The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1872 2 July - December
Thursday, 4 July, 1872
DIED on the 22nd June, at Potchefstroom, South African Republic, after a severe and protracted illness, George, the deeply mourned and beloved eldest son of James and Henrietta DONALD, aged three years and twelve days.
Friends at a distance will please accept this intimation.
De ondergetekeende voldoet aan zyne smartlyke taak om volende en naastebestaanden kennis te geven dat zynd dierbare echtgenoote, Edieza Christina, geboren LOTTERING, op 20sten Juny jl., in den ouderdom van bykans 30 jaren, het tydelyke met eenwige heeft verwisseld. Haar wandel – omgang met anderen, haar afscheid levengaan tot haren Heer droegen blyken, dat het leven haar Christus en het sterwen voorzeker gewin was. De overledene heft haren echtegenoot met drie nog zeer jonge kinderen achtergelaten om haar smartelyk verlies aan deze zynde van het graf te beweegen.
De bedroefte echtgenoot, Herman REINACH.
Jacobsdal 2 July, 1872
DIED at Bloemfontein, the 3rd July, 1872, Sarah Jemima Antoinette, aged 7 months, 21 days, daughter of
Thursday, 11 July, 1872
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 9th inst., Mrs. J.J. RAAFFsen. of a son.
DIED at Modderfontein, O.F. State, on the 30th June, Henry Haigh, aged 6 months, infant son of Joseph and Jane ARCHBELL
Catherine Elizabeth Getruiga MEYER, geboren FOURIE, weduwee van Frans S. ROBERTSE, en nagelaten echtgenoote van Lucas Johannes MEYER, van Fourieskraal, Kliprivier, Natal:
Eenige kinderen of kleinkinderen van sekeren Jan FOURIE, vroeger van het district Cradock, Kaapkolonie, Broeders of zusters zynde of hun kinderen, van bovengemelde overledene zul iets tot hun voordeel kunnen hooren, door hun verwantschap te bewyzen en aanvrage te doen by
John C. WALTON, Ladysmith, Natal.
Ladysmith, Natal, 8 Mei, 1872
Thursday, 25 July, 1872
Of live stock at Touwfontein, district Fauresmith in the estate of the late S.W. van WIJK, Esq.
The executors testamentary in the above estate will cause to be sold by public auction on the farm Toufontein, district of Fauresmith, on Tuesday, the 27th August, 1872, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon:-
about 400 head of cattle, among which are 100 quiet Milch cows.
350 Cape wethers, in splendid condition,
653 Merino wethers, in splendid condition,
2653 Merino sheep, of which 600 are ewes with lambs,
1221 Cape sheep., of which 400 are ewes and lambs
786 Goats, of which 150 are wethers in splendid condition
91 Well-trained oxen
30 Saddle horses and Mares
1 Spring Wagon with harness
2 Second-hand Ox-wagons
1 Buggy with harness
Saddles, bridles, farming implements, &c., &c., &c., too numerous to be particularized.
The Live Stock is in splendid condition. The stock of the late Mr. van WIJK is known to be the best in the country, so that this is a rare chance for farmers, butchers, speculators and other, to secure bargains. Ample Credit will be given. Refreshment will be provided.
D.B. van der HAER, Auctioneer.
W.J.LUBBE, A.s.,
J.P. van WIJK,
Executors Testamentary.
Fauresmith, July 17th, 1972
In den boedel van wylen Johanna Catherina KOTZEE, nageblevene echtegenote van wylen Johannes Gideon NIEUWENHUIS
De ondergeteekende, daartoe behoorlyke gelast door den executeuren testamentair in bovengemelde boedel, zal publek zonder reserve verkoopen, op Woensdag, 21sten Augustus A.S., 8 morgens ten 10 ure, op den plaats Kaffirskop, district Rouxville:-
I. De overig blevende deel der plaaats Kaffirskop, vroeger No.262 thans No.97 in het district Rouxville, groot volgens afgemeten kaart 1163 morgen, gelegen omtrent 2 uren van het dorp Rouxville, en te wel bekend om eenige meer aanmerklagen daarop te maken.
II. 1 Ossewagen met trekgoed kompleet, 7 Trekossen, 5 Aanteelbeesten, ?71 Schapen.
III. Huisraad te veel om op te noemen, Keukengereedschap, 1 Veldtent, 5 Mudden Koorn, en al dat gene wat op dien dag verder tot voorschyn xal gebragt worden.
Laatstelyk:- Op rekening voor wien het moge aangaan: 1 Ossewagen, 2 Karren (byna nieuw) 6 Paarden, En een getal Schapen die hiernader benoemd zal worden
Ruim crediet zal gegeven worden. Ververschingenzullen worden verschaft.
Jacob SELIGMANN, Vendu Afslager.
Rouxville, 22 July, 1872.
DIED at Harrismith, on Sunday, 14th inst., of inflammation of the lungs, after nine days severe illness, Mr. James Michael HOWELL. Deceased was an old resident of Natal, where he was an half-pay officer of the late Natal Native Police. He served in the Kaffir war of 1835-36, as one of Colonel SMITH’s famed Corps of Guides, and in this State he, for some years, filled the office of Landdrost of Winburg.
