Grahamstown Journal 1900 04 April
Monday 2 April 1900
The following officers of Kitchener’s Horse, previously reported missing from Waterval, are now reported by Lieut. BORGHUYS of Kitchener’s Horse (himself a prisoner at Pretoria) to have been killed inn action on 10th Feb.: Lieut. CARSTENS and Lieut. BUCHANAN.
We are glad to learn that Mr. Aubrey WILMOT, son of Mr. J.C. WILMOT and an old Peddie High School boy, has received an appointment as clerk to R.M. of Peddie, and left on Friday morning to take up his duties.
The death has been announced at Capetown of Mr. David M. KERR, who for many years was a Director of the Jagersfontein Mining Company. He went to Kimberley from West [.....] in the early days, and with his four brothers was almost the first to peg out claims on Jagersfontein. He was aged sixty one.
Wednesday 4 April 1900
Corporal J.H. DICKASON of the Cape Mounted Police, who was in charge of Committees [sub] station before hostilities commenced, died on Sunday at Kimberley of typhoid fever. Deceased leaves a widow and five children to whom we tender our sincere sympathies.
Thursday 5 April 1900
Lourenco Marques, Monday (Herald)
General JOUBERT’s funeral was a most imposing affair. At the Railway Station KRUGER made a moderate speech, pointing out the virtues of the deceased General. He said the loss of JOUBERT should only inspire the burghers to fresh energy to finish the task left undone. Schalk BURGER also spoke. KRUGER added that JOUBERT’s last wish was that Louis BOTHA should follow him as Commandant General.
Casualties on March 14th:
Brigade Staff: Dangerously wounded, Capt. W. MARTIN, Brigade Major.
[62nd] Battery R.F.A.: Killed, Sergt. W.D. SMITH.
2nd Battalion Norfolk Regiment: Slightly wounded, Capt. E.C. PEEBLES and Capt. A. [BOARD]; killed, Col. Sergt. HENRY; wounded, 18 rank and file.
[42nd] Lincoln Regiment: Severely wounded, Capt. L. EDWARDS; killed, 2, wounded,4, rank and file.
King’s Own Scottish Borderers: Killed, Capt. A.C. GOING, Col-Sergt. ARMSTRONG and 10 rank and file: wounded (since dead) Lieut. E.M. YOUNG; severely wounded, 2nd Lieut. B. ?. B. [COU....], 32 rank and file; slightly wounded, Capt. W.D. SELLAR, Lieut. A.J. WELCH, 22 rank and file.
2nd Battalion Hampshire Regiment: Dangerously wounded, Lieut. C.N. FRENCH; severely wounded, 1, slightly wounded, 9, rank and file.
R.A.M.C.: Wounded [1 man]
2nd Battalion [Cheshire] Regiment: Severely wounded [obscured] slightly wounded, 17 N.C.O.s and men.
2nd Battalion South Wales Borderers: Slightly wounded, Lieut. W.C. DIRGENSEN; severely wounded, 9 men; slightly wounded, 13 N.C.O.s and men; killed, 3.
1st Battalion East Lancashire Regiment: Killed, 2; severely wounded, 5; slightly wounded, 10 N.C.O.s and men.
Friday 6 April 1900
in celebration of the arrival of the
British Settlers in 1820
and the laying of the Foundation Stone of Commemoration Church,
will be held on Sunday next.
The Morning Service at 11 o’clock will be conducted by the
Rev. Sydney J. BAKER of Pretoria,
and the Evening Service, at 7 o’clock, by the
Rev. William FROST of Johannesburg.
Collections will be made in aid of the Trust Funds.
Saturday 7 April 1900
DIED at Grahamstown on the 4th April 1900, of dysentery and heart failure, Percival Alfred James STONE, dearly beloved and youngest son of Cecil Livingston and Alice Maud STONE, aged 3 years.
“Safe in the arms of Jesus”
DIED at 16 Lawrance-street. Grahamstown, on 5th April 1900, Sarah, relict of the late Rev. W.C. HOLDEN and youngest daughter of the late Mr. Richard RALPH of Fort Beaufort.
The funeral of the late Mrs. HOLDEN will leave Lawrance Street on Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are cordially invited.
Major-General WOODGATE, who sustained a bullet wound in the eye at Spionkop, which destroyed his sight, the damaged optic being removed by Mr. TREVES, has succumbed after terrible suffering, and his body interred at [Co.....].
