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The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1870 2 July - December

Thursday, 7 July, 1870

DIED at Jacobsdal, O.F.State, on the 30th June, 1870, Henriette van OLDEN, beloved wife of G. PALIER, in the 25th year of her age, deeply regretted. The undersigned begs to return his sincere thanks to Dr. F. FORSTER, of Jacobsdal, and the other friends, for their great kindness during her illness.

Mr. John MONTGOMERY, of this town, one of “the original settlers of 1820”, has, we are glad to see, returned home safe and sound, after enacting his part in the late Jubilee doings in Grahamstown.

Mr. Richard HAMBERT, who was in the employ of Mr. E.S. HANGER, of this town, in 1864, and who was well-known throughout the Cape Colony, Natal and the Transvaal, was found dead on the morning of the 3rd int., at the head-quarters of the diamond-searchers in the Campbell-grounds. He was buried the same day; 350 diggers following his remains to their last resting place. Mr. H. we believe, came to Natal with BYRNE’s immigrants in 1840. Friends at a distance are requested to accept this notice.

Thursday, 14 July, 1870

My Trip to Grahamstown to attend the British Settlers’ Jubilee
[By Mr. John MONTGOMERY, Founder of Burghersdorp, Cape Colony]
I started from Bloemfontein on the 28th April for Grahamstown, in order to be present at the Jubilee. In four days I crossed the Orange-river below Bethulie, when I experienced very cold rainy weather all the way down to my brother-in-law’s, Mr. J. BOTHA, who resides to the left of Kneehalter-neck. In consequence of the heavy wet I stayed two days at Mr. B.’s, and then proceeded on my journey, visiting many friends on the road, to Mr. A. GILFILLAN’s, near Cradock. I had some hopes that Mr. G. would have accompanied me to Grahamstown, he being an old settler, but unfortunately his state of health would not permit him to do so. However, I was welcomed by him and his good lady with all the warm affection of a brave Highland Scot. After a day’s rest I set off for the Settlers’ city, by slow stages, and in due course bivouacked on my old camp ground, West Hill, where I experienced 40 years ago many a hard night, walking with gun in hand to protect my cattle and sheep from the wolves and wild dogs. Upon one occasion I had a large herd of cattle and a flock of sheep, too many for my people to guard and keep together. Among them was a milch cow, which I used to milk for the baby, but one night the cow strayed unobserved from the cattle, and was devoured a very short distance from the wagon. The next morning the bellowing of the calf and the crying of the child for milk was most pitiful. However, to return from this digression. I walked into Grahamstown without meeting any one I knew, and the city to me was a wilderness of houses and strange faces. On Saturday I went out shopping, more for the sake of gaining information than making purchases; but I met with no success. I met the Band proceeding to the Botanic Gardens, and, to kill time, I followed it. Here I found I was alone; the last time I was in the Gardens I had the most of my family with me, but now there was not one face that I knew. The beautiful strains of the Band brought to my mind the brave deeds of its gallant regiment, and the loss of its heroic commander - one of the bravest of the brave – General HAVELOCK. However, I delayed too long in the Gardens, inasmuch as the clouds began to rise, the thunder to roll, and the rain to fall. Before I reached my wagon I was as wet as a drowned rat, but on changing my clothes and partaking of a good supper, I was soon as comfortable as if nothing had happened. On Monday I called upon the Committee, who received me with great cordiality, the most of them being old acquaintances of mine. The reception over I was shown the Museum, where I spent the remainder of the day. Many of the animals there exhibited I have encountered face to face in the veld. I then returned to my wagon to rest in peace for the night. On Tuesday I visited Mr. G. WOOD, who greeted me with all the kindness of an old friend. We conversed about the past, the present, and the future. I was sorry to see that Mr. WOOD was disabled, and thought, Wealth can’t purchase health. We then parted. Thereupon it occurred to me that “auld acquaintance should ne’er be forgot.” So I hunted up Mr. J. TALBOT, who travelled with me many years ago from Salem to Graaff Reinet. After a long walk I found him on Settlers’ Hill, and he was glad to see me. He pointed to his fiddle, saying, “There she is. Can you still shake your legs as you did on the [route]?” “Yes,” I replied, “if you could only play as you once did.” On returning to my wagon I could not help thinking that BUONAPARTE was right when he remarked that the English were a nation of shopkeepers, inasmuch as in passing along I observed that nearly every house was a shop. On Wednesday, as I was walking down High-street, I met the Hon. Mr. CHASE, whom I had not seen for many years. I fancied he would shake my right arm off. We had some pleasant chat, and as we trudged along we met many old acquaintances dropping in to the Jubilee. On Thursday I took a walk to the burial ground, visited the tomb of my son John, who for thirty years has lain at rest, and sought for the graves of some of my friends in days of yore, which occupation caused me to feel very sorrowful. I then proceeded to the mortuary chapel erected in memory of Bishop ARMSTRONG. The door was open, and as I stood by the railing gazing at the tomb I cannot give expression to my feelings. I looked around, saw the windows all broken, and the building in a most dilapidated state. Said I to myself, If this sacred little place is allowed to go to ruin it will be a burning shame. I retraced my steps towards my wagon, and crossed the ground the windmill stands on. I sat down to rest my feet, and looked at the mill, which was apparently falling to decay. At one time this mill was deemed a masterpiece in great enterprise. It should not be allowed to go to [.....]; it should be carried up to a pinnacle and a weathercock put on the top of it, in honour of one of the best and most enterprising men of the Frontier, Mr. W. COCK, of the Kowie, and stand as one of the Pyramids of Egypt.
Now for the Jubilee. Crowds from all parts assemble and pitch their tents. I went to the pantomime in the evening, and was much pleased. On Saturday I met many ancient chums. On Monday the Settlers congregated on the Parade, and I was surrounded by familiar faces whom I never anticipated seeing again in the flesh. I shall never forget the hearty shaking of hands with those old friends. Mr. SHINGLER approached me, and pinned the blue ribbon on my breast. Then we fell in line and stood like brethren. The Bishop then approached and shook hands with each old Settler. I thought – Here I stand with those who have withstood the battle and the breeze for the last fifty years, and experienced wars, troubles, disappointments, losses, and difficulties, too numerous to call to mind. After the enactment of some ceremonies we marched to the place of honour, where we received three hearty cheers, the foundation stone was laid, and the different speeches made. When Mr. GODLONTON in his speech referred to the late Mr. Carey HOBSON, I felt very much affected, inasmuch as he was a man with whom I had been intimate. Verily, he was a good, honest man, and a warm friend. The ceremony over we marched in good order to the Market-square, where we planted the oak trees, and then dispatched.
Farewell, a long farewell, brother Settlers. We shall never assemble or march again in this world. I trust when we next muster it will be in that place where the foundation stone is laid for our heavenly bliss.

