do they? The simple faith of the savages often puts to shame the more cultivated intellects of civilized countries.

Truly yours,
D. Z. Beaumont
47, Church Road, Hove.

Owing to rats being again discovered infected with plague bacilli in a store belonging to the Port Elizabeth Harbour Board, it has been decided to close the building.

The intimation that an outbreak of small-pox had occurred at Woodstock (Cape Colony) has caused a good deal of uneasiness in that neighbourhood, but it is satisfactory to learn that the local authorities are taking effective measures to prevent the spread of the scourge.

26 April 1902


BLOND, Mrs. W., D’Urban Road, Cape Colony, March 18, a daughter.
BOWKER, Mrs. A., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, March 27, a son.
COCKBURN, Mrs. W., Maritzburg, March 21, a daughter.
DAVIDSON, Mrs. G. R., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, March 26, a daughter.
DUNBAR-SUTHERLAND, Mrs. R., Durban, March 21, a son.
GOY, Mrs. E., Cape Town, March 20, a daughter.
HAMILTON, Mrs. C. E., Durban, March 24, a daughter.
HARRIS, Mrs. E., Cape Town, March 27, a son.
HYMAN, Mrs. E. R., Maritzburg, March 27, a daughter.
LEVY, Mrs. L., Cape Town, March 27, a son.
MARTIN, Mrs. W. J., Kenilworth, Cape Town, March 22, a daughter.
NELSON, Mrs. D. P. H., Maitland, March 26, a daughter.
NORRIS, Mrs. H. J., Cape Town, March 26, a daughter.
REYNOLDS, Mrs. S., Woodstock, Cape Colony, March 23, a daughter.
SWAN, Mrs. J. R., Estcourt, Natal, March 19, a son.
WILSON, Mrs. T., Wynberg, March 21, a daughter.


BARNICOTT, A.—SCHOU, M. E., Cape Town, March 21.
BOYD, W.—PATERSON, E. M., Durban, March 18.
CROWHURST, J. W.—WOLFE, L. M. M., Wynberg, March 20.
FRIEDLAND, J.—SAMKOVY, B., Wynberg, March 23.
GOOCH, H. G. S.—SMITH, M. A., Durban, March 19.
GREAVES—FELDMANN—On March 31, at St. Mark’s Church, Cape Town, by the Rev. J. Graham Reid, John Henry, second son of Edmund Greaves, of Anerley, Surrey, to Augusta Louisa Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Joseph Feldmann, of Cape Town.
HILL, R. E.—MURPHY, A., Cape Town, March 18.
PIERPOINT, C.—JACOBS, E. J., Salt River, Cape Colony, March 19.
SIMPSON, J.—PAYNE, M., Maritzburg, March 17.


BAYLY, J. A. B., Tulbagh, March 22, aged 39.
BELL—On April 18, at his residence, 77, Holland Park, W., David Wellesley Bell, of 14, Milton Street, E. C., in his 57th year.
CHAPMAN, H. C., Estcourt, Natal, March 17, aged 39.
CHISHOLM, U., Durban, March 25, aged 58.
FOWLER—On April 20, Sir Thomas Fowler, Bart., of Gastard House, Corsham, Wilts, Capt. 1st Battalion (Royal Wiltshire) I.Y., killed in action at Olivier’s Farm, Moolman’s Spruit, near Fricksberg, Orange River Colony.
HEKTOR, S. J., Cape Town, March 27, aged 62.
HIRTZEL—On April 16, at Johannesburg, Arthur Francis, third son of George Hirtzel, of Exeter, aged 33.
MCQUADE, J. F., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, March 25, aged 56.
MOSTERT, C., Cape Town, March 23, aged 50.
PEARSON, M., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, March 23, aged 23.
RICKARDS—On April 23, at 4, Rodenhurst Road, Clapham Park, S.W. (the residence of his son), Samuel David Rickards, in his 72nd year.
SLATER, J. C., Simon’s Town, March 22, aged 36.
SMITH, A., Greytown, Natal, March 23, aged 56.

Miscellaneous article on the same page:

The Deputy-Administrator of the Orange River Colony notifies in the Government Gazette that doubts having arisen concerning the validity of marriages since the occupation, all marriages performed since the date of annexation are recognized as legal.

3 May 1902


AVERY, Mrs. H., Newlands, Cape Colony, March 23, a son.
BELLAIRS, Mrs. W. G., Wynberg, April 3, a son.
BOLUS, Mrs. A., Kenilworth, Cape Town, March 28, a son.
CAW, Mrs. R., jun., Cape Town, April 4, a son.
DIXON, Mrs. P. D., Cape Town, March 29, a son.
EISENSTAEDTER, Mrs. H. W., Cape Town, April 1, a daughter.
HIRSCHLER—On April 28, at 90, Kensington Gardens Square, W., the wife of I. H. Hirschler (of Bulawayo), of twin daughters.
HURFORD, Mrs. E., Durban, March 25, a son.
HYMAN, Mrs. E. R., Maritzburg, March 27, a daughter.
JONES, Mrs. P. E., Wynberg, April 3, a daughter.
KENNEDY, Mrs. M., Cape Town, April 4, a son.
KINCADE, Mrs. R. G., Durban, March 27, a son.
MCGREGOR, Mrs. J., Maitland, March 27, a daughter.
O’CONNOR, Mrs. T., Cape Town, March 31, a son.
ORPEN, Mrs. H. R., Sea Point, March 29, a son.
RAE, Mrs. E., Woodstock, Cape Colony, March 30, a son.
RYAN, Mrs. W. T., Durban, March 29, a son.
SILBERBAUER—On April 28, at 10bis Villas, Dubochet, Clarens, Switzerland, the wife of Conrad Christian Silberbauer, of Bloemendal, Mowbray, Cape Colony, of a son.
STACY, Mrs. A. J., Salt River, Cape Colony, March 27, a son.
TAYLOR, Mrs. P. H., Maritzburg, March 31, a daughter.
THOMPSON, Mrs. E. A., Durban, March 25, a daughter.
VAN BREDA, Mrs. W. P., Stellenbosch, March 26, a son.


