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The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1870 1 January - June

Thursday, 13 January, 1870

OBITUARY – We regret to announce the death of Mrs. M. WESSELS, wife of Mr. Maibivus WESSELS, of Winburg. Mrs. WESSELS died at Bloemfontein, after long and severe suffering, on Monday evening, the 10th instant. Mrs. WESSELS was the sister of Mrs. M STEIJN, of this district – Likewise, on the same day, departed this life, the infant son of Dr. and Mrs. KELLNER, aged 15 months.

In the Orange Free State
The undersigned being thereto duly authorized by the representative in the insolvent estate of Thos. HEATLY, of Worcester, Cape Colony, will cause to be sold by public auction, on the Market Square, Bloemfontein, on Saturday, 22nd January, 1870 at 12 o’clock, if not previously disposed of by private sale, the following properties, to wit:-
1. The farm, Wildebeestkooi, adjoining the farm Leeuberg, the property of the late J.G.E. KOLBE, about two hours ride from the town of Bloemfontein; this farm is well adapted for the breeding and depasturing of all kinds of livestock, being healthy and well situated.
2. A portion of the farm Kookfontein, (about the half thereof) formerly lying in the district of Bloemfontein, now district Jacobsdal, (the diamond locality) likewise a promising sheep and cattle walk, but chiefly noted as lying in the immediate vicinity of the South African diamond region.
And in the estate of the late Joseph BLACKBURN,
3. The farm Langverwacht, Ward Onderwittebergen, district Winburg. This farm is suitable for all kinds of live stock, well watered, and about 3600 morgen in extent according to land commission report dated September 1861.
For further particulars enquire of E.J. SYFRET, Esq. Cape Town, or of the undersigned.
Bloemfontein, 30 November,1869.
W.W. COLLINS, Gen. Agent.
N.B. – This sale has been postponed from the 8th to 22 January, 1870 to suit intending purchasers. The above named farms are meantime for private sale. W.W.C.

DIED at Bloemfontein, on 10th January, Friederich Adolph, youngest son of Dr. and Mrs. KELLNER, aged 15 months.

Thursday, 20 January, 1870

By special licence, on Monday, January 10th, 1870, at St. Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. E. PICKERING, Colonial Chaplain, Frederic William HALSE, Esq. J.P. Orange Free State, to Eliza, eldest daughter of Robert SHEPPARD, Esq. of Horsham, Sussex, England – No Cards.

DIED after a short illness, on the 6th inst., the oldest inhabitant of this village, Stephen ROWLES, at the age of 55 years. Deceased left no enemies but many will fondly remember the quiet and inoffensive old man.
January, 11th 1870

CANNON ACCIDENT – A sad accident has occurred at Harrismith, by which a poor man, named William JONES, has lost his arm. While engaged with others, in firing a salute in honor of the arrival of Lieut- Governor KEALE, and in the act of ramming home the powder, the charge exploded with the above melancholy result. His honor the President showed every kindness, and caused all to be done for the sufferer which it was possible to do, and two doctors, fortunately present, were in immediate attendance, but still the poor fellow was not by any means out of danger; in fact, his life was almost despaired of. It is quite time that this firing of salutes, except by the regular artillery corps, should be put a stop to. No end of accidents have therefore, from first to last, occurred.

A Few Episodes in the Lives of the British Settlers of 1820
[By Mr. John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony]

At Capetown on the 13th July, 1820, I, in company with young Mr. BIRD (who was afterwards Captain BIRD, and a man of note on the Eastern Frontier), walked down to the beach, to go on board the Locust, the only Government transport vessel on the coast at that time. The ship’s boat was just ready to shove off, and I parted in haste with my young friend, who I did not meet again for nearly thirty years. Soon after I was on board the Losuct [recte Locust], I met Captain LONG. I had two letters, one for Captain LONG and one for Captain EVATT, Algoa Bay. I handed Captain LONG his letter, which he opened, and then eyed me as if he wanted to take the length and breadth of me. Without speaking a word, he called the steward to show me a berth and put my things away. I then walked the deck, amusing myself with all the strange kinds of rigging. I compared her with an old coal cupboard I had seen alongside the Coal Quay in Dublin. She was almost as round as a tub, and what with her old-fashioned windlass and rigging, was nothing like the vessel I sailed in from Cork, the Fairy of Linden, Captain MEDLER. It was a fine afternoon, and the wind fair. Orders were given to heave anchor, the sails were unfurled and we were soon bounding on the open sea. I shortly discovered that the Cape smoke must have affected the Captain’s eyes, inasmuch as he went down below after giving his orders. It appears that we hugged the land too closely. About daybreak, as I paced the deck, I thought the sea made a curious noise, when the man on the look out cried “Breakers ahead!” The mate, a clever, active young man, gave orders to the man at the helm, to brace the yards round. The wind had just shifted off the land, the mist began to clear away, and daylight to appear, thus enabling us plainly to see our danger. I stripped off my clothes, and stood by the gangway, intending to swim for it, when a gentleman came up and asked me what I was going to do.  Nothing, I replied. Why do you strip then? Interrogated he. I see great danger, said I; for should we come on one of those rocks, it will be a smash, and then I mean to go out of the world as I came into it – naked. The vessel was very heavily laden with Government stores for the troops on the Frontier, she rolled terribly, and made but poor headway – seldom more than 5 knots an hour. However, we escaped the breakers, and steered clear of the rocks; therefore, seeing it was all right, I again dressed myself. In the course of ten days, we anchored in Algoa Bay, and when the port boat came alongside, I went ashore and walked up the side of the hill to the only house I could see, having ascertained that that was the Port Captain’s residence. It was but a small house that Capt. EVATT lived in; and I found him stretched on a rough kind of sofa, with a table before him, and his bottle and glass by his side – quite comfortable. I handed him the letter, and walked away a short distance, not knowing what otherwise to do, when, to my surprise, the old captain called out my name. What! Thought I; have I been carrying my name all the way from Capetown in my pocket? How else could he know it? Come in, my lad, said EVATT; you are lately from Ireland. Come, tell me something of the old country. What part are you from? Thus it went on, one question after another, until I had satisfied him concerning many of his friends and relations that I knew by name. You can stop here, said the captain; I expect a vessel, with Irish settlers, round from Saldanah [recte Saldanha] Bay, in a few days, when there will be an opportunity for you to go up the country. I thanked him for the kind offer. Captain LONG then came in, and the two old friends commenced to make themselves comfortable. I took a stroll along the sandhills, and presently I came upon a rough sort of a shanty. This was kept by a woman, then or afterwards Mrs. HUNT. She seemed to be a very active woman of about twenty-five. I soon discovered that she sold a little of the cratur [i.e. Irish whiskey] ; and she wished the settlers would come to ease her of her stock in hand. I then set off along the beach up to that part called the Bight. Here I saw large boilers for boiling the blubber of whales, and a great many very large bones. Afterwards I was informed that it was old Mr. KORSTEN’s whale-fishery, and that the bones were the bones of the whales that had been recently caught. I, for many years thereafter, saw along the road, large rib bones planted; but for what purpose I never enquired. Next morning I walked out to Cradockstown, the residence of Mr. KORSTEN, and sauntered around the place. The buildings were of a new fashion, but of an old model. The garden gate was open, so I made bold enough to enter and walk round about, examining every tree and plant. Many I knew, and many were strange to me. I returned in the evening. No vessel had arrived. Next day a large vessel hove in sight; it was the East Indiaman, with the settlers, and Captain BUTLER’s party, from Saldanah Bay. I was glad, as I knew most of them, having come out in the same vessel. When she came to anchor, I went on board of her. I felt proud when I found myself standing on the deck of such a fine ship. Everything was in such fine order. I got into conversation with the mate, and enquired where she was bound to, and found she was to sail for Madras, and not for America. I did not wish to go, so I did not press my services. Captain BUTLER said, he would be very much pleased if I would go up the country with him. His lady was a near relation of my mother’s, and they were brought up together. So I thought that I would stop with them. We soon got wagons, and started for Assegai Bush, and arrived on the spot allotted to him. The houses were burnt down. The burnt stumps of the rafters still remained in the walls since the Kafir war of 1819. However, I soon found that the Captain and I could not agree, so I only stayed but a short time. One morning I started for Salem, and when on the high-road, some distance, I perceived a large party in the road behind me. I waited to see what it was. When the party came up, it was Mr. READ, the missionary, with a [obscured by large ink blot] or a large forked tree, made for that purpose, [obscured] of wood fastened across, six oxen, two hot[tentots] leader and driver), and a hottentot woman com[fortably] seated, with a child in her lap. This I afterwards found out to be his wife. There was an axle-tree [fast to] the sledge, which he must have had repaired or was going to repair. Mr. READ directed me to Salem. I had not gone far, when I saw a man coming on the road. The nearer he came, the more he drew my attention. He had a round broad-brimmed black hat and a Quaker cut coat on. I thought to myself, this is a Quaker. I was confirmed in my opinion. When we met, the first question was, where art thou going? To Salem, as I understand that there is a large party of settlers settled there, and I want to see if I can get employment to suit me. What employment dost thou look for? Any kind of a mechanical trade, as I wish to learn the use of tools that may be of service to me hereafter. I am a carpenter, said he, and would be glad of your services. So we sat down under a thorn-tree, and had a long conversation. I openly told him my history, viz. that I ran away from home instead of going to school. I found by his conversation that he was a kind-hearted man. His conversation and fatherly advice quite won me. He then returned back with me, and introduced me to his good lady; at the same time, stating how he met me, took a particular fancy to me, and would adopt me as his son. I need not particularize the country, as it is well known to be a beautiful country, with park-like scenery, and the grass was waving like a field of corn. Mrs. GUSH was busy with her children, who were all very young at the time, in the open air, without any shelter. Their boxes were piled up on the bank of the Assegai River, under a white stinkwood tree. How she could get on under the scorching sun was a mystery to me. His tools was carelessly laying about. I at once commenced to put the tools in empty boxes, and hung others on the tree. Mr. GUSH had commenced to dig a square hole in the bank of the river, sinking it about 20 feet, and about 20 feet broad, and 25 feet long, direct to the bed of the river, so that when the platform in front of this cave was levelled, it was not more than 2 feet from the surface of the water. This was to be my first work, to get the family provided for. I remonstrated: showing him on the opposite trees that the water at some time must have been very high – some pieces of wood and rushes having been lodged there at high water. He told me, that what I saw had been brought there by birds to build their nests with. I did not like to enter into an argument with a man old enough to be my father, so I agreed to work as long as it suited me. We must first know each other, I said, before we can make an agreement; but I will go and fetch my things from Assegai Bush. So the next morning I started and arrived at BUTLER’s in the forenoon, and commenced packing my kit, when a bill for Rds.50 was presented to me for some things that Capt. B. had supplied me with, such as a matress, blankets, &c. I was surprised at this, as I did not ask for those things, nor did I buy them. I offered to return them, as they were of no earthly use to me, inasmuch as I had more than I could carry at the time. But it was futile my trying to get out of it otherwise than by paying him the money. Captain, take the things back, I cried, and I will give you all the money I have - that is Rds.30. This he would not do; I must pay him the full sum. I then left the things with the Captain, promising to return in a day or two. So off I set for Salem, and Mr. GUSH was so good as to advance me £1 10s, when I returned and tendered the full sum, and obtained a receipt therefor. The things I divided among two families that were in need of them, and I had still as much as I could carry to Salem, where I arrived to stay on August 12 (my birthday), and commenced with the wheelbarrow, the pickaxe, and spade, to finish the hole in the wall or bank. I worked hard, and in the course of a week I had it ready for roofing. It was no easy task down below under a scorching sun to accomplish. The cave was begun by one ELS. I soon found Mr. GUSH to be a very fickle-minded] man. He would plan as much work in ten minutes as could be done in twelve months. This, I think, was the rock he split open. Otherwise a more ingenious man was not among the party. Mr. GUSH would leave home sometimes in company with Mr. ROBERTS, a shoemaker, each with his bible and prayer-book, to conduct service for some party or the other, instead of helping me to provide for the family. Upon one occasion they sat down under a thorn tree to eat Hottentot figs, and fell asleep. When they awoke it was late in the afternoon, and they lost their way. On the third day they returned in a state of semi-starvation, without visiting the places they intended. On another occasion, when Mr. GUSH was about to leave home, I spoke seriously to him. I pointed out that the rations were exhausted, asked him what was to be done for the family in his absence, and hinted that he might lose himself again. His rejoinder was, O John, thou of little faith, to-morrow will provide for itself. Excuse me, sir, I rejoined, I do not believe in that logic. God has given us sense and understanding to provide for ourselves, and with his blessing we can do it. But I found on Monday morning that I had to provide. Many of the Salem party, for want of knowledge of the climate and country, committed many mistakes, not alone in erecting houses or sinking holes to live in, but in their farming pursuits. For instance, some dug up the rushes on the lower bank of the river, and made gardens, which, when the rain fell, were under water. Others ploughed up the low valleys or level places, and sowed them with seed. For three years success did not attend their efforts. The Dutch Boers had it, that the English brought the rust into the corn and the lice in the kool (?) cabbage. This was in consequence of choosing the low ground, where the rain water lodged. They would have the best alluvial soil, and not the high ridges, as was afterwards found to be the best. One morning I went with my axe to cut some spars in a bush that had been pointed out to me, when I saw a very delicate lady trying with a large broad axe to cut wood. I walked up to her, and said, Please, ma’am, allow me, I think I can do that better than you can. Thank you, she answered; I hear by your tongue that you are an Irishman. Yes, ma’am, I replied, I have the honor to be one. Ah! she exclaimed, it is long before an Englishman would offer his services. My husband is likewise an Irishman. I am glad to hear I have a countryman here, I rejoined, for although the people hereabouts call themselves English, I cannot understand one half of what they say. At this sally she laughed. In the afternoon I returned with two heavy spars, and my axe in hand, when a gentleman came to meet me, and thus, to the best of my recollection, addressed me: Young man, I am very thankful for the service you did Mrs. CAMPBELL this morning. No, sir, don’t thank me, I said; I only wish I could have done more. He then invited me, whenever I had time of an evening, to come over and have some chat with him. It would be pastime for me, he said. Thus began my acquaintance with Dr. CAMPBELL, who afterwards resided in Grahamstown. Mrs. CAMPBELL died, and the Dr. then married a Miss CUMMING. The Doctor has long since gone to that bourne from whence no traveller returns.