DIED at the residence of the Reverend James SCOTT, on the 21st inst., Sarah second daughter of the Reverend James CALVERT, of Bromley, Kent, aged 26 years. Esteemed and loved while in life, many mourned at her death.
OVERLEDEN te Gevel Krants, Onder Wittebergen, op Vrydag orgen, 12 dezer, na eene ongesteldheid van zeven dagen, David Stephanus, jongste zoon van Jan en Aleata Catharina JACOBSZ (geboren NAUDE), in den ouderdom van 6 maanden en 17 dagen.
On Saturday last a transport rider named George BENSON, on his way from the Diamond-fields at Aliwal North, was outspanned at the farm of Jan GEEL, Rondefontein about 2 ½ hours ride from Smithfield. He had his brother John CARR, a lad of 16 or 17 years, with him. CARR wishing to shoot some wild ducks which were swimming on the dam, mounted on the front wheel of one of the wagons to fetch his gun, which was loaded with ball and capped. The gun lay under the loose lying tarpaulin, and in drawing it towards him, the charge exploded, and drove the ball through his body, rupturing the intestine which were forced out through the wound in the back. This happened at about 10 o’clock. The brother immediately hastened into Smithfield for medical assistance and the wounded man was brought on in the wagons to meet the Doctor. When Dr. LAUTRE reached the young man he was still living, but he died almost immediately afterwards on being moved for examination. The corpse was conveyed to Smithfield, and was buried there today (Monday, 8th July, 1872) The deceased’s mother is, I understand, a resident at Aliwal North, poor woman.
Thursday, 1 August, 1872
n den boedel van wijle Anna Maria Cornelia COETZEE, nagebleven echtegenote ban Abraham Gert Willem COETZEE.
De Executeur Testamentair in opgemelden boedel zal door publieke vendutie laten verkoopen op Woensdag, den 2den October, 1872, ‘s morgens ten 10 ure, op de plaats Brandewijnsgat, in het wyk Onder Caledonrivier, district Rouxville:-
1. De uitmuntende welbekende landcertificaat plaats genaamd Brandewijnsgat, thans in het district Rouxville en groeger No.10 in het district Caledonrivier. Deze plaats was door Landmeter F. HOPLEY opgemeten eenige Jaren geleden en zyne kaart toont de plaats aan als 4593 morgen groot. Door een latere schikking aangaande een zulping heft de plaats echter een klein stuk grond verloren of gewonnen. De plaats is begrensd door Truitjesfontein, Mooiplaats, Naauwpoort, Rietfontein, en Caledonrivier. Er is op de plaats 1 Woonhuis met vier kamers en kombuis, 2 Oude woonhuizen, Wagenhuis, Paarde molen, Land voor 6 mudden zaad, Wyngaard, Tuin met vruchteboomen, extra sterk fontein en kralen.
2. Del van erf No. 73 te Bethulie, met daaropstaande huis van 2 kamers en kombuis
3. 979 Merino Schapen, 67 Ossen en aanteelbeesten. 5 Kar- en Rypaarden, 2 Merries, 1 Veerkar, 1 Bokwagen kompleet, 1 Ploeg, 1 Schrop, Huisraad, en andere Meubelen te veel om op te noemen,
De Crediet zal liberal zyn.
C.S. ORPEN, Voorden Executeur Testamentair, Dirk Jacobus COETZEE.
Jacob SELIGMANN, Afslager.
Smithfield, 26 July, 1872
DIED at Bloemfontein, on Tuesday, July 30th, Kenyon PARKER, Esq., late of Sheffield, England, aged 34 years.
DEPARTED this life, at Harrismith on Sunday the 14th July, 1872, my beloved brother James Michael HOWELL, aged 61 years. His end was peace.
Allow me to take this opportunity of thanking all the kind friends in this village for their never to be forgotten kindness and attention shown towards my late lamented and dear brother during his last illness, and the kind offices performed and respect evinced to his remains.
Harrismith, 22 July, 1872
Nadat het den Heer van Leven en Dood heft behaagd, om op den 4den Juny ll., ons jongste dochterje, Anna Maria, in den ouderdom van ruim drie Jaren van ons weg te nemen, was het ook den wil van den Albestierder ouze geliefde moeder Petronella Margarieta van der NEST, weduwee van wylen Pieter R. ERASMUS, op den 27sten dezer maand tot zich te reopen, in den ouderdom van een-en-tachtig Jaren drie maanden, en 26 dagen.
Eenige en algemeene kennisgeving aan familie, vriende en kennissen.
