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eGGSA AJV - 25 Januarie tot 2 Februarie 2025 - eGGSA Lede - reageer asseblief

Die eGGSA AJV is nou oop en sal om middernag 2 Februarie 2025 (SA Tyd) sluit. Die Agenda kan hier afgelaai word: AGM 2025 Agenda en die Jaarverslag vir die jaar 2024 hier: eGGSA Annual Report for 2024

Lede word uitgenooi om deel te neem per e-pos aan Lynn Couperthwaite by Hierdie e-posadres word teen spambots beskerm. Jy benodig JavaScript geaktiveer om dit te bekyk.Hierdie e-posadres word teen spambots beskerm. Jy benodig JavaScript geaktiveer om dit te bekyk.. As jy enige sake het om te bespreek of voorstelle om te maak, sal ons dit baie graag wil hoor, so laat ons asseblief weet - ons het jou e-posse nodig om 'n kworum vir die vergadering te bepaal. Ons sal graag jou terugvoer en voorstelle wil kry.

As ons nie van jou hoor nie, sal ons aanvaar dat jy saamstem met die punte wat in ons agenda geopper is.

Maandelikse praatjies op YouTube

Ons het 'n aantal van ons maandelikse zoom-aanbiedings op YouTube. Die kanaal word bestuur deur Cornel Viljoen.

Dankie aan al ons gassprekers vir julle interessante aanbiedings wat met soveel entoesiasme gelewer is en ons toestemming verleen het om julle praatjies op YouTube te plaas.  Spesiale dank ook aan ons kykers wat altyd by ons aansluit vir hierdie vergaderings sowel as aan National dat ons hul Zoom vir hierdie aanbiedings kon gebruik.

Jy kan die lys van praatjies HIER vind.

eGGSA Begraafplase

Uiteindelik het ons die nuwe grafte-webwerf klaargemaak en beskikbaar gestel:

Met die hulp van Riana le Roux en Corney Keller het ek al die foto's na die nuwe webbediener oorgeplaas en dan, met behulp van programskrifte, al die byskrifte en beskrywings van die ou databasis na die nuwe een oorgedra. Ek kan nie waarborg dat elke item korrek gedoen is nie maar ek glo dat 98% korrek is.

Dit was nogal 'n werk!

Die foto's is nou beskikbaar gegroepeer volgens hul provinsie wat elk 'n soekfunksie het om soekers te help om die graf waarna hulle soek te vind. Ons weet dat baie van die beelde sywaarts is en ons is nou besig om dit reg te stel. Rapporteer asseblief enige ander probleme wat jy teëkom deur vir my 'n skakel na die probleem te stuur, Richard Ball

Gaan asseblief voort om enige wysigings, sowel as nuwe graffoto's, aan ons te stuur, ons sal dit so gou as moontlik aanpas, Riana le Roux en George Crewe

The Reminiscences of John Montgomery

Sue Mackay writes: . At the end of November I gave a zoom talk to eGGSA on the UK origins of the 1820 settlers, and was asked a question about John MONTGOMERY. This caused me to look at my eGGSA page on him, where I discovered I had previously noted the issues of The Friend containing his Reminiscences. I then realised that these years (December 1868 to July 1870) had already been covered by Lynn Couperthwaite’s transcriptions, but as Lynn scans the online papers for BMDs and obituaries she would not have realised the importance of these closely typed (and sometimes barely legible) articles. I found them, and decided they really should be transcribed. Once again I was able to enlist the invaluable help of Geoff Chew, not only for his knowledge of South Africa, but his proofreading and uncanny ability to decipher elusive words. I have added the transcriptions to The Friend extracts on eGGSA at (1868 December to 1870 July)

VOC-argiefindeks van die Nationale Staatsargief in Den Haag

Die argiewe van die Nederlandse Verenigde Oos-Indiese Kompanjie, afgekort tot VOC (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie), wat in die Nationale Staatsargief in Den Haag, Nederland bewaar word, strek oor 1277 meter aan dokumente. Die indrukwekkende hoeveelheid dokumente verskaf nie net inligting oor die kommersiële, finansiële en diplomatieke aktiwiteite van die Kompanjie nie, maar is ook baie belangrik vir die geskiedenis van Nederland en vir die lande en streke in Asië waar die VOC aktief was. Dit dek die tydperk 1602 tot 1795, en vir Java tot 1811.
Hierdie argiewe bevat onder meer die briewe en papiere wat van die verskillende inrigtings ontvang is. Elke jaar het afskrifte van die administrasie en ander dokumente van die goewerneur-generaal en raad in Batavia, en van die ander vestigings in Asië en die Kaap, met die retoerskepe aangekom.
Die Briewe en Papiere wat van die Kaap die Goeie Hoop oor die tydperk 1652 tot 1795, is van besondere belang vir navorsers en genealoë wat die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis en genealogie navors. Hulle bevat 'n groot hoeveelheid waardevolle materiaal.
’n Tipiese jaar kon die volgende bevat:
Generale missiven (algemene briewe) plus omhulsels,
Resoluties (verrigtinge),
Joernale en grootboeke,
Dokumente oor die besigheid van die Kompanjie,
Dokumente van die Raad van Justisie,
Monsterrolle en ander dokumente.

Hierdie reeks “Overgekomen brieven en papieren uit Kaap de Goede Hoop en Mauritius, 1651-1794, aan de Heren XVII en de kamer Amsterdam”, is saamgestel uit 374 bande (gebonde boeke). Om 'n mens se pad deur die honderdduisende folio's van hierdie reeks te vind, moet indekse van die inhoudsopgawes gemaak en gepubliseer word.
Hierdie deel van die South African Records Transcribed webwerf is 'n poging om sulke indekse te skep. Die indekse begin met die jaar 1652 en soos elke jaarlikse indeks beskikbaar word, sal dit hier gepubliseer word.
Hierdie indekse word direk getranskribeer vanaf beelde van VOC-argiewe wat in die Nationale Staatsargief in Den Haag gehuisves word, en veral vanaf die inventarisnommers 3988 tot 4360.

