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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.

HARDY, Robert

National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 590

Walberton near Arundel

July 1819 [received 23rd July]


From having served in America during the War, & having been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in that country, I understand that I am, in consequence, entitled to a grant of land in Canada, -- agreeably to the regulation made by Government to that effect. I am informed that it is 500 acres. But before I proceed further, allow me to say that I have served six years upon the East India Station, which has reconciled my constitution to the vicissitudes of a warm climate. I have likewise served in the West Indies, as well as in America.

I have made these preliminary observations by way of preface to a question which I believe you are the most competent to answer: namely, whether the grant of land in Canada, can, by any means, be transfered to the Cape of Good Hope -- to which place it appears the superfluous population of this country are to be sent? I find a warm climate agree with me better than a cold one; it is for this reason that I would prefer the Cape of good Hope to Canada, if such an exchange can be affected. If, however, such a proposition is entirely out of the question; if application, backed by interest is of no avail: then I shall feel greatly obliged by your informing me, first -- in what part of Canada the Government grants are situated? what its quality? & lastly -- what prospect there is, by the cultivation of the soil etc, of increasing a Lieutenant's half-pay?

I trust, Sir, that you will excuse this

[Transcriber's Note: The letter ends abruptly at this point. It may be that there was a further line and signature on the reverse that was missed during photography – the name Lt.R.HARDY appears in the clerk's hand at the top of the letter]




National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 588

Walberton near Arundel

July 26th 1819


I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your circular letter of the 24th Ult. but as it does not contain a reply to the proposal contained in mine: to which it was in answer -- I take the liberty of again addressing you upon the same subject, and, to prevent mistakes, I beg leave to re-state the proposal contained in my last -- to which I have added some further remarks.

In my former letter to you, Sir, I requested to know whether the Government would transfer the grant of land (500 acres) in Canada, to which it appears I am entitled, to the Cape of Good Hope; -- in consideration of my having served my country a longer time in a warm than in a cold climate. My remarks shall be brief.

The lands given to officers who served during the war, in America -- is gratuitous -- &, as such, has no incumbrances, that I have heard of. On the other hand, the land given to persons, indiscriminately, at the Cape, is to be held upon a certain tenure; subject to certain deductions; & charged with certain inconveniences, (the support of "at least 10 persons" among the most considerable of them) which greatly deteriorates its value. In one case the Government consider the Capital, in the other the Services, of individuals who embark in this enterprize. It is, therefore, not upon the former, but upon the latter, terms that I wish to occupy a free gift of the Government, as a transfer from one British Colony to another.

May I beg the favour of you, sir, to lay my proposal before the Secretary of State of the Colonial Department; who will, I trust, take all the circumstances into his consideration, which, I make no doubt, will be favourable to my wishes.

I have the honour to be

Sir your most obdt servt

Robert W. H. HARDY. Lt R.N.

  • Hits: 6020