BUCKNALL—BUCKNALL—On April 24, at St. Paul’s, Knightsbridge, by the Rev. Henry Arnott, Rector of Beckenham, Norman Rixon, son of Henry C. Bucknall, of 15, Collingham Road, S.W., to Hilda Mary, daughter of Jas. Lloyd Bucknall, of Langley Court, Beckenham, Kent.
DOUGLASS, A. W.—BIDEN, B. A., Grahamstown, April 2.
EARDLEY, P. H.—MASON, M., Maritzburg, March 25.
FORSYTH—PAGE—At Mowbray Presbyterian Church, Cape Town, on April 21, by the Rev. W. G. Macfie, assisted by the Rev. J. J. McClure, Alex. Forsyth, architect, Cape Town, to Agnes, younger daughter of the late John Page, Alloa.
GARRATT, J. H.—FITZGERALD, E. C. A., Cape Town, March 31.
JEWELL—TOWNROE—On April 26, at St. Michael’s, Chester Square, by the Rev. Canon Fleming, Arthur Cluett Jewell, younger son of Richard Jewell, of Streatham, Surrey, to Agatha Marianne, second daughter of the late Richard T. Townroe, of Rondebosch, Cape Town, and of Mrs. Townroe, of 52, Eaton Terrace, S.W.
LOUWRENS, A. C.—BREMER, E., Wellington, Cape Colony, April 2.
MCDOWALL—DE VAAL—At Carnarvon, Cape Colony, on April 15, Alfred MacDowall, Inspector, Standard Bank of South Africa, son of Wm. W. McDowall, J.P., National Bank, Johnstone, to Elizabeth Frances, elder daughter of J. J. De Vaal, Carnarvon.
MORRISON, J. F.—NICHOLS, C. M., Durban, March 29.
MULLINS—HASLAM—On April 24, at Grahamstown, by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Grahamstown, assisted by the Rev. Canon Mullins, father of the bridegroom, Charles Herbert Mullins, V.C., C.M.G., Major I.L.H., barrister-at-law, Johannesburg, to Norah Gertrude, third daughter of Sam. Haslam, Brooklands, Uppingham.
RADFORD, W. L.—REEVE, F. S., Durban, March 31.
STEGMANN, J.—BLORE, C., Worcester, Cape Colony, April 1.
YULE—HARVEY—At the Presbyterian Church, Durban, on April 25, James Alexander, mining engineer, Randfontein, Transvaal, youngest son of the late John Yule, engineer, Glasgow, to Agnes Anna Hay, eldest daughter of William Harvey, 25, Athole Gardens, Kelvinside, and Eastwood, Craigmore.


BATHURST—On April 22, at Vet River, of enteric fever, Nevile Charles Bathurst, South African Constabulary, second son of the Rev. W. A. Bathurst, Vicar of Holy Trinity, Eastbourne, aged 27.
CLARKE, M., Cape Town, April 1, aged 26.
DE JONGH, S. M., Cape Town, March 31, aged 83.
ELLINGSON, C., Cape Town, March 26, aged 43.
HEALEY—On April 22, John Drysdale Healey, late of Johannesburg, only son of the late Alex. Healey, baker, Edinburgh.
HIRTZEL—On April 22, at Tafelkop, of enteric fever, Guy Dashwood Hirtzel, Lieutenant S.A.C., sixth son of George Hirtzel, of Exeter, aged 28.
KIRKWOOD, M., Durban, March 28, aged 69.
PAISLEY—On April 21, at Cape Town, Andrew Paisley, Manager, Standard Bank, second son of the late Rev. Robert Paisley, D.D., St. Ninian’s, Stirling.
RUDD—On April 27th, at St. Leonard’s-on-Sea, Thomas Rudd, of “Germistoun,” Wimbledon, aged 71.
STEINBACH, C. H., Cape Town, March 30, aged 48.
STEVENSON—On April 17, at Deelfontein, of enteric fever, William M. Stevenson, of Stevenson Brothers, Golden Lion Hotel, Stirling, aged 31 years.
THOMAS—On April 20, killed in action at Oliver’s Farm, near Ficksburg, Charles Oswald Morgan, 1st Battalion Imperial Yeomanry, second son of Charles Carey Thomas, Penarth, aged 23.
TRICKETT—On April 3, at Addington Hospital, Durban, of enteric fever, Noel Trickett, aged 44, third son of the late Samuel Trickett, of Millwall and Upper Clapton.
VINES, C. G., Kimberley, March 28, aged 31.
VAVASSEUR—On April 29, at Knockholt, Helen, wife of James Vavasseur, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Robert Moffat, of Kuruman.
WOOD, W., Maritzburg, March 25, aged 79.

Miscellaneous Articles on the same page:


Mr. Linfield, a missionary in Tongaland, connected with the South African General Mission, has succumbed to injuries received from a crocodile. He was on his way to Durban to be married. He was crossing the St. Lucia Lake, when he was attacked by a crocodile, from which he just succeeded in freeing himself and reaching land. Both his hands were torn off, and he had a terrible wound in his left side, extending from the abdomen to the knee. In this condition he lay undiscovered until noon next day, and died before he could be moved.

Mr. George Wyndham, Chief Secretary for Ireland, speaking at Brighton recently, said they had in South Africa what they must still call a war, and he could only hope that they might be able to cease calling it a war at no distant date. The recent ceremony at St. Paul’s recalled to his mind a conversation he had with Mr. Rhodes on a certain October morning on the very granite crag which now held him dead. Mr. Rhodes had reclined, lost in thought, for some 30 or 40 minutes, when suddenly he saw a point of light flashing in the valley below. It was after he had made his peace with the Matabele. “They say I have not made peace,” Mr. Rhodes remarked, “but that point of light is caused by the Matabele hoeing his corn again.” Mr. Rhodes was transported with boyish delight that war was over.

10 May 1902


BECK, Mrs. L., Claremont, April 5, a son.
BROWNE, Mrs. C., Malmesbury, Cape Colony, April 5, a daughter.
CARROLL, Mrs. J. A., Mouille Point, April 5, a daughter.
GRIFFITHS, Mrs. E. J., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, April 4, a son.
GROGAN—On May 3, at 6, Embankment Gardens, Chelsea, the wife of Ewart Scott Grogan, of a daughter.
HAY, Mrs. A. M., Durban, April 6, a daughter.
JAMES, Mrs. G. H., Maritzburg, April 5, a son.
JOHNSTONE, Mrs. W. F., Durban, April 8, a son.
LEROUX, Mrs. J. J., Tarkastad, April 5, a daughter.
LIPSCHITZ, Mrs. B., Cape Town, April 6, a son.
LUBBE, Mrs. A., Cape Town, April 5, a son.
MASON, Mrs. D., Wynberg, April 3, a son.
OLDFIELD, Mrs. A. J., Cape Town, April 6, a daughter.
SHAER, Mrs. W., Sea Point, April 4, a daughter.
STAFFORD, Mrs. A., Durban, April 5, a daughter.
WILLEMBURG, Mrs. W. G., Cape Town, April 7, a son.
WOODIWISS, Mrs. A., Maritzburg, April 8, a son.
WORTREICH, Mrs. H., Woodstock, Cape Colony, April 6, a daughter.


