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The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1871 2 July - December

Thursday, 6 July, 1871

BIRTH at Smithfield, on June 23rd, the beloved wife of the Revd. J.H. CLOETE, of a son. Bethulie, July 1871.

Thursday, 13 July, 1871

Landed Property
The undersigned will cause to be sold by public auction at Bloemfontein, on Saturday, 29th July next, the landed property belonging to the insolvent estate of late J.G.W. BILLERBECK:-
1.) The farm Dirksburg, No. 568, district, in extent, according to Sketch, 1932 morgen, well-adapted for agricultural purposes
2.) The farm Rappardsvlakte, no 554, district Winburg, in extent, according to Sketch, 1837 morgen, well-supplied with wood, and adapted for agricultural purposes.
3.) The undivided half of the farm Billerbeckshoek, no 555, district Winburg, the whole of it in extent over 1900 morgen.

Thursday, 20 July, 1871

BIRTH at Hope Town, on the 5th July, 1871, Mrs. A.P.J. van der POEL, of Bloemfontein, of a daughter.

Thursday, 27 July, 1871

We regret to have to record the death of Mr. John MacLachlan MACLURE, which sad event occurred here on the 21st inst. The deceased gentleman, a native of London, was a Civil Engineer by profession, had spent the last years of his life in Britian, and came here with greatly impaired health about 2 years since, alas! too late for our unrivalled climate to do more than prolong his life, shall we say sufferings. The late Mr. MACLURE has a devoted and sorrowing widow in a strange land, one who followed him from home to India, from thence to this, watching over and nursing him, night and day, most assiduously to the end. She has, as she derives, our sincerest sympathy.

In den insolventen boedel van Hans Jacob GROENEWALD. De ondergeteekende maakt mits deze bekend dat hy behoorlyk gekozen en geconfirmeerd is als eenige curator in bovengemelde boedel in dat de heer meester der insolvente boedel kamer, de 3de byeenkomst der crediteuren bepaald heft, gehoden te worden ten kantore van der landdrost, te Harrismith, op Vrydag, den 15den September e.k., ten 10ure des voormiddags, ten einde schulden tegen den gemelden boedel te bewyzen, rapport van den curator te ontvangen, te beslissen welk huisraad aan den insolvent zal toegestaan worden, en instructen te geven betrekkelyk het beheer en boedels aan den curator. Alle personen, die iets verschuldigd zyn aan bovengemelden boedel, worden verzocht het verschuldigde zonder verzuim ten kantore van den ondergeteekende te voldoen.
De eenige curator, Robert MacFARLANE.
Harrismith, 17th July, 1871

DIED at Bloemfontein, on Friday the 21st instant, at his residence No, 1 Fountain Street, John M, MacLURE, of London, Civil Engineer

DIED at Bloemfontein on the 21st July, 1871 of inflammation of the lungs, Mr. James CURRIE, a native of Scotland, aged 40years.

DIED of pleurisy, at Dutoitspan, Diamond-fields, on the 11 July, 1871, in his 28th year, James Thomas WYLDE, second son of the late Edward Frederick WYLDE, Esq., deeply regretted. The friends of the late Mr. WYLDE, tender their sincerest thanks to the many kind friends who attended him during his short illness. Jacobsdal, 18 July,1871

DIED at Sand River, on the 3rd of July, Mr. John HISCOCK, native of London, aged 39 years and 8 months, deeply lamented by his widow and 4 young children

MARRIED on the 18th July, by the Rev. Mr. POSSELT, at the residence of Dr. SCHULZ, Durban, Natal, Emil WULFF, Esq. of Sand River, O.F.S. to Miss Alwine RASCH, of Hamburg, Germany – No Cards.

MARRIED at Cronstadt, on the 29th June, by special licence, by the Rev. H. van der MERWE, Mr. Pieter Jeremias BLIGNAUT, Landdrost of Cronstadt, eldest son of Mr. J.J. BLIGNAUT, of Wellington, Cape Colony, to Caroline ERSKINE, Pietermaritzburg, Natal.

BIRTH at Jacobsdal, on the 30th June, Mrs. James SKIRVING, of a son

Thursday, 03 August, 1871

BIRTH at Harrismith, on the 22nd July, 1871, Mrs. W.H. CANISIUS, of a daughter

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 29th July, Mrs. Louis RASCHER, of a daughter.

MARRIED at Grahamstown, on the 20th July, 1871, by the Revd. R. LAMPLOUGH, George D. PAGE, eldest son of George PAGE, Esq., of Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, to Emma Ellen, daughter of B. ATWELL, Esq., of Grahamstown – no cards

MARRIED on the 2nd inst., at Wesley Chapel, Bloemfontein, by the Rev. James SCOTT, George, eldest son of the late George REELER, Esq., of Cape Town, to Bertha, youngest daughter of Carl de Jongh BLOEM, Esq., Treasurer-General, Orange Free State – No Cards

Mr. Cornelius Johannes Frederick de PLOOY, one of the oldest burghers of the district of Winburg, and one of the foremost of those who took over the Government of the country from Sir George CLERK, and sign the convention of 23rd February, 1854, died on his farm in the ward Middle Sand-river in the district of Winburg, on 19th July last, Mr. du PLOOY had just attained his 63rd year.