The Rev. John Enoch PARSONSON, Wesleyan Methodist Minister, late of Cradock, Cape Colony, died suddenly in Saltcoats on Wednesday night. Mr. PARSONSON came from the Cape last summer on the usual furlough of a year, after 25 years’ ministry, and has been residing in Saltcoats for the past three months, where he has officiated in several of the churches. On Sabbath last he preached in the forenoon and evening in the Established Church and in the afternoon in the United Presbyterian Church, Ardeer, Stevenston, and was to have preached again in the Ardeen Church on Sabbath first. He was in his usual health on Tuesday, but was seized with spasms of the heart on Wednesday, and died suddenly that night. Mr. PARSONSON was born in Maritzburg, Natal, and was brought up in England when he was nine years of age, where he was educated, and went through his college curriculum. He went out to the Cape as a missionary of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in South Africa in 1874. And was stationed in various towns, his last charge being in Cradock, where he officiated for four years. He was a prominent minister of the Wesleyan Church, and was Secretary of the annual Conference till he left in May last. He has left a widow and two daughters, who were with him in Saltcoats, one son in Bulawayo, and two sons and one daughter at school in the Colony. Mr. PARSONSON gave a most interesting lecture on [“Boers, Blacks and British”] in Trinity Church about three weeks ago, with [.....]. which was very highly appreciated. During his short stay in Saltcoats he made many friends.
[.........................................] Scotland.
[Transcriber’s note: The illegible words are presumably the name of a Scottish newspaper. Saltcoats is in Ayrshire, Scotland. John Enoch PARSONSON died in Saltcoats aged 50 on 14 March 1900. His death certificate says he was the son of the Rev. George PARSONSON and Eliza ATTWELL]
Monday 9 April 1900
DIED suddenly at Saltcoats, Scotland, on March 14th 1900, Rev. John E. PARSONSON, Wesleyan Minister.
Maritzburg, Saturday
Col. ROYSTON, Commandant of the Natal Volunteers, died at his residence here last night from enteric fever contracted during the siege of Ladysmith, pneumonia also set in towards the end. The funeral takes place tomorrow with full military honours. Natal mourns the loss of a brave officer, difficult to replace,
[Transcriber’s note: There is a second, slightly fuller, notification of Col. ROYSTON’s death on the same page, but too many words are illegible.]
[The next two issues are too faint to read. There is an article on page 2 of the issue of 11th April headed “Trooper’s Sudden Death – Killed in the Post Cart”, but no words in the article can be deciphered.]
Thursday 12 April 1900
[45] men of Nesbitt’s Horse arrived last night from the Orange Free State under Capt. HANNA and Lieut. KIDSON. This is the Fort Beaufort contingent of the good old Corps. The troop to a man look bronzed and bearded, and their khaki uniforms bear the indelible marks of rough work on the veld. All the corps on the front have been served out with helmets, smasher hats being prohibited. The men are from Karen Siding, south of Bloemfontein, and have been sent back to Fort Beaufort, the First City Mounted having taken their place. Whether this is a temporary measure or not has not yet transpired. It is believed that the other contingent of Nesbitt’s Horse will also return shortly.
All speak very confidently of the progress of the War and say an advance is to be made by the whole force on Sunday 15th April, and a big battle may be expected near Karen Siding. There will be nothing on earth to stop the advance once it begins, say the Nesbittites.
[No issue for Good Friday]
Saturday 14 April 1900
Journal Special
Capetown, Saturday.
Among the Free State prisoners of war at present in Capetown on parole are Messrs. H. STEYN (brother of the President), H.F.D. PAPENFUS, Landdrost of Bloemfontein, and a member of the Executive Council, J. BISSET, Auditor Gen., G. BAUMANN, Surveyor Gen., A.E. [MAR...], Commissioner of Police, C.J. MULLER, Register of the High Court, Dr. BARTMAN, Superintendent of Education, W. BRAMBY, Under Postmaster General, Attorney J.P. VAN ZYL, confidential clerk of Mr. FISCHER, C.G. FICHARDT, A.E. FICHARDT, P.J. FAURE, Attorney ORLOPP, “Oom” HENDRIK, [FOU...].
The majority of the above, with one or two exceptions, were non-combatants.
[No issue for Easter Monday]
Tuesday 17 April 1900
The following are the names of [people] drawn to attend at the Criminal Sessions of the Eastern Districts Court to be held on May 10th. It is stated on good authority that a large number of alleged rebels will be placed on trial.