Thursday, 28 July, 1870

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, 26th inst., Mrs. L.J. PAPENFUS, of a son

Niewe Insolventie – Boedel van wijlen Anthonie M. du TOIT, van het district Caledonrivier; eerste en finale bijeenkomst ter Landdrost kantore Smithfield, op den 9den September

Thursday, 4 August, 1870

With deep regret we take over from Capetown paper the following notice of the death of Rev. L. HUGHES, for nearly fifty years the deservedly - esteemed missionary to the Griquas, under the present Captain WATERBOER and his predecessors at Griquastown. Mr. HUGHES was the father-in-law of Mr. W.A. DICKSON, of Fauresmith, as well as of Mr. Attorney C.J. VELS, of Phillippolis, with whom, as also with rest of his numerous descendants, we sympathise in this their painful bereavement. This is the notice we have referred to – “Died, at Bankhouse, Vaal-river, on June 28, 1870, the Rev. Isaac HUGHES, of the London Missionary Society, who, by his unostentatious and self-denying efforts for the real advancement of the Griquas, among whom he laboured for nearly fifty years, won their confidence and love. A wide circle of friends, both within the Colony and beyond it, mourns his death with no common sorrow.”

BIRTH at Cradock, on the 19th July, 1870, the wife of Mr. E.D. BRADFIELD, of a son

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 31st July, Mrs. L. RANCHER, of a daughter

Thursday, 11 August, 1870

Another death (the second one, we believe) has occurred at the diggings. Mr. John HOYLE, late of Bloemhof, died in the camp on Saturday last

Thursday, 18 August, 1870

Op Zaturdag, den 27sten Augustus, 1870, des v.m. om 10 ure uit last van de Executeuren van wijlen Hendrik MENTE, op de plaats Utrecht, wijk Wilgeboom spruit, 2½ uur van Smithfield.
1000 extra Merino Ooijen, in September te werpen, 600 Merino Hamels, 40 Aanteel Beesten, 20 slagt-en trek Ossen, Merries, en Paarden, Kapkar en tuigen, Bokwagen complete, Fraaije Huisraad, Keuken-en Boerderij gereedschap, ens.,
Bovangemelde levende have ons., zal zonder reserve door de ondergeteekende verkoel worden op aan crediet strekende over twaalf maanden.
Vendumeester en taxateur voor het government en Weeskamer.
Smithfield, 8 Augustus, 1870

BIRTH at the College, Bloemfontein, on the 17th August, 1870, Mrs. Gustav RADLOFF, of a daughter.

HEDEN beviel voorspoedig van een welgeschapen zoon, Mejufvrouw Johanna Christina Elizabeth JANTZEN, geliefde echtgenoot van Geo. A ROTH.
Bethlehem, O.V. Staat, 11 Augustus, 1877

In the estate of the late Oliver COMPTON.
The following will be sold by public auction,
On Saturday, 27th Inst., in front of the market House here at 12 o’clock (noon) precisely:
1 wagon, 1 cart, 1 set harness, horses, 14 oxen.
In the insolvent estate of Charles BRAUN.
1 leather portmanteau,
1 double travelling bag, 1 7 –barrel revolver (with cartridges) by Trye & Redman, 1 Opera Glass, 3 shares Masonic Lodge ”Rising Star”
James B BROWN, Sec,
Edwd. S. HANGER, Auctioneer.

Thursday, 25 August, 1870

Of Erven and Buildings in the town of Fauresmith.
In the insolvent estate of John Munn EAGLE, of Otterspoort, district Philippolis.
The undersigned having been favored with instructions from Charles Thomas WELFORD, Esq., Trustee in the above insolvent estate, intends to submit to public competition in the town of Fauresmith, on Saturday, the 17th September, next, at 3 p.m. the following immovable property:-
The one-third of Dry Erf No.1, situate in Upper Church Street. Together with the comfortable family residence, (containing eleven apartments) and outbuildings erected thereon, at present let to Dr. ROBERTSON, M.D. at a yearly rental of £72.
The Water Erf No.3, likewise situate in Upper Church Street, planted with a choice variety of fruit-trees and vines. There is an inexhaustible supply of fresh spring water on this erf.
The right to the Water of Water Erf No. 4, situate in the above street.
The remaining portion of Dry Erf No. 213, situate in Achter Kerk Straat, and adjoining the property of Thomas du TOOIJ, Esquire.
Here is a chance for capitalists! Jagersfontein, which turned up a Diamond this week of 60 carats weight, lies only one hour on horseback from Fauresmith.
Oct: C. KAYS, Auctioneer.
Fauresmith, 16 August, 1870

Nicholas DIAMOND, a man well-known in the town of Fauresmith, has been missing for some days. When last seen he was suffering from mental aberration; consequently, fears are entertained of his safety. Any information regarding him will be thankfully received by his friends.