APPLEBY, W.—TEAGUE E. B., Durban, March 31.
CLEMMANS, E. H.—JENKYN, C. C., Durban, April 3.
D’GRATTAN, R. V. A.—HARRIS, B. M. M., Cape Town, April 10.
FIELD—WILLIAMS—On April 23, at Richmond, Natal, Arthur Burton, eldest son of Arthur and Maria Field, late of Shenley, Streatham, to Chris, daughter of C. Williams, of Duxbury, Richmond, Natal.
FRASER, W.—MORLEY, A., Cape Town, April 2.
HARDY, G. G.—FLETCHER, M. S., Maritzburg, April 2.
HOGG—MCHENDRIE—On April 4, at Caldedonian Square Church, Cape Town, by the Rev. Dr. Moffat, assisted by the Rev. J. Willoughby, Walter Hogg (late of Selkirk), missionary, Zambesi, to Agnes Helen, youngest daughter of William McHendrie, coal merchant, Edinburgh.
HUTTON—MCCLURE—On April 24, at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Maritzburg, by Rev. A. S. Macphee, B. D., William, second son of Alexander Hutton, Armadale, N.B., to Maggie, second daughter of the late David McClure, Cloughogle, co. Tyrone, Ireland.
IRELAND—ALLAN—On April 30, at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cape Town, William H. Ireland, of Port Elizabeth, eldest son of John Ireland, Glasgow, to Nellie, second daughter of E. Allan, 48, Grafton Street, Glasgow.
KEITH—CHEESEMAN—On April 9, at Haversham Church, by the Rev. Canon Gilbert, John C. Keith, late of Aberdeen, Cape Colony, to Annie Isabell Cheeseman, Sizergh Cottage, Kendal.
MCLEOD, G. A.—BUNYAN, E., Maritzburg, April 6.
RIED F.S.—BORCHERDS, B., Swellendam, April 3.
STIEBEL—TROTTER—On March 30, at Yarrow, Woodside, Natal, by Rev. Canon Burgess, Stanley Stiebel, to Elizabeth Grace, elder daughter of John Trotter.
THORPE, A. J.—FEARNE, J. M., Claremont, April 2.
WROUGHTON—LLOYD—On April 30, at All Saints’, Leamington, by the Rev. P. A. H. Birley, Lewis, third son of the late Major-General Robert Chardin Wroughton, H.E.I.C.S., to Frances Charlotte, third daughter of the late Major-General Banastre P. Lloyd, H.M., I.S.C., and of Mrs. Lloyd, Netherby, Holly Walk, Leamington. (Natal papers please copy.)


BOLTON—On April 28, in South Africa, John Usherwood Bolton, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., of 12, The Crescent, Scarborough, only son of the late Rev. John Bolton, Rector of Swyre, Bridport, Dorset.
BORCHARDT, C. F. F., Stellenbosch, April 2, aged 60.
CAMPBELL—On March 19, at Pretoria, of enteric fever, Dr. Allan J. Campbell, aged 29, surgeon in charge Military Hospital, Harrismith, eldest son of the late Hon. Dr. Allan Campbell, of Adelaide, South Australia, formerly of Glasgow.
CARTER, H., Cape Town, April 8, aged 76.
CLOETE, J. G., D’Urban Road, Cape Colony, April 10, aged 74.
COOK—On April 1, at Brandfort, Orange River Colony, James Harold Cook, late Acting Resident Magistrate and J.P., of Ficksburg, formerly of Cromer, and 7, Mark Lane, London, Solicitor and Vestry Clerk of Christchurch, Spitalfields, son of the late James William Cook, Solicitor and Vestry Clerk of the same parish, aged 38.
DAWES—On March 29, suddenly, at Winburg, O.R.C., Samuel A. Dawes (Mitchell and Co.), son of F. A. Dawes, Clevedon, England.
DE GRUFF, P., Malmesbury, Cape Colony, April 7, aged 85.
DICK—On April 4, at Dundee, Natal, of dysentery, Matthew Park Dick, youngest son of Robert Dick, late of Waterside.
FAIR—On April 29, at Potchefstroom, Charles E. Fair, South African Constabulary, youngest son of James Fair, 11, King’s Gardens, Hove, Sussex.
GRAY—On April 26, at Duddingston, John, aged 32, only son of J. H. N. Gray, Port Elizabeth.
HAY—On April 14, at Potchefstroom, of enteric fever, Douglas Hay, South African Constabulary, only son of Surgeon-General Hay, P.M.O., Madras command, aged 21 years.
INGLIS—On May 4, at Mowbray, Cape Colony, William Reid, only son of John Inglis, 10, Upper Phillimore Gardens, Kensington.
LANG—On March 31, at Waterval Onder, Eastern Transvaal, of intermittent fever, James, second son of James Lang, 9, Finnart Terrace, Greenock.
LA PLACE, C. S., Muizenberg, April 7, aged 83.
MACKENZIE—At Wynberg, Lieutenant Stewart M. Mackenzie, Driscoll’s Scouts, eldest son of the late Murdoch Mackenzie and Mrs. Mackenzie, Castle Gordon, Musselburgh.
OGILVIE—On April 27, suddenly, at Cradock, Evelyn Stanley Collins, wife of John C. Ogilvie, Bank of Africa, Limited, Cradock.
OLLIVER—On April 28, at Wynberg Hospital, Captain Alwyne Olliver, D.S.O., South African Constabulary, son of the late George Olliver, of Kingston House, Sussex, of pleurisy following on enteric fever.
SPIERS—On May 5, at Uitenhage, Henry Spiers, aged 47.
TURNBULL, A., Maritzburg, April 5, aged 62.
WALKER, E. C., Rondebosch, April 7, aged 36.
WEATHERHEAD, E. G., Newlands, Cape Colony, April 6, aged 53.
WILKES, B. J., Durban, March 29, aged 60.
WILSON—On December 21, 1901, at Smutzoon, Transvaal,  reported wounded and missing, now reported died of wounds, in hands of Boers, Armourer-Sergeant W. S. Wilson, 2nd Scottish Horse, and late C.I.V., second son of the late George Wilson, publisher, Edinburgh, and of Mrs. Wilson, 20, Millerfield Place, Edinburgh.

Miscellaneous Articles on the same page:

A fatal accident has occurred on the railway line at Touws River, by which a man named Carl du Toit met with a fearful death. He was repairing a stop-block on the branch line, when some trucks were shunted, pinning him between the buffer of the truck and the stop-block. The impact was so great that the body was almost cut in two.

At a meeting of the male parishioners of St. George’s Cathedral, Cape Town, the Dean nominated as his churchwarden Mr. O. D. Douallier. Mr. E. K. Harcombe was elected people’s churchwarden. The congregation then elected ten sidesmen, viz: Messrs. I. Klerck, A. Traviss, H. Traviss, Attwell, Dr. St. Leger, Dr. Cox, E. von Witt, A. H. Kingsley, J. Curtiss, and J. Lindsay.

At the annual meeting of the South African Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society held in the hall of the Y.M.C.A., Cape Town, the Dean of Cape Town presiding, the report of the Rev. L. Nuttal, General Secretary, showed that good progress had been made. The report recorded the circulation of many thousands of copies of the Scriptures in Kafir, Sechuana, Sesuto and Zulu. During the war, despite immense difficulties, the circulation had greatly increased. The total distribution for 1901 amounted to 49,417 copies.

Arthur Theodore Pugsley, a trooper in the S.A.C., pleaded guilty at Durban to three charges of having obtained money and goods under false pretences. Accused represented to Harvey, Greenacre and Co. that he was Lieutenant Harris, and obtained goods valued at £3 11s. 9d. He also got £8 from a man named Dickson, and another sum of money from another man. Accused stated that he had not been well treated in the S.A.C., and deserted. Having no money, he committed the acts charged against him. An officer, who appeared on behalf of the Commandant, said it was the intention of the military authorities to proceed against the accused for desertion and for forging a permit. Sentence of six months was imposed by the Magistrate.


(Visitors to the Old Country are informed that these Announcements are inserted for a few weeks gratuitously for the general convenience. Intimations of arrival should be promptly forwarded to the Editor.)