Thursday, 10 August, 1871

BIRTH at Harrismith, on 31st July, 1871 Mrs. Robert MacFARLANE, of a daughter

BIRTH at Bloemfontein on the 9th inst., the wife of Dr. B.O. KELLNER, of a daughter

In the insolvent estate of S.W. GREEN the following movable and immovable property will be sold by public action on Monday, 2nd October next, in front of Mr. GREEN’s house a 12 o’clock precisely:-
1. A quantity of household furniture
2. Ervan Nos. 15 & 16 Douglas street, with this dwelling house and outbuildings thereon, lately the residence of Mr. GREEN. It contains 7 rooms and a kitchen; there is also an outside room, stable storeroom &c., and a large kraal. There is a large garden planted with the choicest fruit trees. The whole premises enclosed with a good stone wall.
3. The farm Klipkraal, No. 529,Kroonstad district, ward lower Rhenoster-river, containing 2130 morgen 272 roods, as per survey of Mr. Surveyor J.C FLECK. This is a splendid farm, well supplied with water, containing pans, and the greater portion of a large “Inlandsche Zee”
Diamonds have actually been found on this farm, one of which sold for £60. It is surrounded by the farms Klipstapel, Cradock, Schletkop, and Inlandsche Zee
4. The Farm Middenpan, No. 42, district Boshof, surveyed by Mr. STEGMANN, Govenor-Surveyor, and containing 2107 morgen, 123 roods. This fine farm is in the neighbourhood of Mr. JORDAN’s farms, on the Modder-river, and is surrounded by the farms Rietpan, Biesebult, Welgeluk and Kalkfontein.,
5. The farm Loydesdraai, no 652, district Harrismith, ward Klip-river, estimated to be 2000 morgen in extent, is well supplied with water, being bounded by the Wilge and Cornelis Rivers – in only 5 hours from the town of Harrismith.
6.. The farm Broshoek, no.655, district Harrismith, ward Klipriver, estimated to be 1500 morgen in extent, situated on the slopes of the Wilge-river, is well supplied with water.
The life policy of insurance of £1000, belonging to this estate.
Further particulars can be had on application to the undersigned at the office of the board of executors.
James B. BROWN, Secretary, Sole Trustee.
Messrs. VOIGT & VELS, Auctioneers.
Bloemfontein, 7 August 1871

In the insolvent estate of the late C.J.M. de WAAL and surviving husband James M. HOWELL
On Monday, 2nd October next, the undersigned will cause to be sold in front of the Market house here, the following belonging to the above insolvent Estate:-
The undivided half of farm Kaalpan, No. 597, district Bloemfontein, near the village of Brandfort, 3000 morgen, has a never-failing fontein and vley.
They undivided half of farm Weltevreden, district Winburg, situated on Bloemspruit, on the line from Windburg to Cronstadt, near Makawans old town; well off for water.
The undivided half of farm Orangepan, No.217. district Boshof, 4000 morgen, near the Vet-river; is well supplied with water. And whatever further may be offered on the day of sale.
The above will be sold immediately after the sale in S.W. GREEN’s Insolvent estate.
James B. BROWN, Secretary, Sole Trustee.
Messrs. VOIGT & VELS, Auctioneers.
Bloemfontein, 6 August 1871

Thursday, 17 August, 1871

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. John PALMER, of a daughter.

Thursday, 24 August, 1871

In the estate of the late Ellen SPILSBURY, and surviving spouse Theophilus IRONS
The undersigned, duly authorized will offer for sale in front of his office on Wednesday, 13th September next, at 3 o’clock pm.
The well-known farm Law, no 852, situated in the ward Wittebergen, district Bethlehem, formerly Harrismith.
The choice farm Stockholm, No.853, ward Wittebergen, district Bethlehem, formerly Harrismith.
These farms are situated near to each other, and are suitable for all sorts of stock having first-class veld and an abundance of water.
The well-known hotel known as Irons’ Hotel, Harrismith, at present occupied by Mr. S. SPILSBURY. The house contains public, dining and sitting room, private do. Four bed house, Bagstelle room, bar and tap rooms, pantry, two private dwelling rooms and kitchen. The outbuildings comprise a large well-ventilated stable store and forage room, with sheds for wagons and carts. There is besides a large yard, and behind it again a beautiful garden, containing a choice variety of fruit trees. 4 Head breeding cattle, 2 extra cart horses, 1 cart with Harness, A good assortment of house and kitchen furniture &c., &c., &c.
Terms Easy! Robert MacFARLANE Auctioneer.
Harrismith, 18 August, 1871.


At Winburg, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. Wm AHRENBECK, of a son.

DIED at Bloemfontein, of consumption, on the night of the 17th inst., Mr. James MOIR, of Glasgow, Scotland, aged 34 years.