(To be Continued)

Brandfort, 31st December, 1869
My Dear Sir, Agreeable to request that I received from yourself, through your son, I hasten to put you in possession (as far as my memory will serve me) of the list of the whole of the names of the Salem party of Settlers. Those that I have put a mark * opposite their names are still alive, or were certainly a short time since. The party originally consisted of 100, but, I believe, one or two did not come out, having altered their minds before embarking. The whole of the names on the list, with the exception of some half-a-dozen, were at Salem on your arrival.
Wishing you the compliments of the season, in which my good wife unites,
I remain, &c,
Memo. of the persons constituting the Salem party of British Settlers who came out in the year 182o:-
DIXIE, Philip
EVANS, John *
FIELD, Sam. *
GUSH, Richd.
HOOD, Thos.
HOWE, Capt.
HOWSE, James
HURRY, Robert
HALL, James
KIDD, James *
KING, Thos.
LEE Wm. senr.
LEE, Wm. junr.
MUIRE, Wm. *
MARSH, Thos.
NORTON, Thos. *
[OASH] [presumably Christian OCHSE]
PENNY, Chas. *
RUDMAN, Ben. *
SHAW, Rev. W. *
SLATER senr.
SLATER, Charles
TALBOT senr.
TALBOT, John *
WOOD, Charles
WEBB, Chris.
WILMOT, Joseph