Maritzburg, Monday (Reuter)
A sad accident happened to a young man named Fred SHERWOOD, who was at a picnic party at Table Mountain near here. While he was cutting a rope of the tent the knife slipped, severing the main artery in his arm, and he practically bled to death. He was brought into town, when mortification supervened, and he was dead a few hours after admission to hospital. Deceased, who was only 23, was buried this morning, and the funeral was largely attended by young people of the Wesleyan Church, to which deceased belonged.
Carnarvon, Monday (Reuter)
Private CANDY, who saved Lieut. FINDLAY from drowning, has been promoted to be Sergt., and recommended for the Royal Humane Society’s medal. He is sick in hospital here. After getting FINDLAY his horse, the latter was washed away, and he swam ashore with FINDLAY, both being in full marching dress. The men are in hospital and doing well.
Wednesday 18 April 1900
From some particulars with which we are favoured from Indwe reporting Mr. Percy HUNTER’s death, we gather that he must have got into a very warm [corner], along with several others, the bullets simply [pumping] at them. The others managed to get out, but HUNTER seems to have stuck [...], with fatal result. He was shot some time during the Sunday afternoon, and was not found till the following evening, having about seven bullets in him, and it is believed either one or two explosive bullets among the number. The Captain of the company to which HUNTER belonged, stated that he had no idea whatever of HUNTER’s being [....], he being the Quarter Master should have remained in camp, and he was awfully surprised when he heard of poor HUNTER’s being shot.
[Transcriber’s note: His Death Notice is here.]
We (Victoria West Advertiser) deeply regret to announce the death, on Friday April 6th, of Miss SMITH, 1st Lady Assistant Teacher in the Public School. A day or two before the holidays commenced, she was obliged to stay away from school. On the Thursday morning her mother arrived from Grahamstown, and by that time she was only conscious at intervals: still no serious apprehension was felt, although it was known that she was suffering from pneumonia, but on Friday morning a great change took place, and at two o’clock in the afternoon she passed away, to the great grief of all who knew her. It was decided to remove her remains for interment to Grahamstown, her native place, and at half past four on Saturday afternoon the coffin was carried to the hearse by six of the pupil teachers, dressed in white, and was taken into St.John’s Church, where the first portion of the Anglican Church Burial Service was read by the Rector, the Rev. D.E. ROBINSON. The cortege then reformed and accompanied the hearse to the outskirts of the town, when the procession formed up on either side of the road and waited, while a verse of the hymn “Safe in the Arms of Jesus” was sung, after which the hearse passed onwards towards the Station, where the body was entrained in the second portion of the ordinary passenger train.
Miss SMITH had been connected for more than three years with the Public School, and was a most efficient and painstaking teacher, winning the regard and respect of pupils and parents. She was in her 28th year and had, until her coming to Victoria West, been a teacher in one of the Schools at Grahamstown.
[Transcriber’s note: Her Death Notice shows that her full name was Annie Alice SMITH and that she was the daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth SMITH]
Friday 20 April 1900
DIED at Altadore, Grahamstown, on Tuesday [sic] April 19th, Philip W.T. WARREN, late Classical Lecturer, St.Andrew’s College.
The Funeral of the above will leave Altadore, West Hill, this (Friday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A.WILL, Undertaker.
Saturday 21 April 1900
The funeral of the late P.W.T. WARREN took place yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock. The solemn procession left the house “Altadore”, West Hill, and proceeded to the Cathedral, where the first part of the service was gone through, led by the Bishop and Rev. Canon ESPIN. The service was fully choral, Mr. W. [DONNE] presiding at the organ. The service was rendered more solemn by the playing of the “Dead March”. The cortege then moved on to the cemetery, where the second part of the burial service was conducted by the Bishop and the Rev. Canon ESPIN, and a hymn was sung.
There were numerous floral tributes in the form of wreaths and crowns, the coffin being covered with white flowers.
The Revs. Canon MULLINS and CLARKE acted as chief mourners, followed by all the students of St.Andrew’s College. The pall bearers were Rev. W.H. WHITE, Messrs. WARNER. LAURIE, JONERS, FARR, AUSTEN, KUHL, VAN HEIST, MATTHEWS, HOPE, ROUSSEAU and ABBOTT, all masters at the College.