ACUTT, Mr. and Mrs. R. N., 109, Oakwood Court, Kensington, W.
ALSTON, Thomas S., 13, Chalmers Crescent, Edinburgh.
BARNES, R. S. W., 1, Grosvenor Rd., Claughton, Birkenhead.
BENSON, Mrs. W. J., Tate’s Hotel, Promenade, Cheltenham.
BERNHARD, Mr. and Mrs. A., c/o Natal Bank.
BEST, W. T., Hill Cote, Freham, Hants.
BINNS, Lady, 37, Queen’s Gate Gardens, S.W.
BLAINE, B. W., 42, Campden House Court, W.
BRODIE, R., 3, Doune Gardens, Kelvinside, Glasgow.
BROOME, H. Arthur, Royal Colonial Institute.
BURMESTER, Mr. and Mrs. W. E., 35, Nevern Sq., S.W.
CARR, Mr. and Mrs. M., Palace Hotel, Nice.
CARSON, E. Hope, 45, Fairholme Road, West Kensington.
CLARKE, C. E., c/o E. Chester and Co., 120, Bishopsgate St.
COCHRANE, Mr., Mrs. and Miss, Waverley, Court Road, Tunbridge Wells.
COMPTON, G. W., 4, Cleveland Koad, Ealing, W.
COX, W. E., 61, Acre Lane, Brixton, S.W.
DREW, F. W., c/o Natal Bank.
FAIRBRIDGE, Mrs. and Miss, Hotel Windsor.
FLETCHER, Gordon, Portland Hotel, Gt. Portland St., W.
GAU, Mrs. 229, Rue de Faubourg St., Honore, Paris.
GERHARDI, Geo., 10a, Callinstrasse Porterre, Hanover.
GETHIN, Mrs., 48, Albert Hall Mansions, W.
GREEN, Mrs. H. W. Owen, c/o Miss E. A. Powys Whynoot, Madeira Road, Bournemouth.
HALL, Hugh L., Musselburgh, Scotland.
HALL, Rev. Vine, Vine House, Hampstead.
HANNER, R. M., Southwold, Suffolk.
HARDY, B. F., Church Farm, Ovington, Watton, Norfolk.
HART, Mr. and Mrs. M., 109, Sutherland Avenue, W.
HENOCHSBERG, Julius J., 17/18, Basinghall St., E.C.
HENSHALL, T., Bonnington, Edgware.
HERTOG, Mr. and Mrs. C. E., Borthwick House, Boscombe Spa, Bournemouth.
HUGHES, Francis, c/o Standard Bank, Clement’s Lane.
JENKINS, A. Rogers, 85, London Wall.
KAYSER, Mrs. C. F., 35, Farquhar Road, Upper Norwood.
KEITH-FRASER, C. D., Hotel Russell.
KEMSLEY, James Senior, 15, Langham Street, W.
KESSLER, L., 56, Belsize Park Gardens, N.W.
KNOBEL, Dr. J. B., and Miss, c/o Standard Bank.
KOENIGSBERG, G., Schluterstrasse 56a, Hamburg.
LEESON, W. F., 34, Great St. Helens, E.C.
LLOYD, C., c/o Natal Bank.
LYLE, Alex., Royal Colonial Institute.
MACKEMLAN, Mrs. G., c/o African Banking Corporation, 43, Threadneedle Street, E.C.
MARKS, Mr. and Mrs. E., 11, Reddington Road, Frognal, Hampstead.
MCEVOY, W., The Avenue, St. Margaret’s-on-Thames.
MCIVOR, Mrs. J., c/o Bank of Africa.
MCKENZIE, Mrs. 11, Kensington Park Road.
MOLYNEUX, Mrs. Herbert, 11, Lansdowne St., Hove.
MULLER, Mr. and Mrs. J. G., 11, Montague Street, Russe Square, W.C.
PATTERSON, H. E., c/o African Banking Corporation.
PAYN, Mrs. P. F., c/o Standard Bank, 10, Clement’s Lane, E.C.
PLUMPTON, F., Bury St. Edmunds.
REID, Arthur H., c/o Lennon, Ltd., 75, Leadenhall St.
ROGERS, Mr. and Mrs. H. P., c/o Bank of Africa.
SCHLESINGER, F. G., c/o Rhodesia Limited, Winchester House, E.C.
SCHMIDT, Henry, 3, Kent Road, New Swindon, Wilts.
SHELDON, Miss, 11, Kensington Park Road.
SHIPPEY, F., c/o Standard Bank, London.
SIMMONS, Joseph, 12, Brondesbury Villas, Kilburn, N.W.
SNELL, E., 37, Queen’s Gate Gardens, S.W.
STRAPP, Miss A. A., Henley House, Surbiton.
STREET, A. Kinross, Cannon Street Hotel, E.C.
TAGGART, James, of Kimberley, 52, Queen Victoria St.
TUCKEY, Rev. J. and Mrs., Hotel Russell.
WADE, H., 3, St. Ann’s Road, Harrow-on-Hill.
WEBB, Capt. Clem D., I.L.H., Royal Colonial Institute.
WOOD, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leigh, 22, Grosvenor Street, W.
WOODHOUSE, Alf., Portmore, Merton Road, Bedford.
WRIGHT, Mrs. O. D., c/o African Banking Corporation

17 May 1902


CASTELLAIN—On May 14, at 59, Pulteney Street, Bath, the wife of Louis Castellain, Lieutenant South African Constabulary, of a daughter.
DU PLESSIS, Mrs. N., Paarl, April 11, a son.
ELLIOTT, Mrs. J., Green Point, April 13, a son.
GRAY—On April 9, at Port Elizabeth, the wife of William Menzies Gray (of Pretoria), of a daughter.
HAFFENDEN, Mrs. F., Sea Point, April 12, a daughter.
JONES, Mrs. H. P., Claremont, April 6, a daughter.
KING, Mrs. F. G., Durban, April 11, a son.
PRICE, Mrs. H. B., Johannesburg, April 10, a daughter.
ROBBINS, Mrs. W., Durban, April 15, a son.
SMITH, Mrs. E. J., Durban, April 14, a son.
STOKES—On April 16, at “The Yuccas,” Kimberley, South Africa, the wife of Stephen Stokes, of a daughter.
WILLMENT, Mrs. J. F., Durban, April 9, a son.
WYLIE—On May 6, at Salisbury, Rhodesia, the wife of Richard J. Wylie, M.D., a son.


ASKHAM, E. J.—HOLMAN, E. H. M., Pinetown, Natal, April 7.
BULKLEY, A. K. T.—ANDREWS, E., Durban, April 16.
CUNNINGHAM, J. W.—HEATON, I., Durban, April 16.
ELSON, J.—CAIRNCROSS, H., Cape Town, April 5.
FRYER—NICHOLAS—On April 10, at St. Thomas’s Church, Durban, Surgeon Harold Edgar Fryer, R.N., of H.M.S. Partridge, third son of Christopher Fryer, of “Elmtree,” Royston Park, Pinner, to Vera, elder daughter of W. H. Nicholas, B.A., Head Master of Durban High School.
FYFE, W. A.—JEFFREYS, K., Durban, April 9.
HULBERT, R. W.—MAY, R. E., Durban, April 10.
MURRAY, J.—SHAND, M. J., Durban, April 8.
O’HARA—CARMICHAEL—On April 2, at the Garrison Church, Fort Napier, Maritzburg, Captain O’Hara, A.P.D., late of Queen’s Bays, eldest son of Lieutenant Colonel O’Hara, of Lenaboy, Co. Galway, Ireland, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Advocate Wm. Chalmers Carmichael, of Maritzburg.
REID—STEP—On May 6, at Edinburgh, by the Rev. James Stevenson, N. Leith U. F. Church, William J. A. Reid, head teacher, Refugee Camps, South Africa, to Eliza W. Step, eldest daughter of Martin B. Step and Mrs. Step, 2, Chancelot Terrace, Edinburgh.
SANDERSON—CORLYON—On April 4, at Johannesburg, Veterinary-Major C. I. Sanderson, South African Constabulary, to Ina, only daughter of the late Captain Corlyon, Liverpool, and Mrs. Corlyon, Kerrsland, Shawlands, Glasgow.
SMITH, G. J.—VOGES, M. J. D., Cape Town, April 7.