Pietermaritzburg, Commercial Road Cemetery

The transcriptions that were done under the auspices of the Genealogical Society of South Africa, Natal Midlands Branch and members of the Natal Inland Family History Society, have now, with their agreement and co-operation, been added to the eGGSA Burials database and can be searched online. There are also a number of Maps that were drawn up at the time of the transcriptions.

0001 Commercial Rd overview Friedhof

photo: Eckhard von Fintel.

In the usual layout of Voortrekker towns, we find the cemetery situated on the perimeter of the town. Pietermaritzburg was no exception and the early Voortrekkers buried their dead in what is now known as the Voortrekker section of the Commercial Road Cemetery (the old Grey’s Hospital side.)

Unfortunately, the names and dates of early settlers buried before 1889 (when the cemetery registers were started) (5) and who did not appear in a church burial register, or have stones erected in their memory, are now lost to us. The earliest inscription on a tombstone is that of Hendrik Van den Berg, who was born 1.3.1785 and died 5.9.1839 in the City at 54 years. (He was a Voortrekker whose burial took place within a year of the founding of Pietermaritzburg.)
It would seem that from the earliest times, the cemetery was divided up according to various religious denominations – Anglican, Catholic, Dutch Reformed, Presbyterian and Wesleyan. In Bishop Colenso’s book, “Ten Weeks in Natal”, (published 1855), he mentioned how on 7.2.1854 “we rode over the bridge …. and passing the burial grounds (where differences which separate Christians during life are still permitted to part their bodies after death) we entered the broad streets of the City.”

It was as early as the year 1860 that the City Council appointed a Public Cemetery Committee, one reason being to decide on the best site for a cemetery and the amount of land required. In 1883 and 1885 the area was fenced and the Municipality employed a caretaker who supervised the maintenance. (4). In 1918 the Anglican Church required more land for burials and purchased it from the Dutch Reformed Church. Thus Anglican graves can be found on both sides of Commercial Road.

In 1948 the Municipality took over the churchyard and it was close for burials except in exceptional circumstances. At a later date, the Municipality handed over all registers and maps regarding the Commercial Road Cemetery to the Natal Society Library for safe keeping.

From: The KZN Family History Society Website, author: Diane Scogings 2/4/1992

There are, so far as is known, no Commercial Road Cemetery burial registers dating from before 1860, for any of the churches. I don’t really know why but apparently the Municipality kept the registers up to 1860, despite the various cemeteries being owned by the churches (and my understanding is, being maintained by the churches). I don’t know what happened in 1860 and why it changed, but from that date the municipality no longer kept registers, and these were the responsibility of the various churches. Unfortunately, the municipal registers up to 1860, like all municipal records in Pietermaritzburg, were lost when the first City Hall burnt down in 1898.

So for all the cemeteries any records of deaths or burials prior to 1860 in the attached lists are what were taken from the actual tombstones.

From 1860 to 1948 the cemeteries were administered by the churches, who all kept registers EXCEPT apparently the Roman Catholic church. With the exception of a list of the indian people buried in the Catholic section, there are no registers for the Catholic section, and as far as can be ascertained, there never were. Personally, I find this hard to believe, but that is what the records in the Bessie Head Library tell me. Why they would have kept a list of the indian people but no others, does not quite make sense, but there It is.

In 1948 the Catholic section was “cleaned up” by the municipality following their takeover (with, apparently, the agreement of the Catholics) and all broken tombstones, etc removed. This list is therefore probably a long way short of being a complete list of persons buried in this section.

The municipality wished to “clean up” the other sections as well, but could not get the agreement of the churches so to do.

Notes from Neil Bloy, 2022 November.


Registers from the Natal Society Library were consulted. Burial registers of the Anglican Church were also examined. These records can be located in the Natal Diocesan Archives at the Cathedral Centre in Pietermaritzburg. Maps of the cemetery are available. Some of the graves which are listed have been badly vandalised, but we were fortunate to be able to piece together some of the broken stones and record them.

All graves researched and checked by the members of the Genealogical Society of South Africa, Natal Midlands Branch, and members of the Natal Inland Family History Society. The list was compiled by Mrs D Scogings and Mr M Scogings.

CATHOLIC SECTION of the Commercial Road Cemetery, Pietermaritzburg
Researched and compiled by Jennifer G Duckworth - 1984

This is a list of graves with tombstones existing in 1984. As There is no plan or register of the Catholic cemetery, nor does there appear to have ever been one, and the graves themselves are unnumbered and randomly arranged, I have divided the cemetery into 6 rough blocks as indicated in the accompanying sketch.

Some of the stones are covered completely by earth and grass and may have subsequently disappeared once more.

There is also a list of Indian plot owners which is a bit unsatisfactory as the original compiler of the list seems to have been only semi-literate. Most of the Indian and Black graves are in Block F which has very few gravestones.

Blocks A, B, C & D are parishioners' graves. Block E was used by the religious orders of priests, nuns and brothers.

HISTORY: The burial ground was granted to the Roman Catholic community in 1850. At this point it measured only 1 acre 30 perches. An extension was granted in October 1884 which doubled its size. The earlist gravestone surviving in the cemetery is that of Sarah Doyle who died on 18 June 1854 aged 37. She was the wife of Dennis Doyle, an ex-45th Regiment soldier.


This list of graves has been compiled by D & M Scogings from registers held by the Presbyterian Church, Longmarket Street Pietermaritzburg and the Dutch Reformed Church at their archives in the Synodale Sentrum in Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg. Dates in the Presbyterian section have been checked by Mrs S Spencer.

All graves researched and checked by the members of the Genealogical Society of South Africa, Natal Midlands Branch, and members of the Natal Inland Family History Society in 1992.

WESLEYAN CEMETERY, Commercial Road, Pietermaritzburg

All Wesleyan graves researched, transcribed ad checked by Mr. D. Buckley, senior librarian in charge of special collections, Natal Society Library, Pietermaritzburg and the Map of the Cemetery was also drawn by Mr. D. Buckley.