Ladybrand, 29 July, 1872
Het is deze week onze smartelijke pligt, het overlijden, op een jeugligen leeftijd, meale te deelen van Miss Sarah CALVERT, van deze stad, welke treurige gebeurtenis voorviel op Zondag namiddag, 21 dezer, ten woonhize van den Eerwaarden heer James SCOTT, Generaal Superintendent der Wesleijansche Mission in dit district, en in welker familie zij lang gewoond had. Miss CALVERT was de dochter van den Eerwaarden heer CALVERT, vroeger een webekende Wesleijansche Missionaris op de Fiji groe van eilanden (waar zij van wie wij hier een kort doodberigt geven geboren was) doch welke heer thans in England is. Miss CALVERT is lang lijdende gewoest aan een longziekte, en eigenlijk kwam zie hier in dit land voor haar gezondheit, eerst te Thaba N’chu,waar de Eerwaarde heer SCOTT in dien tijd woonde en dien zie vergezelde toen hij zich met der woon hier vestigde. Gedurende de maand Junij was Miss CALVERT zwaar ziek, ten laatste ontsliep zij zacht en kalm zonder strijd. Haar aardsch overschot werd op het Engelsche kerhof ter aarde bested, vlak naast het graf van wijlen Mrs. RADLOFF, hetwel plants had op Woensdag namiddag 24 dezer; de dienst werd verrigt door den Eerwaarden heer CAWOOD van Fauresmith.
Thursday, 8 August, 1872
MARRIED at the farm Bergplaats, district Fauresmith, on Wednesday, 31st July, 1872, by Rev. Victor BOMFART, Roman Catholic Priest, Mr. Richard Killien REID, to Mary JOHNSON, widow of the Mr. Laurence REID.
Thursday, 15 August, 1872
MARRIED on June 20, at Holy Trinity, Paddington, by the Rev. Daniel MOORE M.A., Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen and Vicar, assisted by the Rev. Wm. FLEMING M.A. Crouch End, Hornsey, Gilbert FARIE Esq. son of James FARIE, Esq., of Farme, Rutherglen, Lanarkshire, N.B., to Mary, third surviving daughter of the late William FLEMING, Esq., of the Cape of Good Hope.
DIED at Bloemfontein, at the house of Mr. D. ROSS, on 13th August, of apoplexy, Mr. Morgan JONES, of Mr. ALLISON’s Woolwashing Establishment, Modderriver, aged 64 years. Deceased was a native of Wales, and served in the Rifle Brigade on the Cape Frontier in the war of 1816.1818.
DIED at Smithfield, on Sunday, 11th August, after an illness of only 4 days our dear and youngest son, Floris, aged 9 years and 8 months.
We desire our heartfelt thanks to our many friends at Smithfield who felt for us in our sorrow.
In den boedel van wylen William STOWELL. De ondergeteekende, daartoe behoorlyke gelast zynde, zal op Zaturdag, den 19den October aanstaande, dadelyk na de verkooping in den boedel van wylen den heer James Michael HOWELL, publiek voor zyn kantoor verkoopen:-
1- Het watererf No. 27 met het gebouw daaropstaande gelegen in het dorp Harrismith, zynde ommuurd, en beplant met vruchtbommen.
2 – Het Regt op de plaats Peperkuil, No. 661, district Harrismith
3 – 1 Veerbalans, Brandspruit, &c., &c.
Termen Gunstig.
Voor rekening van wien het aangaat zullen verkocht worden:-
Wagens, karren, tigen, paarden, beesten, huisraad en verscheidene andere goederen.
Robert MacFARLANE, Vendu Afslager.
Harrismith, 6 Augustus, 1872.
Thursday, 22 August, 1872
In the district of Winburg in the estate of the late Wessel Jacobus WESSELS and surviving spouse Elizabeth Carolina WESSELS born ZWART.
The executor dative in the abovementioned estate will cause to be sold, by public auction on Wednesday, 18th September, 1872, on the farm Merriefontein, district of Winburg:- the first class farm Merriefontein, district Winburg, about three and a half hours to the town of Winburg; extent about 10 000 morgen (more or less); well-adapted for sheep and cattle. Further 1010 well bred Merino Sheep goats, 12 draught Oxen, 18 cows and calves, 2 cart horses, 1 new Ox-wagon, with gear complete. Household furniture, kitchen utensils, and farming implements. &c., &c., &c.
A liberal credit will be given
Joseph BOBBERT, Joh. W. WESSELS, Executors Dative
Joseph BOBBERT, Auctioneer.
Winburg, 17 August, 1872.
DIED at his residence, Ladysmith, Natal, on 31st July, 1872, very suddenly, from the bursting of an internal artery. Mr. James EDGECOMBE, of Ladysmith, of the firm of LAWSON & EDGECOMBE, Ladysmith, and DuToit, Diamond-fields, aged 39 years, deeply regretted.
DIED at Smithfield, on the 13th inst., after a painful illness, our youngest daughter Liza, at the early age of one year and six months
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 21st August, 1872, Mrs B. van der [KABST] of a son.
DIED at Bethulie, on Sunday, August 11th of typhoid fever, Mary Jane, aged 30 years, 11 months and 13 days, eldest daughter of Mr. James SWEETMAN of Winterberg.