We have this week the painful task to record the death of Mr. James MOIR, which sad event occurred at the house of Mr. ANSELL; In this town, on Thursday night 17th Inst., Deceased was a comparative stranger here, having only arrived from Natal on the 24th June last. Mr. MOIR had been a great sufferer from pulmonary complaint, which insidious disease first attacked him in Chili, in South America, in January, 1860; but neither he nor his friends had, till within the last two or three days, the least idea that his end was so near. Mr. MOIR, with two other gentlemen afflicted with the same malady, started from Natal for this, in the depth of Winter. They were no less than 43 days on the road, during which, for sick men, they unavoidably endured a good deal of hardship and privations. On their arrival here, instead of finding the promised dry and unrivalled climate, the weather (for almost the first time in winter) turned out very wet, as well as cold. Deceased seemed to feel this as a great disappointment, but fortunately, he got exceedingly comfortable quarters in a private family, and, for a time, seemed to rally a little, and spoke hopefully of recovery. But alas this was not to be. We, of course, know little of Mr. MOIR’s previous life and history. This much, however, we have gathered. He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in the year 1837, but was brought up and resided in Glasgow till about 1860, when he emigrated to New Zealand, where he remained some five years. From New Zealand he went to South Americas, in which country he spent four years at Valparaiso, Santiago and Lima, in Chile and Peru. Deceased, on finding himself attacked by the malady which, as we now know, was eventually to prove fatal, returned to his native land, from whence he sailed to Natal, in which colony he spent twelve months – principally in Pinetown. Mr. MOIR was known in Natal as a gentleman of literary tastes and acquirements, having, among other matters, contributed recently to the Natal Mercury an essay which attracted some attention there at the time entitled “Is Honesty the best Policy” Our deceased friend for the sake of provoking discussion on the subject, endeavoured, with some degree of skill, to show that the converse was not unfrequently the hard experience of many. Mr. MOIR has left behind him a diary of his travels in this country, from which we shall endeavor, when space will permit, to give some extracts. The mortal remains of deceased were interred in the English burial ground, on Saturday afternoon, the funeral service being read by the Rev. James SCOTT resident Wesleyan minister of this town, in the presence of a goodly number of followers, who had assembled to pay te last sad mark of respect to a stranger in a strange land.

Thursday, 31 August, 1871

MARRIED at Harrismith by the Rev. D. MacMILLAN, on the 24th August, Mr. C.H. de Lacy HULBERT, to Theodora Dedrieka, eldest daughter of W.H. CANISIUS Esq.

Thursday, 07 September, 1871

BIRTH at Boshof, on the 30th August, 1871, Mrs. P.J. de VILLIERS, of a daughter.

MARRIED at Omdraai (residence of bride’s father) Ficksburg, district Winburg, 15th inst., by the Rev. Cannon BECKETT, John BOWIE, Forfarshire, Scotland, to Elizabeth Margaret, only daughter of Mr. Charles WARD.

Thursday, 14 September, 1871

De ondergeteekende daartoe behoorlyk geauthoriseerd door dez executeur testamentair is den gesamentlyken boedel van wylen Johanna Wilhelmina SWANEPOEL, en nagelaten echtgenoot Johannes Martinus BLOEM, zal op Woensdag, den 11 Oktober s.s. er zal op de plaats Banedrift, publiek aan de meestbiedende verkoopen,
1 - De algemeen bekende verplaats Bankdrift, No.49 is het district Jacobsdalgelegen met kralen, osbouwen en staadhoudend water voorsien, daar deze plaats eene der beste schaapplaatsen in het district Jacobsdal en algemeene bekend is, zoe is eene aanbeveling overtollig. De beste aanbeveling voor speculateurs is, dat deze plaats gelegen is in de onmiddelyke nabyheid der Diamantastelveryen aan Vaalsrivier. Verder aan aantal Schapen, Bokke, Beesten, Hals en Kenkengereedschappen, wagen, Kar met Talgers, en wat hen gewoonlyk verder op eene boerplaats vindt.
H. REINACH, Vendu-Afslager.
Jacobsdal, 5 September, 1871

DIED at Rouxville, on the 31st ult, Patrick John, the beloved and only son of John & Martha CRONNING, after a protracted illness of 18 days, terminating in inflammation of the lungs. The saddest of bereavements to the sorrowing parents: a loan payable on demand.
“Had he asked us, well we know,
We should cry: O: spare the blow.
Yes, with streaming tears should pray,
Lord, we love him, let him stay”
Mr. & Mrs. CRONNING at the same time tender their sincere thanks to the many friends whose sympathy went far to reconcile them to their loss. “God’s will be done.”

MARRIED at Philippolis, on the 22nd August , by the Rev. F. DONAT, Eli HILL, Oxfordshire, England, to Annie Romina GLANZ, eldest daughter of Mr. GLANZ, formerly of Bloemfontein.

I hear that Mr. Walter SHINGLER, son-in-law of the late J. CAWOOD, of Grahamstown, died from inflammation of the lungs, on Saturday evening at De Beer’s. He was at one time in Bloemfontein.

