(03) Oor die Grootrivier.  W.H. Coetzer, J.W. Prinsloo

(03) Oor die Grootrivier. W.H. Coetzer, J.W. Prinsloo

Also submitted by Marlene Spies Oor die Grootrivier: Toneel by Zanddrif sowat 18 km stroomop van die huidige Aliwal-Noord Crossing the wide Orange River. Plans had to be made to get the wagons, livestock and people across the wide Orange River/ Not surprisingly, it was named the "Great River" by the Trekkers. The name was changed to "Orange river" because of the colour of the water, picking up the red mud and sand along its banks.
contributed by: Peet Schabort
viewed 168 times
13. November 2019 Share: , Download (1190 x 723)