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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1825

[The newspaper was not published between 5 May 1824 and 31 August 1825]

Wednesday 31 August 1825

Mr. George GREIG having returned to this Colony, and having signed and subscribed to the Conditions of the Prospectus originally published by him, under date the 20th December 1823, His Excellency the Governor, with the sanction of His Majesty's Secretary of State, has authorized Mr. GREIG to resume the publication of his Journal, The South African Commercial Advertiser.
Colonial Office, Cape of Good Hope
29th August 1825
By His Excellency's Command
Richard PLASKETT, Sec. to Government

Wednesday 7 September 1825

At Saasveld House on Tuesday morning, at five o’ clock, the lady of James DUNBAR Esq was safely delivered of two fine boys.
RAN AWAY from the Undersigned, about two months past, his articled Apprentice, Nathaniel MAHONY, aged about 18 years. Assumes the appearance of a Malay and is well known about Coffee-lane. A reward of Ten Rixdollars will be paid for his apprehension. Anyone harbouring him will be prosecuted.

Wednesday 14 September 1825

Mr. J.S. KING of the Brig Mary takes this opportunity, on leaving the Colony, for Port Natal, to thank those Gentlemen who have so liberally and humanely come forward on behalf of Mr. FAREWELL. He now takes the liberty of inserting their names, trusting they will excuse this public acknowledgement of their kindness.
Edward FLAHERTY Esq                                          Rds150
J.R. THOMSON Esq                                                        300
John FINDLAY Esq                                                         150
Herbert PUGH Esq                                                          20
Thomas MERCER Esq                                                   300
Messrs John COLLISON & Co                                     200
J. SMITH Esq                                                                  100
H. BUCKTON Esq                                                           50
D.W. HERTZOG Esq                                                       50
J. INGRAM Esq                                                              100
Captain BRIDEKIRK                                                        50
H.E. RUTHERFOORD Esq                                            100
                                                                              Rds 1720
[See issue of 4 January 1826]

Wednesday 21 September 1825

Select Investment of Fancy Stationery, Books &c.
Mr. GREIG is [unloa]ding from the Ellen a most extensive Sssortment of Fancy and other Stationery, Children's Books, School ditto (English and Latin), Account ditto &c.&c.
As an enumeration of the different articles would be tedious,  it will suffice to say that this Investment comprises almost every Article kept by General Stationers in London.

Wednesday 12 October 1825

The Timber Yard of Mr. J. CANNON in Hottentot Square has, within these two years, been robbed four different times, of Mahogany alone, amounting to upwards of 200L sterling, and rewards have been offered for the conviction of the offenders. On Wednesday evening last a party of police overtook, in the upper end of Bree-street, between 8 and 9, two boys carrying a mahogany plank 20ft long and nearly 3ft broad, but on their approach their accomplices gave the alarm, when the plank was thrown down, and the thieves made their escape; fortunately, however, circumstances have occurred which will cause the principals, if not the whole gang, to be speedily brought to justice.

Wednesday 26 October 1825

Extract of a Letter from Albany
“We are daily improving in this part of the country. We are to have fairs, and the Pacht is to be abolished. Graham’s Town is rapidly increasing and more resorted to daily. The new regulations which prevent monopoly of produce in the market at once give the farmer a better price and reduce the price to the buyer, who does not want a whole load. Another Fair is to be opened with the Caffers to avoid Mr. GAIKA’s restrictions. The shipping concern will go on in spite of a little jarring of opinion on minor points. The plan will not be announced until it is so matured that it must secure support. The Fish River has been entered by Mr. BAILEY in one of the decked boats from the Kowie. The water is said to be deeper there, but as the other is sufficient and has all the advantages of a Custom-house to store goods at a nominal charge, and an establishment of boats &c to assist, it must do for the next 50 years. The Government Schooner, Frances, has made three trips within the month and has now sailed with (for the first time) a full cargo of produce. She must pay her cost in six months. We hoped much from the promised supply of Mantatees, as vulgarly called, but the other Districts having had the pick, sent only seven families, and, no doubt intending us a compliment, they turned out to be Chiefs, and will not serve or work at all. The Fair has tamed the Caffers. When will we further open our eyes and let them serve us? The Hottentots won’t on our hard terms, while they have schools to run to. Do away with the Pass and Contract Laws and we shall soon have plenty of servants at proper wages and the schools (at present their only refuge from oppression worse than slavery) would fall to their proper level.”

Wednesday 2 November 1825

Extract of a Letter from Graaff-Reinet, dated Aug. 30
A singular and fatal accident occurred lately at melk River, near this place, in hunting the Quagga. Some people of Gert COETZEE's were pursuing a herd of these timid animals, and one man being close upon some exhausted ones, attempted (in order to save his shot) to push one of them down a precipice, when the enraged animal seized his leg with its teeth, and though instantly shot through the body, dragged the man from his horse, and with dying desperation bit the bone sheer through, and tore the foot off at the ankle. The unfortunate man, in spite of medical assistance, expired in a few days afterwards of a locked jaw.

Wednesday 16 November 1825

The undersigned offers this public tribute to Commodore CHRISTIAN R.N. and W.C. VAN RYNEVELD Esq, Superintendent of Police, for affording him such prompt attention against an attempt of Captain OWEN, of HMS Leven, to deprive him of the services of his articled servants, in direct violation of the Laws of the Colony.

Wednesday 21 December 1825

Mr. T. CALDICOTT respectfully announces to his friends and the public that he will open his School on Monday 2nd January 1826, and trusts by assiduous attention to the morals and education of pupils intrusted to his care to merit their patronage.
Apply at 35 Long-street

Mrs. F. CALDICOTT begs leave to announce to the Ladies of Cape Town and its vicinity that she intends opening a School, on Jan 2 1826, for the education of young ladies in every branch of useful and ornamental literature, and hopes, by every attention to their comfort and improvement, to merit encouragement.
Apply at 35 Long-street.

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