Central Bureau for Genealogy is the Dutch information and documentation centre for genealogy, family history and related sciences
Institute of Netherlands History
National Archives of the Netherlands, This website contains information about the (legal) tasks, responsibilities and (knowledge) function of the National Archives. For information about the cultural activities of the National Archives and to consult archives, please visit the website gahetNA
gahetNA, gahetNA is a website of the Society for the Nationaal Archief and presents the rich and extensive collection of records at the Nationaal Archief including indexes.
WieWasWie, WhoWasWho presents millions of records about persons in the past, aggregated from a large number of Dutch archive organizations participating in WhoWasWho. You'll find civil registration records, population registers, church registers and more! In addition, WhoWasWho offers so called user generated content: family trees and biographies created by other users. Your home page for archival research, where hundreds of kilometers of archive material is searchable.
- 86 participating archives,
- more than 52,750 archives and collections with more than 142 million descriptions of archival records,
- of almost 68 million persons,
- and nearly 1.020.000 newspaper pages,
- and more than 3000 addresses of historical institutions
DBNL digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren, DBNL (Digital Library of Dutch Literature) is a digital collection of texts belonging to the Dutch literature, linguistics and cultural history from the earliest times to the present. The collection represents the entire Dutch language and is created by a collaboration between the Taalunie (Language Union), the Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheek (Flemish Heritage Library) and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Royal Library) in The Hague. The website is consulted annually about four million times. The library includes a collection of South African literature
BHIC: Het geheugen van Brabant, Joint site of the National Archives in North Brabant, Aa and Dommel Regional Archive, and the Northeast Brabant Regional Archive.
Archief Delft , see particularly its 'Collectie Delft'
Regionaal Historisch Centrum Eindhoven and particularly its Digitale Stamboom Eindhoven - apparently more or less complete
Leiden Archief and its peson search: Zoek op personen
Utrecht Archief Notarial Deeds a searchable database, 1663-1782, of deeds which may be downloaded
Utrecht BDMs, 1579-1811
Utrecht BDMs, 1811-onwards
Zeeuwen Gezocht, lets you find listings of more than 8 million individual entries of person names in the various sources of the Zeeuws Archief, including emigration 1839-1900 to South Africa and the USA
Dutch East India Company (VOC):
De VOC Site, an alphabetical list of ships with dates and voyages, as well as other material, including descriptions of the various types of ships in use
The Dutch East India Company, Dutch-Asiatic Shipping 1595-1795 , including an Overview of Voyages and a database searchable by, among others, Ship's name and place and date of departure and arrival
TANAP study of VOC archives
VOC employees
VOC links:
VOC links, on the TANAP web site
VOC Shipwrecks, a list of every Dutch VOC ship that's ever been wrecked.
Atlas of Mutual Heritage, maps, drawings, prints and paintings of locations related to the VOC
Daghregister gehouden by der oppercoompan Jan Anthonisz van Riebeeck, eds. D.B. Bosman en H.B. Thom, A.A. Balkema, Kaapstad 1957, - digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren
A History of the Dutch Language, digitale biblioteek voor de Nederlandse letteren
Online English/Dutch, Dutch/English dictionary, a very useful aid.
Van Dale Onlinewoordenboek, another excellent Dutch dictionary, but not a translating one.
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