Thursday, 27 January, 1870

A Few Episodes in the Lives of the British Settlers of 1820
[By Mr. John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony]
Sometimes, for lack of anything else to do, I proceeded to a kloof, near Salem, and felled large yellowwood trees, which, for ought I know to the contrary, were allowed to rot. One evening, as I was returning homewards with a heavy spar on my shoulder, I saw a black animal scratching at an antheap. As I approached him he made a rush at me with a snarling noise. Upon seeing this, I threw the pole down, and defended myself with a saw – cutting and hacking away with might and main, while at the same time retreating. At last I killed him, as I thought, but he turned his nose under his tail, recovered, and came on as fresh as at first, and I had to go through the same exercise again and again, until I had done for him, apparently, seven times, and he had revived himself every time by putting his nose under his tail. Mr. GUSH came up at this juncture, and asked me what I had fallen in with. The devil, I answered; I have killed him seven times, and he comes to life again; but I think he is now dead. Mr. GUSH picked the animal up by the tail, and said, It is a pity you killed it; it would have been such a pretty thing to tame. While thus talking, the creature again recovered, turned himself up, and caught Mr. G. by the [sleeve], with a piece of which, he only relaxed his grasp. We then tied its feet together, and took it home, when we made it fast with a strong cord round the neck. Next morning, sure enough the ‘devil’ was dead. Had I known what I learnt afterwards, I might have killed it with a slight tap on the nose. It was a badger, and the antheap contained a bees’ nest. When the badger is in quest of honey he is always extremely vicious. Among the Salemites my badger was a great curiosity.
I killed every snake I came across, and in consequence the young people styled me the wild Irishman. One Sunday afternoon I was sitting under the white stinkwood tree, close to Mr. GUSH’s cave, when a young lady came and seated herself alongside me, bringing a religious book with her. While we were reading, I heard a rustling in the leaves of the tree, and looked up, when I espied a very large green snake, called by the Dutch “boomslang”, I slipped on one side, and told Miss ------ to come to me, and I would show her something. She complied with my request. See the serpent, I said. You and I are good representatives of Adam and Eve. There is the deceiver, but I won’t allow him to bamboozle us; I will slay him. Whereupon I picked up some small pieces of wood, threw them at the snake, and, after dislodging the reptile from the tree, despatched him with a long stick, while the young girl stood at a distance. No wonder, said she, my brother calls you a wild Irishman. Yes, he may do so, I replied, but there is not such a fine young fellow in Salem as your humble servant, although, maybe, he does not turn up the whites of his eyes after the fashion approved at Salem. I must praise myself, you know, inasmuch as I have no friends but one.
A day or two after killing the “boomslang” I was standing out of doors in a brown study, wondering of what use it was for me to saw, plane, and mortise green wood, for as soon as I had done so the sun twisted it out of shape; and while thus cogitating, a large four-legged animal walked out of the river towards Mr. G.’s house. Fearing it would enter the house and frighten Mrs. G., I threw myself between the reptile and the shanty, and diverted its course over a small flat. With its short legs, long tail, and forked tongue, it made with incredible swiftness direct for Mr. WICHMAN’s residence, which was partly dug out of the side of a hill, built up in front with sods, and covered in with grass, shed fashion. It was neither impervious to the wind nor the rain. Mr. and Mrs. WICHMAN were not at home, but Miss WICHMAN was sitting on her bed, when the reptile entered the house, and I in pursuit of it with a long stick. She screamed; but I told her as politely as I could in my haste, that I would not harm her myself, nor would I allow the terrible beast to do so. I then asked which way the reptile made his exit, and she told me the last she saw of him was his long tail going through the thatch on the wall. I then ran round, caught sight of the reptile, followed him up, and gave him a tremendous whack across the back, which brought him to his senses, but I soon knocked them out again. This wonderful reptile was a guana, and he measured four feet from the tip of the tail to the point of the nose. This, with the badger and some snakes that I had hung up, served for many a gossip, and what the wild Irishman had killed was all the talk.
I was standing at my bench one day, when I heard two old gentlemen (Messrs. HANCOCK and LEE) speaking somewhat loudly to each other about a wagon they had purchased between them; the one wanted to go to Bathurst, the other to Grahamstown; and the one would not wait for the return of the other. At last they became furious, when I stepped up to them, and said, “Gentlemen, I am sorry to see two old fathers angry with each other. Why not divide the wagon, and make two carts of it? then each can go his own way.” How can that be done? they asked. “I can do it. The front part will make one cart, and the hind part the other cart, with very little trouble. I have poles ready, and it won’t take very long to do.” So they agreed to have it done, and they drew lots for the first choice. Thus the quarrel was brought to a satisfactory issue.
One evening I and Thomas JENKINS, George and William LEE, with a batch of little LEEs, were at Mr. LEE’s house, or, more properly speaking, hartebeest hut, when I proposed that we should have a “tuck out” of boiled milk, sugar, and rice, and volunteered to “stand Sam” for the rice and sugar, provided LEE would find the milk. Now, while this was boiling, I proposed to have some fun. But what was it to be? A thought struck me: let us try which of us is fit to be a Wesleyan preacher. I essayed first, but could not get on for laughing. George and William LEE tried, and failed. Then Thos. JENKINS mounted the ‘pulpit’. He have out a hymn, read a chapter, and went through the service as seriously as if he had been brought up to it; so when he got off the form, I snatched up a bible, gave him a thump with it, and thus addressed him: “I herewith ordain you a Wesleyan minister. Go and listen to Mr. SHAW’s lectures, make friends with your brother-in-law, Mr. KIDD, and you will excel as a ranter.” Whether this address kindled the spark that was within him, I do not know, but very shortly thereafter he became a Wesleyan local preacher. He is now no more, having died a short time ago at Port Natal.
I now began to think about leaving Salem, not that I had any complaint to make, for kinder or better father and mother I could never have had than Mr. and Mrs. GUSH were to me; but I was of a roving disposition. Mr. GUSH, James HOWSE and myself attempted to plough. HOWSE could handle the plough pretty well, but I and Mr. GUSH could not manage the oxen. However we gave it up at last for a bad job; and as we stood dejectedly looking at one another, I drew a heavy sigh, and said, “This is scriptural indeed; we are ploughing by the roadside.” (We were alongside the road that led to the drift). You must crack your joke, remarked my companions.
I forgot to say, that the morning after the rice and milk spree, I was at or under the tree before mentioned, when I saw smoke issuing from the end of the house occupied by the LEEs. Without hesitation I ran down to the hole of water, which was too long to run round, plunged into it, crossed it with a few vigorous strokes, and ran up to the house. The flames had begun to ascend. My first thought was for the keg of gunpowder, that was suspended from the roof on a short plank. I seized it, ran out with it, threw it some distance away, returned [,] caught hold of the little children, who were asleep, blankets and all, and dragged them out. It appeared that one of the boys lit the fire, then went for wood or water, and in the meantime the flames ignited the reeds and grass of which the hut was composed. Nothing was saved.
I was now preparing to leave Salem, and first went to Assegai Bush to bid Mrs. BUTLER good-bye, as I heard she was about to return to Ireland. When I arrived she tried all she could to induce me to go back with her, and offered to pay my passage. I declined, stating, that I would never return unless I could do so independently of my friends. Shortly after this, Mrs. BUTLER’s child was bitten by a snake, and died. The mother then went home almost broken-hearted, - Captain BUTLER remaining behind for some time. I may as well add here, that after I had married I was on a visit to Grahamstown, where I had some dealings with Messrs. WELSFORD and GREEN, and met Captain BUTLER in the street. He was glad to see me, and made many flattering remarks, which I put down for blarney. Perceiving he was in a most deplorable state, I told him I was sorry to see him so reduced. Never mind, said he, I expect money; Mrs. B. will send some out to me. Will you walk in, I asked, to Messrs. WELSFORD and GREEN’s, and take what you may require - £20, £30, or £40 – to satisfy your present wants? I can spare it. He stood still, as if transfixed to the spot, could not utter a word, his eyes glistened as if tears stood in them, crushed my hand, could scarcely say good-bye, but he would not accept my offer.
Before leaving Salem, I remonstrated with Mr. GUSH respecting the place he was living in. Some rain had fallen, and the river had been almost to the level of the platform before the door. I told him I had seen the river Slaney, that comes down from the mountains of the county of Wicklow after a flood, laden with large deposits of brushwood, grass, weeds, and other debris, and that these were left in the fork of the trees on the banks of the stream; and the debris on the opposite side, as I had already pointed out, were brought there by the same means. I advised hm therefore to be on his guard. Shortly thereafter a heavy rain set in, the river came down, and Mr. GUSH and family narrowly escaped with their lives. The water filled the cave, and forced its roof off, which went floating down the river like an immense plate. Mr. G.’s loss must have been all but ruination to him. I could fill a large volume with the blunders (not Irish ones) made by the Settlers. The last stupid act I witnessed at Salem was the following: Mr. GUSH wished to prove whether a 25 lb of gunpowder he had in his possession was good. So he placed it on the bench, opened the head, loaded an old gun, and, while standing close to the keg of powder, fired the musket off, ere I could check him. The consequences were most disastrous. The 25 lbs of powder exploded, and Mr. GUSH and everything close by were terribly shaken and burnt. Mr. G. all but died. On hearing the cock click, I threw myself on the ground, and thus escaped scatheless. Fortunately, this transpired in the open air, and the spot was a little elevated.
At length I left Salem for Graaff Reinet, but not without a heavy sigh and much regret. However, I saw nothing to induce me to stay longer.
The Government supplied the Settlers with rations, but they were far too scanty for a family, if they had no other means of subsistence. These rations had to be fetched from Grahamstown at great risk and trouble.
Miss WICHMAN married Mr. Carel BROGLIE, who resided at Leeuwfontein. Thomas JENKINS and I were bad friends at the period I write about. He used to sleep with me in my hut, and I left him in possession of it, when I bade farewell to Salem.
As I have written so much about my boyish tricks, I will next give ten years of my life in the Free State – that is, when I am in the humour.

Thursday, 3 February, 1870

In den boedel van wylen Maria Elizabeth BEZIJDENHOUD, vroeger weduwe COMBRINK, en geboren SCHUTTE. De ondergeteekende behoorlyk gekosen en aangesteld synde als Executeur Datief is opgemelde boedel roept hiermede op alle debiteuren en personen die iets in hunne besit hebben, behoorende aan gem. boedel ons dis door hen verschuldigd of in besit, binnen twee maanden van af hedes aan hem op de plaats Schiethoek, district Caledonrivier te betalen, of af te leveren, en alle crediteuren, aan hem binnen deselfde ty den op dieselfe plaats hunne vordering in te leveren.
Hendrik Johannes SMIT H.J. zoon.
Executeur Datief.
Smithfield, 31 January, 1870

At Bloemfontein, on 1st February, Mrs. L. BAUMANN, of a son.
At Bloemfontein, on 2nd February, Mrs. John PALMER, of a daughter.
At Bloemfontein, on 31st January, Mrs. B.O. KELLNER, of a son

Thursday, 10 February, 1870

In the estate of H. TUCKER, of Cradock.
Notice is hereby given, that all persons in the Orange Free State having claims against the estate of Henry TUCKER, of Cradock, Cape Colony, must file the same with the undersigned, addressed to the Assignces of the estate, within 6 weeks from this date.
By order of the assignces,
James B. BROWN, Secretary.
Bloemfontein Board of Executors and Trust Co.
January 26, 1870

Thursday, 17 February, 1870

We deeply regret to have to record the sudden and melancholy death of Mr. James HALSE, eldest son of Mr. H.J. HALSE, of Aliwal North, who has lost his life through striking his head against the rock while bathing in the Kraalriver, Aliwal district. Deceased leaves a young widow to mourn her loss.

Mr. John BLACKIE, son-in-law of Mr. R, PARKIN, of Tafel-kop, in this district, died rather suddenly on his farm on the 28th ult. Mr. BLACKIE was an old soldier of the 91st Regiment, who on receiving his discharge, settled in this country, and is supposed to have died worth some £12000 in landed property and livestock. He is said to have had at least 8000 sheep. Mr. BLACKIE was a thrifty son of Scotis, having first seen the light at Canongate, Edinburgh.

DIED on the 28th January, 1870, at Tafel-kop, district of Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa, John BLACKIE, aged 49 years, leaving behind him a widow and 10 children to deplore their loss. He was born at Canongate, Edinburgh, Scotland

Thursday, 24 February, 1870

In den insolventen boedel van Robert FINLAY, senior, of Smithfield
Kennis wordt hiermede gegeven, dat de ondergeteekende aangesteld zyn als curaturen in byeenkomst, overeenkomstig, instruction van den meester, zal gehonden worden ten Landdrostkantore te Smithfield, op den 16 April, 1870, voor het bewyzen van schulden, voor de ontvangst van het rapport, van den curatoren, en om aan hun instruction te geven betrekkelyk het bestuur van gemelden boedel. Debiteuren worden hiermede ongeroepen hunnen schulden binnen twee maanden aan de ondergeteenden, te Smithfield, te komen betalen.
Charles Sirr ORPEN,
Wilhelm Christiaan PEETERS
Gezamentlyke Curators.
Smithfield, 14 February, 1870

Thursday, 3 March, 1870

Sale of Valuable House Property in Bloemfontein
In the insolvent estate of John MONTGOMERY
At the Nachtmaal, on Saturday 2nd April next
the undersigned will cause to be sold by Public Auction, in front of the Market House, the several Valuable House Properties in Bloemfontein, belonging to the above Estate.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock precisely.
1st - Portion of Erf No.8, St.George's Street
with the House and Buildings, at present occupied by Capt. SCHULTZ, with frontage in Douglas Street. This comprises two distinct Dwelling-houses, with Kitchens, and every thing complete; or can be used as one large commodious Residence. There is a capital garden.
2nd - The other portion of Erf No.8, St.George's Street
with the House and Building, at present occupied by Mr. MONTGOMERY, frontage in St.George's Street, with a large garden.
3rd - Erf No.4, Douglas Street
with Buildings &c, a portion of which is at present let as a Saddlery Shop to Mr. SKEA, the other half is occupied at a Rental of £3 per month.
And lastly an erf in the flourishing little village of Brandfort.
Edwd S. HANGER, Auctioneer.
James B. BROWN. Sec., Sole Trustee.
Bloemfontein, 1 March 1870. 