Index compiled by Mrs D. Scogings and Mr M. Scogings.
MARCH 1993






Judi Meyer - Rest in Peace

Judith Susanna Hendrika MARAIS 1951

It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that Judi has passed away after a short illness. When we got the call this morning we had no words and were not ready for this farewell.

Judi joined eGGSA in 2009 and straight away volunteered to take on the role as GENESIS editor. When we started our Facebook page, she was the first to put her hand up. From the beginning Judi became an integral part of our management team.

Judi will be remembered for her joy for life, her passion for genealogy, her positive attitude, her willingness to help others with their research, her readiness to take on the next challenge and always being prepared to help. Judi we are going to miss you. We have today lost a respected genealogist, team member, friend and confidant.

Our sincerest condolences to her husband Jan, the children, grandchildren, family and friends. 

All at

The Harcourt Diaries

frontpage 2022 AprFollowing a talk she gave on researching in South Africa, Sue Mackay was contacted by a lady in the UK who had taken possession of two old diaries written in the 1870s by a relative, John Thomas Davis Harcourt (b1851 in Birmingham), who went out to join the Frontier Police. The diaries were acquired from a South African who no longer wished to be responsible for them, and they found their way to Jane Milne in the UK, who was known to be “the family historian”. With them were several WW1 diaries written by the son, William Douglas Harcourt, and these have drawn the interest of the Imperial War Museum, but Jane was keen that the two older diaries should also have a wider audience.

I suggested that the diaries themselves might be offered to the National Archives, but Jane was willing for them to be photographed and published on eGGSA, so that historians at the Cape could access them. I offered to transcribe the diaries, as I have experience of reading old handwriting following my transcriptions of the 1820 settler correspondence, and I enlisted the help of Geoff Chew in London, a retired South African academic, who has a greater knowledge than I have of South African history, and who was also familiar with most of the places mentioned in the diary.

It soon became apparent that Harcourt was present at many important meetings with tribal chiefs and that the diaries were very interesting historical documents, so thanks are due to Jane Milne for ensuring that they were not lost.

The Diary images can be seen HERE

Nationaal Archief at the Hague online, by Cornel Viljoen

During 2020 the Nationaal Archief (National Archives) in The Hague, Netherlands, started making their documents for the period 1652 to 1794, available for online research. (  I was initially introduced to this new treasure trove of data by Corney Keller, an expert in old Dutch records and transcriber of many of the very old Dutch documents, vrijluiden (free settler) registers and many more on the eGGSA SARecords web site.

pic 1 modified
Vrijbrief van Pieter VISAGIE, dated 15 December 1657

To navigate the new Archive Search facility does take some time to get used to but, with Corney’s help, I was able to navigate and trace some amazing documents and plenty of new and additional information that is now available electronically. The information is organised into various sections, and the most relevant section for South African documents can be found in the inventory of series 1.04.02, Inventaris van het archief van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC), 1602-1795. (This article originally published more fully in eGGSA's quarterly magazine genesis, March 2021)

Cornel has generously allowed eGGSA to add to the eGGSA web site his list of Muster Rolls which includes those he has located on the Nationaal Archief site - eGGSA Muster Roll Listing,

Nottinghamshire 1820 Settlers

Rob Smith has donated transcriptions made of correspondence to, about and from settlers in the Nottinghamshire contingent of the 1820 settlers which he has gathered while researching for his book Nottinghamshire Settlers and Locations in the Eastern Cape of Good Hope  (Footprint Press, Hermanus, Western Cape).

Most of the correspondence was addressed to Edward Smith GODFREY, Clerk of the Peace for Nottinghamshire, who was in charge of the selection of the Nottinghamshire settlers on the emigration scheme. He was assisted by the Rev. J.T. BECHER of Southwell.

These are now available on the 1820 Settlers section of the eGGSA web site.

Taking care of your family archives

Lunette Lourens has added a further part to her interesting and useful article, discussing Packaging requirements and options for your family archives.  This article is intended to provide simple and practical guidance to anyone who is looking after their family heritage. 

1 What are family archives?
2 What to keep
3 Taking care of the physical condition of the archives
4 Packaging requirements and options for your family archives
5 Storage environment for your family archive
6 Arrangement of your family archives

CPUT - successor to GISA

The collection of books formerly housed in the Genealogical Society of South Afric at Stellenbosch, was moved during 2019 to the Library of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (KSUT/CPUT), Pentz Street, Wellington. Microfilms that only GISA had are also part of the collection donated to CPUT.

The library has extended hours with plenty of parking outside. It is important to note that the library staff will assist researchers in finding a specific item on the shelf but they are not available to do the actual research. If you cannot visit in person, contact one of the private researchers.

The message to take home is that there is life after GISA. In fact, the CPUT Library in Wellington took the challenge on and raised the bar! The GISA collection is being taken care of and treasured. I did not hear of one person at the meeting who was not impressed with what was achieved in such a short time. They all seem to agree that it is the right place for the collection. Best of all, there is no more “you are not allowed in there” – we can now explore, scratch and discover at leisure!

small application vnd ms excel Books transferred to CPUT from GISA
small application vnd ms excel CPUT-Local History and Genealogy new additional material

Access to the Genealogy collection will be granted as from the 23rd November to all researchers that wish to visit the library and do their own research. To all urgent information requests and those that are unable to attend to their own research, there is an option of a fee-based service that is rendered by freelance researchers. Should you need assistance with your research the details of freelance researchers are provided below, and fortunately Lorna has started working already:  

Lorna Olivier   Hierdie e-posadres word teen spambots beskerm. Jy benodig JavaScript geaktiveer om dit te bekyk.:    0727788052 

Anne Clarkson  Hierdie e-posadres word teen spambots beskerm. Jy benodig JavaScript geaktiveer om dit te bekyk.     tel. no.: 021 8514624 

Heather MacAlister Hierdie e-posadres word teen spambots beskerm. Jy benodig JavaScript geaktiveer om dit te bekyk.