BARKER, G., Mowbray, Cape Colony, April 8, aged 53.
BOE—On April 10, at Cape Town, on his way home, John A. Boe, chemist, Natal, aged 41, youngest son of the late Rev. James Boe, Dunblane.
BREBNER—On April 28, at the Hospital, Middleburg, Transvaal, Louisa Duff Brebner, daughter of the Rev. James Brebner, Forgue.
CRAWFORD—On April 10, at Elandsfontein, William Cousine Crawford, 3rd R.P. Regiment, second son of Mrs. Crawford, Sherwood, Bridge of Allan.
DELANGE, Mrs., Maritzburg, April 11, aged 61.
FENNING, J. D., Cape Town, April 8, aged 27.
GRAY, J., Dundee, Natal, April 12, aged 52.
HAYWARD, H. D., Simon’s Town, April 8, aged 20.
HESSE, J. P., Stellenbosch, April 8, aged 76.
JONATHAN, H. S., Somerset West Strand, Cape Colony, April 5, aged 63.
MEIKLE—On May 1, Alexander Meikle, 35, Croftdown Road, Highgate, accidentally killed on railway between Rue and Abbeville, France. Interred at Hampstead Cemetery 7th inst. Age 46. Deeply mourned.
STEVENS, H. F., Three Anchor Bay, Cape Town, April 6, aged 40.
WATSON—On May 7, at Charlestown, South Africa, of enteric fever, George Knight Watson, 19th Company Imperial Yeomanry, in his 21st year, second son of George Watson, 5, Viewforth Terrace, Edinburgh.
WOODCOCK—On May 7, at Kingwilliamstown, Janet, wife of James B. Woodcock, Dale College, and daughter of the late Rev. D. Bonallo, Blackford.

Miscellaneous Article on same page:



All persons having claims upon the estate of the late Right Honorable Cecil John Rhodes are requested to forthwith send particulars of their Claims to Messrs. Hollams Sons Coward & Hawksley, Solicitors
30 Mincing Lane London

24 May 1902


DAVIS—On April 14, at Morningside, Maritzburg, the wife of P. Davis, of a daughter.
DYER, Mrs. E. P., Durban, April 23, a son.
MULLER, Mrs. H., Cape Town, April 16, a daughter.
RODGERS, Mrs. R., Maritzburg, April 14, a daughter.
SMITH, Mrs. S., Maritzburg, April 23, a son.
STOCKWELL—On May 11, at Aliwal North, the wife of Captain G. C. Stockwell, H.L.I., of a son.
WOODHOUSE, Mrs. E., Johannesburg, April 9, a daughter.


AUSTIN-PURCELL, J.—SUTHERLAND, B. A., Standerton, April 15.
BIRD, E. M.—TURNBULL, A. M. B., Maritzburg, April 16.
BRUSTMEYER, V.—KREBSER, I. R., Somerset West Strand, Cape Colony, April 14.
BUTCHER, B. N.—MALTBY, F. C., Durban, April 19.
BURDON—SHAW—On April 16, at Shawswood, Woodside, Natal, by the Rev. Canon Burges, Peter Imrie, eldest surviving son of the Rev. J. A. Burdon, Lasswade, to Caroline, elder daughter of Walter T. Shaw, of Shawswood, Natal.
FISHER, T.—ABRAHAMS, J., Paarl, April 15.
FORBES, A.—FLEMMER, H., Cradock, April 16.
FORBES—TREADWELL—On April 16, at St. James’ Church, Sea Point, by the Rev. J. Deacon, John Forbes, M.D. (Edin.), Cradock, to Jesse Frances, youngest daughter of the late S. Treadwell, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), Worcester, Cape Colony.
GARBUTT, H.—LINCOLN, B., Durban, April 17.
GUERIN—CLARK—On May 15, at St. Mary’s Church, Westminster, Thomas Austin Guerin, Barrister-at-Law, only son of the late John Guerin, J.P., of Eden Hill, Mallow, Co. Cork, to Anna, widow of the late Lewis Trelawny Clark, Captain 21st Regiment.
KINGSMILL, A.—BARRY, C., Cape Town, April 24.
MCCORMICK, W.—KERR, J. F., Durban, April 17.
MOORE—STIRLING—On May 14, at the Berea Presbyterian Church, Durban, by the Rev. A. S. MacPhee, B.D., assisted by the Rev. E. K. Hotchkiss, Bellair Congregational Church, William Alexander Moore, son of the late W. P. Moore, Glasgow, to Elizabeth (Bessie), daughter of John Stirling, Linwood, Darvel.
PLACK, O.—MCKAY, A., Cape Town, April 14.
PLUMBE, H.—VAN HAGHT, H. M. E., Salt River, Cape Town, April 21.
WRIGHT, J. R. M.—BALL, N. A., Rondebosch, April 23.


BERGH, Mrs. H. A. G., Kalk Bay, April 16, aged 36.
BEVERIDGE—On May 13, at Portland Cottage, Hurlford, N.B., Mary Landale, widow of George Beveridge, Kimberley, South Africa.
BLACKHURST, E., Durban, April 17, aged 63.
BROOKE—At Umtali, of blackwater fever, James Sleeman Brooke, B.S.A. Police, aged 27, youngest son of Colonel T. H. Barstow Brooke, of 26, Norland Square, London, W.
CAMPBELL—On May 5, killed in the accident to No. 15 armoured train, at Daspoort, near Pretoria, Lieutenant James Colin Campbell, Cape Garrison Artillery, elder son of Colonel Alexander Campbell, late Royal Artillery, and grandson of Sir James Campbell, Bart, of Kilbryde Castle, Perthshire, aged 26.
CLOUSTON—On April 9, at Ficksburg, Charles Traill Clouston, only son of the late Charles Stewart Clouston, M.D., and of Mrs. Clouston, 4, Kinburn Place, St. Andrews, aged 23 years.
CUTHBERTSON—On April 16, at Kimberley, William Cuthbertson, eldest son of the late James Cuthbertson, Leith.
DORAN—At the Officers’ Military Hospital, Carnarvon, Cape Colony, Nursing Sister Georgina Doran (Gena), eldest daughter of General Sir John Doran, K.C.B., and Lady Doran, Ely House, Wexford.
GIBSON—On May 15, at Memorial Hospital, Bulawayo, J. Morton Gibson, elder son of William Gibson, M.D., Kirkland, Campbeltown.
GREEN—On May 16, at Delagoa Bay, in the service of the Eastern Telegraph Company, Limited, of fever, Percy Frederick Green, of Brixton, aged 27.
MACKILLICAN, J., Durban, April 17, aged 76.
MELROSE—On April 15, at Whittlesea, near Queenstown, South Africa, John Middlemass Melrose, younger son of the late John Melrose, Peebles, aged 44 years.
PAISLEY, A., Claremont, Cape Colony, April 22, aged 51.
PARKINSON—On May 19, at Colesberg, of pneumonia, Herbert Stephen Parkinson, aged 44, late of 36, Sackville Street, London.
ROUX, J. M., Robertson, Cape Colony, April 19, aged 25.
SANDERCOMBE—On May 5, at Pietersburg, Samuel John, aged 25 years, son of the late James Sandercombe, So. Queensferry (enteric).
SCHEUBLE, R. C. E., Caledon, April 21, aged 89.
SEAVILL—On May 13, at 50, Leppoc Road, Clapham, Frederick Hughes Seavill, B.A., aged 62, eldest son of the late Rev. Thomas Seavill, of Swanage, Dorset.
SLIGHT—On May 10, at Potchefstroom (result of accident), Corporal David Slight, South African Constabulary, son of the late James Slight, House o’ Muir, and Mrs. Slight, Buccleuch Terrace, Edinburgh.
STODART—On April 17, at Jeppestown, Johannesburg, Archibald, eldest son of the late James Stodart and of Mrs. Stodart, Coulter, Lanarkshire, aged 35.