In the insolvent estate of J.C. Nielen MARAIS
At next Nachtmaal, and immediately after the sale in John MONTGOMERY’s estate, will be sold in front of the Market House, the valuable farm, Gem of the Prairie, together with the award portion of Tusschen Dais, which gives this farm the valuable addition of a water boundary line and a considerable increase in extent of territory, altogether about 2000 morgen. The farmhouse is in excellent condition and so are the kraals. It lies only half an hour’s ride from Bloemfontein, and is altogether too well known a farm to require further description.
James B. BROWN. Secretary.
Edwd S. HANGER, Auctioneer.
Bloemfontein Board of Executors & Trust Company,
14 Feb., 1870

In the insolvent estate of Hans or Johannes Jurgens de JAGER
The undersigned duly authorized, will sell by public auction, on the farm “Ventershoek” ward Wittebergen, district Harrismith on Tuesday, 8th March, 1870, at 12 O’Clock, noon.
1st That excellent and well known farm, called Ventershoek, No.70 District Harrismith.
2nd That first-class Stock Farm, called Driekop, No. 81, district Harrismith, 2500 morgen in extent, according to land-surveyor’s diagram.
3rd That valuable piece of ground, known as Rietspruit, supposed to be about 800 morgen.
4th That splendid agricultural farm, called Leuyfontein, No.525, district Winburg
Those farms are situated near to Sand River (Hiscock’s), and to that young and flourishing town Bethlehem, and offer splendid opportunity for a practical farmer with a large family or connection. The three first farms adjoin each other, and the fourth is only dividend from them by one farm. On the two first homes, kraals and enclosures are built in that substantial style which farmers, in easy circumstances, delight in, and now that the kaffir line, which was formerly the only drawback, has been removed so far from them, their value is materially increased.
5th Several Hoses
And whatever further may be exposed on the day of sale.
Terms Easy
Robert MacFARLANE, Auctioneeer.
Harrismith, 21 January, 1870

In den insolventen boedel van Piet Jacob HENNING, van Caledonrivier district.
Kennis wordt hiermede gegeven, dat de onergeteekende aangestel zyn alls curator in bovengemelde boedel, end at dde derde byeenkomst, overeenkomstig instruction van den meester, zal gehouden worden ten landdrostkantore te Smithfield, op 20 Mei, 1870. Voor het bewyzen van schulden, voor de ontvangst van het rapport van de curator, en om aan hom instruction te geven betrokkelyk het bestuur van gemelde boedel.
Debiteuren worden hiermede opgeroeepen hunne schulden binne twee maanden aan de ondergeteekende, te Smithfield te kommen betalen.
Nathaniel HARVEY, Curator.
Smithfield, 28sten February, 1870

Thursday, 10 March, 1870

In the estate of the late Carolina Maria Johanna HOWELL, born de WAAL
The undersigned will cause to be sold by public auction on Saturday, 16th April, 1870, at 10 o’clock a.m. in front of the offices of Messrs. A.A. STUART & Co., at Winburg: About 500 Merino ewes, in good condition.
Messrs. A.A. STUART & Co., Auctioneers.
Executors Dative.
Bloemfontein 8 March, 1870

In the insolvent estate of the late P.B.WIESE on Saturday, 19th inst. In front of the Market House, and immediately after the sale of fat cattle, &c., in MONTGOMERY’s estate, will be sold, the movables in the above insolvent estate, as follows:- 2 carts, 1 Mare, 1 calf, 1 Rifle, and sundry household furniture, consisting of tables, chairs, bedding, and sundry kitchen utensils, &c., &c.
James B. BROWN Sec. Sole Trustee.
Edwd. S. HANGER Auctioneer
Bloemfontein Board of Executors and Trust Co.
March 9, 1870

Important Public Sale of Landed Property
In the insolvent estate of W.J. COLEMAN, of Bloemfontein.
The undersigned will sell by public auction, at Smithfield on Saturday, 23rd April next, the following valuable properties in the above estate:-
1st Portion of erf No 5, Juana Square, Smithfield with the buildings thereon, comprising Large store, under iron, with plank floor, wine store, wool store, &c., all under iron. There is also a large space of ground unoccupied; it is situated at the corner of Urquhart, facing the Dutch Church, and is the FINNEY Business stand in Smithfield.
2nd Portion of erf no 6, adjoining the above, with the buildings thereon, which consists of dwelling house consisting of 4 rooms, kitchen and pantry, shop, stabling, and outhouses; also a large yard enclosed.
3rd The shop furniture comprising: shelving, glass case and two counters.
4th The greater portion of the farm “Onverwacht” containing 2794 morgen and 220 roods, as per survey of Mr. J. M. ORPEN, bounded on three sides by Brakfontein, Droogfontein, Paardekraal and Jackalsfontein. Known as one of the BEST FARMs in the Caledon River district. The fountain on this farm is very strong.
5th The farm “Copenhagen,” No 344, Caledon River district, wijk Welgeboom-spruit, bounded by Frankfort, Zounebloem, Schoongesicht, Holstein, and Utrecht. This is a portion of the old Beersheba ground, well-known as the BEST SHEEPWALK in the Free State: It lies quite close to Smithfield.
6th The farm “Zwakfonein,” No 168 district Caledon River.The undivided half share of this farm will be sold; it is situated close to Commissie Drift, and bounded by the farms Beersheba, Caledon River, Waschbank, Inhoek, and Krinsemensfontein. This farm has a good dwelling house and fine orchard.
7th The farm “Paardefontein” including a portion of “Grootzuurfontein” No. 70, district of Bethulie, about 2000 morgen in extent. A SPLENDID STOCKFARM; situated in Old Bastard Land.
Sale to commence at 10 O’clock, on the premises Juana Square.
Henry D. HODGSON, Auctioneer.
James B. BROWN,
G.C.A. JONAS, Co-Trustees
Bloemfontein, 7th March, 1870

Public Sale of Landed Property
In the Insolvent Estate of John MONTGOMERY, of Bloemfontein
The Magnificent Farm "Tienfontein", No.187, Caledon River District, belonging to the above Estate, will be sold, at Smithfield, on Saturday, 23rd April next, immediately after the sale in COLEMAN's Estate.
This farm, besides having a Caledon River boundary, has Ten Fine Fountains upon it, as well as the Rietspruit, which runs through the centre of it, with a Never-Failing Supply of Water, so that it can be irrigated to almost any extent.
It has a Large Garden enclosed, and an Orchard well planted with Fruit Trees. There are also Corn Lands, enclosed to a great extent, sufficient to Sow Ten Muids, and there are 80,000 Burnt Bricks upon it ready for building purposes.
It contains 2,942 morgen, as per Survey of Mr. J.M. ORPEN, and is bounded by the farms Weltevreden, Novo and Kruidfontein, and by the Caledon River.
Further particulars can be had on application at the Board of Executors, Bloemfontein.
Henry D. HODGSON, Auctioneer
James B. BROWN, Secretary, Sole Trustee
Bloemfontein Board of Executors and Trust Co.
7th March, 1870