Should you decide to schedule an appointment for visit, please take note of the following proposed level 1 service protocol:
  • All appointments for visits should be scheduled well in advance so that your details can be communicated with the security officers at the gate for access and permission prior to visits.
  • No walk-ins will be allowed without a scheduled appointment. 
  • Library opening hours will be 09:00 am - 14:00 pm (Monday - Friday).
  • You are required to schedule your appointments between 09:30 am - 13:30 pm
  • One scheduled visit of approximately 1 - 3 hours at a time by prior appointment during operational hours will be allowed.
  • Only limited time will be allowed per visit (not longer than 3 hours
  • All appointments to be made with Vuyiseka via Hierdie e-posadres word teen spambots beskerm. Jy benodig JavaScript geaktiveer om dit te bekyk. or telephonically: 021 864 5261
  • Your proof of identification will be required at all times and details should also be provided via email in advance for access permission.
  • Research material that you will need should be communicated so that we can prepare and set them aside in advance.
  • Only a limited number of people will be allowed in the film room (maximum - 2 people).
  • Should you decide to bring a second person, you will be required to provide the details of that person when scheduling your appointment. 
  • Wearing masks is mandatory. 
CPUT Libraries
Wellington campus library
Vuyiseka Mtshakazi
Hierdie e-posadres word teen spambots beskerm. Jy benodig JavaScript geaktiveer om dit te bekyk.     Tel.: + 27 864 5261

New items online

Genealogy Books: Alta Griffiths has made a list of books now available on the FamilySearch web site - please see Books online in the Links to useful websites section of this web site.

Cemetery registers On FamilySearch have been added to Graves and Cemeteries in South Africa
  Images from the City of Cape Town, Cape Metro Cemetery Records, 
  to search:
  Maitland cemetery in Cape Town 1886-2007
  Plumstead Cemetery - Record of Interments - May 1959 to Jan 1977 

Grahamstown Journal transcriptions download

To coincide with the bicentennial of the arrival of the 1820 settlers in the Eastern Cape, Sue Mackay has made the master file of her Grahamstown Journal transcriptions for 1832-1890 available on the 1820 Settlers section of the website as a downloadable PDF file.

This is on the 1820 section of the website rather than the newspaper section, as all the transcriptions are already on the newspaper site in quarterly files with an improved search engine. The transcriptions make numerous mention of 1820 settlers and their descendants and it is hoped that the master file will be useful to those wishing to trace settler lines without having to open nearly 300 individual files and to those whose broadband is unreliable during these troubled times.

Shop active again for downloadable items

Our online shop is available for purchasing downloadable items and membership.

In fact our stock has been re-organised so that most (but not all) items can now be purchased as downloadables, including the Cemetery DVD, but it will, unfortunately, not be possible to post any CDs, DVDs or books during the current Corona-virus lock-down.

The Archives are closed and our photographers in lock-down so document photograph orders are also suspended. 

The Fort Beaufort Advocate and General Advertiser 1859-1874

The Fort Beaufort Advocate and General Advertiser, first published on 23 July 1859, was a weekly publication produced on Saturdays.

Fort Beaufort Advocate Front Page 

Nadine Van der Merwe realised the potential interest of this publication for genealogists, especially in the run up to the bicentennial of the 1820 settlers, and began to take pictures in her local library with a view to transcribing them. She then realised what a large project this was, and also that many issues were missing, so she approached eGGSA for help. The eGGSA management committee agreed to buy digital scans of the newspaper covering the period 1859-1874 from the SA National Library, and these are now being transcribed by Nadine Van der Merwe and Lorraine Beechey. Sue Mackay started adding them to the eGGSA website on 1 March, and these can now be seen in the eGGSA Newspaper Extracts section.

Because the entire paper has been scanned, the transcribers were not under the same time constraints that I was when photographing extracts from the Grahamstown Journal and other 19th century newspapers in London with a digital camera, when I could really only focus on BMDs. These new transcriptions contain all sorts of interesting snippets, advertisements, shipping news and sometimes the downright bizarre! Many of the 1820 settlers moved into the Fort Beaufort area, so in this bicentennial year we should be especially grateful to Nadine and to eGGSA for making this project possible.

British Settler Locations

The Thames at Deptford, 1775 Engraving by J.Royce after J. Oliphant.
The Thames at Deptford, 1775 Engraving by J.Royce after J. Oliphant.
BAILIE’s Party embarked at Deptford.
Picture courtesy of the Wellcome Collection (CC BY 4.0)

As part of my contribution to the bicentennial of the 1820 Settlers, I have collected as many photographs as I can of British and Irish locations relevant to the 1820 settlers. These can be found on the eGGSA website, arranged by county, on the 1820 Settlers section of the eGGSA website. Where the photographer’s name is followed by a CC reference, this is a Creative Commons Licence enabling me to copy photographs which appear on or selected other internet sites.

In the early months of 2020 I shall be posting Albums on the eGGSA Facebook pages arranged in Party groupings. I am trying to add an album each day. For those with access to Facebook, the Albums already posted can be found all together on the eGGSA Facebook page. For those who are not on Facebook, the pictures are all on this site, arranged according to county. Follow the link at the top of this notice, or put the name of the settler you are researching into the Search Box in the 1820 Section.

800 000 Grafsteenfoto's op die eGGSA webblad!!

Baie geluk aan Riana le Roux en haar uitsonderlike span vrywilligers met hierdie besonderse prestasie. Dit is baie ure se werk, geduld en harde arbeid wat in die projek in gaan.

Groot dankie aan almal wat fotos bydra, fotos op die web laai, fotos merk, begraafplase indukseer en die webblad instandhou vir hierdie uiterse waardevolle projek. Ons waardeer alles wat julle vir ons doen.

Die projek groei so vinnig, ons sien uit na die volgende mylpaal.