Mr. Bernard RICHTER, a highly respected and well-known inhabitant of this district, in which he had resided many years, died on the 8th instant, aged 68. Mr. RICHTER was, we believe, a native of Capetown. He leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their irreparable loss.

Jan BERG, better known as Jan GEEL, was picked up in a state of insensibility, within the borders of the Digger’s camp, on the 16th inst., and immediately conveyed to the Committee’s tent, by order of the Secretary, Mr. J.J. RAAFF jr. BERG, alias GEEL, neither rallied nor spoke a word, but died shortly after being carried to the tent aforesaid. He was born at Rotterdam, Holland, but emigrated to America, where he resided for a time. He was apparently between 30 and 40 years of age. His funeral took place last Thursday. This is the third death at the Diggings.

The uncertainty of life has again recently been exemplified in a terribly shocking manner. It appears that Mr. Joseph BARRY, son of Mr. Thomas BARRY, of Swellendam, fell under the wheels of his wagon, near Mr. Jacob TALJAARD’s farm, six hours from Bloemfontein, about nine days ago, and was instantaneously killed on the spot. He was a married man, with a family and his age was forty, or thereabouts. Mr. John EMETT was his travelling companion, but at the time of the fatal occurrence was absent on a visit to an adjacent farm. It is hardly necessary to add that we deeply sympathize with the bereaved widow and fatherless children, who have thus suddenly been deprived of their main support.

Will be held at Bloemfontein on Saturday, 27th instant, at 12 o’clock noon.
In the estate of the late J.G.W. BELLERBECK
A lot of clothing, Boxes, &c.
G.C.A. JONAR. Executor Dat.
In the insolvent estate of I.J. de VILLIERS JNson
1 Silver watch, with Chain
In the insolvent estate of the late John BAGWILL and BAGWILL & ANTILL
The outstanding debts due to these estates consisting of open accounts and promissory notes, which may be inspected at the office of the trustee.
G.C.A. JONAS, Trustee
Bloemfontein, 17th August, 1870.
Edwd S. HANGER, Auctioneer.

Thursday, 1 September, 1870

In the insolvent estate of Michiel Carel BEHR
The undersigned, duly authorized will sell by public auction, on Saturday, 15th October, 1870 at 9 o’clock a.m., in front of his office:-
1. The farm Manesrust, No. 713, district Harrismith, in extent according to Land Commission Report, 2500 morgen.
2. The farm Grootkop, No.781 district Harrismith in extent according to Land Commission Report 2000 morgen
3. The farm Schuinspaatjes No. 778, district Harrismith in extent according to Land Commission Report 1000 morgen
A saddle & bridle & 3 pistols
For account of whom it may concern:- A cart and harness, two horses, and whatever may be offered on the day of sale.
Terms Easy
Robert MACFARLANE, Auctioneer.
Harrismith, 26 August, 1870

BIRTH at Winburg, on the 24th August, Mrs. C. BREDELL, of a daughter

MARRIED on the 17th August, at Pinetown, Natal, by the Rev. James WALTON, John Henry CHURCH of Pietermaritzburg, to Emily Ann, eldest daughter of the late John JALLAND, Esq., of 20 St. George’s Square, London - No Cards

Thursday, 8 September, 1870

In the insolvent estate of Willem Gustav TEMPELHOF
The undersigned, duly authorized, will sell by public auction in front of his office, on Saturday, 15th October next, at 9 o’clock a.m., the follow farms, vie –
1st – The farm Zwartfontein, no. 538; Situated in the ward Wilge-river, district Harrismith in extent, according to Land Commission Report, 1800 morgen.
2nd – The half farm Hartebeestfontein No.623; according to beacons, situated in the ward Wilge-river, district Harrismith.
These properties adjoin each other and the commonage of the new town, Frankfort, and offer a rare chance for parties wishing to possess themselves of first-class agricultural and stock farms.
Immediately after the above sale, several erven in the town of Harrismith will be offered, for account of whom it may concern.
Terms Easy
Robert MacFARLANE, Auctioneer.
Harrismith, 30 August, 1870

The undersigned, duly thereto authorized by the trustee in the insolvent estate of Mr. John Nunn EAGLE, will sell at public auction at Philippolis on, Monday, 26th September, 1870, at 10 a.m. the farm Otterspoort,
In the extent 1000 morgen, situated near the Transport-road from Philippolis to Colesberg and half-an-hour on horseback from the former Village. The farm has first rate grazing V? for sheep and cattle, Never-failing waters, a strong fountain, many large stone-built kraals, large walled-in-lands and an orchard planted with a variety of fruit-trees, the dwelling-house is quite new, containing eight large rooms, kitchen, and pantry, the outhouses comprise; - A new stable for 8 horses, wagon-house, and forage-loft.
A wool washing establishment.
Has been carried on farm some years past with great success. The water used for this purpose is also applied to the irrigation of the sowing land. Floors and kraals, required for the drying of the wool, and a store contiguous to the wool washing establishment are all in good order.
A better investment for capital, no one could wish!!!
Credit: - 3, 6 and 9 months.
Publish it abroad::
C.T. WELSFORD, Trustee.
C.J. VELS, Auctioneer.