31 May 1902


ASPDEN, Mrs. W. H., Durban, April 21, a daughter.
BYRNE—On May 26, at the Sycamores, Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire, the wife of J. F. Byrne, a son.
GILBERT, Mrs. R. P., Durban, April 25, a son.
JANAWAY, Mrs. E., Durban, April 25, a son.
MACINTOSH—On April 26, at Silverton Road, Durban, the wife of George Bell MacIntosh, a son.
MCKENZIE—On May 21, at 17, Emmanuel Road, Balham, S.W., the wife of Alexa McKenzie, of a daughter.
MOCATTA—On May 25, at 67, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W., to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mocatta, a daughter.
PEARSON, Mrs. H. G., Durban, April 23, a daughter.
POWYS, Mrs. H. L., Durban, April 23, a son.
SYMES, Mrs. H., Durban, April 27, a son.
THOMAS, Mrs. W. G., Woodstock, Cape Colony, April 27, a son.
TRUTER, Mrs. P. J., Cape Town, April 30, a son.


BLAMEY, A. H. G.—NORTON, M. I., Greytown, Natal, April 23
CANEY, V. E.—FRANK, B., Durban, April 30.
HODSON, B.—VARLEY, T., Maritzburg, April 29.
JACKMAN, J. O’M.—MURRAY, M., Cape Town, April 16.
LEMMON, F.—CROSBY, G. L., Durban, April 29.
MCDONELL—PHELPS—On May 20, at the Cathedral, Cape Town, Captain W. F. McDonell, South African Constabulary, son of the late W. Fraser McDonell, V.C., Judge of the High Court, Calcutta, to Alice G. C. Phelps, only daughter of W. Phelps, J.P., of Chestal, Dursley.
MILLAR—ALLAN—On May 21, at Durban, Robert G. Millar, late Captain and Adjutant Johannesburg Mounted Rifles, to Mary, second daughter of James Allan, 167, Greenhead Street, Glasgow.
MUMMBRAUER, F.—THODE, A. S., Durban, April 25.
PAINE—ELLIS—On May 26, at Durban, Claude Heather Paine, of Vereeniging, fourth son of G. W. Paine, of Upper Norwood, to Edith Susan, third daughter of Edward Ellis, of Shadingfield Hall, Wangford.
PORTER, C.—CUMMINGS, S. E., Cape Town, April 28
SCOTT, A. N.—SWAIN, A. M., Durban, April 23.
SMITH, F. C.—LEITH, J. S., Pretoria, April 23
WOLHUTER, J. R. S.—POTGIETER, E., Maritzburg, April 29.


AHRENS, L. H., Hermannsburg, April 25, aged 49.
BENNETT, A., Cape Town, April 22, aged 67.
BENNETT, G. C. K., Wynberg, April 22, aged 52.
FLEMING, J., Maritzburg, April 20, aged 70.
HARVEY—On May 18, at Harrismith, Nellie, wife of Robert Harvey, formerly of Cove, Dumbartonshire.
HATTON—On May 21, at Charlestown, South Africa, in his 23rd year, Frederick, the eldest and dearly beloved son of Mary and Frederick Hatton, of 7, Flanders Mansions, Bedford Park, and late of 150, Strand London.
IRVINE—On April 5, at Johannesburg Hospital, James Irvine, engineer, formerly of Glasgow.
LAMPORT—On May 27, at Greenfield West Lancaster, Edward Parke Lamport, aged 82, of Durban, Natal.
PIGOT-MOODIE—On May 28, at 21, James Street Mansions, London, S.W., very suddenly, Edith Rose, younger daughter of the late George Pigot-Moodie, of Rondebosch, aged 16.
WILSON—On May 20, at sea, Alexander Wilson, of Ottery Road, Wynberg, Cape Colony.
WORSLEY—On May 23, at St. John’s Road, Watford, Francis Dudley Worsley, youngest son of the late Charles Worsley, of Upper Clapton and South Norwood

7 June 1902


ALBOROUGH, Mrs. G. N., Maritzburg, April 25, a daughter.
BUTLER, Mrs. W. H., Durbanville, May 6, a daughter.
CUMMINS, Mrs. F. W., Durban, April 28, a daughter.
DODS—On April 27, at Beaufort West, the wife of D. A. Dods, a son.
EDMONDS, Mrs. W. H., Durban, May 2, a daughter.
GRANT—On May 26, at Mount Frere, East Griqualand, the wife of Donald S. Grant, of a son.
HACK, Mrs. L., Durban, April 29, a daughter.
HIGGO, Mrs. W., Cape Town, May 8, a daughter.
JOHNSON—On May 31, the wife of I. L. Temple Johnson, of 8, Norbury Parade, Norbury, S.W., and Johannesburg, Transvaal, of a daughter.
KING, Mrs. J., Durban, May 7, a daughter.
KUYS, Mrs. F., Knysna, April 21, a daughter.
MACNAMARA—On May 30, at 18, Patrick’s Place, Cork, the wife of Lieut.-Colonel W. J. Macnamara, R.A.M.C., Pretoria, of a son.
MALHERBE, Mrs. J. T., Montagu, Cape Colony, May 5, twin daughters.
MCCANN, Mrs. J., Cape Town, May 6, a son.
MILLIKEN, Mrs. W. C., Wynberg, May 2, a son.
NOTT, Mrs. C. J., N’qutu, April 25, a daughter.
PINKHAM, Mrs. E. J., Simon’s Town, April 28, a son.
WALTER, Mrs. G., Durban, May 5, a son.
WASHINGTON—Mrs. W., Cape Town, April 30, a son.
WEEDON, Mrs. A. F., Jeppestown, April 30, a daughter.
WHITTAKER, Mrs. J. W., Durban, May 4, a son.
WILLIAMSON, Mrs. H. D., Durban, May 6, a son.
WOODMAN, Mrs. H. M., Touws River, May 2, a son.