Bloemfontein, March 7, 1870
To the Editor of the Friend:
Sir, As I shine so resplendently in your valuable paper, under that disagreeable name. “An Insolvent”, I wish to state the cause of my insolvency. It is the baleful fruit, now come to maturity, that was planted at the commencement of the Basuto war. Some will say, the jolly, fat. old fellow lived well, and thus squandered his creditors’ money. Others, more charitably disposed, will say, No; we know better. When I was obliged to move from my farm Tienfontein, at the advice of my Basuto servants, I considered myself independent, as far as regarded stock; that is to say. I had an abundance of sheep, cattle, horses, wagons, oxen, merchandize, and everything I required. Thus, I trekked to save life and stock, leaving a great deal of valuable property behind; which was all destroyed. I was driven from pillar to post until I came in sight of Bloemfontein, when 13 of my bucks died – 12 of which were Angoras, and one of them a ram such as is not obtainable now. Some of my sheep also died of the geelziekte. At this time the late Mr. ALLISON was so kind as to give me permission to stay on Lower Tempe. Here all my horses (18) died of horse-sickness; some of these were very valuable animals. My sheep, at this period, were much reduced in number, and I purchased 200 to repair the loss. I now thought it advisable to move to Keerom; but it was a “keerom” indeed. The war was now at its height, and supplies were demanded for the commando. Keerom soon became too warm for us, and at last we were forced to trek. The second day we reached Rietspruit, where Mr. VAN ZYL deemed all safe – it being away from the mountain. He left us the next morning for Mr. STEIJN’s, saying, There is nothing to fear; you are out of danger. Alas! the danger was at hand. He was scarcely gone when the Basuto commando, headed by MAROEPA, came down on us, just as we had finished breakfast and ordered the oxen to be spanned in. Several of the VAN ZYL family were with their wagons, but their husbands were on commando; consequently, there was no one to drive them but domesticated Kafirs. My late wife was the first to inform me that the Kafir commando was upon us. I did not speak a word, but seized my rifle and stepped forward. My son Thomas MONTGOMERY speedily joined me, and opened fire on the enemy. It was now, conquer or die. My wife brought me my double-barrelled gun, powder flask, and bullet pouch, and stood by me as long as the enemy were in sight. My youngest daughter (now Mrs. SMITH) and Mrs. WHITE (now Mrs. WILSENACH) supplied us with ammunition. We drove the enemy back, but they returned to the charge three times, when they eventually retired behind the rise, leaving 10 of their number on the field – not including their wounded. We now hastily inspanned, and moved on. Just as we were all fairly on the “trek”, Mr. VAN ZYL came up, to the great relief and joy of his family. A whole day’s journey to Fieldcornet LOMBAARD’s was before us, where a lager had been formed, and many farmers were there assembled. The sun was very warm, there was no water on the road, and it was dark when we crossed the Modder River. My losses in sheep were considerable, inasmuch as all the weak ewes and lambs lagged behind, and we could not halt for them, in consequence of its being incessantly rumoured that – the Kafirs were coming! We could not hold out long in the lager; so we began trekking down the Modder River, being driven from place to place. At last the lungsickness seized our cattle, and reduced their number from 146 to 18. The sheep likewise suffered severely. I bartered upwards of a 100 sheep; so they ought to have counted 1,800; but alas! they had dwindled down to 600. My tents and wagon sails became rotten, and I was tired of roaming about. The war continued, and I, seeing no prospect of returning to my farm, was at length induced to come and buy property in this town. For the furtherance of this end, I sold the remnant of my sheep, oxen, and wagons, and invested the money in town property. So here I took up my abode. But matters went on from bad to worse, and I thought to retrieve my sinking fortune by a trading trip. The first one was pretty successful, which induced me to try another. On my arrival here from Smithfield, whither I had been to purchase goods, I learnt, to my great surprise and sorrow, that Mrs. MONTGOMERY had departed this life. When I came before my door I found the house closed and vacant, and I soon discovered that I should never more be welcomed and greeted on this side [of] the grave by the smile on the friendly face of my loving and worthy old helpmeet. As I waited for the key to open the door, I ejaculated, “It is God’s will, and I must bear it.”
“Earth says to Earth, ‘You may build castle and tower;
 But Earth says to Earth, ‘All will be ours.’”
The door opened. Oh! the agony of that moment. All who came saluted me with tearful eyes and woful [sic] countenances. My fortitude gave way, and I, an old man, bordering on threescore years and ten, wept like a babe.
“I wandered in the garden, I found no Sannah there;
 I plucked a pretty flower, and wiped away a tear.”
But pardon this digression, which has but little to do with my insolvency. I returned to the house, and gave orders to make all haste for the road again, as this was no home for me now. So off we started. This trip also turned out pretty well, and emboldened me to make a third venture. Fortune, however, now gave me the cold shoulder. In the Transvaal, £45,000 in Government notes were issued against the will of the people. This was the crowning stroke of my misfortunes, which, together with a combination of other adverse circumstances, caused me to “throw up the touw” after 50 years hard toil and labour in South Africa. Thank God! after all the trials, troubles and vicissitudes of a long life I have not enjoyed such good health and spirits for the last 20 years as I do now Although I wind up (or rather, have been wound up) with nothing, I don’t fear. Houseless, wifeless, childless, I am free. Moreover, I have the consolation that I can truthfully declare, that:-
“I never deceived a friend or a relation yet,
 Or made the poor or tradesman fret;
 But when rich I helped the poor,
 Yes, and fed the orphans within my door.”
Now that the Circuit Courts are opened (they ought never to have been closed) some creditors will endeavour to procure bluebacks or promissory notes from their unfortunate debtors, by summoning them; but I could not, and would not, consent to drag my friends and relatives into my difficulties now that I am tottering on the brink of the grave. Therefore, I was determined that if my creditors would not accept my offer, I would sink or swim in my own troubles. I deemed it more honorable to give up everything I possessed – about £7,000 in bona fide property – and be free, than make scapegoats of my own kith and kin – a thing that I never did during the half century that I have been in business on my own account.
My dear reader, the above is but a recital of the bare outline of what I have had to endure. Were I to enter into detail, it would fill many columns of the Friend, and many an angry reader would exclaim “De’il take John MONTGOMERY, and the reasons why he threw up the touw.”
I am, &c,

Thursday, 17 March, 1870

DIED at Smithfield, Orange Free State, on the 12th March, 1870, after a lingering and painful illness, borne with Christian fortitude, and at the age of 66 years, the Rev. Jean Louis Prosper LEMUE, of Carmel, in the district of Caledon River, Missionary of the Paris Evangelical Missionary Society. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

De ondergeteekende is door den curator in den insolventen boedel van Johs. Joshua ROUX gelaat om by publieke veiling verkoopen te Smithfield, op Zaturday, 26 Maart, 1870,
1. De plaats RATPAN, No 441 in het district Kroonstad, wyk Ondervalschrivier, groot naar gissing 2500 morgen en grenzende aan de plaatsen Witfontein, Driefontein, en Barberpan.
2. De plaats TREURFONTEIN, No.490, in het district Winburg, wyk Ondervetrivier, groot naar gissing 2200 morgen en grenzende aan de plaatsen Groot Brittanie en Riversdale.
Zegt het voort!!!
Venduafslager en Gouvts. Taxateur.
Smithfield 11 Februarij, 1870

DIED at Fauresmith, on Sunday morning, the 13th of March, of croup, after a short illness of three days, Eugene Frederick, second son of C.W. NEEBE Esq., M.D., aged seven years, nine months, and fifteen days.

Thursday, 24 March, 1870

In the insolvent estate of Roelf C. BOTHA
The undersigned being duly authorized thereto, will sell by public auction on the Market Square, Philippolis, on Saturday, the 9th April, 1870 at 4 O’clock in the afternoon, the farm Draaijhoek, situate in the Fieldcornetcy of Ondervet- and Vaalriver district of Boshof, and in extent about 2000 morgen. Well adapted for both small and large stock.
Terms easy
C.J. VELS Auctioneer.
Philippolis, 15 March, 1870

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on 20th Inst., Mrs G.A. FICHARDT, of a son.

In den insolventen boedel van William DICKEN, onlangs van Smithfield.
Door deze wordt kennis gegeven dat de ondergeteekende als curator in bovengemelde boedel is aangesteld en dat derde bijeenkost overeenkomstig instruction van den meester zal gehouden worden ten landdrost kantoor te Smithfield, op Vrijdag, den 20sten Mei, 1870, voor het bewijzen van schulden, voor de ontvangst van het rapport van den curator en om aan hem instruction te geven, betrekkelyk het behoor van gemelden boedel.
Debiteuren worden bij deze opgeroepen hunne schulden binnen twee maanden aan de ondergeteekende ten zijne kantore te Smithfield te komen betalen
C.S. ORPEN, Curator.
Smithfield, 23 Maart, 1870

In den insolventen boedel van Alfred WHITE, van Smithfield, overleden.
Door deze wordt kennis gegeven dat de ondergeteekende als curator in bovengemelde boedel is aangesteld en dat derde bijeenkost overeenkomstig instruction van den meester zal gehouden worden ten landdrost kantoor te Smithfield, op Vrijdag, den 20sten Mei, 1870, voor het bewijzen van schulden, voor de ontvangst van het rapport van den curator en om aan hem instruction te geven, betrekkelyk het behoor van gemelden boedel.
Debiteuren worden bij deze opgeroepen hunne schulden binnen twee maanden aan de ondergeteekende ten zijne kantore te Smithfield te komen betalen
C.S. ORPEN, Curator.
Smithfield, 23 Maart, 1870