In den boedel van wylen Barend Jacobus ENGELBEGT en nagelatene echtgenote Sibella Elizabeth MYNHARDT
Allen die iets teworderen hebben van bovengemelde boedel,of iets verschuldigd zyn an dezelve, worden verzocht het door henverschuldigd tekomen betalen, of hunne vorderingen te komen betalen, of hunne vorderingen in te leveren, binnen zes weken van af de publicatie dezes ten kantore van C.S. ORPEN te Smithfield.
Namens de Executriese Testamentair
Sibella Elizabeth MYNHARDT,
C.S. ORPEN, qq.
Smithfield, 3 September, 1870

De heer Karl van der MERWE, een bejaarde boer, die, gedurende twintig Jaren, aan den grooten weg tusschen hier en Boshof had gewoond, ongeveer twee uur van de laatste plaats sterf plotseling op den 17 den Augustus, in den hoogen ouderdom van 74 jaren. De heer van der MERWE die pas opwas geweent en had zond geloopen, glug eensklape liggen, kreunde eens of twee maal, en sterf. De oude man was in den laatsten tijd vreeselijk geplaagd door de vermeerderde passagoop den weg – de weg naar de diamant velden – zijnde hij een der zeer weinige boeren die water hebben tusschen de Modderrivier en Boshof; inderdaad de eenigste wiens woning eenigzints digt bij den weg ligt. Van der MERWE, had hij geleefd, tot de terugkeer van den President van Vaalsrivier, had zich stellig voorgenomen om [Z?Ed.] aansoek te doen den weg in eene andere rigting meer verwijerd van zijne plaats te veranderen.

Boedel van wijlen Joseph ALLISON en overblijvende weduwee, E.J.P. du PLOOY, van Tempe, district Bloemfontein; eerste bijeenkomst op 3 December; tweede do. Op 17 December, ten Meesters kantore, Bloemfontein – Lourens Marthinus ENGELBREGT, van Vinkelfontein, district Caledonrivier; eerste bijeenkomst op 16 September; tweede do 30 September; ten Landdrostkantore Smithfield.

Thursday, 15 September, 1870

In the insolvent estate of Roderick CAMPBELL, of Kroonstad.
The farm Rietpoort, No 255 district Kroonstad, will be sold by public auction on Saturday 24th inst., in front of the Market House here, at 12 o’clock precisely
Without reserve.
James B BROWN, Sec.
I BAUMANN, Joint Trustee.
Edwd S. HANGER, Auctioneer,
Bloemfontein Board of Executors and Trust Co.
Sept. 12, 1870

Joachin J. ACKERMAN, eene gevangene gevonnis wegens paarden diefstal, mar te dientijde agerende al seen assistend constable, diep van hier weg op den 4den dezer. Er is een crimineule lastbrief ter zijner inhechtenis naming uitgevaard gd.

Friday, 22 September, 1870

DIED at Spijtfontein, district Jacobsdal, Orange Free State, William George, infant son of Mr. Frederic STAFFORD, aged 13 months and 20 days.
The undersigned returns his sincerest thanks to all kind friends, and especially to Mr. and Mrs. Louis KOTZEE, of Spijtfontein, for their kind attention and assistance during his afflictions.

MARRIED at Pretoria, on Tuesday, the 6th September, 1870 by special licence, at the residence of the bride’s father, O.C. WEEBER Esq., Clerk of the Peace of Pretoria, to Miss Maria Caroline JEPPE, oldest daughter of R. JEPPE, Esq., Master Orphan Chamber, Pretoria – No Cards

Ten gevolge van de croup, ons jongste dochtertje, Geertruida Margaretha, in den ouderdom van 21 maanden en 7 dagen. Wij beuigen tevens onzen innigen dank voor de vele blijken van belangstelling en deelneming in dit ons treurig verlies ondervonden.
Bloemfontein, 20 September, 1870.

Op den 1sten September, ten 10 ure a.m., overleed alhier myne hartelyk geliefde echtegenoot, Cecilia Jacoba van der WESTHUIZEN, na een langdurend smartelyk lyden, betwelk zy geduldig droeg.
Familie en vrienden gelieven deze als eene byzondere kennisgeving aan te nemen.
Boshof, 3 September, 1870

Death has again been rife in our small community. On Sunday, John ROSE, carpenter, of this town, departed this life, after an illness of some days. ROSE was a quiet, inoffensive man, and had been a resident here for several years. – On Monday, a man named CARPENTER, who was brought into town about three weeks ago, from an adjacent farm, suffering from an incurable malady, expired in the gaoll-hospital. Both were interred in the English burial ground on Monday afternoon - On Tuesday, Mr. M. STEIJN had the misfortune to lose his youngest child, a daughter, from bronchitis. She was borne to her last resting place yesterday.

Thursday, 29 September, 1870

De ondergeteekenden, behoorlyk daaartoe gelaat door te executeuren testamentair in den boedel van wylen Sara Johanna KOTZEN, zullen op Woensdag, den 26 October, 1870, om 10 ure a.m., publiek verkoopen op de plaats Kareeboomfontein, aan Vetrivier, district Winburg, de volgende vaste en losse goederen t.w.:-
De welbekende vee en zaal plaats Mazaango, gelegen aan klokkelanie, bebouwd, en met een goed huis en sterkte klipkralen voorsien, en zyn de een der beste plaatsen in het veroverd grondgebied.
Cira 600 aanteel schapen, 60 beesten en ossen, 6 aanteel paarden Alle in goede conditie. 1 wagen met trekgoed voor 12 ossen
Huisraad. Als tafels, steelen, bedden, katels, kassten, enz., enz. Kerkengereedschap, en wat verder ten dage der verkooping zal worden te veerschyn gebragt,
Ververschingen zal worden verschaft en ruim crediet zal worden verleend.
A.A. STUART & Co., Afslager.
Vendukantoor, Winburg, 8 Oct, 1870

During the past few days, Mr. von BROEMBSEN, an apothecary, lately of Burghersdorp, was discovered dead in his bed; an Englishman, named PORTER, was drowned in the Vaal (in what way is not known); and a kaffir was picked up dead with a gunshot wound in his breast (by whom inflicted we are not informed) A native, in the employ of Mr. COWIE, formerly of this town, was seized with a fit while bathing in the river, several weeks ago, and immediately sank.

