South African Commercial Advertiser 1828 - October to December
[There are no editions of the South Africa Commercial Advertiser in the folder CO53/1 between 10 March 1827 and 3 October 1828]
Friday 3 October 1828
In the English Church Cape Town by the Reverend Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain, on Monday 29 Sept 1828:
Mr. Charles BOUCHER to Mary, widow of the late John LEWIS.
In the English Church Cape Town by the Reverend Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain, on Sunday 28 Sept 1828:
A daughter of George LITCHFIELD baptised Elizabeth Ann
Sept 27 1828, John PRICE, aged 26 years.
Sept 28, John HOWE, 46 years.
Saturday 11 October 1828
CHRISTENINGOn Sunday 5 October by ditto [presumably B.C. GOODISON – see below] :
A daughter of James HARDY, Musician in HM 72nd Highlanders, baptised Jane.
In the Military Church Cape Town on Monday 6th Oct 1828 by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
Sergeant William HICKEY of HM 49th Regt to Miss Elizabeth BRANKIN.
By special licence, on Tuesday 7th Oct by ditto:
Corporal Walter BUTLER of HM 49th Regt to Isabella DANIELL.
Oct 5: William BECKITT, aged 44 years and 9 days.
Oct 9: A daughter of Frederick ANTONIO, named Mary, aged 3 years.
Oct 10: Mr. Robert McGARVA, aged 38 years and 8 months.
Saturday 18 October 1828
MARRIED on the 13th October by the Rev. Dr. ADAMSON, Minister of the Scottish Church, Anthony OLIPHANT Esq, Attorney General in this Colony, to Catherine Maria, only daughter of the late Lieut.Col. Ronald CAMPBELL of Craignish in Scotland, and formerly of HM 72nd Regiment.DIED at the University of Utrecht, on the 21st June, after a lingering illness of four months, Mr. H.E. FAURE AB, deeply lamented by his parents, relatives and friends.
DIED on the 15th instant the son of William HAWKINS Esq, named Hamilton Ross, aged four months.
On Sunday 27 Sept by the Rev. J. ADAMSON DD, Minister of the Church of Scotland:
A son of George PATON Esq baptised James.
In the English Church Cape Town Tuesday 14 Oct 1828 by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Peter Laurence CLOETE Jun Esq baptised Peter Laurence.
In the Military Church Cape Town Wednesday 15 Oct 1828 by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of Daniel ARMSTRONG Esq, Assistant Surgeon in HM 49th Regt, baptised Rebecca.
Oct 15: A son of William HAWKINS Esq, named Hamilton Ross, aged four months.
Oct 15: Mr Charles HUGHES, aged 43 years.
Oct 16: Mrs. Johanna Franslina HUDD, aged 27 years and 5 days.
Wednesday 22 October 1828
CHRISTENINGBy the Rev. B.C. GOODISON AM, Chaplain to the Forces on Sat Oct 18:
A daughter of Lieut. Montgomery WILLIAMS of the Royal Engineers, baptised Caroline Amelia.
Oct 18: A son of Mr. Robert DYASON, names James, aged 7 months.
Wednesday 29 October 1828
CHRISTENINGIn the Military Chapel Cape Town, Sunday 26 Oct 1828, by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Private George SIM of HM 72nd Highlanders baptised Michael Adair.
Saturday 1 November 1826
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town Wednesday 29th Oct 1828 by the Rev.Geo. HOUGH AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Two sons (twins) of Mr. Thomas BUCKLE, baptised Charles Nicholas and Frederick William.
In the Military Church Cape Town Wednesday 29th Oct 1828 by the Rev. B. GOODISON AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of James Duff WATT Esq, Deputy Assistant Commissary general to the Forces, baptised Jane Blair.
In the Union Chapel Cape Town Thursday 15th Oct 1828 by the Rev W. ELLIOT were baptised:
Esther Joanna GENEKE and Hannah of the Cape.
In the Wesleyan Chapel Simon’s Town Sunday 12th Oct by the Rev. R. SNOWDALL:
An infant daughter of Hendrick LAURENS baptised Wilhelmina Hendrica Valentyns.
On Sunday 19th Oct in the Wesleyan Chapel Cape Town:
An adult person baptised Carolina Elizabeth Johanna FRANKIN.
A daughter of Chr. WEIS baptised Isabella Hendrica Wilhelmina WEIS.
Oct 29: Mr. John MURRAY, aged 31 years 11 months and 26 days.
Wednesday 5 November 1828
MARRIAGESIn the English Church Cape Town Saturday 1 Nov 1828 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Samuel OLIVER to Mr. Alice, widow of the late Mr. William HARRIS.
Mr. Richard BAKER to Hannah BRUNETT.
On Monday 3d Nov by ditto, Mr. George BAKER to Mary DE VISME.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday 2nd Nov 1828 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Walker Mills BARBER baptised Charles.
An adult, native of the Cape, baptised Rachel Louisa Jane ROUX.
Oct 30: A daughter of Mr. Mathew ADAMS, named Martha Elizabeth, aged 2 years.
Nov 2: Charles FAWTHORP (late Seaman) aged 45 years.
Saturday 8 November 1828
NOTICE is hereby given to Friend and Relatives that J.D. KAKNSPEK Esq departed this life on Sun Nov 3, aged 67 years. Being satisfied of the feelings of our friends, we beg to be excused from visits of condolence.G. REITZ
B. NORDEN, Auctioneer, begs leave to give notice to merchants and others that he intends holding Monthly Sales, for a certain amount only, which his experience has enabled him to know can be collected. All persons requiring his services are requested to make early application in the month.
NB All commissions strictly attended to. Consignments to be forwarded to his Agent, Mr. J.O. SMITH, Port Elizabeth.