Ten diepste betreuren wij het overlijden van den Eerw. P. LEMUE, van Carmel van het Parijsche Evangelische Genootschap, welke droevige gebeurtenis plaats had te Smithfield, op de 12den dezer. Een correspondent heeft ons vriendelijk begunstigd mot een kort overlijdens berigt van dezen waarlijk goeden man en ten zeerste ijverigen zendeling. Wij hebben wijlen den Eerwaarden heer bijna gekend sedert wij in dit land kwamen on van onze persoonlijke kennis, kunnen wij alles bevestigen, dat door onzen correspondent tot zijnen lof is gezegd. Wij hebben weinig het geluk gehad zuike menschen als de Heer LEMUE in dit land te entmoeten.
Jean Louis Prosper LEMUE, het onderwerp van deze herdenking, werd geboren te Esqueherlas, in het departement de L’Aisne, Frankrijk, en in jeu[g]digen ouderdom besloten hebbende zich aan de dienst van zynen Hemelschen Vader toe te wijden, in het Zendingwerk onder de heidenen, werd hy in 1829 georderd. Het zelfde jaar werden de heer LEMUE, de Eerw. Isaac BISSEUX (nu van Wellington, in de Kaapkolonie), en de Eerw. Samuel ROLLAND, (nu van Hermon, in Basutoland), uitgezonden naar Zuid Afrika, door het Parysche Evangelische Zending Genootschap, als deszelfs eerste Zendelingen. De Eerw. I. BISSEUX nam eene uitnoodiging aan om zich te vestigen als herder der Huguenoten familien naby de Kaap, en de Eerw. LEMUE en ROLLAND drongen door tot het verre binnenland, en vestigden zich te Mosega, in het land toen pas onderworpen door het Zulu Opperhoofd MOSILIKATZI [MZILIKAZI].
Van daar waren zy verpligt, kort daarna, te vertrekken, wegens de ongeregeldheden verbonden met de uitdryving van MOSILIKATZI noord waarts, en toen stichtten zy de statie Motito, in het land van de Bawankotsi. Na een 15 jarig verblyf te Motito, vertrok de heer LEMUE naar Carmel, omtrent 1847, alwaar hy voortging onder de heidenen te arbeiden tot eenige dagen voor zynen dood. De heer LEMUE was voorzitter der Conferentie van de Parysche Zending in Zuid Afrika, en eenige weken geleden opgeroepen in die hoedanigheid te ageren, was hy genoodzaakt, wegens zwakke gezondheid, kennis te geven dat hy niet konde tegenwoordig wezen. Hy verlangde evenwel zeer, zynen gryzen collega de heer ROLLAND, nog eeenmaal [sic] te zien, die de gevaren zyner jongere dagen had gedeeld, en was en route hem te bezoeken, toen hy zich, Smithfield bereikt hebbende, niet in staat voelde verder voort te gaan. De hand van den laatsten vyand lag zwaar op hem, hem veel lyden veroorzakende, dat hy met opmerkin[gs]waardig geduld en Christelyke gelatenheid droeg, tot dat hy op den 12den Maart, zyne schoven met zich nemende, werd opgenomen in den ouderdom van [68] jaren, om zyne belooning te ontvangen.
Dus is een der pioniers in de zaak tot verspreiding van het evangelie in de duistere streken der aarde ter ruste gegaan, en er kan geene twyfel bestaan, of zyne stille en volhardende arbeid en geregeld leven hebben en zullen grooten invloed hebben over het vermenschelyken, beschaven en overhaling tot het Christendom der Bechuana stammen, aan wie de heer LEMUE een der eerste was om de kennis van eenen God en Zaligmaker over te brengen.
De overledene zendeling was een die ten volle in al de betrekkingen des levens het waarlyk Christelyke karakter vertoonde, en zyne nagedachtenis zal lang gezegend blyven door velen zyner mede menschen, zoo wel blanken als gekleurden.
Aan zulk een man is Zuid Afrika veel dankbaarheid verschuldigt.
[By Mr. John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony]
I went up from Dublin to Baltinglass, 30 Irish miles (45 English) to spend the Christmas holidays with my mother. The Baltinglass boys were preparing to go and beat the wren, the smallest of the feathered tribe. [Transcriber’s note: for this St.Stephen’s Day tradition see]
The origin of this sport I am sorry I never heard. It required but little persuasion to induce me to proceed on such an expedition. On St.Stephen’s Day a great number of boys assembled and moved off to Captain Stratford’s hill, where [trees] most abounded and where the wren is most likely to be [found]. This bird [does] not live higher than 3 or 4 feet from the ground. The whole of this day we beat the bushes in [deep] snow; and at last we fell in with the bird. It was fine fun to see the boys tumbling into deep ditches covered level with snow. Having captured the wren, we returned homewards. The next day the boys held a meeting, and decided they would go to Stratford, the adjacent town, [3] miles off. This, in those days, was a calico manufacturing town, and spinning, weaving, calico printing, &c, was carried on, on a large scale, by Messrs. ORDE [recte ORR] and MACINTOSH of that place; thus their hands outnumbered us in the proportion of four to one; but the Baltinglass lads had been challenged to fight so often by the Stratford spalpeens [i.e. rascals], that at length they resolved to pick up the gauntlet. To my surprise they selected me as their leader, and I then tried to persuade them not to go, as we could not muster enough to contend with the enemy. But it was of no use. I then said, “Boys, if you will follow me, I’ll lead you to Hell or Hackney*; so prepare for the fray!” Accordingly, swords were made out of iron hoop, and cross-bows, bows and arrows, slings for throwing stones, shillelaghs, &c, were got in readiness; and when they assembled for the march all were armed in some way or other. I then divided them into three divisions, each division choosing its own leader, and leaving me as Commander-in-Chief.
I must now describe how the wren is carried. A hawthorn bush, with a long stem or stick, is procured. On the top of this is placed some furze, in which the wren is fastened in a net; and the stem of the hawthorn bush is entwined with ivy, so as to make it look as green as possible. Twelve disciples are then chosen, and the wren is carried to every house, in order to collect money for buying turf and wood to make a bonfire. When they arrive at a house the carrier or bearer cries out – Here is the wren! and recites the following doggerel:-
“The wren, the king of all birds,
St.Stephen’s day was caught in the furze;
Although he’s little his family is great,
Rise up, landlady, and give us a treat.”
“A merry Christmas
And happy New Year.
A pocket full of May
And a cellar full of beer.”
“Last Christmas day I turned the spit,
I burnt my finger – I feel it yet;
Between my finger and my thumb,
There is a blister as big as a plum.”
The two last verses are recited as a blessing for what is received. If nothing is given then a curse, in rhyme, is delivered. The people are very superstitious, and don’t like being anathematised.
The Oath: “I swear by my shillaly [recte shillelagh, a thick stick of blackthorn or oak used in Ireland, typically as a weapon], that I will stand by my leader while life and limb remain intact, and will not desert him.” Every one holds up his weapon to confirm the oath. Every preparation having been made we marched on Saturday morning in good order for Stratford, where we arrived safely. This town is situated on a hill. In the centre of it there is a circle – not a square, as we have, generally speaking, in this country [i.e. South Africa] – and in the middle of this circle there is a pump to supply water. Here I took my stand while the wren was carried round to every house. The Stratford boys experienced some difficulty in assembling, and before they showed a respectable front all the principal houses had been visited, and a good sum of money collected. I then deemed it prudent to retire, and ordered the bugler to sound the retreat with a bull’s or cow’s horn, and the Light Company (little boys) to take the lead with the wren, and the bowmen and slingers to keep the enemy in check. Before we had proceeded far, we were obliged to take to the fields, in order to seek the protection of hedges and ditches. I ordered a feint on the stone bridge to our right, which had the intended effect, as the Stratford boys, in great disorder, rushed helter-skelter to prevent our crossing the bridge. Seeing that this feint had answered, I made another to our left on the wooden bridge leading to the Factory. This likewise had the desired result, and weakened the enemy to such an extent that we were enabled to battle with the remainder. My cousin, George PARK, was the principal leader on the opposite side. He was very tall for his age, but not older than myself. He called out for volunteers to take the Dublin boy (meaning me). Overhearing this, I ordered my company to wheel round and give the enemy a shower of stones and arrows, which sent them to the right about face. We continued our march across the river, which was frozen hard. This was not calculated upon by the enemy. We made good our retreat to Baltinglass hill, with 7 wounded - one severely. We then formed in line, and gave the Stratford boys three hearty cheers. As they could not unite their forces, which were a mile or more separated, they did not continue the pursuit. When we reached the R.C. Church at the entrance to the town, I was astounded at the boys surrounding me, hoisting me on their shoulders, and carrying me, cheering the while, to where the fire was already blazing. This was not far from my mother’s house, and she could distinctly hear my name mentioned from time to time. Fresh logs of wood and lumps of turf were piled on the fire, and the darkness of the night caused the flames to reflect on the snow more distinctly the forms of the boys carrying the wren round the fire, as well as those of the boys and girls who were dancing, capering about, singing, shouting, and making themselves as merry as possible. Before I left the scene I called the officers about me, and thanked them for their obedience, loyalty, and bravery. I then retired to the house, where I found my mother in the greatest of sorrow. She commenced to lecture me, and I listened to her submissively. All I could say in self-defence was – Please, mother, forgive me, I was partly forced to go with them. I went to bed, but as the noise outside continued without abatement I had but little sleep, although very tired after what I had gone through during the day. To give a detailed account of this day’s proceedings – interspersed as they were with hard fighting, from time to time – would fill a good sized volume.
Next morning (Sunday) my mother was at me again, in this fashion:- “What will become of you – you who are so young, and yet already the leader of a faction fight? You will be marked, brought incessantly into trouble, and come to a bad end. What will your friends say? Doubtless they will turn their backs upon you.” She said a great deal more which I cannot recollect. I dressed for church, and went and heard the Rev. Dr. CROGON preach a sermon. I thought all his discourse was aimed at me; and, no wonder, inasmuch as a guilty conscience needs no accuser. He dwelt much on the rising generation, and the duty of children towards their parents, Love your neighbour as thyself, Do unto others as you would wish to be done by, Honour thy father and thy mother, &c &c. Baltinglass church is built on the ruins of an old convent destroyed by CROMWELL. There are a great many traditionary tales respecting the cruelty perpetrated by CROMWELL’s soldiery. I will mention one regarding a large granite flag that was used by CROMWELL’s soldiers as a slaughtering block. It is said that once a year the blood of the monks and priests who were killed in defending themselves and the castle, is visible on this stone. The church is a beautiful building – the old walls around being one mass of ivy. The old castle was very much dilapidated. While I sat in my mother’s old family pew close to the pulpit I admired the large Gothic window under which was the Communion table, with its well turned oaken legs, the railings around which were of beautiful oak, and the cushions of dark purple colored velvet. The pulpit was of black oak, most beautifully carved out, and the pews and the galleries were likewise of the same material and workmanship. The organ was stationed above, protected by a high screen, behind which the choir sat, to accompany the instrument with their singing. There was no theatrical show, no brazen candlesticks, nor any other brass ornaments, nor any kind of unnecessary display, to distract and divert the attention of the pure Protestants. While I am trying to describe this beautiful but solemn place of worship, I fancy myself at home – “home sweet home”. After service I walked down the avenue to a large oak tree. This tree is about 10 or 12 feet in diameter, short in the trunk, with large spreading boughs stretching across the avenue, so as to intercept or hinder a [coach] from being driven up to the church. Captain STRATFORD. Magistrate of Baltinglass, would not allow these enormous arms to be lopped off. This tree is called the Gallows Tree. It is said that the rebels used it as a gibbet whereon to hang the Protestants in the last rebellion (1803), when Lord KILWARREN (recte KILWARDEN] was slain in Dublin; Lord Edward FITZGERALD, taken prisoner – only to die of his wounds - in a feather warehouse in Thomas-street; and I myself was born into the world. While I waited for some of my acquaintances to walk home with me the two Miss STRATFORDs came past, and one of them thus addressed me: “Well, John, I hope you have paid attention today.” “Yes, miss, I did, for the old Doctor hit me much harder than the Stratford boys did yesterday.” “You are a wicked boy, John.” “Thank you, miss, as you have accompanied your remark with a smile,” said I, at sametime taking off my hat and making a profound obeisance. The footman then opened the carriage door, let down the steps, and the ladies entered the vehicle. I heard them laughing merrily as the coach drove off.