All the arrangements were conducted in a very satisfactory manner by Mr. A. WILL.
Yesterday a sad little funeral cortege made its way to the Wesleyan Cemetery. The only two children, aged 4 years and 1 year, of Mr. and Mrs. SANDERSON of this City, died of dysentery on the same day, and were yesterday interred together. The Rev. M.J. BUTCHER rendered the last [.....] amid the [,,,,,] of the stricken parents and friends.
Monday 23 April 1900
BIRTH at Woodlands on 11th April 1900, the wife of M.W. GRADWELL of a daughter.
Rev. L.P. VORSTER, minister of the [Baptist] Church, Burghersdorp, was arrested for high treason on Thursday afternoon and lodged in person.
Tuesday 24 April 1900
On Wednesday night at [11:15] an alarm of fire was received at the Kimberley Fire Station. The [.......] and [.....] were at once despatched and arrived at the scene of the conflagration, a dwelling house in Roper Street, occupied by Mr. COOMBES, blacksmith. The flames were found to have got a good hold in the front bedroom, where it is supposed the fire originated. All efforts were put forth to subdue the flames, and the brigade under Superintendent POPE [managed to confine the fire] in the two front rooms. It is with regret that we (Diamond Fields Advertiser) have to record the fact that Mr. COOMBES lost his life as a result of the fire, his body being discovered by Mr. POPE among the debris on the floor close to the bed, presumably occupied by the unfortunate man. Dr. SMITH, District Surgeon, was sent for, and viewed the body, which was afterwards removed to the Mortuary. Great sympathy is felt for Mrs. COOMBES and family in their melancholy bereavement.
Wednesday 25 April 1900
This morning at St.George’s Cathedral a pretty wedding was celebrated, the contracting parties being Mr. Frank W. WILLOWS, third son of Mr. Edward WILLOWS, formerly of Grahamstown, and Miss Mary Frances LAPPAN, [...] of Grahamstown.
A number of friends and relations [....................] The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. DEVONSHIRE.
The bridesmaid was Miss Doris LAPPAN, sister of the bride, who wore a pretty costume of cream cloth trimmed with lace ........... She wore a large [.....] hat trimmed with cream [...] feathers and flowers. The best man was Mr. W. LAPPAN, brother of the bride.
Transcriber’s note: The article continues for another couple of paragraphs, with a description of the bride’s dress, but is so faint as to be illegible, and indeed I only deciphered this much by finding the Marriage Entry for Frank Whybrow WILLOWS]
Saturday 28 April 1900
MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, on the 25th April 1900, Frank Whybrow WILLOWS to Mary Frances LAPPAN, fourth daughter of Mr. A. LAPPAN of this city.
For Queen and Country:
The news of the heavy loss in killed and wounded sustained in the Israel’s Poort action April the 25th has filled the City with gloom, and many flags are flying at half mast. We are not told how the action went, but we learn that the First City, or as it is now tendered,” Marshall’s Horse”, after the gallant Officer Commanding, did very well. Our brave Volunteers have fought and bled for Queen and country, and it must surely soften the poignant pangs of sorrow of the bereaved relatives to know that the cause is a just one, and the gallant fellows died bravely fighting.
The deceased Capt. GETHIN was the nephew of Sir Richard GETHIN, Baronet, and son-in-law of the Hon. A. WILMOT, of Grahamstown. His cousin, the present Baronet, Sir Percy GETHIN, and four others of the family are fighting in this war. The late Capt. GETHIN belonged to one of the oldest and most honoured Irish families. He was an engineer by profession but was for years a contractor for public works in Johannesburg. He joined the First City Volunteers and was considered a most efficient officer. We tender our sincere sympathies to the widow and only child, who are staying with Mr. WILMOT here.
Pvt HAYTER was the son of Mr. Henry HAYTER, of Hilton Farm, well known in Grahamstown, and is spoken of as a splendid shot, a fine rider, and in fact all that a Colonial soldier should be. His death will come as a terrible shock to his family, and every man, woman and child who knew him will participate in the grief felt. We can only close this brief notice with out heartfelt expression of sympathy.
Monday 30 April 1900
KILLED IN ACTION, April 25th 1900, at Israel’s Poort, Henry Richard GETHIN, Captain in Marshall’s Horse, son of Captain William St.Lawrence GETHIN, and son-in-law of the Hon. A. WILMOT M.L.C., of this city.
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