Among the newest deaths at the above fields, the names of Messrs PONSONBY, D DALLAS and McFARLANE are mentioned. The first is said to have been highly connected in England; the second, was for a time the proprietor or printer of the Representaties (Queenstown), and previously to that was in the employ of Messrs CAWOOD brothers at Reddersburg, in this district; of the third we know nothing. Mr. John LUCAS, a sawyer late of Grahamstown, died at Klipdrift, on the 20th August

Van wijle C. BEZUIDENHOUT en overleden echtegenoot H. STRIJDOM
De ondergeteekende is gelaat door de executeuren datief in bovengemelde boedels om by publieke veiling te verkoopen te Smithfield, op Zaturdag, 7 Oct., 1871 des voormiddag ter 10 ure.
Cira 300 Merino schappen, 2 Beesten, Een Goede Ossen Wagen, Een span extra trek ossen, en Gewone huisraad en Boerderijschap.
Vendu Agslager en Taxateur voor’t Governement en Weeskamer.
Smithfield, 11 Sept., 1871

Thursday, 21 September, 1871

We regret to have record the death of George EDINGTON, solicitor, late of Colesberg. The deceased gentleman had made himself a name in the Klipdrift Court, and will be much missed by suitors there. For particulars of the sad event we must refer to the letter our “Special” at Klipdrift.

Death of Mr. Attorney EDINGTON
He was but 31 years of age, although he looked much older. There was` a question when he was admitted to practice, whether he was not too young to be permitted to practice, but his examination was so thoroughly successful that the examiners felt that that usual age should not be insisted upon. In the circuit courts of the colony he has won some brilliant victories—even against the governments of the day. We remember two, which need not now be definitely alluded to, when spite of great influences he aided largely in frustrating what he believed to be efforts to crush deserving men.
Mr. Geo. EDINGTON is no more. He leaves behind him a wife and family to bewail the loss of a good and fond husband and father; and he leaves also behind him a name that will not soon be blotted out of the recollection of those who knew him.

Thursday, 28 September, 1871

Van roerende en onroerende goederen. In den boedel van wijlen Jan Daniel CILLIERS, Sr., en nagelaten weduwee M.C.G. CILLIERS, geboren ROETS.
Op Donderdag, 2den November, 1871, morgens ten 9 ure, op de plaats Biddulphsberg. Onroerende:-
1:- De Welbekende zaai en ver plaats Biddulphsberg, No. 141 In het landregister van het district Winberg. Deze plaats zyn ongetwyfeld eender geschikste plaatsen in het geheele ontrek, en zyn beplant met twintig of vyf en twintig duizend wijnstokken, en een groote hoevoelheid van vruchteboomen van alle soorten, en bebouwd met een woonhuis met 4 vertrokken, als mode wagenhuis voor 2 wagens, en een kelder met vasten en brandwyns ketel.
2. – De welbekende zaai en vee plaats Honingfontein, No. 140, groot na schatting 3000 morgen, grenzende aan bovengemelde plaats zynde een der beste plaatsen zelf in deze omtrek bekend voor vee en landbouw.
3. – De welbekende zaai en vee plaats Slangfontein, No.171, district Kroonstad, wyk Boven Rhenosterivier, zynde deze plaats een der eersten plaatsen in dit district, en is ongetwyfel en der beste plaatsen in dat omtrek, en is bebouwd met woonhuis en met vruchteboomen beplant. De coopers kan zelf van de drug der plaats overtuigen.
4: - Drooge Erf No 4, Kerkplein, dorp Winburg. Op deze erf staat een der vraaiste en gerieflykste woonhuizen onder ijzer daak, een dubelverdieping die thans verhuurd zyn voor de som van £102 10s, per jaar, en wordt thans gebruikt voor een hotel, en bied byzonder een geode gelegenheid aan voor een winkel daar het voor dat einde gebouwd zyn.
5:- Water Erf No. 6, ost zyde van Victoriastraaat, dorp Winburg, bebouwd met een gerieflyk woonhuis en ontmuurd met klippen. Is thans verhuurd voor £36 per jaar.
6:- Water Erf No 3, Albertstaat, geheel onmuurd.
Losse Goederen: 120 Beesten, waaronder 40 Slagt, trek en jonge ossen, 520 Schapen en bokken meer of mindr, 2 Goed kar en rijpaarden, 1 Oswagen complete, 1 Tent Kar bijna niew met tuigen., 2 Ploegen, 4 Tafels, 6 Kisten, 12 Stoelen, 3 Bedden, en andere huisraad te veel om te noemen.
Voor nadere bijsonderheden vervoege men zich by den ondergeteekende op de plaats Wilgeboom, veroverd grondgebied.
Een ruim crediet zal verleend worden onder geode securitiet.
Ververschingen zullen verschaft worden
J.D. CILLIERS, Vendu Afslager,
Wildeboom, 22 Sept., 1871