Dr. and Mrs. MacDONALD desire to express their sincere thanks for the sympathy and kindness shown to them by the inhabitants of Bethulie, in their time of trouble.
Thursday, 29 August, 1872
BIRTH at St. Mary’s Parsonage, Potchefstroom, on Thursday, the 22nd of August, the wife of the Rev. Henry SADLER, of a son
DIED at Smithfield, on the 24th August, after a short and painful illness, our only son, Frederik Pieter, at the early age of eight months and sixteen days.
Thursday, 5 September, 1872
BIRTH at Cronstadt, on 23rd of August last, Mrs. P.J. BLIGNAUT, of a daughter
MARRIED at Burghersdorp, on Wednesday, 28th August, 1872, by the Rev. M.R. EVERY, Jno de VOS, Esq., to Miss Marianne King EVERY, daughter of the Rev. M.R. EVERY, Rector of Christ Church – No Cards
DIED at Smithfield, on the 27th inst., Henry D. HODGSON, aged 48 and 8 months.
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 2nd September, 1872, Mrs. Geo. PAGE, of a daughter
Thursday, 12 September, 1872
From Smithfield, on 9th inst, a correspondent writes: “This is quite a year of mourning. Death has gathered in another from our small community this morning. The victim this time has been Mr. J.S. LEIBBRANDT, the Sheriff and Messenger of our District. He had a long illness – consumption – and has left a widow and three sons to lament him.”
Thursday, 26 September, 1872
BIRTH at Reddersburg, on the 19th September, 1982, Mrs. G. REELER of a daughter
MARRIED on September 18, by special licence, at Brooklyn House Cape Town the residence of the bride’s father, by the R.G.H. STEGMANN, Jun., Mr. William ADLER of Winburg, O.F.S. to Cecilia Elizabeth youngest daughter of George VERGOTTINI Esq., R.L. of Winburg, O.F.S.
Mdlle. NILSSON, the popular songstress, was married to M.ROUZAUD, in Westminster Abbey, on July 27. Her wedding gifts have been valued at £10,000. To show what a “treasure” she is to her husband, an English paper says she needs only open her pretty mouth to cause a shower of bank notes to fall around her.
Thursday, 3 October, 1872
DIED at Cronstadt, on the 22nd instant, Henry Thomas PHILIPPS after a short but painful illness of 9 days, deeply lamented by all who knew him.
Friends will please accept this notice
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 1st October, 1872, after a painful illness of ten weeks, which he bore with Christian fortitude, Walter Edward, fifth son of George and Emma WEBBER, at the early age of 29 years and nine months.
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
The bereaved parents, take this opportunity of returning their sincere thanks for the sympathy and kindness shown to them in their sad hour of trial,
Sale of Landed Property
The following farms belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Sampson O’DANIEL will be sold by public auction, on Saturday the 13th October next, in front of the office of the Board of Executors, Bloemfontein, at 12 o’clock precisely:-
1st. – Cornelisdraai, No. 315 district Harrismith, fieldcornetcy Klip-river; containing 8000 morgen, as per Inspection report; bounded on about three sides by the Vaal-river, and also by Venters-spruit. The adjoining farms Donkerpoort and Elandshoek
2nd, - Uitenhaag, no, 24 Cronstdt District, fieldcornetcy Ondervatschrivier, 2800 morgen per inspection Report. Boundaries” Rustplaats, Kruidfontein, and Vischkuil.
3rd. – Doornhoek, No 514, Cronstadt district. Fieldcornetcy Ondervatschrivier, is bounded on one side by the Vaal-river, and has a large spruit running through it. Besides being so magnificently watered it is supplied with great quantities of wood.
James B. BROWN, Executor Dative.
Bloemfontein, 9 September, 1872.
Thursday, 10 October, 1872
In the insolvent estate of Hardwich J. LOUW
Sale of two valuable farms in the Orange Free State.
The undersigned will offer for sale by public Competition in front of the Court House, Grahamstown, at noon, on Tuesday, Novemver 12th, 1872.
The undermetioned valuable properties belonging to the said estate, and situated in the district of Winburg, O.F.S. in extent according to the deeds of transfer made in favour of the insolvent – viz.,
Hoendenkop, 3970 morgen en 358 sq. roods
Jagtpoort, 5080 Morgen en 340 sq. Roods
These farms lie within a few miles of the town of Winburg and are well known at first-class stock farms. Terms 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Interest 6 per cent per annum. Any firther particulars may be had on application at the office of the undersigned.
Ben. B. ATTWELL, For assignee.
Anglo-African Street, Grahamstown,
Sept 26, 1872
District Winburg.
The undersigned has been instructed by the executrix in the estate of the late Nicolaas Wilhelmus SMIT and surviving spouse to sell by public auction, on Tuesday, 5 November, 1872, at the farm Quaggafontein, district Winburg, The farm, Hartebeestfontein, situated in the fieldcornetcy Onder Wittebergen, district Winburg, in extent as ? diagram, 5500 morgen. On it is erected a good dwelling house, outhouses, kraals, large orchard and it is known as an A1 farm, as well for sheep and cattle, as also for agricultural purpose. Altogether it is one of the most valuable properties in this district.
