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eGGSA Projects

The eGGSA Passenger List Project
Status : Started 2011 - static
Web link : The eGGSA Passenger List Project
A project to transcribe all the passenger lists in the South African Archives that the archivists can find for us, to transcribe these and present them in a searchable database.

Title: South African Records Transcribed
Leader : Corney Keller
Status : Started January 2012
Web link : South African Records Transcribed
The transcription of early archival records concerning South Africa (essentially the Cape of Good Hope) late 17th and early 18th centuries. 

Title: South African Newspaper Extracts
Leader : Sue Mackay - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Status : Ongoing
Web link : South African Newspaper Extracts
This collection of extracts from South African Newspapers was started by Sue Mackay. Since that beginning a number of others with access to original newspapers have posted transcriptions on various South African mailing lists and have kindly agreed to adding them to this database.

Title: The 1820 Settler Correspondence
Leader : Sue Mackay
Status : Ongoing
Web link : The 1820 Settler CorrespondenceT
The Correspondence in connection with the 1820 Cape Settler Scheme is preserved at the UK National Archives at Kew and contained in class CO48. They have been transcribed by Sue Mackay, who has added related information from other archival records. 

Title: Baptism, Marriage and Burial searchable database
Leader : Richard Ball - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Status : Ongoing
Web link : The eGGSA BDM project
We are slowly transcribing a number of church registers and adding them to this database.

Title: Gravestone photo and inscription project
Leader : Riana le Roux
Status : Ongoing
Web link : Gravestone project
This project has as its aim the making available of digital images of gravestones on the eGGSA website. The images are all captioned by volunteers and are part of a fully searchable database which is available to both members and non-members alike. The project was launched late in 2006 and received a major boost with the donation of approximately 25,000 photos by Kobus Snyman. There are currently around 400,000 photographs in this collection. 

Title: Postcards
Leader : Daan Botes
Status : Ongoing
Web link : Postcard Collection
Photographs of postcards contributed by a number of people. 

Title: Bible Family Register project
Leader :  Annelie Els
Status : Ongoing
Web link : Bible inscriptions
The Bible project aims to make digital photos of registers in family Bibles available on the eGSSA website in a searchable format. Where appropriate transcriptions will be provided. 

Title: Archive Document Photo service
Leader : Richard Ball
Status : Ongoing
Web link : Archives Document Photograph Collection
The eGSSA document photographing project enables both members and non-members to obtain digital photographs of archive documents in various archive depots of the South African Archives through ourordering service. These digital images - mostly death notices and estate files, but other documents as well - are then placed on the eGSSA website, labelled and indexed. The photo database is fully searchable and is open to the general public. Approximately 20,000 photos are currently available as at April 2012.

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