BIRTH At Bloemfontein, on the 22nd inst., Mrs. R. INNES, of a son

Thursday, 05 October, 1871

De ondergeteekende, behoorlyk daartoe gelaat zynde, zal op Vrijdag, 10den November, 1871, beginnende ten 9 ure’s voormiddags, op de plaat Welgelegen, wyk Vetrivier, district Winburg, by publieke veiling verkoopen, in den boedel van wylen Mejufc. Van BRAKEL :-
1. De Welbekende vee- en zaai plaats genaamd Welgelegen, No. 226, gelegen aan Doornrivier, wyk Vetrivier, district Winburg, groot volgens landmeters kaart 8640 Morgen. Op dezelve staat een gerieflyk woonhuis, benevens buiten gebouewen, en kralen. Is dezelfde plaats waarop onlangs een diamant 12½ carat gevonden is. Doornrivier loopt midden door dezelve, dus goed voorsien van water, ook hout ontbreckt er niet. Met een word, het is een der beste plaatsen van dit district.
2. 850 aanteel Schapen, 800 Hamels, 100 aanteel Beesten, 20 Paarden, 80 Bokken.1 Bokwagen complete, 1 Kar, 1 Ploeg, 2 Geweren, 1 Zadel en toom, Graven, pikken, zagen, koevoet, schroef, enz.
3. 3 Veder bedden, kisten, poten, pannen, borden, messen, en vorken, karn, balie, 1 veld tent, ens.
Wat nog meer ten dage der verkooping zal worden aangeboden.
Ruim crediet zal worden gegeven
Ververschingen zullen worden verschaft
C. BREDELL, J.P.W. MAREE, Gesamentlyke executeuren datief.
C. BREDELL, Vendu-Afslager, Vendukantoor,
Winburg, 30 September, 1871.

De ondergeteekende, behoorlyk daartoe gelaat zynde, zal op Woensdag, 22sten November E.K., ten 9 ure’s voormiddags op de plaats Spijtfontein wyk Zandrivier, district Winburg, publiek verkoopen in den boedel van wylen den Heer C.J.P. du PLOOY:- 30 Paarden (waaronder 1 extra hengat en 1 paar tuigpaarden zyn), 1 Iezelhengst, 200 Beesten (waarby 1 span goedgedresserde trekossen), 1000 Merino Schapen, 250 extra Angora bokken, 1 Bokwagen, 1 Kar (Buggy), 1 Ijzeren Howard ploeg, 3 Schroppen.
Timmerhout, land en tuin gereedschap, huisraad:- 3 bedden, 3 Kopere ledekanten, 3 Tafels, 2 Rustbanken, 5 stoelen, 5 Kisten.
En hetgeen verder ter verkooping zal worden aangeboden.
Ruim crediet zal gegeven worden.
Ververschingen zullen worden verschaft
C. BREDELL, Vendu-Afslager, Vendukantoor,
Winburg, 30 September, 1871.

BAPTIZED in the court house at Boshof, on the evening of the 27th September, 1871, by the Rev. William Augustus ROBINSON, minister of the church of England, Maria Louisa, daughter of P.J. de VILLIERS

Thursday, 12 October, 1871

Joe WALKER, The disgrace is overwhelming. You are watched. Your relatives are distressed. Come home at once. Write me “P.O.,” Cambridge. Oblige your brother, and save scandal. All forgiven. BRYAN

Dr. BATTYE, will hear of his brother Dan by sending his address to Messrs. SALMOND & SMITH’s Hotel, Natal

We deeply regret to record the death of Dr. James ABERCROMBIE, of Cape Town, which sad event occurred suddenly on the 28th September. Deceased had only reached his 41st year, Dr. James ABERCROMBIE will, by both rich and poor, be greatly missed in the Cape. He appears to have been a man held in universal esteem by all classes of the community. The Cape Standard, speaking of him, says: “His life has been so pure and good that his fellow citizens mourn his loss for his many virtues, unstained as they are by the faintest whisper of a vice, and from the pulpit he is held up as a pattern and an example to his fellow men.” The deceased doctor was a relation, or near family connection, of his Honour the President and of Mrs. BRAND. At the funeral, on the 28th ult., all classes attended to show their sympathy for the bereaved family, and respect for the departed: and no less than six medical men officiated as pallbearers.

Isaac HARPER was fined £5, or one month’s hard labour, under the following circumstances: - He was ejected from a building he occupied as a butcher’s shop, which he thereafter foolishly re-entered. The party was one of the Mohawks of this town, who under the weak administration of our late landdrost, was the terror of all who showed insult

Thursday, 19 October, 1871

In the estate of the late Alfred William ALLISON, and surviving spouse Elizabeth Ann ALLISON, born DUFFIELD.
The undersigned duly authorized, will sell in front of his offices, on Monday, the 3oth October, 1871 at 3 o’clock p.m.
1 Oxwagon, 1 Double barrel gun, 1 Cartridge ouch, 1 Cradle for diamond washing (with pipes) 1 Washhandstand, 1 Toilet set, 2 Silver watches, 1 Watch guard, 1 Writing desk, 9 Pictures.
Robert MacFARLANE, Auctioneer.
Harrismith, 13 October, 1871

DIED at Smithfield, on the 12th October, 1871, Lionel Everard, infant son of C.S. and R. ORPEN, aged 7 months and 10 days.

DEATH OF MR. JOSEPH MOSENTHAL – The news of the death, after a brief illness, in London, of Mr. J. MOSENTHAL, formerly M.L.C. of the Cape Colony, was brought by the Syria. Deceased was born at Cassel, in 1813, and resided, for many years in the Colony, where he traded very successfully. He was one of the founders of, and senior partners in, the well-known firms of Joseph MOSENTHAL & Co. of London, and Adolph MOSENTHAL & Co., of Port Elizabeth. Few Bay homes have done more to advance the agricultural, pastoral and commercial prosperity of the Eastern Province and Free State than that of MOSENTHAL.