On Monday 27th Oct by the Rev J. ADAMSON DD, Minister of the Church of Scotland:
A son of Mr. Alexander AITCHESON baptised George William.
On Thursday 30th Oct by ditto:
A son of James NISBET Esq baptised William Croft.
A daughter of William DICKSON Esq baptised Maria Anna.
Wednesday 12 November 1828
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday 9th Nov 1828 by the Rev McDonald CAUNTER SCL:
A daughter of Mr. Frederick Samuel Francis ROESCH, baptised Catherine Maria Zeeman.
A son of Mr. John LOCK baptised Jacob.
A son of Eva baptised Harry.
Oct 27: Magdalena J.C. PRYS, relict of George PATON Esq, aged 35 years and 2 months.
Nov 6: William OATS (late seaman of the ship Glenalvon) aged 24 years.
Saturday 15 November 1828
MARRIAGEIn the English Church Cape Town Wednesday 12th Nov 1828 by The Rev Geo. HOUGH AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
John JOLIFFE to Mary (both natives of Delagoa Bay.
Nov 12: A son of Mr. John LOCK, named Henry, aged 10 years.
Wednesday 19 November 1828
MARRIAGE BY SPECIAL LICENCEIn the English Church Cape Town Monday 17th Nov 1828 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Charles Franklin HART Esq, Captain in the H.E.I.C. Bombay Army to Miss Elizabeth Margaretha LOUW.
Marriage, the same day by ditto:
Mr. Robert SHEARER to Mrs. Ann Maria, widow of the late Mr. Alex. FERRIES.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday 16th Nov 1828 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. William DUCKET baptised William.
A daughter of Mr. Mathew ADAMS baptised Eliza Jane.
Nov 17: A son of Johanna, native of the Cape, named Peter Henry, aged 11? months and 13 days.
Saturday 22 November 1828
MARRIED at Worcester by the Rev Henry SUTHERLAND, Mr. James WALL to Miss Ellen Nancy ROSSOUW.MARRIED on Monday 17th inst by Special Licence by the Rev Geo. HOUGH, Senior Colonial Chaplain, Captain Charles Franklin HART, Assistant Quarter Master General of the Bombay Army, to Elizabeth Margarita, fourth daughter of John LOUW Esq of the Cape of Good Hope.
DIED. Notice is hereby given to Friends and Relatives that my beloved daughter Johanna Elizabeth dies on Sunday the 16th inst, aged 32 years and 3 months.
Wednesday 26 November 1828
DIED at the Castle on the 21st inst, Edward Augustus Mildmay, seventh son of Lieut. FIELDING 98th Regt.TO FARMERS
Just received by the undersigned, an assortment of saddles with plated cantles.
8 Longmarket-street
Wednesday 3 December 1828
MARRIAGEIn the English Church Cape Town Tuesday 2nd Dec 1828 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
The Reverend John Larkin FRY, Chaplain of HM Ship Maidstone, to Miss Catharina Reinira DE WET
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday 30 Nov 1828 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. William VAWSER baptised Charlotte Elizabeth.
A son of James Baxter BRADSHAW baptised James.
Nov 27: Daniel CHISTON, aged 36 years.
Nov 29: A daughter of Mr. George HUDD, named Johanna Dorothea, aged 1 year and 4 months.
Nov 29: A prize apprentice, named Sophia, aged 5 years.
Wednesday 10 December 1828
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday 7 Dec 1828 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Arthur GOSLETT, baptised Susanna Caroline.
A son of Mr. John GRAY baptised John.
Wednesday 17 December 1828
The Executors of the late Mr. Stephen TWYCROSS request that all Debts due to the late firm of S & G TWYCROSS be immediately paid into the hands of Mr, George TWYCROSS, surviving partner.DIED at Uitenhage, on the 6th inst, Mr. Adriaan Jacobus CRUYWAGEN, aged 28 years and 11 months, of which notice is hereby given to Relations and Friends.
In the English Church Cape Town Sun the 14th Dec 1828 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Ewan CHRISTIAN Esq baptised Jane Blamire.
In the Military Church Cape Town Sunday the 14th Dec 1828 by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Mr. Arthur GILSTAIN, late Quarter-master serjeant HM 49th Regt, baptised Edmond William.
Dec 12: A daughter of Mr. J. ROBERTSON, names Augusta, aged 17 months.
Dec 12: Peter CASTLE, late seaman of the Alexander, aged 27 years.
Wednesday 24 December 1828
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday 21st Dec 1828 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. William CORBITT baptised Mary Jane.
At Stellenbosch, on Monday 15th Dec, by ditto:
A daughter of Lulan, native of Madagascar, baptised Carolina.
Dec 19: A son of Michael STUDSER, named William Michael, aged 1 year and 3 days.
Dec 21: James WALKER, late seaman, aged 32 years.
Saturday 27 December 1828
DEATHSDec 23: Mrs. Sophie Augustine CHAULAUST, wife of Captain Le Vaillant D’HAUTECOURT, aged 36 years.
Dec 23: Johannes Andries TRUTER, son of P.J. TRUTER, aged 18 years 6 months and 23 days.
Wednesday 31 December 1828
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town Sun 28th Dec 1828 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. G.M. BRUNETT baptised William Henry.
A daughter of Mr. Edward HANBURY baptised Sarah Jane.
Dec 26 1828: A son of Mr. Thomas FAIRCLOUGH, named William Edward, aged 1 year and 9 months.
Dec 26: Edward DREW, aged 46 years.
Dec 27: A son of David SAPSFORD, named James Gabriel, aged 1 year & 6 months.
Dec 27: A son of Rowland JONES, named William.
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