Archival terms and definitions

Archival terminology is a flexible group of common words that have acquired specialised meanings for archivists and provides a useful and necessary means of specialised communication within the archival profession. Since researchers communicate with archivists it will be to their benefit to familiarise themselves with the basic terms to facilitate their research experience. Listed below is a few of the most frequently used archival terms and their definitions:

2. Archives on the shelves in a stack room

Lees meer …Archival terms and definitions

Dutch East India Company Name Books (Naamboek van de wel edele heeren der hoge Indiasche regering….)

These books literally cover anyone involved in the service of the VOC at all of their posts including the Cape. Those listed include officials, the military, burghers, surgeons, church leaders and court officials. In some places there is more detail on officials than others. The books also include the names of people that died and those who had returned or were being sent out to posts. Of particular interest is that ranks (and the date they were achieved) were listed so that one can follow a person’s career even if some books are missing. Searching the books also allows one to follow the career of a person if they were stationed at various places.

The spelling of the books varied and included Naamboek, Naamboekje and Naam-boekje.

The earliest I have found online is from 1729 and the latest 1801. Each contained a very detailed front page of their contents!

The title page in the 1729 book contained the following information:

Van de Weled. Heeren der
Gequalificeerde Persoon, ens. Op
De Respective Gouverneurs, Directeurs, Commandeurs en Opperhoofden of de Buyten-Comtoiren van Nederlands India; gelykze in wezen zyn gewest to primo Maart 1729
Als mede alle Gouverneurs Generaal, t’sedert den Jaare 1610
A later one in 1766 was even more explicit about its contents:

Van de Wel-Edele Heeren der
Zoo tot, als buiten,
Mitsgaders van de Politique Bedienden, die van de Justitie, de Kerk, Burgery, Zeevaart, Militie, Arthillery, Chirugie, &c., zoo als dezelve onder medio September 1766. Alhier in weezen zyn bevonden;
Der Gouverneurs, Directeurs en Commandeurs, mitsgaders verdure Opperhoofden en mindere Bedienden, op de respective Comptoiren van Indie
Een Lyst van de Personen, die repatrieeren zullen, een van die naar de Buiten-comptoiren vertrokke zyn; en een van de overledenen.
A 1798 book explicitly includes the Cape of Good Hope :

Over geheel Nederlandsch Indie en Kabo de Goede Hoop
Van de Wel-Edele Heeren der
Zoo tot, als buiten,
Mitsgaders van de Politique Bedienden, die van de Justitie, de Kerk, Burgery, Zeevaart, Militie, Arthillery, Chirugie, &c., zoo als dezelve, onder ultimo December 1798, alhier in weezen zyn bevonden;
Der Gouverneurs, Directeurs en Commandeurs, mitsgaders verdure Opperhoofden en mindere Bediendens, op de respective Comptoiren van Indie.
Een Lyst van de Persoonen, die naar de Buiten-comptoiren vertrokke zyn, en een van de overledenen.
All the name books listed below are online and are downloadable as a pdf. The pdfs are in black and white and sometimes it is easier to read some type on the jpeg versions on the sites.

The following sites have links to the books but not all are to be found on the same sites. Many except for Google Books contain links to the National Library of the Netherlands and most have search engines. They are also a good resource for finding other books, documents, maps and pictures of the VOC, the Cape and South Africa

If you are searching the sites make sure you use the various names for the Naamboek as some are only found by using the variants.

The books:

1729 March

1732 March

1736 April

1737 April

1748 October

1750 February

1751 January

1751 September

1753 January

1754 January

1755 September

1758/59 (no date on frontispiece but printed in 1759)


1761 March


1764 April

1765 January


1766 September

1767 May

1771 December

1778 January

1778 January

1778 December


1780 December

1782 December

1783 December


1785 December


1786 December

1787 February

1787 December
version one
version two

1788 December
version one
version two

1789 March

1789 December
version one
version two

1790 December
version one
version two

1791 January
version one
version two

1791 December
version one
version two

1792 December
version one
version two

1793 December

1794 December

1795 December

1796 December

1797 December

1798 December

1799 December

1800 December

1801 December


Photographs, Negatives and Colour Slides in the Western Cape Archives and Records Service (WCARS)

Photographs are important sources of information for researchers in all study fields, including genealogical research. We are all aware of the necessity of preserving documents, since archives have an important cultural value for the protection of our identity and collective memory. Photographic materials are therefore key sources for historical research, especially for the study of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The amount of information and detail that can be seen in photographs is what makes them a uniquely rich historical resource.  They can show exactly how a person, place, item, building, clothing, etc. looked at a specific time.  Therefore, photographs should not be considered as purely supplementary material but instead as illustrative “windows to our past”.

( click on pic to enlarge, plus more pics )

At present the Western Cape Archives and Records Service (WCARS) has about 90 000 photographs in the various collections in stock. The photographic section also houses the negatives of most of these photographs. The descriptions of most of the photographs, negatives and colour slides are already available on the internet databases. The photographs that accompany this article were chosen from the collections due to the buildings shown being subsequently demolished, replaced, restored, neglected, deserted or changed as a result of development. Therefore, although the buildings are not there anymore, the images are proof of their history.

The following is a list of some of the various photographic collections and the where they can currently be accessed:

Lees meer …Photographs, Negatives and Colour Slides in the Western Cape Archives and Records Service (WCARS)

Graaff-Reinet NGK doop registers 1792-1805

graaff reinet doopCornel Viljoen was so vriendelik om sy transkripsies van die Graaff-Reinet NGK doop register 1792-1805 vir die eGGSA BDM databasis, beskikbaar te stel. 

Sy transripsies is van die Latter Day Saints foto’s, vanaf die oorpsronklike register, wat by die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch is en is op ons databasies beskikbaar, met die toestemming van die NGK argief.