BERKELEY-CALCOTT—RUNTON—On May 8, at St. Paul’s Church, Rondebosch, Cape Colony, by the Rev. A. J. Rendle, Frederick Septimus Berkeley-Calcott, District Engineer, Rhodesia Railways, Bulawayo, fourth son of the late G. W. Berkeley-Calcott, of Oundle, to Ethel, daughter of the late William Runton, of Hull, and of Mrs. Denton, Hillfield, Oundle, Northamptonshire, England.
BYARD, W. J.—RICE, E. F., Durban, May 10.
CLAYDEN, H. W.—AYRES, A. E., Cape Town, May 8.
GELL—GREIG—On May 28, at Maritzburg, by the Rev. John Gould Smith, First Presbyterian Church, Robert E. E. Gell, Newcastle, Natal, formerly of Naval Construction Works, Barrow, to Mary Henry, youngest daughter of the late John Greig, Head Offices, North British Railway, Edinburgh.
HORNE, C. E.—ATKINS, F. M., Salt River, Cape Colony, May 7.
INSKIPP—DUMAT—On the 3rd inst., at All Saints’, Blackheath, by the Rev. H. Welsford Snell, Vicar, Percy Sidney, second son of James Inskipp, of Camborne, Cornwall, to Julie, eldest daughter of Alfred Dumat, C.E., of Maritzburg, Natal.
KITCHEN, F. F.—GREEN, M., Weston, Natal, April 30.
MUIR—MILLAR—On April 30, at Dundee, Natal, by the Rev. J. T. Ireland, assisted by the Rev. A. S. Ravenscroft, William Nichol Muir, Inspector of Mines, Natal, to Agnes, second daughter of the late David Millar, Leven, Fife.
PENLERICK—CARSWELL—On May 27, at St. James’s Church, Cape Town, Sydney Penlerick, Boksburg, youngest son of Mr. Henry Penlerick, Southside, Gravesend, to Tibbie, fifth daughter of Councillor Morris Carswell, J.P., Murcia, Pollokshields.
WHITE, P. E. U.—WHITTLE, A., Diep River, May 5.


ANDERSON, H., Durban, April 28, aged 48.
BARKLA, S., Maritzburg, May 2, aged 30.
BROWN, J., Claremont, May 9, aged 76.
DE VILLIERS, J. S., Paarl, May 2, aged 75.
HOITSEMA, C. M. van B., Wynberg, May 8, aged 71.
MARTIN, G., Ixopo, April 24, aged 47.
MCLAUGHLIN, C. H., Cape Town, May 6, aged 45.
JACOBS, C. J. C., Cape Town, May 3, aged 57.
SHOTTER—On May 24, at Streatham Hill, Leslie, the dearly-loved and only son of Frederick B. Shotter, of the Standard Bank, Maritzburg, Natal.
STEVENSON—On May 2, at Cape Town, Andrew Guild, aged 41, youngest and only surviving son of the late David Stevenson, of Gilmerton and Auchterarder.
VERSAZIE, L., Cape Town, May 6, aged 28.
WILSON, A., Mowbray, Cape Colony, May 6, aged 23.

Miscellaneous articles on the same page:

Messrs. N. van den Berg and E. H. M. T. Baines have been appointed as Assistant Magistrates for the Witwatersrand district, Mr. G. H. Pomeroy Colley in the same capacity at Boksburg, and Mr. J. M. Malcolmson at Germiston.

His Excellency the Transvaal Administrator has appointed a Health Board for the town of Roodepoort-Maraisburg, and has directed that the Board shall consist of Captain R. A. Poore, Resident Magistrate for Krugersdorp (Chairman), Messrs. H. R. Skinner, J. Richardson, J. C. Groenwald, and C. H. Spencer. The Board will have jurisdiction over the townships and town lands of Roodepoort, Hamburg, Florida, Maraisburg, and over a large number of farms in the districts of the towns mentioned.

14 June 1902


ARMOUR, Mrs. R., St. Ronan’s, Sea Point, May 10, a son.
BINGHAM, Mrs. D., Durban, May 10, a daughter.
CARTER—On June 10, at the Deanery, Grahamstown, the wife of the Very Reverend F. E. Carter, of a son.
DE BEER, Mrs. Z. J., Woodstock, Cape Colony, May 13, a son.
FISHER, Mrs. J., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, May 10, a daughter.
FOSTER, Mrs. W. J., North Shepstone, May 10, a daughter.
FOWLER, Mrs. A., Maritzburg, May 7, a son.
FIFE, Mrs. A., Durban, May 14, a son.
GOLDMAN, Mrs. A., Durban, May 10, a daughter.
HAMILTON—On June 7, at 3, Collingwood Road, Observatory, Cape Colony, the wife of George W. Hamilton, a son.
HOFMEYR, Mrs. W., Sea Point, May 11, a daughter.
ISAACS, Mrs. H., Wellington, Cape Colony, May 7, a son.
MICHAU, Mrs. J. J., Rondebosch, May 14, a son.
PERRY, Mrs. J. F., Joannesburg, June 3, a son.
SIKKENS, Mrs. A. L., Cape Town, May 10, a daughter.
TOLSON, Mrs. A. S., Port Elizabeth, May 11, a daughter.
VERSFELD, Mrs. M., Salt River, May 10, a son.
WEIL—On June 9, at 24, Carlton House Terrace, Pall Mall, the wife of Julius Weil, M.L.A., of a daughter.
WILSON, Mrs. J. M., Kenilworth, Cape Peninsula, May 18, a son.


BLOOD—GOOD—On June 3, at Durban, William Findlater, son of Edward Neptune Blood, of Temple Gardens, Co. Dublin, to Mary Nina (Kitty), elder daughter of William Good, of 119, Elgin Avenue, London, late Resident Engineer, East Indian Railway, Bengal.
CAMPBELL—SETTLE—On May 10, at the Cathedral, Cape Town, by His Grace the Archbishop of Cape Town, assisted by the Very Rev. the Dean of Cape Town, and the Rev. E. Rendle, Rector of Rondebosch, Lilian Mary, younger daughter of Major-General Sir Henry Settle, K.C.B, D.S.O., to Victor Lindsey Arbuthnot Campbell, Lieutenant R.N., only surviving son of the late Captain Hugh Campbell, R.N.
ELLIOTT, R.—FOWLER, M. E., Durban, May 7.
ESCOMBE—STEPHENSON—On the 4th inst., at St. James’s Church, Grimsby, by the Rev. E. Bullock, Vicar, assisted by the Rev. H. F. Walker, William Escombe, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), third surviving son of the late Rowland Escombe, of Blackheath, and 3, East India Avenue, London, to Mildred Isabella, third daughter of G. S. Stephenson, M.D., of the Manor House, Grimsby.
JOHNSON, P. B.—PEARSON, J. M., Cape Town, May 12.
MARTHEZE, A. J. D.—COETZEE, N. W. J., Cape Town, May 5.
PENNY, J. E.—SUTHERLAND, B. M., Queenstown, Cape Colony, May 14.