Also 1 erf in Kroonstad,
227 head of Cattle, including about 50 Trek Oxen, in good condition, and good Milch Cows.,
672 Sheep, 28 Horses, of which 1 span of 8 are very good ones
1 Horse wagon on springs, with harness, 1 Ox-wagon with gear
200 Geese
A great variety of farming implements, furniture and various other things
Long Credit. Refreshments will be provided.
Joseph BOBBERT, Auctioneer.
Winburg, 7 October, 1872
BIRTH at Cronstadt, on the first October, Mrs. W.S. ERSKINE, of a daughter
MARRIAGE at Frasersburg, on the 1st October, 1872, by the father of the bride, the Rev. Gustav RADLOFF, of Bloemfontein, to Jacobine Johanna Josephine eldest daughter of the Rev. C.A. BAMBERGER
The mournful intelligence has reached us that Mr. John J. JOHNSSON, formerly of Winburg, died at the New Rush about ten or twelve days ago. Some years since Mr. JOHNSSON, who used to subscribe himself “Not our Own”, and “Our Own” Mr. J. M. HOWELL, wrote bitter things about each other in the Friend, Alas! Both of them are now no more.
Thursday, 17 October, 1872
BIRTH at Reddersburg, on the 19 September, Mrs. G. REELES of a daughter
MARRIED at Dordrecht, on the 9th instant by the Rev. Wm ROSSITER, Rector of St. Paul’s, Aliwal North, Thomas Edward, eldest son of Thomas TURNER, Esq., of Guy’s Hospital, London, to Rosina Petronella Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Nicholas MEYER, of Bloemfontein, Orange Free State.
The English papers announce the death of Edgecumbe CORNISH, L.S.A., late district surgeon of Fort Peddie, aged 30. Mr. CORNISH resided in this town for several weeks; thereafter staid [sic] a short time at Boshof, and then made for the sea-coast en route to England.
Thursday, 24 October, 1872
DIED at Jacobsdal, on 14th October, 1872, after a short but severe illness, Hermina Arendina Johanna, aged 6 months and 10 days, beloved infant daughter of
Of one of the most valuable farm in the district of Cronstadt.
The undersigned executor dative in the Estate of the late Gert Johannes Janse van VUREN and Maria Francina PRETORIUS, will offer for sale by public competition on Wednesday, the 27th November, 1872, on the farm itself:-
That magnificent farm Bultfontein, No.402 of the district of Cronstadt, situated in the ward of Lower Vals-river, on Vaal-river, well-known as one of the best grazing and sowing farms in said district. On the farm is a substantial dwelling, 47ft by 20ft., several outbuildings and klip kraals, a beautiful orchard, with a large number of fruit trees, and a strong, never-failing fountain. This farm is of very large extent (being one of the old land-certificate farms) and will, therefore, be sold in two separate parts.
A liberal credit will be given. Refreshments will be provided. All information respecting the above can be obtained at the offices of
H.J. MORKEL, Executor Dative.
Cronstadt, October 9th, 1872.
Thursday, 31 October, 1872
MARRIED at Reddersburg, O.F.S., on the 23rd October, 1872, by the Rev. BOMPART, R.C.P., Henry Edmund WATSON, only son of the late Capt. James WATSON, to Annie Mary Elizabeth Alexina Stuart, only surviving daughter of R.F.A. LAVERS Esq., late Lieutenant of Her Majesty’s Cape Mounted Rifles, and granddaughter of the late Capt. Robt. G. LAVERS, 91st Regt. Of Foot.
MARRIED by Special Licence, at the residence of John O’NIEL Esq., Befast, Natal, on the 19th September last, by Mr. OSBORNE, the Magistrate of Newcastle, Natal, Ellen, second daughter of Mr. James MADDEN Welcomesfontein, Free State, to Matthew, second son of Mr. O’NIEL, Natal. Both parents wish them luck in their undertaking.
DIED at Winburg, Orange Free State, South Africa, on the 24th October, 1872 of pleuro-pneumonia, accelerated by chronic bronchitis, T.J. DONALDSON, Esq., formerly of Bombay.
In the insolvent estate of Charles Edward STEAD on Thursday, the 26th December 1872, at 2 0’clock p.m., the undersigned is authorized to sell, by public auction, the farm, Vierfontein, No.705, district Harrismith. At same time and place will also be put up to public competition, the farm, Michiel, No. 765, district Harrismith.
Terms easy
Robert MacFARLANE, Auctioneer.
