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Newspaper Obituaries and Snippets

Newspaper Obituaries and Snippets

BIDDULPH -An old frontier Colonist—Mr. E. W. Biddulph—died recently at Johannesburg, aged 63 years. He was the son of one of the settlers of 1820, and was born in the Eastern Province. For years he was a well-to-do farmer on the frontier, but, like many others in the earlier days of the Colony, he had suffered by the ravages of natives, and was able to relate many startling incidents of the wars of 1846-50. Leaving the Old Colony, he migrated to the Free State and then to Natal; but, on the discovery of gold in the Transvaal, he went thither to improve his fortunes. The greater part of his stay in the Transvaal was at the Kaap and Upper Komatie districts, and he settled down at Johannesburg about six months since. Mr. Biddulph, who leaves a widow and large family, was highly respected by all who knew him.--Colonies and India April 11, 1888

CARLTON - At Algoa Bay, Mr. Thomas Calton, surgeon, formerly of Nottingham. He went out as a settler. He has left a widow and five children, who are coming home passengers in the Kinnersley Castle Transport. -Gentlemans Magazine 01/12/1820

CARR – Mr. George Carr, of Wynberg, Cape Colony, died on October 14, aged 80. He was one of the last survivors of the English settlers who landed at Algoa Bay in 1820 in the John. Mr. Carr's parents, after enduring the rough and harassing life of the border for about four years, moved to Cape Town, and soon after to Wynberg, where Mr. Carr spent the remaining 68 years of his life. -  Colonies and India 11 November 1893

CAWOOD - The Hon. Samuel CAWOOD, whose death is announced, will be well known to every Cape Colonist, where he may be located. The deceased gentleman was born in April 1810, thus having entered his 78th year. He arrived in the Cape Colony by the ship John on April 19, 1820, with his father, Mr. David Cawood, and five brothers - James, William, John, Joshua, and Joseph - all of whom he outlived. Mr. Cawood was of an old Yorkshire family, his birthplace being Waybank Hall, at which place his father was engaged in farming till he decided to take part in the great emigration to South Africa, which took place in 1820. His youth was spent at Kaffir Drift Post, where his father had settled as a farmer. In 1832 Mr. Samuel Cawood and two of his brothers were at the kraal of the treacherous Zulu chief Dingaan, shortly before the frightful massacre of the Boers and their families under Retief.From a similar fate the Cawoods had the narrowest escape. It was with great difficulty that they got permission to leave the place, and, as they afterwards discovered, a body of men had been sent on before to waylay them on their return to Natal. The men fell in on the way with a hunting party of Hottentots, all of whom they killed except one lad. The Cawoods on their return towards Natal crossed the river 24 hours before the Zulus came up, and, owing to the heavy rains, no spoor was left at the drift, which led their pursuers to suppose that they had taken another road, and therefore the chase was abandoned. In 1840 the firm of Cawood Bros. was started in Port Elizabeth, and soon afterwards in Grahamstown and Cradock, four or five smaller branch houses being started in course of time. In 1880 he was elected Mayor of Grahamstown and on May 7, 1882, he presided as Acting Mayor at the opening of the new Town Hall.

The chief mourners were the following relatives and family connections of the deceased:- Messrs. Thomas, William and George CAWOOD.

Messrs. Herbert BAKER and Charles DYER, of King Williamstown Mr. J.W. KING, of Adelaide, Mr. R.W. NELSON, of Grahamstown Mr. Frank KING, of Bedford, and Mr. Richard CAWOOD The grandsons present being - Joseph, Charles, and Willie CAWOOD, sons of Mr. W.D. CAWOOD Willie Albert CAWOOD - son of Mr. Thomas CAWOOD and R.W. NELSON, jun and George C. NELSON, sons of Mr. R.W. NELSON. In addition to these were numerous distant relatives, together  with Mr. John ATHERSTONE, of Albany, and Mr. VARDY, of Port Elizabeth. The following gentlemen, who are among the oldest Grahamstown friends of the deceased, acted as pall-bearers, namely Messrs. C.H. HUNTLY, Reuben AYLIFF, W.A. FLETCHER, Josiah SLATER, Henry WOOD, C.J. STIRK  - Colonies and India 22 July 1887

CHASE – Mr. Henry N. CHASE, of Uitenhage,Cape Colony, died the other day. He was widely known and universally respected. Mr. H.N. Chase was a son of the late Hon. J.C. Chase, who arrived with the British settlers of 1820, and had consequently lived all his years in the Colony. For a considerable period he was in business in Port Elizabeth, but removed to Uitenhage on being appointed secretary of the Board of Executors, which position he held up to the time of his death. Mr. Chase was 71 years of age. Colonies and India 14 January 1893

GODLONTON - Robert - Born in London Sept. 24, 1794, Died in Grahamstown May 30, 1884. A British Settler of 1820. The recognised Father of the Press of the Eastern Province of the Colony, and for many years a valued member of the Legislative Council of the Cape of Good Hope. Colonies and India 17 December 1886

JEFFRIES - Mr. Gad JEFFRIES, an old South African Colonist, died at Ladybrand the other day, aged 89. He was born in Scotland and emigrated to the Cape in 1820 - Colonies and India 08/10/1892