From DuToispan we regret to learn that Mr. WINDER, the well-known boarding house keeper of Durban, Natal, died in that camp on Saturday, 7th October, his death being the result of a sad accident which befell him some three weeks previously (16th September), and just as he had made up his mind finally to leave the diggings and to start for this town, where, it is said, he had long cherished an earnest desire to establish himself in business, The accident, which unfortunately has since terminated fatally, occurred as follows: Deceased, wishing to take te shortest cut from his claim to his tent or wagon, attempted the, even to a young and active man, rather perilous task of walking along one of the narrow partitions walls, composed of loose ground, which are not unfrequently left by the diggers to separate the different claims. In passing along this partition wall, some of the soil giving way under his feet, deceased was at once precipitated to the bottom of the claim. Assistance being at once at hand, Mr. WINDER was picked up and conveyed to his tent, when it was found that his thigh-bone was dislocated, besides, as it afterwards turned out, some serious internal injury sustained. The bone was at once set. This was on the Saturday; but the following day (Sunday) two doctors (a Military Surgeon and Dr. GIBSON, it is said), having been called in, and, not being satisfied with the way in which it had been done, reset the fracture, when everything went on apparently well, and the best result was hoped for. Deceased, however, continued to complain of a pain in his chest, proving that he must have sustained internal injury of some kind. The weather and the tent in which Mr. WINDER lay was at the time exceedingly hot. He lingered, as above stated till the 7th inst., when he finally succumbed to the fell destroyer at the age of 61 years. Doubtless, deceased’s rather advanced age was greatly against his getting over such a shock to his system. The late Mr. WINDER leaves a sorrowing widow living at Durban, Natal, and, we believe, six children; the eldest son (a lad of 10 years) and daughter being with him on the Fields at the time of his death. The son and daughter left this for Natal by their own wagon on Tuesday last. They are travelling in company with Mr. WENT, of Natal, with three wagons in all. We give these details knowing the anxiety their mother (the bereaved widow) must naturally feel on their behalf.

Thursday, 26 October, 1871

DIED at Fauresmith, on the 24th inst, Mary Bruce SLAUGHTER, the beloved daughter of the late Mr. Anthony Daniel SLAUGHTER, of Uitenhage, and of Mrs. Edwards, Fauresmith, fell asleep in Jesus, aged 20yeards and 2 months

Thursday, 02 November, 1871

The death is announced at De Beers’s Diamond-fields, on the 25th inst. of Mr. William George SANDERSON, who recently married the widow of the late Mr. Joseph CAWOOD, of Grahamstown – likewise at Hebron, on 17th ult., of Dr. Augustus Godlieb Julius van GRASSOW, well-known in the Cape Colony and Natal

In den insolventen boedel van wylien Gerhardus Johannes Janse van RENSBURG, en nageblevene echtgenoote Sophia Maria OOSTHUIZEN
De ondergeteekende maakt mite dezen bekend dat hy behoorlyk gekozen en geconfirmeerdis als eenige curator in den bovengemelden boedel, en dat de heer meester der insolvente Boedelkamer de 3de bijeenkomst der crediteuren bepaald heft, gehouden te worden ten kantore van den landdrost van Harrismith, op Vrijdag, 22 sten Dec., 1871 a.s. ten 10 ure in den voormiddag, ten einde schulden tegen den gemelden boedel te bewijzen, het rapport van den curator te ontvangen, en hem instruction te geven betrekkelijk het beheer dez boedels, vooral ten opsigte van de vaste eigendommen.
Debiteuren worden verzocht hunne schulden zonder vezuim ten kantore van den ondergeteekende te betalen, en allen die iets aan gemelden boedel behoorende in hun bezit of bewaring hebben, worden verzocht daarvan opgave of afgifte te doen als voormeld.
De eenige Curator, Robert MacFARLANE.
Harrisnith, 21 Oct. 1871.

Thursday, 09 November, 1871

We regret to have to record the death of Mr. HACKWELL, the well-known and respected hotel-keeper of Smithfield, at the age of only 39years.

DIED at Smithfield, on 5th November, 1871, of inflammation of the lungs, John HACKWELL, aged 39 years, leavings a sorrowing widow and three children to deplore their lost.

BIRTH on November 4, at Belle Vue, Klipdrift, the wife of M. UNGER, Esq., Diamond Merchant, of a daughter.

The following property, left here by Private BERLIN, of the F.A.M. Police, when he deserted, will be sold by auction at Advance Post, on Wednesday, the 29th Instant:-
One good horse, with saddle and bridle complete, one pair girths, one head-stall, one pair of spurs, one powder flask and bullet mould, and a few articles of clothing.
By order W.H. SURMON, Sub-Inspector F.A.M. Police.
Basuto Land, 6th November, 1871.

