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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.

CARLISLE, John, 1820 Settler

National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 361


Near Leek


Sept 29, 1819

My Lord,

I beg leave most respectfully to tender to your Lordship my petition for a grant of land at the intended new colony at the Cape of Good Hope.

It may be necessary for me to state that I am the second son of a Clergyman of the established Church, and in my 22nd year, that my father has about 60 acres of land in his own right, that I have had the Chief management of it for the last four years, and that I am fond of agricultural pursuits.

I have seen the circular, which was issued from the Colonial Office and have noticed the conditions upon which the lands are to be granted - and I have 16 stout healthy men, who are willing to embark with me - out of these 16 I shall select ten whom I shall, upon due inquiry, find to be the most likely to suit my purpose.

If your Lordship should be pleased to accept my proposal I should feel particularly obliged being permitted to go out with the first embarkment.

I have the honour to remain my Lord, your Lordships very obedient and most humble servant


[attached to this letter]

This petition which has unfortunately come in at the eleventh hour is not Mr. CARLISLE the blasphemy vendor, but is a son of a most respected clergyman in Staffordshire and the cousin of Mr. CARLISLE, Secretary of the Soc. of Antiquaries and to the Education Commission. Perhaps the character of the applicant and the description of his associates, who are Staffordshire farming laborers may weigh a little in his favour. I have desired Mr. CARLISLE who is a friend of mine and on whose representation I can fully rely to write immediately to his relation to send up a list of the labourers.





National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 418


Near Leek

Oct 12, 1819


I have the honour of receiving your favor of the 6th Inst. announcing Earl BATHURST's acceptance of my proposal, and accompanied with the forms of the lists, for which I feel much obliged - and I herewith return you these forms which I trust will be found correctly filled up.

I have no doubt but the necessary information will be communicated to me respecting the time and place of Embarkation.

I beg to remain, Sir, most respectfully your obliged and very obedient servant


Party Leader: John CARLISLE

Names of Settlers, occupation or trade and age:

Samuel CHADWICK, Farmers Servant, 20

William CHADWICK, Farmers Servant, 18

James CHADWICK, Farmers Servant, 18

Samuel HAYES, Woodcutter, 34

Male children of Samuel HAYES:

Sampson, aged 13,

Samuel, aged 8,

Benjamin BASSETT, Miller, 39

George BELFIELD, Labourer, 18

Samuel WHEELDON, Labourer 18

William ROWE, Labourer, 23

Robert EDGE, Labourer, 22

Frederick CARLISLE

Rupert CORDEN, John CARLISLE's servant, 13

James GAMBLE, do. 12




National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 442


Near Leek

Oct 19th, 1819


I beg to inform you that I should wish to embark for the Cape with all my party in the Thames - and should feel much obliged if you would order the necessary information to be sent down to me as to the time we are required to be in London, and also in what manner, or to whose care the luggage must be directed. As we intend to forward it by one of Pickfords Fly-Boats from Leek as soon as I am favored with such information.

I have the honor to remain, Sir, your obliged and very obedient servant,


[See correspondence written by John's brother Frederick CARLISLE, in Post 1820 Letters]

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