On Monday morning (Hansel Monday), the 1st January, 1820, [Transcriber’s note: The 1st January, 1820, was a Saturday] I went down to the bridge, and while leaning over the battlements, admiring the wild scenery around, the immense sheet of ice the river presented, and the houses all covered with snow, I thought – We have not this in Dublin. At this juncture, one of Dr. HEATH’s sons and a certain Mike NEWLING came up, and the Doctor told me he had seen in one of the Cork papers that a number of settlers were going out to the Cape of Good Hope; that Mr. INGRAM would take out 100 settlers; that Captains S ---- [i.e. SYNNOT] and BUTLER, and one PARKER, would head other parties; that NEWLING and two of his (the Doctor’s) brothers were also going; that Captain BUTLER’s party might be easily overtaken, as it had only left yesterday morning; and that the best thing I could do would be to join it. Come along, he continued; I am ready, and I’ll tell my brothers that you’ll accompany us; they’ll be so glad. NEWLING then went to bid his friends Good-bye, and I did the same. I just entered the house, and said – Farewell, mother, I am going to the Cape of Good Hope. I did not wait for a reply, but started without breakfast. I waited on the bridge some time for NEWLING. At last he came, looking very sorrowful, and I said to him, “Well, NEWLING, don’t go with me. Whether the HEATHs come or not, I’ll go, as I have fully made up my mind. So off I started alone without a penny in my pocket. I travelled all day to a place called the Royal Oak, but BUTLER’s baggage had not passed that way, which I ascertained on entering a carman’s inn, where an old lady – a jolly, fine-looking woman – requested me to warm myself by the fire, while she put many questions to me. The evening was closing in, the weather threatening, and I was anxious to retrace my steps to the next town Munubeg [recte Muine Bheag], 1½ miles distant. I got up to start, when the old lady, with many kind words, gave me one quarter of a large grid[d]le cake, saying, “Take this, acushla; you may want it.” And I did need it, for the cold wind, accompanied by sleet, blew right in my face. So I put the large oatmeal cake in the inside breast pocket of my coat, and buttoned it up to keep me warm. On entering the town I fell in with a lot of baggage cars. I then went into the inn, and the first person I saw was Mrs. B. DEVINE; and as I had seen her before I knew I was all right. “Well, Biddy, are all the party here?” “All except the Captain and lady, who have gone on to Cork.” “It is a very cold night, Biddy.” “Yes. What can I treat you to? How would you like a glass of whiskey punch?” “Oh, very much.” I slept behind the bar, and, taking a fine silk handkerchief out of my pocket, I tendered it to the barman, who, although it was worth 5s, only offered me 10d for it. “All right,” said I, “take it, and give me half a pint of whiskey” (cost 5d). “Now, Biddy,” I resumed, make for yourself and friend a good glass of punch.” We then retired to a room to enjoy the whiskey punch, where we were joined by the ladies’ husbands. When the ladies warmed up they began to sing, and the men followed suit. Soon more whiskey was called for, so you may imagine we were a jolly set. This was the first time I ever enjoyed the pleasure of ladies’ company. Next morning we proceeded on our journey. It astonished me to see the men, all armed, walking alongside the baggage cars, with their rifles and swords and guns with bayonets fixed, as if they were in an enemy’s country. On they trudged without a word or sound, the silence only being broken by the carmen speaking to their horses. This kind of travelling I could not long endure; there was no fun or amusement; so I began to think of some devilment, by which I could raise the spirits of the drones. Accordingly, I mounted one of the cars, whereon a fine, jolly, fat, young woman sat, and pretended to make love to her. She enjoyed the joke, and so did her good-natured husband. This caused some merriment. “You, fellows,” I said, “have not a word to throw to the pigs, much less to the ladies, who are perched on top of these cars, starving to death with the cold. Not one of you so much as speaks to them; therefore I will try to warm them up.” “Go on, Johnny,” was the reply, with a hearty cheer. They now began to be quite cheery, and sang songs. When we halted I persuaded WAYLAND (before mentioned) to play his fiddle, and we shuffled the brogues in first-rate style. After this we had a pleasant journey all the way to Cork.
When Captain BUTLER was told that I was there, he told James DEVINE he would send me back a prisoner, by the mail-coach, to Dublin, in care of the guards. DEVINE informed me of what the Captain had said. “Did he really say so?” I asked. “Yes, he did,” answered DEVINE. I made no reply. While in the tavern I heard some of Mr. INGRAM’s men speaking about going on board the steamer that was on the eve of proceeding to the Cove of Cork. I watched them when they started for the steamer, followed them, and walked on board. No one spoke to me, or asked me any questions, so I had to answer none. We were soon on board the Fanny, of London. The Captain was not then on board, but directly he came I went up to him, told him my story, and requested him to allow me to work my passage out to the Cape of Good Hope. After questioning me, he called the mate, and said to him, “Here is a young hand for you. Don’t spare the rope’s end.” I saw by the curl of his lip that he did not mean what he said; but while walking with the mate, I looked up in his face, and said, “I hope, sir, you won’t forget the Captain’s orders.” “No,” answered he, “the Captain’s orders must be obeyed, but I hope it won’t be necessary.” “I hope not, sir,” responded I. In the course of the day all the passengers came on board, and the next morning we had orders to sail. While we were making preparations to do so, we were astounded at hearing the reports of big guns from the batteries, and seeing all the ships run up as many flags as they could, and the crew of a man-of-war, 74 guns, lying close to us, manning the yards. It was a noble spectacle to see the Jack tars, dressed in their white trousers, blue jackets, and dress caps, standing in the yards. Then she opened her ports, and delivered a broadside, which made the old Fanny shiver and shake. All the man-of-war vessels followed her example, while the troops on shore went through their various evolutions, and fired volleys of musketry. I cannot describe my feelings whilst this display was being enacted. Our Captain, however, took no notice of it, except that he hoisted what flags he thought proper. In the meantime the batteries in every direction were blazing away. I ran up to the maintop yard to have a clear view of all that was going on; so I was the only one who manned the yards of our ship. In the afternoon the Commodore gave the order for sailing, and took the lead. Before sunset we were clear of the Cove of Cork, when the wind began to rise. When it became dark the Commodore hung a lantern out at the maintop, in order, I suppose, for us to keep sight of him; but the weather became so boisterous that we parted company altogether. The gale continued to increase in violence. At last all sail was taken in, and the storm sail set. Mother Carey’s chickens [i.e. storm petrels] hovered around the vessel, which some looked upon as a bad omen. However, we safely cleared the Bay of Biscay, and, the weather moderating, we again set all sail, and sped along at the rate of 9 or 10 knots an hour. In due time we arrived off the Canaries, and anchored at St.Jagos [recte St.Jago], in the hope that the Commodore would heave in sight. We stayed there three days – the weather being fine – and the Governor of the island invited our Captain and all the heads of parties to a Ball, which was a most magnificent affair. The following evening the Secretary did likewise. It was then arranged that our ship’s company should have a dance in their own fashion, and be accompanied by their own music. The dancing party was made up of the young people, of whom I was one; and John WAYLAND, together with another man from Cork, were the musicians. It was a lovely moonlight night, and the sea was as smooth as a duck-pond. The Secretary received his guests with much courtesy. The house was splendidly decorated, and dancing commenced almost immediately on our arrival. When the Portuguese had finished their dance, we began a country dance, in which the Secretary’s daughter took part. She became my partner. She was about 16, and had glossy black hair, which was tastefully ornamented with all kinds of nick-nacks. Around her neck she wore a double row of pearls, and she was bedizened with ear-rings, bracelets, gold rings, pins, and spangles innumerable. Her teeth were as white as snowdrops, and her mouth was as inviting as the gates of heaven. Her dress was of silk gauze, and reflected different shades as she whirled about. I began to flatter myself that she was paying unusual attention to me, as she would not dance with Captain BUTLER’s son, or anyone else. Accordingly, I admired her more and more every moment. Her eyes were very expressive, and her beautiful bust began to shine like a well-polished boot. She was a genuine black, and very unlike the dirty copper-coloured that we have here. I felt so curious at last, that I became frightened, and at the first opportunity I cut and run for it to the boat, and soon got on board. I had heard many tales about blacks in foreign countries having the power of fascinating and enchanting the unwary; so I thought I would not give her a chance of victimising me. When it was bruited about that I had run away from such a sweet, charming creature, it caused much merriment.
Next day we shipped all the fresh provisions that were obtainable, together with those kinds of fruit that would keep. Thereafter, I and two more took the Captain ashore, and while the ‘skipper’ was transacting his business, Walter SAUNDERS suggested that we should have a swim. I consented. Thereupon we proceeded to a rock not far from the boat, stripped, and dived into the water, which was nearly on a level with the rock. After we had enjoyed ourselves for some time, I returned to the rock, when I fancied the water had receded. I clutched at the rock, but as I did so, my feet went under, and I was obliged to strike out on my back, and swim to a spot where I could effect a landing. Upon looking back I saw my comrade, and cried out to him to come on. He did not seem to heed my voice, and presently I thought I saw him sinking. Thereupon I shouted to George, who was in the boat, to scull towards the spot where Walter was drowning. I then ran to the rock, plunged in, and swam to him. His eyes were starting out of their sockets with terror. “Keep up, boy,” I said, “don’t be timid; lay your hands upon my shoulders, and kick out; but don’t grapple with me. Here comes George with the boat.” Eventually we were both picked up by the boat, and I then went for our clothes. Walter was more dead than alive. When we had dressed, I begged my comrades not to mention this matter to the Captain, or to Walter’s father and mother, as they would blame me for it. “You did not ask me, I asked you. You saved my life, John,” murmured Walter. I took off my cap in reply. This was the cap he had kindly given me when a rope had knocked my own hat overboard, on leaving the Cove of Cork, to the great amusement of those who did not feel the loss. [Transcriber’s note: As Walter’s parents were also on board the Fanny, Graham Dickason, in his book on the Irish settlers, says that the young lad was almost certainly Walter SYNNOT Junior]
As the Commodore did not make his appearance, we set sail, leaving my ebony beauty and all our other black friends behind to enjoy themselves. After leaving the Canaries we were favoured with fine weather and fair winds, and made good headway until we reached the Line, when we were becalmed. On crossing the Equator the usual ceremony of Neptune coming on board, and shaving,, &c, was not forgotten. This threw the settlers into great consternation; many paid the customary tribute, and a few, lacking funds, underwent the shaving process. This afforded much amusement for a short time while the ceremony lasted. Many now volunteered to man the long boat, and tow the ship along. Day after day this was persevered in, and the ship made progress at the rate of 2 or 3 knots an hour. At length a catspaw (a ripple caused by a slight breeze) was discernible on the surface of the sea, and every preparation that the Captain could make was made. The breeze freshened, and the Captain expected a storm before dark – a dark line being visible just above the horizon. All the sails were then hauled in, but not furled. The wind continued to increase in violence; and flashes of lightning, accompanied by distant thunder, put the Captain on the qui vive. Orders were given to brace the yards and furl the sails; and all hands were summoned on deck. By this time it was as dark as pitch. It was my lot to go aloft, and assist in furling the sails. It was with great difficulty and danger that I ascended, and crept out to the yardarm. One of the men encouraged me by crying out “Hold on, Jack. Haul on now. Now hold fast. She rights again – haul on.” Thus he went on encouraging me. But it was a terrible scene. The storm raged furiously on every side; the black thunder clouds scudded swiftly overhead; and below, the foaming sea – which could only be seen when the lightning gleamed – was boiling like a witch’s cauldron. Then the vessel would roll as if she were going to turn upside down; then she would pitch as if she were about to turn a somersault head over heels; and then her yards would almost touch the waves, first on one side, and then on the other. My pleasure on reaching the deck may be more easily imagined than described. I then lashed myself to the rigging until daylight. The hatches were all battened down; and the settlers were in a dreadful fright below. During the afternoon of the following day the wind lulled, the sea became calm, and we arrived at the Cape without anything more worth recording. One evening I heard the Captain say, that if the wind continued fair we should see Table Mountain to-morrow morning. I was aloft the next morning, long before daylight, on the look out. At last I thought I could see a dark line, and I did not wait long before I shouted “Land oh! Land oh!” [sic] The mate then came up, and confirmed what I had said. The wind was favourable, the sails were well-filled, and we anchored in Simon’s Bay on May 1, 1820, after a passage of four months and fifteen days.
I defer giving my “Ten Years’ Residence in the Free State” until I have settled my affairs.
The story of the fight between the Baltinglass and the Stratford boys was related by my late mother and the late Mr. George COLEMAN to their children, after they came to this country.