Harrismith, 24 October, 1872
Met leedwezen hebben wij het plotseling overlijden vernomen van den heer RADLOFF sen., vader van den Eerw. Heer RADLOFF, den geachten predikant der H.G. Kerk te Bloemfontein, en oud deelgenoot van de firma RADLOFF en FICHARDT, Bethany. Dit treurige voorval had plaats 16 dezer op de plaats van zijn zoon, gelegen aan den grooten weg van Pniel naar Hopetown. Hartkwaal, waaraan de overledene onderhevig was, wordt gezegd de redenen van zijn dood te zijn. De heer RADLOFF was een der oudste en meeste geachte inwoners van dezen staat. Vroeger behoorde hij tot het Berlijnsche Zendeling Genootschap en geduende zijn loopbaar als Zendeling wijdde hij zich aan het tijdelijke en geestelijk, heil der kleurlingen wonende op de Zendeling Statie Bethany. Na zijn werk volbragt te hebben vroeg de heer RADLOFF bij het genootschap zijn ontslag aan welk aangenomen werd, en daarna rigtte hij een bezigheid te Bethany op, waar hij door behartiging zijner zaken en aandacht te wijden aan de behoeften zijner klanten spoedig een goed inkomen ophoopte. Eenige jaren geleden nam hij als deelgenoot, den heer Emanuuel FICHARDT op; en van dat tijdstip behoefte hij zich niet meer af te matten voor de vele verdrietigo kleinigheden zoo onafgeheidelijk aan een bezigheid verbonded, daar de heer E. FICHARDT het geheele bestuur en de controle daarover op zich nam. Ofschoon de schielijke dood van der heer RADLOFF niet geheel onverwacht was, voor hem die hem goed kende en de ziekte wist, waaronder hij leed, trof het bezigte van zijn overlijden toch menigeon die hem nog weinige dagen in zijn gewone gezondheid op de ochtend markt gezien had. Wat het overlijden van den heer RADLOFF op dezen oogenblik nog treuriger maakt, is de afwezigheid van zijn echtgenoote, die met haar zoon, de Erw. Heer RADLOFF op reis is naar Fraserburg, in de Kaapkolonie, waar haar zoon in het huwelijk is getreden. Het zal wel onnoodig wezen hierbij te voegen, dat de beroofde familie onze opregte sijmpathie heft.
Thursday, 7 November, 1872
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 31st October, 1872 Mr. James H. WARES aged 22 years.
DIED on the 16th October, 1872, at Secretaris, Orange Free State, Theodore RADLOFF, Esq. of Fauresmith. late of Bloemfontein, aged 64 years 5 months and 26 days. No special Communication.
Mr. H. GILSTAIN writes us from Frankfort, O.F.State, under date 17th ult. As follows:- “ After making enquires concerning a paragraph which appeared in your journal, gleaned from one of the Diamond-field papers in June last respecting an ‘unfortunate man named ‘GILSTAIN’ who was picked up at Dutoitspan in a dying state, and taken to the prison ‘to die,’ I beg to state for the information of that journal that the person alluded to was not ‘GILSTAIN’ but “GILSON” who came from Natal, and who, I believe, from good authority, was robbed and half-murdered by some ruffians, and left on the road ‘to die’ It would be well for paragraph writers to said paper to be more careful how they place person’s names in public print, as they are well aware such things are the means of causing a great deal of uneasiness to friends at a distance.” We perfectly agree with Mr. H. GILSTAIN that it is a most reprehensible practice to report anybody dead before his time. Life is short and fleating without being killed ere its brief span has come to its natural and legitimate termination. We congratulate Mr. GILSTAIN upon his marvelous corpse from being “killed” outright by a penny one liner, and trust he will live many years to prove that it was “GILSON” and not “GILSTAIN” who went to his ‘Long home” in June 1872.
The undersigned in their capacity as assumed executors in the estate of the late Adrian Erasmus van NIEKERK and surviving spouse, will cause to be sold by public auction, without reserve, on Wednesday, 4 December, 1872 at the farm Padasfontein, Upper Sand-river:- One third share of the farm Padasfontein, a superior grazing and agricultural farm, suited for all kinds of stock.
One Erf in Ventersburg,
Movables, 520 Merino Sheep, 1 Span Oxen, 26 Cows, 11 Horses, 1 Wagon, 1 Cart, Farming implements, Furniture.
And a quantity of other things to numerous to particularize
Joseph ROBBERT, Philip C. BOTHA, Assumed Executors
Jos. ROBBERTS Auctioneer
Thursday, 14 November, 1872
DIED by drowning, in the Vaal-river, on the 1st November, Jacobus Petrus, dearly beloved son of C.M. de WET, Esq., of Vaal-river Pont, aged 18 years, 7 months and 10 days. Relatives and friends at a distance will pleased to accept this notice.
It is our mournful duty to record the death of an infant daughter of Mr. M. STEYN, Member of the Executive Council. It died on Tuesday morning, of croup, rather suddenly. The parents have our sympathy in their bereavement.
During a heavy thunderstorm, yesterday a boer named Jacobus [?] was struck dead by lightning on the farm [Fau….] about 4 or 5 hours from here.
The news of the death of this excellent man and good Roman Catholic Priest reached this on Tuesday last. The sad intelligence was received with sorrow by the few here who have lost a kind friend, and with regret by others who were not so fortunate in being formally acquainted with the very rev. gentleman.
