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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

YOUNG, Captain re John SCOTT, 1820

National Archives, Kew, CO48/53, 509


To the Hon'ble Commissioners of HM Navy

Transport Office


12th January 1820

Hon'ble Sirs,

I return herewith Mr. GOULBURN's letter to you of the 8th instant together with a copy of a petition to Earl BATHURST from John SCOTT and three other settlers embarked on board La Belle Alliance Transport complaining of the manner in which that ship had been fitted up by a partition being placed in the middle of the ship so as to prevent a free circulation of air &c.

I beg to acquaint you I have been on board and examined into the circumstances stated, and find that there is not the slightest foundation for such a complaint, there not being any such partition in the tween decks, and the excuse made for making the application to Earl BATHURST most frivolous. One of the persons (Charles LEE) [Transcriber's note: should be SLEE], who signed the petition, when called upon to assign his reason for not calling upon Mr. WILLSON, the head of the Party, Lt. WILLIAMS, Agent for Transports on board, or myself, in case he had any cause of complaint, expressed himself in rude and insolent terms and it appears by the letter from Mr. WILLSON to me of this herewith inclosed he has ordered him on shore. I consider that man as likely to be troublesome on board, being of a discontented spirit, without knowing how to conduct himself for the general good. Mr. WILLSON's letter will explain the general satisfaction of the Party embarked at the arrangements made for the comfort and accommodation of the whole, as far as circumstances will admit.

I am &c

(Signed) W. YOUNG



To Captain YOUNG

La Belle Alliance


12th January 1820


I have to express my regret that any representation has been made by individuals of my party to Earl BATHURST complaining of a want of attention to their health or of the general accommodation provided in the La Belle Alliance, more particularly as I find after duly investigating the matter that such representation is utterly devoid of truth (no such partition as stated having existed at all). The whole appears to have originated in some petty jealousy of the individuals, one of whom I have found it prudent to send on shore. The signatures I understand were unduly obtained, one being that of a female and the other readily admitted to be the effect of misrepresentation. It is but justice, Sir, due to you and a pleasant duty to myself to bear testimony of the general satisfaction of my party for the excellent arrangement and accommodation which has been made under your direction, and an unprejudiced mind must readily perceive that every human consideration has been judiciously combined with public economy and the arduous duties of office. A feeling that I shall ever feel proud and grateful to acknowledge in subscribing myself Sir

Your most obedient and very humble servant

(Signed) Thos. WILLSON

  • Hits: 6621