* “I’ll send you to Hell or Hackney”. Christ Church, in Dublin, is built on the ruins of an old Monastery or Convent. In my time the ancient vaults, and the places designed for Hell, Heaven, and Purgatory, were still in existence, and the iron gate of Hell, with a frightful figure over it, representing the Devil, was yet standing. Hackney, a coachstand, where hackney coaches were to be had, was right opposite. Thus, it was a common saying or threat, to kick a fellow from Hell to Hackney. The Rev. Mr. CROGHAN tells me that this is now all removed; that the old buildings have been pulled down; and that Christ Churchyard is now a most beautiful place.

[Transcriber’s note: The George COLEMAN mentioned in the last paragraph was the husband of Maria MONTGOMERY, John’s sister]

Thursday, 31 March, 1870

BIRTH at Fauresmith, on the 19th inst., Mrs. O.C. KAYS, of a daughter.
Fauresmith, 22nd March 1870

Thursday, 7 April, 1870

This morning, the 20th March, 1870 there was married by the Rev. MACMILLAN, minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Byne OTTO, son of Mr. P.R. OTTO, of Natal, to Miss Dinah MULLER, oldest daughter of Mr. Hendrik MULLER, of his town. The bride was arrayed tastefully in the bridal dress of the period; and the bridegroom was indebted to Solomon’s Emporium’s latest fashion for his getting up. After the ceremony, the family connections and intimate friends partook of an elegant dejeuner a la fourchette. In the evening the elite of the town had a ball and supper, and dancing on “the light fantastic toe” was kept up to an early hour of the morn. As some of your fair readers may be curious to know the personnel of the bride let them ken that “she’s lovely, she’s divine.”

And this ended in the marriage, on the 28th of March, of Thomas NAUDE, Esq., bachelor, of the Original to the Race, to Miss Sarah ROODE, Kaffraria, spinster (as she was said to be in the publishing of her banns) ; ongesforgen weduwee (as she is being designated by her friends) The ceremony took place at the suburban villa of Jantje ]KOSPSOEK] Esq. The bride was arrayed in white tulle trimmed with blue and pink ribbons, colored socks, brown cotton gloves, veldschoene, of the newest fashion. Her hair – being of that description known as woolly, did not admit of her wearing a chignon – was covered by a black silk kerchief, rather faded from constantt use for various purposes. The bridegroom was attired in the latest fashion; unexceptionable plaid jacket, white waistcoat, well fitting white unmentionables, boots, and black belltopper. During the ceremony, the lovely bride became rather excited by the solemnity of the occasion; at times blushing like a peony, and at others “her beautiful bust” perspiringly shone, though her thin dress, like a ‘polished boot” (thanks to my old friend, Lord John, for the quotation, which, by the way, is more appropriate when applied to a sable beauty than to a white one), After the marriage, the bride and bridegroom partook of “coffee and kookies,” and the evening and best part of the night were spent in imbibing “goes” of “Cape”

Mr. Theodore RADLOFF, of Fauresmith, on whose information certain malicious and false assertions against the undersigned are published in The Friend, on the 17th March last, is respectfully requested publicly to contradict the same, and offer such explanation as necessary to grievances. Whereas in case of non-compliance, the undersigned shall be forced to institute legal steps.
A.P.J. van der POEL.
Fauresmith, 18th March, 1870

Thursday, 28 April, 1870

We deeply regret to announce the death of Mr. Johannes Jacobus SAUER, late Landdrost of Smithfield, in this state. This sad event occurred at Leeufontein, district Aliwal-North, Cape Colony, on 21st instant. Mr. SAUER had only reached his 55th year.

Thursday, 5 May, 1870

In den insolventen boedel van Hendrik S.L. du PLESSIS, op Woensdag, 1sten van Junij, 1870 ten 11 ure in en voormiddag precies, te worden gehouen op de plaats Boesmansfontein, wijk Kuspzakrivier, distrit Phillipolis:-
1100 Goedgetteele Merino schapen, 100 Bokken, 11 Paarden (ry en aanteel), 27 Beesten (trek en aanteel), 1 Paardenwagen, met tuigen, 1 Tent kar.
En wat verder ten dage er verkooping zal worden aangeboden.
J.T. COLLINS, Vendu-afslager
Chas Thos WELSFORD, Curator
Phillipolis, 25 April, 1870
Zegt het voort

Thursday, 19 May, 1870

BIRTH at Reddersburg, Orange Free State, on the 12th instant, Mrs. W.D. SAVAGE, a daughter, (stillborn)

Thursday, 26 May, 1870

The undersigned having been instructed by P.G. SLABBERT, Esq., executor in the estate of Piet JOUBERT (widow M.M. HASBROOK) will offer for public competition in front of his store in Bethlehem on the 18th of July, 1870, that first class farm Paardehoek, situated, on the end (afloopen) of Liebenberg’s Vley, in the district of Harrismith. The above is unsurpassed as a grazing farm, has an abundant water supply, and will be found invaluable to anyone wishing to turn his attention to sheep or cattle farming in this highly-favoured district.
A liberal credit will be given.
Jonathan PEEL, Auctioneer

Thursday, 2 June, 1870

In den INSOLVENTEN BOEDEL van Willlem Christiaan GRUNENG, de ondergeteekende is oor den curator in bovengemelden boedel gelaat om bij publieke veiling te verkopen te Smithfield, op Zaturdag, den 2den July, 1870, des voormiddags om 11 ure.
161 aanteel schapen, 4 trek ossen, 1ossen-wagen met trek-goed voor 6 ossen, 1 veer kar met tuigen.
Henry D. HODGSON, Vendumeester en Testeur voor den Weeskamer.
Smithfield, 28 Mei, 1870

Thursday, 16 June, 1870

In the insolvent estate of J.NUNN EAGLE
On Wednesday, 22nd June , next at 10 o’clock in the morning , will be sold on the farm “Otterspoort” district Phillippolis:- 3 Horses, 1 wagen and harness, 1 Westley-Richards Rifle (centrefire) with 500 cartridges, 1 saddle and bridle, 1 piano, chairs, sofa, loo and other tables, clock, music-stools, carpet, book-case, steoroscope with slides, sword, and everything that may be produced on the day of sale.
Chas Thos. WELSFORD, Sole Trustee.
C.J. VELS, Auctioneer

Thursday, 23 June, 1870

In the insolvent estate of Roderick CAMPBELL of Cronstadt on Monday, 27th Inst., at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, will be sold by public auction in front of the Market House here, the two farms Tohgekregen, no 323, Cronstadt District, Rietpoort, No. 255, Cronstadt District belonging to the above estate.
James B. BROWN, Sec.
Joint Trustees.
Edwd. S. HANGER, Auctioneer.
Bloemfontein Board of Executors and Trust Co.
June 8, 1870.

In den boedel van wylen Dodd Stewart PRINGLE de ondergeteekende is gelaat door den executeur datief in en boedel by publieke veiling te Smithfield, sonder reserve te verkoopen, op Zaturdag, 2 July, 1870, de goed bekende vruchtbare plaats Leeuwpan grensende aan de gemeente gronden van Pretoria in de Transvaalsche Republiek, en zyne No. 49 in het district Pretoria en veldcornetschap van Elandsrivier.
Aan kofy, katoen en tabak planter biede het bovenstaande eeue gelegenheid aan zoo als zich zalden voordoet.
Hendry D.HOGSON, Vendumeester en Taxsteur.
Smithfield 18 Juny, 1870

DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 22nd inst., of inflammation of the stomach, Oliver COMPTON, aged 32 years, deeply regretted by a large circle of friends, leaving a widow and five young children to deplore their loss.
The funeral of Mr. O. COMPTON will take place this afternoon (Thursday) at 3 o’clock. All friends of the deceased are invited to attend.
C.W. CHAMPION, Undertaker.
Bloemfontein, June 23rd, 1870

BIRTH at Jacobsdal, Orange Free State, on Friday, the 17th June, 1870, the wife of Alfred HUTTON, of a son.

Thursday, 30 June, 1870

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 24th June, Mrs. J.H. BRAND, of a son

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