De ondergeteekende behoorlijk daartoe gelaat zynde, zullen op Donderdag, den 30 November, 1871 beginnende des voormiddags te 9 ure, ter plaatse Kopjesfontein, naby Winburg, publiek opveilen en te koop aanbiden alle de losse en vaste goederen behoorende tot den boedel van wylen Frederik Johannes van BILJON, senior, bestaande uit:-
Eendeel van droogerf, No.3, Warden-terrace, dorp Winburg, met daaropstaande woonhuis.
Verder, 700 Merino Schapen, 100 Ossen en Beesten, 20 Paarden, 1 Paardenwagen, 1 Veerenkar, 25 Bokken, 5 Balken, 16 Zinkplaten, Huisraad, enz., enz.
Termen Gunstig, Ververschingen zullen verschaft worden.
A.S. STUART & Co., Venduafslager.
Vendukantoor, Winburg, 1 Nov., 1871

Thursday, 16 November, 1871

BIRTH at Fauresmith, on Sunday, November 12th, 1871, Mrs. Andw. C. STUCKI, of a daughter

MARRIED by Special Licence, at Sand-river, on the 6th November, by J.A.P. van den POEL, Esq., magistrate, Bethlehem, O.F.S. W.S. ERSKINE, Cromstadt to Elizabeth Rhoda, second daughter of Henry WILLIAMs, Durban, Natal

Rudolf Cornelius Landsgroon, infant son of J.W. and E.E. SPRUIJT, aged 6 months and 20 days. Bloemfontein, November 12th, 1871

Thursday, 23 November, 1871

DIED at Bloemfontein, at 9 o’clock on the 17th November inst., Colin Henry Thomas, only son of J.G. and D. FRASER, aged 1 year and 7 months.
The parents feel bound to express their appreciation of the extreme kindness and sympathy shown them by so many friends during their affliction.

Thursday, 30 November, 1871

In den insolventen boedel an Jan NELL en anderen. De ondergeteekende behoorlyk daartoe gelaat zynde zal op Zaturdag, 23sten December e.k., ten 10 ure’s voormiddags,
Publiek voor zyn kantoor te Winburg verkoopen, de fraajie en kostbare vee en zaai plaats genaamd Mooiplaats, No.1 gelegen in de wyk Ficksburg, veroverd grondgebied, groot volgens inspectie rapport 1325 morgen, is beplant met allerei soorten van keurige vrugteboomen, bevat een gerieflijk woonhuis, kralen, enz., enz. Terwyl deze plaats zoo algemeen bekend is voor een der beste plaatsen in het vervoerd grondgebied, is het onnoodig over dezelve verder uit te weiden. Daar by deze gelegenheid juist Nachtmaal is, zal zoo als gewoonlyk verkocht worden, eene fraaije groote hoeveelheid Negotie en andere goederen te veel om te melden.
Ruim crediet zal gegeven worden.
C. BREDELL, Venduafslager.
Vendu Kantoor, Winburg, 20 Nov., 1871

Het doet ons leed in de laatste ontvangene Kaapsche Coeranten het doodberigt te zien van den R. Peter Donald HOHNE van Kaapstad, vader van den heer F.K. HOHNE, onzen geachten Gouvernements Secretaris en van den Procureur J.A. HOHNE te Fauresmith. De oude heer, welke, naar wij meenen, bijna zijn geheelen leeftijd in de Kaapstad doorbragt, bereikte den ouderdom van 73jaar. Hij sterf den 13den laatstleden. De dood van den heer Joseph LEVICK, enr., deelgenoot van de Heeren LEVICK en SHERMAN, van Kaapstad is op den 19den Sept., ll. Bezigt. De heer Richard KING, een goed oud bekend inwoner van Natal, die het langen pad af reed door een als toen onbekend en moeijelijk land van Natal naar de Kaapkolonie teen haar Majesteits troepen ingesloten waren door de insurgente boeren, is niet meer. De heer John G. FRASER,klerk te Gouvernements kantoor albier, heft deze week het ongeluk gehad om zijn eenigste zoon in den ounderdom van 19 maanden te verliezen en de heer J.W. SPRUIJT heft tevens ook een zoontje verloren. Verder doet het ons leed den dood te vernemen van den Eerw. Vader HIDIEN, Roomsch Katolieken priester in de Diamantvelden te Dutoitspan. De goed priester had zints eenige maanden al zijne pogingen aangewend om een hospital op te rigten en in het algemeen te zorgen voor de behoeften van de zieken en? Het schijnteen ondoorgrondelijk besluit van de voorzienigheid, dat hij – een van de weinigen die om de zieken gat – de eerstezonde zijn welke een slachtoffer der pestellentie werd.

BIRTH on Tuesday, the 28th instant, the wife of Mr. G.W. AUSTIN, of a daughter

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 10th November, Mrs. E. NIEMEYER, of Boshof, of a son.

DIED at Aliwal North, on the 16th inst., Fanny, youngest daughter of the late William and Harriet DOWLING

Thursday, 07 December, 1871

De Heer George ROWAN van het Department der Inkomende Regten te Kaapstad, is of aldaar vermoord of heft zijen dood gevonden op de nacht van het Fete Chamotre, onder de meestachterdochtige omstandigheden. De som van £250 is ingeschreven en aangeboen als eene belooning voor de ontdekking van den moordenaar of de moordenaars.