Drakenstein / Paarl NGK dope 1746 tot 1755

VC 645Die dope is deur Corney Keller gestransribeer vanaf die fotos van die Kaapse Agriewe VC 645. Hierdie is ‘n stel foto kopieë van die oorspronklike register wat in die 1980’s, vir die Wetenskaplike Navorsinging Raad (WNNR) gemaak is. Kopieë was aan die Suid Afrikaanse Argiewe gegee en ‘n kopie het gegaan aan die Kaapse Argief en een aan die Pretoria Argief ( waar dit deel uitmaak van die FC reeks). Die oorspronklike register word tans in die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stelenbosch as G3 3/2 bewaar. Die dope is by ons eGGSA BDM databasies bygevoeg.

Ons innigste dank aan Corney Keller vir die transribering en die NG Kerkargief vir die bewaring en instadhouding van die rekords.

Grafstene het nou hul eie webwerf!

Die versameling grafstene het so gegroei dat dit meer gerieflik geword het om hulle up hul eie webwerf te huisves. Die grafte kan gevind word by

Skakels wat u gestoor het sal nog reg by die graf of begraafplaas uitkom, maar as u gestoorde skakels na die nuwe vorm wil verander, sal u dit maklik vind om hulle in lyn te bring. Die vorige adres sou gelees het    teenoor die nuwe adres wat lees

Al wat u moet doen is om die     met       te vervang.

Histories Koerante

Daar is huidiglik twee negentiende eeuse koerante wat by die Koerant Uitreksels toegevoeg is. Die "Grahamtown Journal" van die 1880's, met uitreksels getransribeer deur Sue Mackay, vanaf foto's wat sy by die Britse Biblioteek in London, geneem het. Ook uittreksels uit die Kaap van Goeie Hoop Goewerments Gazette van die 1820's, wat deur Alta Griffitha in die Stellenbosch Universiteits Biblioteek geskandeer is en huidiglik deur Brenda Gassner getranskribeer word.

NAAIRS uitslae ontleding

Keith Meintjies het 'n ontledings tabel vir die NAAIRS aanlyn verwysings indeks voorsien, wat dit netjies in 'n spreivel, uiteensit.

Hierdie sal baie handig wees vir mense wat 'n groot aantal verwysigs kry. Die inligting is verkrygbaar op ons Keith Meintjies ontledings blad.

Baie dankie aan Keith vir die beskikbaar stelling hiervan asook aan sy seun Ian, wat die ontwikkel het.

2017 eGGSA Algemene Jaarvergadering resultate

Ons virtuele vergadering het middernag 2 February 2017 gesluit. Baie dankie aan almal vir u deelname en ondersteuning.

Lede was uitgenooi om aan die vergadering deel te neem. Soos verduidelik in die e-pos gedateer 27 Januarie 2017, het ons aanvaar dat die lede van wie ons nié gehoor het nie, tevrede is met beide die nominasies en die 2016 Jaarverslag.


Lede wat eGGSA gekies het as hul primêre tak was geregtig om aan die AJV deel te neem. Ons e-pos stelsel het rekord gehou van die aantal e-poste wat uitgestuur, onafgelewer, aangestuur en onoopgemaak was. As virtuele tak gebruik ons hierdie getalle om die kworum te bepaal.

Die opsomming was as volg:

Aantal lede wat kennis van die vergadering ontvang het:
Engelse lede 147 – 62.2 % open epos
Afrikaanse lede 101 – 58.6 % open epos
Onafgelewerde kennisgewings: Nul

Geen verdere nominasies was ontvang vir die bestuursposte nie. Bestaande nominasies was ook nie betwis nie en die 2017 komitee bly dus onveranderd.

Die bestuur
· Alta Griffiths - Voorsitter
· Daan Hamman – Onder-Voorsitter
· Carol Beneke - Tesourier
· Lynn Couperthwaite - Lidmaatskapdienste, kommunikasie en bemarking
· Richard Ball - Webmeester
· Judi Meyer - Redakteur genesis

Additional members
· Annelie Els - Stamouers
· Corney Keller – Nederlandse Transkripsies
· Daan Botes - Poskaarte
· Riana le Roux – Begraafplaasprojek

Baie geluk aan die bestuurspan, en dankie dat julle weer bereid is om nog ‘n jaar op die bestuur te dien.

Fort Beaufort Register 1840-1850

Fort Beaufort Cover

Die register van die Anglikaanse pastoor in Fort Beaufort, (daar was geen kerkgebou in daardie tyd nie), wat die Dope, Huwelike en begrafnisse insluit, is getranskribeer deur Lorraine Beechy, vanaf die foto's van Tessa King. Die foto's is van die oorspronklike register, wat in die Cory Biblioteek is, geneem. Die proeflees is deur Brenda Gassner gedoen.

Dit is in die eGGSA se DBM databasis, gevoeg.

Baie dankie aan almal wat betrokke was. Ons is opreg dankbaar.

Vier Bybels is by die eGGSA se kolleksie bygevoeg

Botma bibleFoto’s van die 4 Bybels is bygeveoeg by die eGGSA kolleksie: BOTMA Abraham Carel, Cornelis Zoon en Anna Sophia Magareta MALAN, David Dochter getroud 3 Jul 1854; KRUGER Gert Lodewyk 1882-1957 en sy vrou Hester Hendrina AUCAMP 1884-1961; REDELINGHUIJS George Frederik en Helena Johanna LEROUX, getroud 11 November 1895; VAN HEERDEN Isaac Petrus Jacs.Sts.Zoon en Geertruida Maria AURET, getroud 1 Maart 1836; VAN WIJK Petrus Lodewikis Julie 30 1876.

Ons betuig dank aan Allan Carson, Dirk van Heerden, Riana le Roux en Adriaan Redelinghuys.

Aantekeninge van die Kaap Kolonie

records of the cape colony

In die laat 1890s en vroeë 1900s het George McCall Theal 35 volumes van die Registers en aantekeninge van die Kaap Kolonie gepubliseer, wat alle korrespondensie van 1793 tot 1827 behels, van wat toe die Publieke Rekord Kantoor (nou die Nasionale Argiewe), in London opgeteken.