From the Bay papers – which are in deep mourning - we learn that the Very Rev. Monsignore Thomas MURPHY, D.D., V.G., breathed his last on November 5 in the 65th year of his age. In consequence of severe indisposition he left for Europe at the end of November of last year, for the purpose of obtaining medical advice. An operation was considered necessary, but the shock to his already exhausted system was too great for him, and he never rallied. He was in so precious a state of health that his friends in Ireland feared he would not reach the Colony, and it was thought that he would have succumbed on board ship. He seemed, however, determined to reach Port Elizabeth to “sleep his long sleep” in the midst of the people for whom he had labored so long and so faithfully. He landed just a week previous to his death. On the 6th inst. All that was mortal of the Rev. Dr. MURPHY was committed to the grave within the Church of S. Augustine, which he had reared to the honour and glory of Maker. The Telegraph says that between seven and eight hundred citizens voluntarily assisted at the funeral obsequies. The solemn and impressive service for the dead was read by the Right Rev. Dr. RICHARDS, Roman Catholic Bishop. Among the large audience present were representatives from every church in Port Elizabeth and of every class of community; as well as many visitors from the country, and the officers and crew of M.S. Oatland, in which vessel he had been a passenger. As The Herald truly says, “the church of S. Augustine in Port Elizabeth, and the pro Cathedral of S.Patrick’s in Grahamstown, are monuments which will carry his venerable name to generations yet unborn but his untiring energy, and watchful care of his flock render no monument necessary”
BIRTH at Government House, Bloemfontein, on the 8th inst., Mrs. BRAND, of a son.
Thursday, 21 November, 1872
DIED at Sans Source, Conquered Territory, Winburg, on the 7th inst., after a short but severe illness of three days suffering from inflammation of the lungs, aged two years nine months and fourteen days, Susanna Maria, only daughter of J.J. SCHIMPER, O.A.SCHIMPER born EKSTEEN.
Sans Source, Nov 14, 1872
GETROUWD te Uitenhage, 14 November, 1872 C.VOS, Governemente Landmeter, O.V.Staat, met C.H. LANGE
The New York Herald of the 18th September, 1872, which came to hand this morning, says: “A telegram received here” (New York) ”announces the death in Philadelphia, today, from cancer in the face, of J. Henry RILEY, Consul-General of the Free State of Africa in the United States of America
Mr. C.H. BRAND, Clerk to the Speaker of the house of Assembly, and brother of our President, died in Capetown, on the 8th inst., rather suddenly, in a fit of epilepsy, to which he was subject.
During a short but somewhat severe thunderstorm (accompanied by but little rain) which passed over the town of Boshof on the [?] inst., the lightning struck Mr. John CLARKE’s [wine] store, and killed one of Mr. E. NIEMYER’s coloured servants, who was on the road to his hut. Death was instantaneous. Rather a sad and unexpected exit from this world.
Thursday, 28 November, 1872
DIED in Peace on the 9th inst., at the residence of her son, Mr. Henry GRIFFIN, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, Mrs. GRIFFIN, Sen., aged 84 years and 5 months. Deceased was highly respected in the Eastern Province and Natal, and was one of the British Settlers of 1820.
Thursday, 5 December, 1872
Public sale of house and erven in Phillipolis
In the insolvent estate of Henry HARVEY.
The following houses and erven in above insolvent estate will be sold by public auction at next Nachtmaal, in Philippolis on Saturday, the 28th instant:-
Portion of erfNo.11 Kerk-street, with buildings thereon
Water erf no.1 Onder-steet
Erf No.9 Kok-street, with buildings thereon
Erf No 18, Burgher-street.
Erf under Kopje
Erf No.11 Hendrick-Street
Also – a quantity of Office Furniture
James B. BROWN, Provisional Trustee. Bloemfontein, 8 December, 1872
The death is announced of Donna Juana María de los Dolores de León widow of Sir Harry George Wakelyn SMITH, K.C.B. the first Coronel, who after distinguished military service was appointed Governor of the Cape of Good Hope in 1817
The Hon. Mr. SOUTHEY, at present Colonial Secretary but the future Lieut. Governor of Griqualand West, was married in the Dutch Reformed Church on Tuesday morning last, to Miss S.M.H. KRYNOUW, the second daughter of A.D. KRYNOUW Esq. The Church was crowded to witness the ceremony and the service was read in an impressive manner by the Rev. Dr. ROBERTSON. Amongst the handsome presents made to the bride was one from H.R.M. the duke of Edenburgh - Standard Mail.
We inadvertently omitted to mention in our last impression the death of this estimable and much respected lady of De Beer’s New Rush, on the 21st ultima, after a lingering illness which she bore with Christian fortitude. It will be remembered that Mrs. COLE last year spent several months in this town, and that our unrivalled climate benefitted her health immediately. She then quitted this accompanied by her husband and children, in order to take up her abode at the Fields. It is needless to say that we deeply sympathize with Mr. COLE and his bereaved family.