Mr. John MONGENIE, a talented young man, by profession an architect, who came to this state from Natal, some two years since, for the benefit of his health, died here of consumption, at an early hour yesterday morning. Mr. MONGENIE was a most exemplary man, and highly and deservedly esteemed by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was a native of London, where his surviving and sorrowing relatives reside. The fatal and insidious disease had unfortunately in Mr. MONGENIE’s case taken deep root before he made trial of our – for consumptive patients admittedly - fine climate.

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 25th inst., Mrs. J.J. RAAFF, senr., of a son

DIED at Bloemfontein, after a long illness, on Wednesday, the 28th September, 1870 John MONGENIE, Esq., aged 27 years

Thursday, 6 October, 1870

From Fauresmith, we learn that the mortality in that town and district has been somewhat severe of late. Several weeks since, Mr. H. LUBBE of Treurfontein, departed this life; and when the post left Fauresmith yesterday his wife was dying. Eight small children will thus be orphans. Mrs. Du TOIT, wife of the late T.P. du TOIT likewise died last week. It is to be hoped, that the recent rainfall, by purifying the air, will obviate the odious necessity of calling the undertaker’s services so frequently into requisition.

Thursday, 13 October, 1870

De ondergeteekende behoorluk daartoe gelaat door de executrise end an gesesumeerd executeur des boedels van wijlen John BLACKIE, zal den meestbiedende op Woensdag, 2 November a.s. verkoopen, ter plaatse Vanheerdensdam. De kostbare vaste eigendommen behoorende tot genoemden boedel.
1ste – De wel bekende plaats Vanheerdensdam, No 368, gelegen in het district Bloemfontein.
2de – De sehoose plaats Oudekraal, No 584, grensende aan bovengenoemde plaats. De beide voormelde plaatsen zijn volgens Landmeterskaart groot 8000 morgen.
3de – De welbekende plaats Rustplaats, volgens inspectie report naagenoeg 2000 morgen groot.
Termen gunstig. Ververschingen zullen worden verschaft
Edwd. S. HANGER, Venduafslager.
Bloemfontein, 4 October, 1870

Thursday, 20 October, 1870

De dood van bevenstaande groote en wereld-beroemde Afrikaansche reiziger wordt nogmals geraporteerd; Deze keer van Potchefstroom, en blijkbaar op geode autoriteit. De heer E. PAVEY, die hier onlangs van die stad aan kwam, berigt ons dat er onlangs eene geregelds post is daargesteld door den Portugeschen Gouverneur nu te Potchefstroom, naar Quillimaine (Mozambique), end at met deze post brieven zijn ontvangen, al seen positief feit opgevende dat Dr. LIVINGSTONE niet meer is; dat tijding van zijnen dood is ontvangen te Zanzibar. Sir Roderick MURCHISON zal naturlijk weigeren om dat raport te gelooven; maar wij voor ons gelooven het maar al te wa te zijn. De Doktor is nu te lang vermist geweest onderde koorte moerassen en wilde stamen van Midden Afrika om veel hoop van zijne wederverschijning onder de levenden over te laten.

Op Zondag den 9den dezer, word Samuel MARAIS, derde zoon van den heer Samuel MARAIS, lid van den Volksraad, van Kafferrivier, in dit district, door den bliksem dood geslagen – wordende zijn paard ter zelfder tijd onder hem gedood – terwijl hij door het veld reed – het vee voor der storm bijeen makende en maar huis brengende. Overleden was een jongeling van ongeveer 21 jaren.

By the Natal papers just received, the above great African traveler is once more reported to be alive and to have arrived safely in Mozambique.
Curiously enough, this intelligence is said to have arrived from the very same source – a Portuguese one – as the news last week published by us announcing the certain death of the same gentleman.

Thursday, 27 October, 1870

A little girl of five or six years of age , daughter of Mr. Schalk van der MERWE, elder of the D.R. Church, Fauresmith, was burned to death a few days since, through her clothes accidently catching fire.

At the diggings – Sergeant MacDONALD, of the Klipdrift Police, has died from the effects of a gunshot wound, which he received, accidently, in handing over his weapon to Private MULLER, while on the Hebron expedition.

Son of Mr. H.O. WILLS, merchant of Bristol, England, died at Queenstown on Sunday, 16th inst., Mr. A.T. WILLS, who came to the Cape for the benefit of his health, was well known in this town, he having paid several [visits] there to en route in the Transvaal and Natal. A brother of Mr. WILLS’s fortunately arrived from England just a week before his death, and was with him in his last moments.

It is our painful duty this week to record the death, on Saturday evening after a lingering illness, of Mrs. RADLOFF, wife of the Rev. G. RADLOFF, Rector of the Grey College, and Minister Consultant of the Dutch Reformed Church, in this town. Mrs. RADLOFF was a native of Germany, and only left her native land, with her husband, some three years since. Deceased was an accomplished young woman, and was much and deservedly esteemed by all who enjoyed the pleasure of her acquaintance. She leaves a sorrowing husband and two young children (one quite an infant) to mourn her loss. Her mortal remains were, on Monday afternoon, committed to their last resting place, in the presence of a large concourse of mourners and friends. The Rev. Mr. MEYFARTH, of Bethany, delivered an impressive address at the grave in the German language, and offered up prayer in the same, after which the boys of the College sang an appropriate hymn in English. The religious services, we may add, were commenced by the afflicted husband himself, in the Dutch language, in the schoolroom, after which the Rev. Mr. THORNE (Wesleyan) made a few remarks in English, and gave out a hymn, so that in the course of the religious services connected with this sad occasion no less than three languages were used.