Sue MacKay het elkeen van die aanlyn kopieë van die volumes deur gegaan en die skakels daarheen, aan die eGGSA web werf voorsien.

Sue skryf: Hierdie volumes kan gratis afgelaai, (of aanlyn deursoek) deur middel van die Internet Argief, deursoek word. Volumes 12 en 13, dek die 1820 Setlaars en verskaf baie van die korrespondensie, wat ek vir die werf transkribeer het, alhoewel Theal se werk baie meer selektief is en nie-party leiers of die wat nie emigreer het, insluit nie.

Dit sluit egter sekere antwoorde wat by die Koloniale Kantore van briewe wat elders op die werf gevind kan word. Daar is 'n indeks in elke vyfde Volume en Volume 35 beskik oor ?n volledige indeks. Volume 36 is 'n Register van die inhoud van Volumes 1-35.

Cape of Good Hope Government Gazette

Cape Gazette

Alta Griffiths het 'n aantal jare van hierdie publikasie geskandeer. ‘n Begin is aan die transkribering van die uitreksels, deur Brenda Gassner en Richard Ball, gemaak. Die eerste uittreksels, van die jaar 1826, is tot die Koerant Uitreksels seksie van die eGGSA webwerf, bygevoeg.

Bykomend het Liz Esmade haar transkriberings van Colin Graham Botha se vroeër, periodieke transkripsies van Dope van Engelse mense, 1810-1821, asook Engelse huwelike van 1806-1821, by te dra. Hierdie is by die BDMs databasis seksie van die webwerf gevoeg.

Helena Garner se Kriel kolleksie is by die eGGSA Dokument Biblioteek gevoeg

Helena het goedgunstiglik haar werk wat bestaan uit Boedeldokumente ( Sterfkennisse, Testamente em Likwidasie en Distribusierekeninge) aan eGGSA geskenk vir ons aanlyn Dokumenteafdeling.

Helena het baie tyd daaraan spandeer om die inhoud te vereenvoudig. Die byskrifte is deur Anina du Plessis gedoen en voltooi deur Lorraine Beechey.

Die dokumente kan in vier afsonderlike albums gevind word:
Wes Kaap Argief
Pretoria Argief
Bloemfontein Argief
Pietermaritzburg Argief.

Ons opregte dank aan Helena, Anina en Lorraine

Voortrekker Dope tot die eGGSA BDM databasis bygevoeg

Cornel Viljoen het goedgunstiglik 'n bydrae van sy transkriberings van die Voortrekker Dope, FK 2290 in die Pretoria Argiewe, 'n foto koepie van 'n vroeër transkribering deur onbekendes van registers van Natal, Vrystaat en die ou Transvaal, vanaf 1837 tot 1850, tot ons beskikking gestel.

Hierdie addisionele 4,600 dope is verkrygbaar en soekbaar by die eGSSA BDM databasis. Vanne ingesluit kan hier ... gesien word.

Gipsy Bride passasierslys bygevoeg

IMG 0615Richard Wolfaardt se span vertalers het Kaapse Argief IB7 en IB8 passasierslyste getranskribeer. Hierdie word in by IF9 aangepas, wat in enekele gevalle ekstra inligting bevat. Bygevoeg vandag tot die eGGSA Passenger lyste databasis is dié van die Gipsy Bride, deur Ray Pitt getranskribeer. 'n Lys van die vanne in hierdie lys vervat kan hier gesien word ....

Londonderry Standard - Thursday 01 April 1858 - Emigration to the Cape. On Saturday, the magnificent 'Black Ball' ship Gipsy Bride, sailed for the Cape of Good Hope, with 500 emigrants, selected by the Hon. William Field, who has been deputed by the Cape Government to represent them in England. They were chosen almost entirely from the pastoral districts of Scotland, and a finer set of people have rarely left our shores. The Aurifera has been chartered for the conveyance of emigrants to Algoa Bay, and she will leave the Mersey on the 22d of April. Liverpool Albion.
Courtesy: British Newspaper Archive

Montrose, Arbroath and Brechin review; and Forfar and Kincardineshire advertiser. - Friday 09 July 1858 - Cape of Good Hope.
Dr Livingstone's expedition sailed from Table Bay on the 27th Apr8l, for the Zambesi. An elegant silver box, containing 800 guineas, had been presented to Dr Livingstone, as a testimonial, by the colonists. A proposal was made by the Governeor to establish five intermediate posts between the colony and the Zambesi, to ensure a line of monthly communication.
A fierce struggle continues on the frontier between the Bisutos and the Orange Free State. Sir G.Grey consented to act as mediator. Two Basuto towns and four French mission stations were destroyed. The colony was peaceful and prosperous.
The first batch of emigrants has arrived in the Gipsy Bride and gave great satisfaction.
Courtesy: British Newspaper Archive

Reynolds's Newspaper - Sunday 11 September 1859 - Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope.

The Cape Town Immigration Board at their last meeting, a few days before the departure of the mail, resolved to forward the following communication to the Emigration Commissioner in England.