MANDY - Old Colonists at home will regret to hear of the death of Mr. William MANDY, at his farm in Lushington Valley, in the 67th year of his age. He was born on board the Nautilus when on her voyage to Algoa Bay with a party of the British settlers of 1820. Mr. Mandy had seen active service in several South African wars, and had held the position of Commandant of Burghers. So highly did he stand in the opinion of the late Sir Walter Currie that on his organising the Frontier Armed and Mounted Police, Mr. Mandy was among the first chosen by him to take command of a troop, a post which after some hesitation he eventually accepted. Though for many years past Mr. Mandy has lived a retired life on his farm, there are few people in the Colony by whom he was not known and respected. - Colonies and India  04 March 1887

NORTON - The death is announced from Grahamstown of Mr. Thomas NORTON, sen, a son of one of the British settlers of 1820. Mr. Norton was 67 years of age at the time of his death, and was regretted by a large circle of friends. Colonial and India News 24 October 1888

PEACH -The old settlers are going one by one. The Grahamstown papers report the decease of  Mr. George Peach, at the age of 90. It is said that Mr. Peach was gardener to good old Mr. UPPLEBY, of Uitenhage, whose  flowers used to decorate the little cozy bar of  Mrs. Phillis's hotel, and that he was many years keeper of the Wesleyan Chapel in Grahamstown. It is supposed that he was the last surviving settler who had  attained his majority when he landed in Algoa Bay in 1820. -  Colonies And India April 15, 1887

ROBERTS - There are few old settlers left now to look back upon the initial trial of colonisation or to be cheered by the bright prospects which are now South Africa. The last to pass away was Mrs. Maria Roberts, of Oak Terrace, Grahamstown, and who could speak of the days when the natives used to mount the hill to the east of the city and threaten to come down and eat them up. She was born on April 6, 1796 - her parents Benjamin and Mary WOOLCOTT, belonged to one of the old Somersetshire families. She was brought up in affluence and refinement, but after her marriage her husband was attracted by the then projected new settlement in Africa, and she went with him as one of the British settlers of 1820. She was in weak health, and had to be carried on board the Kennersley Castle on Jan. 1, 1820, and landed in Algoa Bay on May 1, 1820. Mrs. Roberts often spoke of the hearty kindness of the Dutch farmer who seemed sorry to have to put them off his waggon, and leave their small party in the open veld in Lower Albany at New Bristol, and the Bristol party resolved to call their location. It is remarkable that in this Bristol party were three weak and sickly members and that those three outlived all the other adult settlers of 1820 except one. Early in the history of the settlement, the deceased met the Rev. William SHAW, and later Mrs. SHAW, with whom was formed a life long friendship. She thereafter joined the Methodist Church, and took part in its early struggles. Her house became a prophet's chamber, and was the resort of the preachers and pious, and her earnest piety, gentleness, and valued counsels attracted a large circle of friends. In her last days she was tenderly cared for by her children and adopted daughter, and had the sympathy of her dearest friends and settler families. It is sad to think there is but one left out of that band of settlers who turned a wilderness into thriving cities, towns, and villages, and initiated the stable industry of South Africa.- Colonies and India 15 February 1888

THOMAS - Mr. Isaiah THOMAS, one of the British settlers of 1820, has just died at Cala. He lived for many years at Lower Albany, and was nearly 90 years of age at the time of his death. - Colonies and India 23/01/1889

WHITFIELD - Charlotte Whitfield went to the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope in 1820 and was married in or about the year 1836 at Gahamstown to William Henry TURKINGTON, and died at Fort White, Cape Colony on 21st June 1876 - Lloyds Weekly 22/05/1898

AN 1820 MAN - Everyone who has lived at the Cape at any time knows Mr. PANKHURST. The Telegraph says :- "Old settlers don't like being cracked up at the cost of truth. The Star said that 'Mr. Pankhurst, an 1820 advent, is 91 years old, rode 30 miles on horseback the other day, jumped on to a post-cart, and traveled 70 miles further. The venerable PANKHURST did not think it worth his while to ask the Star to contradict its statement, but he wrote to the Mercury stating that he is only 85, and the distance he travelled was 20 miles. The old gentleman thought the Press ought to be prosecuted for 'telling lies' about him. - Colonies and India 13 June 1884

THE NEW MAYOR OF CAPE TOWN - Mr. J.W. ATTWELL, is very highly spoken of in the Colony. Mr. Attwell was born in Cape Town, and is the son of one of the founders of Grahamstown, his father having gone out to the Cape with the famous settlers of 1820. The new Mayor was educated solely in Cape Town and is a thorough South African. - Colonies and India 02 November 1895

ALGOA BAY SETTLEMENT - The settlement at Algoa Bay has been accomplished. The John transport which took out 600 settlers to Algoa Bay, from Lancashire has returned. We have, says a correspondent, arrived at Algoa Bay, after a tedious passage. I have been up the country as far as Graham's Town, and a more delightful one cannot be conceived. The proper officer has a surveyed government plan before him of the intended settlement, marked out in lots, of from 100 to 10,000 acres. Every lot has a good spring of water, and very well wooded. Every follower is allowed 100 acres, the quantity of land is sought for without partiality. The settlement is about 190 miles from the sea, where we found many respectable families already housed. One who had brought out an iron roof, was housed with all his family in three days and nights, by lodging his roof on the stumps of trees, plastering up the sides and giving it a good white washing. The climate here is so good that you have four crops a year. The road to the settlement is good, with excellent pasturage every where for your cattle, plenty of water and timber. - Monthly Magazine 01 September 1820

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