Thursday, 14 December, 1871

Gelegen te Elandsberg, nabij Caledonrivier.
De ondergeteekende is door den cuator in den insolventen boedel van H.J. BAILIE gelaat, bij publieke veiling zonder reserve te Smithfield te verkoopen op Zaturdag, 20 Januarij, 1872, Die kostbare en welbekende gras en bebouwde plaats Mooimeisiesfontein, gelegen aan die zuid-westelijke hoek van Elandsberg, op korten afstand van Smithfield en Rouxville, enzijne no.349 op het landregister van Caledonrivier district (thans Rouxville) Deze plaats is overeenkomstig landcommissie rapport 1370 morgen groot, maar de werklijke uitgestrektheid wordt, deurgoede beoorderlaars, geschat als veel grooter te zijn; er is veel hout en water en maakt een wenschelijk eigendom uit.
Termen gunstig.
Henry D. HODGSON, Afslager.
Smithfield, 4 Dec., 1871

BEVALLEN van een welgeschaoen zoon, de geliefde echtgenoote van J.J.L. HAMELBERG.
Bloemfontein, 8 Dec., 1871

DIED on the 2nd instant, at Welkomsfontein, district Harrismith, of measles, after a short illness of five days, aged 9 years and 9 months, Margaretha, youngest daughter of James MADDEN. Friends will please accept this intimation

DIED at Bloemfontein on the 10th inst., Sarah C. the beloved child of James and Helen SCOTT, aged 9 months and 10 days.

Mr. James KEMP, of Port Elizabeth, breathed his last at Klip-drift on Thursday. He had been ailing for a long time, and went up to Klipdrift for a change of air and scene. The funeral took place yesterday morning (8th inst), and the most remarkable feature in it was that the remains of the deceased were followed to their last resting place by his late most intimate Port Elizabeth friends – Diamond News

MARRIED at Klipdrift, by the Rev. W. A. ROBINSON, on Thursday, the 7th inst., Edward S. HANGER, to Sarah GUNN, both of Bloemfontein.

De ondergeteekende, behoorlyk daartoe gelaat zynde, door de execteuren datief in den boedel van wylen Schalk Willem PIENAAR, weduweer van Anna Johanna THERON, zal op Vrydag, 26sten January a.s., begeninde ten 9 ur’s voormiddags, aan den meestbiedenden by publieke veiling verkoopen, op de plaats Bormansfontein, wyk Vet en Vaalrivier, district Boshof,
1: - De welbekende plaats genaamd Kalkpan no. 279, gelegen in de wyk Vet en Vaalsrivier, district Boshof, groot 4800 morgen.
2: - De halve plaats Katboschkuil no 870, gelegen in het district Boshof, groot omtrent 3000 morgen.
3: - 200 aanteel Beesten en trek ossen, 1400 Schapen, 8 Ry en trek paarden, 1 ossen wagen, 1 Kapkar op veeren, 3 paar Tuigen, 2 Geweren, 2 Zadels en toomen, jukken, stroppen en riemen. Huisraad.
Vederen bedden, kisten, potten, pannen, borden, messen en vorken, &c., &c., &c.
En wat nog verder ten dage der verkooping zal worden ten voorschyn gebragt.
Ruim crediet zal gegeven worden. Ververschingen zullen worden verschaft.
P.J. de VILLIERS, Venduafslager.
Vendu-kantoor, Boshof 11 December, 1871

Thursday, 21 December, 1871

BIRTH on the 20th October, 1871, at Stuttgart, Germany, the wife of Hermann JORDAN Esq., of a daughter

DIED at De Beer’s New Rush, Diamondfield, on Friday, 15th Inst., Annie, the beloved wife of Nicholas C. RAAFF, late of this town, aged 20 years and 6 months.
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Thursday, 28 December, 1871

In the insolvent estate of John JOHNSTONE. The undersigned duly authorized will sell by public auction on Saturday the 6th January, 1872, at 11 o’clock a.m. in front of his office the well known farm Slaapkrans no 290, situated on Tygerskloof, ward Wittebergen, district Bethlehem.
Robert MacFARLANE, Auctioneer.
Harrismith, 21 December, 1871

BIRTH at Springfield, district Bloemfontein, on 4th inst., the wife of Mr. C.J. OERTEL of a daughter

BIRTH on 20th inst., at Kameelfontein, district Boshof, O.F.State, the wife of Mr. C. HOLLOWAY, of a daughter.

DIED on the 22nd December, at Sand River suddenly of hooping cough at the age of 1 year, Ernest Henry, youngest son of Mrs. John HISCOCK.

DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 23rd inst., Maria Anna, beloved daughter of J.J. RAAFF and A.M. BOTHA, aged 20 years, 9 months and 6 days.

DIED at Jacobsdal, O.F.State, on the 15th December, 1871, of consumption, after a lingering illness, Alfred HUTTON, aged 35 years 11 months and 24 days, leaving a sorrowing widow and 3 young children to deplore their loss.
The widow begs to return her sincere thanks to all friends who assisted her during the illness and death of her late husband.

Op 19 December, 1871 op zyne woonplaats Koppieskraal, district Jacobsdal, Oranjerivier, des avonds ten 10 ure, de Heer David Hermanus JACOBS, Senior, na een zeer kort ziek bed van aanuwelyke zes dagen, in den ouderdom van 83 jaren, 1 maand, en tien dagen, diep betreurd door zyne weduwe, kinderen, behuwd kinderen en verder bloedverwanten, zyne by zeer zacht en naar wy hopen in vrede met zynen Schepper ontelopen.
Namens dde Weduwe, Kinderen, en Behuwd Kinderen,
C.J. JACOBS, DHzoon.
Koppieskraal, 22 December, 1871

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