We are informed by a gentleman who travel through Fauresmith, that on Wednesday of last week it began to rain – it was nearly the first downpour the inhabitants had been blessed with since autumn – early in the morning, which continued during the day, and lastly culminated in a thunderstorm. About 4 0’clock in the afternoon the rain fell in torrents, the lightning was appallingly vivid, and the thunder crashed and rolled. We are sorry to say that the electric fluid struck the house of Mr. MOORE (formerly J.POULTON’s), killed his daughter, a girl of 16 or 17 years of age, and knocked Mrs. MOORE over. The latter was not declared out of danger on Thursday morning, when our informant left.
Thursday, 12 December, 1872
In den boedel van wylen Jacob P. STRAUSS op Zaturdag, den 28sten December, 1872, te Waterkloof, om 10 ure in het voormiddags.
I. Drooge erf en woonhuis van den overledene, bevattende 6 kamers en kombuis, tezamen met het Watererf, waarop stand een groote wagenhuis voor 4 wagens en stal voor 8 paarden en beplant met 130 van het beste vruchtenboomen, met kweeper en vyg heiningen – Deze erven waren uitgehouden door den overledene by het verkooping der plaats
II. Vyf water erven te waterkloof, ieder 150 by 300 voeten, omgemuurd en gelegen naast aan den bovenstaande erven.
III. Huismeubelen, onstaande uit 4 mahoniehout en 2 andere tafelen, 6 stinkhout stoelen, 1 mahoniehout Sofa, 1 fraai mahoniehout klederenkist, 2 rustbanken, 1 ijzer en 1 koper ledikanten, enz, enz
En op 12 ure te Philippolis: Het fraai water erf, No 12 Kerkstraat, Philippolis, met de daaropstaande huis met 5 kamers, wagenhuis, stal voor 8 paarden en 2 buitenkamers het erf is bemuurd met een sterk muur en is een hoek erf en de gebouwen – zyn in het beste order.
Terme van credit: - op den erven Waterkloof, 6, 12, 18, en 24 maanden: op het erf te Philippolis, 3, 6, 9, en 12 maanden.
John N. EAGLE, q.q., den Executeur des Boedels
December 11, 1872
De ondergeteekende, behoorlyke geauthoriseerd door den heer Jacobus Lodewicus du PLESSIS, zal op publieke veiling aan den hoogsten bieder, op Zaturdag, den 4den January, 1873, ten 10 ure in den voormiddags, by het gelegenheid van het Avondmaal te Rouxville, verkopen:- 3 deelen van de welbekende plaats Vaalbankspoort, thans G7 district Rouxville, en de plaats Kleinfontein, thans No. 3 district Rouxville, beide plaatsen aan elkander grenzende en gelegen een uur te paard van het dorp Rouxville. Deze plaatsen zyn te welbekend en beroemd om nochmeer daarover te zeggen
Ruim Crediet zal verleend worden
Voor inspectie van transporten en voor informative vervoege men zich ten kantore van
Jacob SELIGMANN, Vendu Afslager.
Rouxville, 9 December, 1872
De familie en vriend en wordt bekend gemakt, dat list den Almagteige God van Hemel en Aarde behead heft van ons door den dood weg te rukken onze teder geliefde zoon Frans Hendrik WESSELS, P.zoon, in den ouderdom van 10 jaren en 4 maanden, deur een ziekbed van 15 dagen.
De hartelyk dank wordt door ons beide nableven oudere betuig aan den geneesheer van Winburg, Dr. DUNLOP, voor de getrouwe dienst en assistente aan den overledene bew??st: ook wordt hartelyk dank betuig aan vier van myn vrienden, J. HUMAN, C.HUAN, R NIETHLING, en P. LOURENS, die alis hulp aan ons bewaren heft als bedroefe en nablevende ouders.
Aldama, dist Winburg,
November 27, 1872
On Sunday last the electric fluid stuck on the farm Witfontein, near Edenburg, and killed one Daniel COETZER in his house – a man well-up in years. For three or four weeks we have had to record deaths from the above cause; and this fact alone should be sufficient to convince farmers of the desirability of protecting their homesteads by lightning conductors. This remark likewise applies to the inhabitants of towns, where every house should be armed with one of these safeguards.
Thursday, 26 December, 1872
DIED at Bloemfontein, on 20th December Ferdinand Louis Philip, aged 9 months and 9 days, infant son of Carl C. MATHEY, Helena MATHEY born van DYK
MARRIED at Springfield, Harrismith, on the 18th of December, 1872 by Rev MacMILLIAN, M.A. John Julius PISTORIUS of Natal, to Sarah W, Eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Frederik RUSSELL, of Frankfort
DIED at Du Toitspan, on 26th November, 1872 after an illness of 19 days Annie Christiana, the beloved daughter of Robbert and Annie PARTRIDGE, Deceased was 14 years and 8 months of age.
The bereaved parents tender their most grateful thanks to their friends in Dutoitspan, for their acceptance in their hour of affliction
Bible verse
Diamondsfields, Dutoispan, 26th Nov, 1872
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