In den boedel van wylen Louis NEUMEYER, van Boshof
Debiteuren en crediteuren in bovengemelden bodel worden mits dezen opgeroepen hunne schulden te betalen of hunne vorderingen in te leveren, ten kantoren van den ondergeteekenden, binnen de tyd van zes weken af heden.
Geo. ISRAEL, Executeur Datief.
Boshof, 28 October, 1870

BIRTH at Bethlehem, on Wednesday, the 19th inst., the wife of O.W. BOYCE Esq., of a son. Bethlehem, 22 Oct., 1870

DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Bloemfontein, on the 22nd October, 1870, at 8:30 p.m. after a severe illness of two months, Maria Philippine Louise, beloved wife of the Rev. G. RADLOFF, aged 26 years and 13 days. Friends will please accept this intimation.

Sale of Valuable Landed Property
Situated in the Free State and Natal
In the insolvent Estate of Johan WICHT, deceased. The trustees will cause to be sold in the month of December next (the day and other particulars to be hereafter notified)
The farm Processkraal, in the division of Pietermaritzburg, Colony of Natal. And the farm Paardenhoek, Kransfontein and Bultfontein, in the district of Harrismith, Orange Free State.
Joint Trustees
Cape Town, Church Square.
28th September, 1870
A.A. STUART Auctioneers, Winburg

Thursday, 3 November, 1870

DIED of croup on Tuesday, 25th October, 1870, Roderick Merchison PAGE, youngest son of Mr. Geo. PAGE, Prince Alfred Street, Grahamstown; aged 4 years and 2 months

About two months ago mention was made in the Friend of the sudden disappearance of a man named DYMONT. His remains were found a few days ago on the top of a mountain near Fauresmith, together with his hat and clothes. DYMONT was a very eccentric individual, and in dress, appearance, ways and manners, bore a very strong resemblance to the late old Moses, the well-known Jew money changer of Cape Town.

Thursday, 10 November, 1870

BEVALLEN van Tweeling dochters, Mej. J.A. MERTENS geliefde echtgenoot van W.H.v.B. van ANDEL.
Winburg, 7 November, 1870.

Thursday, 17 November, 1870

BIRTH at Pretoria, S.A. Republic, on the 31st October, 1870 the wife of W.S. RENS, of a son

DIED at Rouxville, on the 11th Nov., 1870 Andrew Geddes James Edward Patrick, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R.F.A. LAVERS, after a short but severe illness of seven days, from diphtheria, aged 3 years, 3 months, and 21 days.
Rouxville, November 14, 1870

De jongste onzer lievelingen den 7de dezer geschenken, nam de Heer den 8ste weder tot zich.
W.H. v.B. van ANDEL, J.A. v.B. van ANDEL geb MERTENS.
Winburg, 14 Nov.

De ondergeteekende behoorlijk daartoe gelaat zijnde zullen op Woensdag, den 30 November, 1870, beginnene des morgens te 9 ure, verkoopen, ter plaatse Vaalbankfontein, wijk Taaibischspruit, eigenaar de heer Ernest van BIJOU, P. zoon, de navolgende losse goederen, behoorende tot den boedel van wijlen Martha Jacoba Aletta VOSTER, weduwee P.van BOLJOU:-
Een kaptent wagen halfsleten, een kapkar en twee tuigen, bijna nieuw. Ongeveer tien ossen, 100 schapen, 5 aanteelbeesten, 1 paard, veerenbedden, huisraad, enz., enz. Tevens zullen ook eenige kostbare plaaatsen opgeveil worden.
Ruim crediet en ververschingen zal worden verschaft.
A.A. STUART & Co., Vendu-afslager.
Vendukantoor, Winburg,
1 November, 1870

Thursday, 24 November, 1870

On Friday morning last Mr. Z.H. CLOETE, member of Volksraad for Upper Rietriver (Edenburg), was found dead in his bed, in the house of Miss CUMMING, in the room occupied by the Government Secretary, Mr. F.K. HOHNE, in this town. Mr. CLOETE, who was much and deservedly esteemed, had attended the sittings of the Raad the day previously, and had retired to rest about 10 o’clock p.m. in his usual robust health. Mr. CLOETE was an old member of the Raad, and one of its most intelligent, indefatigable, and shall we say, respectable members. Mr. C. was at all times quiet, gentlemanly, and unobtrusive, in his demeanour, moderate in his views, and inclined to respect the conscientious opinions of those who differed from him. An apoplectic seizure was evidently the cause of death. The following morning (Saturday) the miller at Messrs. DANIEL and HYMEN’s steam mill in this town, named JONES, died equally suddenly. Feeling unwell, he went into his house, laid down and died. JONES was, we believe, a steady, honest, hardworking, man, and had at the time of his death sole charge of the mill, Messrs. DANIEL and HYMAN being at present, and for some time past, at the Diamond-fields on, Vaalriver

Thursday, 1 December, 1870

In den insolventen boedel van Frans H. HOLM, vroeger van Volharding
De ondergeteekende, behoorlyk daartoe gelaat zynde, zal voor zyn kantoor te Winburg publiek verkoopen op Vrydag, den 23sten December, 1870, ten 8 ure den voormiddags, de volgene kostbare goederen:
1 Tentwagen met trekgoed, voor acht ossen, 6 Trekossen, 4 Koeijen, 1 Spider (pleizier wagentje), 1 stel Tuigen, 1 Zadel mat toom, 2 Sabels, 1Achterlader geweer, 1 Stel Chirurgische Instrumenten, 1 Zakrevolver (een cadean), 1 Zilvere Horologie, met ketting (cadean), I Ploeg, 1 Worstmachine met stoppen, eene party keukengereedschap, enz., enz.
En wat nog ten dage des verkooping aangeboden zal worden.
C. BREDELL, Vendu Afslagen.
Vendu Kantoor,
Winburg, 22 November, 1870

Mr. William STERLEY, of Port Elizabeth, who was on his way home from the Diggings, expired rather suddenly, near the Modder-river, on Tuesday evening last. He had been suffering, for some time past, from diseases both the liver and lungs. The corpse was brought into town, and interred this morning – the Rev. D.S. IMPEY, Wesleyan minister, officiating at the grave.