Immigration Office, Cape Town, July 30, 1859.
The Honorable W.Field Esq., Emigration Commissioner, London.
Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of three letter from you of the 6th ultimo, acquainting me, for the information of the Immigration Board, of the departure of the Burlington with emigrants on the 30th May, and of your having chartered the Lord Raglan to convey emigrants to Table Bay, which were to embark on the 16th instant. The board instructs me to inform you that the immigrants per Bride have all taken employment, and with the exception of a few, have quitted the depot - those remaining being the parents of children suffering from measles. Several remained also for some days owing to the unfavourable state of the weather, and the difficulty existing at the present time in procuring conveyance for their removal to the interior. The wages obtained by most of them are quite equal to former rates, as will be seen by a list accompanying this. The board desires me to call your attention to the circumstance of one of the immigrants per Bride, named Simon Lucas, having died of consumption the day after his arrival, and would recommend a more strict inquiry into the health of emigrants generally, and that none be sent out but such as are and have been for some time in perfect health, and in the habit of working for wages. Lucas, according to the statement of the surgeon-superintendant, Dr Pearce, came on board in a very delicate and precarious state of health, showing evident symptoms of consumption; and it has come to the knowledge of the board that several sent out on former occasions, particularly of the Scotch per Gipsy Bride, were invalids in search of health, some of whom have died, and a few recovered. Lucas leaves a wife and six children, with the prospect of a seventh, all of whom continue at the depot at the expense of the Government. With regard to farm labourers, the board considers it most undesirable that such immigrants should be encumbered with large families, and particularly with any number of young children, such operation as a hindrance to their obtaining ready employment, the wages they receive are sometimes as inadequate to meet their expenses that they naturally feel dissatisfied, and become disheartened. The board deem sit necessary to remark upon the practice adopted in some cases by the immigrants themselves of describing a man incorrectly in regard to his trade or calling, in proof of which I herewith enclose a list of names of men who declared the were refused to be received under the head of their proper calling, but were allowed to enter themselves under some other head, in order to render themselves eligible. This false statement has given rise to considerable unpleasantness and disappointment in one or two cases; it misleads the public, and causes the immigrant who refuses employment to suffer. 


W.Hampson, Secretary. The following is the scale of wages at which engagements were made in Cape Town by the immigrants per Bride: - Farm labourers £2 to £2.10s with board and lodging, and 3s to 4s per day without ditto; railway labourers, 4s6d to 5s per day; stonemasons 6s6d per day; wheelwrights 6s; sawyers, piece-work, equal to 6s to 7s per day; [s]bines makers, 5s to 7s per day; tailors, piece-work, 4s to 5s per day; painters and glaziers, £3.10s per month and found, or piece-work; brickmakers, piece-work; dressmakers, £1.10s per month and found; female cooks, £1 to £2 per month and found.

Courtesy: British Newspaper Archive

Nog vier Bybels

Vier Bybels is by die eGGSA Bybel/Familieregister deel van die webwerf bygevoeg: COETSEE Abraham Petrus Carolus gebore 1876 & Wilemina Lodeweika LOMBARD gebore 1881 getroud 1898, geskenk deur Susan (Coetsee) de Bruyn; GEYSER, Johannes Jacobus Stephanus gebore 1801 & Magdalena Susina CALITZ gebore 1910 getroud 1827, deur Tracey Itta bygedra; RAFFERTY, Elsie Susarah Aletta Maria born 1853 deur Andrea Furness (nee de Jager) geskenk; and TRUTER Johannes Andries gebore 1778 & Hilletje Aletta SMIT gebore 1778 getroud 1788 contributed deur Matty van Rensburg aangebied.

Hartlik dank aan die bydraers asook aan Basil Royston wie die opskrifte geskep het. Verbeterings of navrae kan aan Richard Ball gerig word. 

Begrafnisregister van Christchurch, Grahamstad, tot die eGGSA BDM databasis bygevoeg.

Christchurch burias

Die begrafnis register van Christchurch ( Anglikaanse ), Grahamstad, 1877-1917 , is deur Lorraine Beechey getranskribeer vanaf William Jervois se foto's van die oorspronklike register in die Cory Biblioteek, Rhodes Universiteit, Grahamstad, MS 17 633, by ooreenkoms met die Cory Biblioteek en die Aartsbisdom van Grahamstad. Brenda Gassner het dit geproeflees.

Hierdie rekords is tot die eGGSA BDM databasis bygevoeg en is nou vir gebruikers beskikbaar. Enige navrae of regstellings kan aan Richard Ball gerig word by Richard Ball

Passasierslyste opgedateer

IMG 0615

Passasierslyste vir drie skepe is tot die eGGSA databasis van Passasierslyste bygevoeg: Die Burlington, Die Matilda Atheling en die Sedgemoor. Hierdie is van die Kaapse Argief klasse IBC 7 en IBC 9 verwerk deur Richard Wolfaardt en sy span vrywilligers, James Anderson en Ray Pitt. 'n lys van die vanne bygevoeg kan hier gevind word.

Evening Mail - Wednesday 01 June 1859. Government Emigration - The Government emigrant vessel Burlington, 676 tons, Captain Victor Howes, sailed from Southampton on Monday, the 30th ult., for Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope, with 267 emigrants under charge of Surgeon-Superintendant Samuel Leonard Crarie, M.D. The emigrants who embarked in this vessel were selected by the Hon. William Field, the officer appointed by the Colonial Government to conduct the emigrantion to the Cape of Good Hope.  (Dankie aan die Britse aanlyn koerant argief)

Hereford Times - Saturday 20 August 1859. Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope. On the 12th inst. there were embarked at Liverpool, under the superintendance of the Hon. Mr. Field, in the ship Matilda Atheling, for Table Bay, 288 emigrants. They were principally agricultural labourers and female domestic servants, with some country masons, blacksmiths, and joiners. They comprise also 53 statute adults, under engagement with Messrs. Pickering, contractors for the Cape Town Railway. The emigration to this colony during the present year has now reached a total of 2,588 souls, exclusive of assisted passages.  (Dankie aan die Britse aanlyn koerant argief)ine)

London Evening Standard - Tuesday 21 May 1861. Free Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope. The Sedgemoor, of 920 tons, Captain M.W.Kett, being the 28th free emigrant ship dispatched at the colonial expense, sailed from Southampton for Table Bay on Saturday last, with a selection made from the artisans and agricultural classes by the acting emigration agent for the colony, Mr A.C. Saunders. They number 283 souls, equal to 223 statute adults, and are under the general charge of Mr. Surgeon Superintendent S.P.Chennell. Mr Saunders appointed from among them John M'Kay to be schoolmaster, Jane M'Connell to be matron, and Alice Wright to be sub-matron. The free emigration to the Cape, under the local act of 1857, has now reached a total of 8260 souls. (Dankie aan die Britse aanlyn koerant argief)