DENHAM, J. K., Durban, May 11, aged 23.
DUBOIS—On May 16, at Kimberley, Frederick Edmund William, only son of Frederick Thomas Dubois, of Pancras Lane, London, and Teddington, aged 42.
FILEN, R., Alice, Cape Colony, May 2, aged 28.
JASPERS, E. J., Cape Town, May 13, aged 22.
MACINLAY—On June 4, at Kimberley, John Mackinlay, 19th Company Imperial Yeomanry (late of Portobello).
MARR—At Beira, on April 25, William, second son of Robert Marr, Harmony Place, North Berwick.
NEILSON—On June 1, at Elandsfontein, of enteric fever, Corporal J. F. Neilson, 2nd Scottish Horse, eldest son of Andrew Neilson, baker, Helensburgh.
NICHOLS, J., Cape Town, May 14, aged 58.
RODGERS—At Lorentz Villa, Jeppestown, Johannesburg, on May 2, after a short illness, Janet Hunter, beloved wife of Charles Rodgers, and third daughter of the late William Knox, Monkton, Ayrshire.
TOMKINS—On May 9, at Matjesfontein, of enteric, Daniel Tomkins, of 38, Rosendale Road, Dulwich, London, S.E., in his 51st year.
WALTON, J. T., Maritzburg, May 7, aged 20.
WOOLLARD, J. R., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, May 10, aged 29.

Miscellaneous article on the same page:

A correspondent who recently asked Mr. Chamberlain whether there was any foundation in a report that the Government intended granting State-aided passages to persons wishing to settle in South Africa, and, if so, whether British subjects only would be allowed to benefit, has received the following reply from Mr. F. Graham: “I am directed by Mr. Secretary Chamberlain to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of May 12, and to state in reply that no scheme for providing assisted passages to South Africa for intending settlers has yet been decided upon, but that Mr. Chamberlain does not, in any case, anticipate that assistance will be rendered to persons who are not British subjects.

21 June 1902


BAKER, Mrs. F., Maritzburg, May 13, a son.
DELL, Mrs. W., Cape Town, May 18, a daughter.
DENSEM, Mrs. R. N., Maritzburg, May 18, a son.
DICEY, Mrs. E. C., Hex River, May 16, a son.
DUNN, Mrs. J., Cape Town, May 21, a son.
EDMUNDS—On June 12, at The Oaks, Bluecliff, Cape Colony, the wife of Guy William Edmunds, of a daughter.
FRACK, Mrs. L., Salt River, Cape Colony, May 18, a daughter.
FRANKLIN, Mrs. A. G., Worcester, Cape Colony, May 21, a son.
KEITH, Mrs. J., Maritzburg, May 11, a son.
LANGERMAN, Mrs. J. W. S., Hereford, May 20, a daughter.
MACDOUGALL, Mrs. A., Lady Grey Bridge, Cape Colony, a daughter.
RALLING, Mrs. E. L., Cape Town, May 20, a daughter.
SNYMAN, Mrs. C. J., Fishoek, May 21, a son.
STEVENS, Mrs. H., Kalk Bay, May 14, a son.
TOLSON—On May 11, at Port Elizabeth, the wife of Alfred S. Tolson, of a daughter.
TRELOAR, Mrs. W. H., Cape Town, May 18, a son.
VOIGT, Mrs. A., Lady Grey Bridge, Cape Colony, a daughter.


BIGGS, L. B.—MANSERGH, H. E. F., Cape Town, May 16.
CHARLESWORTH, H. F.—FORD, M. E., Maritzburg, May 21.
CROSS—WESTRAY—On May 19, at St. Luke’s Church, Howick, Natal, by the Rev. Canon Burges, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Methley, Herbert Woodrow Cross, of Nottingham Road, Natal, eldest son of J. Woodrow Cross, 15, Sussex Place, Regent’s Park, London, to Grace, daughter of George Westray, Howick Grange, Natal.
JEFFERSON, A.—BRITTAIN, A. E., Woodstock, Cape Colony, May 21.
MCDONELL, Captain W. F.—PHELPS, A. G. C., Cape Town, May 20.
MCDOUALL—PENNINGTON—On June 10, at the Parish Church, Frimley, Surrey, by the Rev. A. J. Townsend, Chaplain to the Forces, Captain Robert McDouall, D.S.O., the Buffs (South African Constabulary), son of the late John McDouall, banker, of Stranraer and Hong-Hong, to Mabel Constance, daughter of General C. R. Pennington, C.B., of Heathstock, Camberley.
MOLDENHAUER, F. R.—BUYSKES, E. A., Cape Town, May 17.
MURRAY—HERBST—On May 12, at the Congregational Church, Johannesburg, by the Rev. J. C. Harris, David Murray, Superintendent Burgher Camp, Belfast, Transvaal, to Nurse Christine S. Herbst, late of Glasgow.
RYAN, E.—DAVIDSE, E., Stellenbosch, May 14.


CAMPBELL, R. M., Cape Town, aged 45.
FOSTER, M., Rosebank, Cape Peninsula, May 19, aged 17.
HASTINGS—On May 31, at Gwelo, of fever, Horace William Hastings, the youngest son of W. W. Hastings and Edith E. Hastings, of 54, Fulham Road, London, aged 20 years.
LADDS, H. J., Maritzburg, May 3, aged 29.
LYONS—On June 2, at sea, on board Union-Castle liner Saxon, Emma Frances, daughter of the late Colonel E. W. Lyons.
MANLEY—On May 4, at Cape Town, of syncope, John Wills Manley, late Sergeant Border Scouts, and Brabant’s Horse, eldest son of the late Rev. John Jackson Manley, M.A., and Mrs. Manley, of 9, St. Albans Avenue, Bedford Park, London.
MASON, S. E., Wynberg, May 19, aged 29.
MAUND—On June 10, suddenly, from heart disease, at Pisa, on his way home from Italy, John Oaxley Maund, of Briggins Park and Curzon Street, London, aged 56.
PATERSON—On June 8, at Grahamstown, suddenly, Grace, daughter of the late William Paterson, Coatbridge, Scotland.
RAYNER, F., Simons Town, May 20, aged 75.
SCOTT—On June 15, at 29, Nevern Square, London, S.W., Daniel Burton Scott, formerly of Maritzburg, aged 77 years.
STREENHOWER, J., Cape Town, May 21, aged 74.
STRACHAN—On June 8, at Deelfontein, of enteric fever, Robert Blackley (“Dick”) Strachan, youngest and only surviving son of the late John Strachan, 4, Bernard Terrace, Edinburgh.

Miscellaneous articles on the same page:

At the public Coronation celebration at Durban, the service prepared by the Archbishop of Cape Town will be conducted by the Mayor’s Chaplain, the Rev. George Weeks, and the Coronation anthem will be sung by a combined choir.


Writing from Rome on May 19 our correspondent stated that the Right Rev. Dr. Matthew Gaughren had been selected to succeed his brother as Roman Catholic Bishop of Kimberley. The reverend gentleman entered upon his probationary career at Inchicore in 1860. After a somewhat brief scholastic course in a French seminary he engaged in missionary work in Glasgow, subsequently serving in Liverpool and London. In 1876 he was appointed to the management of the Glencrie Reformatory School, but after two years work in this position he again plunged into missionary work taking America as his field of labour. In 1890 he became Provincial of the Oblates, and it was in this position that he, in 1894, visited Australia and established a house of the Order there. Five years ago he was placed at the head of the Oblates in Leith, and now relinquishes this position to take up the work in connection with the See to which he has been called.

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