It is our painful duty this week to record the death of Mr. Hermanus SIJBOUTS, late Auditor-General and Postmaster-General of this State, which sad event occurred at his late residence, in this town, early in the morning of Tuesday, 29th ult. Deceased had, for ten days previously, been considered in a hopeless, in fact, in a dying state. That insidious – and in these latter times, far too common – disease, consumption, had long since marked the subject of this short obituary notice for its prey. It is now several years since deceased knew and admitted to his friends that he felt that his days were numbered. Mr. SIJBOUTS, who was a native of Holland, came to this State from the Cape nearly seven years since, having arrived in Bloemfontein about the same time as President BRAND. He was appointed to the charge of the above important governmental departments in this state on the death of the late Mr. J. HELJORMANS; he having previously filled the offices of secretary to the Volksraad and Registrar of the Higher Courts of the State. The late Mr. SIJBOUTS, we may safely assert, filled, at all times, the offices entrusted to him with efficiency and zeal – to the satisfaction of the Raad and public, and with, we believe, a most conscientious desire to do his duty. Deceased was not, it is said, brought up to figures, official routine, or the keeping of accounts, but on the contrary, was, in his native land, educated for the ministry of the Dutch Church; and yet he quickly mastered the subject, so as efficiently to perform all the duties required of him; in fact, long prior to his lamented death he had got both departments of the public service into better order than they had ever, in the short history of this State, been known to be before. The late Mr. SIJBOUTS was, moreover, at all times quiet and gentlemanly in his demeanor and intercourse with those with whom he was brought into contact, and we believe, far more liberal minded and anxious to do justice to those who differed with him or his party in politics, than most of his compatriots in this land. In conclusion, we may say that deceased was universally looked upon and admired as a quiet, unobtrusive gentleman, of high religious principle, and an honest and efficient officer of the Government of this State. The Masonic Lodge “Unie”, in this town, loses a Bro. SIJBOUTS one of its chief ornaments and warmest supporters - - a pattern and an example in all good works. Bro. SIJBOUTS filled, till his death, the second office in the Lodge, viz. that of S.W., and had previously, for some time, filled that of Orator. But he is removed by the Mighty Leveller, we trust, to the Grand Lodge above; and why should his friends and B.B. who are for a time left behind, repine? The remains of deceased were interred in the usual burial ground of this town on Wednesday morning last, at 8 O’clock – Mr. HEIJLIGERS, one of his oldest and most intimate friends, delivering an eloquent and impressive funeral oration at the open grave.

BIRTH on the 24th November, at Sand River, the wife of Mr. J.H. ARCHBELL of a daughter.

DIED on the 25th November, at Sand River, O.F. State, Arthur Henry, youngest son of Joseph and Jane ARCHBELL, aged 1 year and 10 months.

Thursday, 8 December, 1870

DIED at Fauresmith, on the 5th December, 1870, John Francis, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. BELL after a short but severe illness of 4 days, from Croup, aged 5 years 8 months and 25 days.
Relatives and friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

The Baby Farmer, was executed within the precinct of Horsemongerlans Goal on Oct. 11. The efforts that were made to obtain a commutation of a sentence proved unavailing and the Home Secretary allowed the law to take course. On the scaffold she declared that she never had any intention of willfully shortening the lives of the children.

From Mr. Pieter J. BLIGNAUT, Landdrost of Cronstadt, who arrived here by Winburg post-cart on Wednesday evening, as a witness in the case of Mr. MARAIS, we learned that no less than four persons were, during the last week, struck dead by the electric fluid, on two farms within three hours ride of Cronstadt; two on the farm of a Mr. van den HEVER, viz., Mrs. Van den HEVER and a child, and two on the farm of a Mr. SMIT, viz., Miss. SMIT and a Kaffir. Like-wise on the farm of Mr. BORNMAN, in this district, a native was on Sunday last killed by the electric fluid.

Kennis wordt hierby gegeven aan Hendrik van WIJK, zoon van Stepanus van WIJK, woonachtig op de plaats Berg der Liefte, Cronstadt, Oranje Vrijstaat, dat zijn schoonmoeder, Mejufvrouw Anna Jacoba PAULSEN, overleden is, end at haar testament bepaald, dat den plaats Grootfonein, gelegen in het district Fraserburg, alleen onder ger erfgenamen bij publieke veiling verkocht zal worden, end at de kooper verpligt zal zijn de minderjarige erfgenamen te onderhouden en op te voeden tot hunne mondige Jaren. Terwijl den here Christian PAULSEN, executeur en voogd, gewillig is de onmondige kinderen te onderhouden, en terwijl; alle de andere erfgenamen, zich onbekwaam on de plaats te koopen, zijn zij overeengekomen, om bij publieke veiling dezelve te verkoopen, hetgeen ook proisioneel geschied is, op den 18 den November, aan de heer STOFBERG, voor de somms van £799 5s. Kennis wordt dus door deze gegeven,da indien den heer Hendrik van WIJK, geen objective maakt voor of op den 31sten December aanstaande, tegen vermelde verkooping als dan vermeulde verkooping zal bekrachtigd worden.
Wm. Jno. SMITH, Agent voor Executeur.
Fraserburg, 19den Nov., 1870

BIRTH at Nooitgedacht, on the 2nd December, the wife of Thos. HOLMES, Senr., Esq., of a daughter.

Thursday, 15 December, 1870

DIED at Jacobsdal, O.F. State, on Thursday morning, the 8th December, 1870, Alfred, infant son of Alfred and Charlotte HUTTON.

DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Fauresmith, on the 7th December, 1870, after a severe and protracted illness of 4 months and 4 days. Mrs. Isabella Rebecca VAUGHAN, born MANN, aged 42 years 5 months and 10 days. Friends and relatives will please accept this as a special notice.
Fauresmith, 12th December, 1870.

MARRIED at Bloemfontein, on the a 4th inst. by the Rev. G. RADLOFF, minister of the D.R. Church, Robert PALMER, fifth son of T.B. PALMER Esq. of Eilands-river, Uitenhage, Cape Colony, to Adelheid, eldest daughter of Capt. H. SCHULTZ, of Bloemfontein – No Cards.

Intelligence has been received Gert James SCHOON, a native of Cape Town, late saddler of his town was accidently drowned while crossing the Riet-river, near Vaal-river, in a cart, some 14 days since. SCHOON had been a successful digger, and had just been to receive payment for a diamond in Hopetown. A [mason] named George COATES, was with SCHOON to the cart, at the time of the accident, but managed to escape. No written report has reached us.

Overlede in den ouderdom van 54 jaren en 4 maanden, myne geliefde echtgenote, Susanna Catharina Magdelena KLOPPER, geboren DREYER.
Klipfontein, Dist. Caledonrivier, 30 Nov. 1870

DIED at Fauresmith, on the 5th December, 1870, John Francis, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. BELL, after a short but severe illness of 4 days, from Croup, aged 5 years, 3 months and 25 days. Relatives and friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Thursday, 29 December, 1870

In den insolventen boedel van wylen M.E. THEUNISSEN, van Preezfontein, district Fauresmith
Verkooping van grond gresende aan is Jagersfontein diamant velden. Zal worden verkocht by publieke veiling te Fauresmith, op Maandag, 30ster Januarij a.s. de uitmuntence plaats
Preezfontein, No 23. Gelegen in het district Fauresmith, wyk van Zijlspruit, groot volgens landmeterskaart 9000 morgen en 86 Rhijnlandsche roeden, benevens eenstuk grond daaraan gelegen, tussschen de plaatsen Zuurfontin, Rustfontein, en Sleutelspoort groot ongeveer 800 morgen
Deze prachtige plaats is eene der fraaiste plaatsen in den Vrystaat, heft vol op water, fraai woonhuis, Kralon &c. &c. In kort dezolve is zoo goed bekend dat verlere beschrywing onmoedig is, behalve misschen dat het de eerste plaats is naasten grenzende aan Jagersfontein, het eigendom van Mej. De weduwe C. VISSER, waar al de diamanten in het district Fauresmith, zyn gevoudeen. Dezelve is dus byna zeke kostbaar te zyn wegens derzelven minerale rykdom, behalveerst pereelegewyze en daarna in haar geheel alse de groote waarde als nou vee en bouwplaats.
Deze verkooping zal geschieden eerst percelgewyzen en daarna in haar geheel als volgt:-
Eerst Perceel. Een stuk grond gelegen aan Jagersfontein en Oberholstersdam aangetoond op de kaart met letters F.G.H.I.K., groot ongeveer 900 morgen.
Tweede Perceel, Een stuk grond, gelegen aan Vogelfontein, Fauresmith en Ruitepoort. Biginnende op de kaart van letter F., naar letter B, zynde de put en Houtkopjes, groot nagenoeg 1400 morgen.
Derde Perceel. Een stuk grond, gelegen aan ruigtepoort en het voormelde perceel. En loopende op de kaart van letter K. naar de grasplaat op de kaart gemerkte 3., groot omgeveer 1400 morgen.
Vierde perceel. Een stuk grond gelegen aan deel Preezfontein en Sleutelpoort en loopende op de kaart van leer N, naar R. groot nagenoeg 1000 morgen.
Vijfde perceel. Het stuk grond gelegen aan het voormelde perceel no. 4 en aan Steutelspoort, Zuurfontein en Rustfontein.
Groot p.m. 800 morgen.
Zesde perceel. Het overage gedeelte van de plats Preezfontein insluitende de gebouwen, zaailanden, kralen, fontein, met ongeveer 4500 morgen grond.
Intusschen is deplaats uit de hand te koop, waartoe aanzoek moet gedaan worden by fen eerst ondergeteekende te Fauresmith.
W.A. DICKSON, Vendu Afslager. C.W. NEEBE, M.D., James B BROWN, Secretaris, Gezamentlijke Curstoren wylen M.E. THEUNISSEN Insolventen boedel
Bloemfontein Board of Executors, 15 den December, 1870

Het spijt ons innig aan te kondigen dat de Hr. en Mej. G. PAGE van deze stad, voorverledeen Vrijdag het ongeluk hadden door den dood een life klein meisie te verliezen van twee jaren oude, makende het tweede sterfgeval in de familie in weienige weken, hebbende zij een klein jongetje juist voor hun vertrek van Grahamstown verloren.

In the insolvent estate of Edward William PITT, of Rouxville, Trader
The undersigned, hereby gives notice, that he has been duly appointed Provisonal trustee, by Landdrost of Caledon-river district, in his capacity as member of the court of combined landdrosts, in chambers, is the estate of Edward Will PITT, of Rouxville, trader, which was placed under sequestration by request of the insolvent, on 21st inst.,
And that he hereby calls upon all debtors in the aforesaid estate to pay, or pay, or cause to be paid, their respective debts to him at his office, in Smithfield, within three months from the date hereof.
Charles Sirr ORPEN, Provisional Trustee.
Smithfield, 22 Dec., 1870

BIRTH at Sand-river, December 23rd, 1870, the wife of John HISCOCK, of a son

DIED of inflammation of the larynx, in Bloemfontein, on the 16th inst., Edith Alice Maude, infant daughter of Mr. George Page, aged 2 years.
Bloemfontein, 21 December, 1870

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